use of logisticspipes.utils.item.ItemIdentifier in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class DSUInventoryHandler method getItemsAndCount.
public HashMap<ItemIdentifier, Integer> getItemsAndCount() {
HashMap<ItemIdentifier, Integer> result = new HashMap<>();
ItemStack items = _tile.getStoredItemType();
if (items != null && items.stackSize > 0) {
result.put(ItemIdentifier.get(items), items.stackSize - (_hideOnePerStack ? 1 : 0));
return result;
use of logisticspipes.utils.item.ItemIdentifier in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class JABBAInventoryHandler method getItemsAndCount.
public HashMap<ItemIdentifier, Integer> getItemsAndCount() {
HashMap<ItemIdentifier, Integer> result = new HashMap<>();
ItemStack items = _storage.getStoredItemType();
if (items != null && items.stackSize > 0) {
result.put(ItemIdentifier.get(items), _storage.isCreative() ? (int) (Math.pow(2, 20)) : items.stackSize - (_hideOnePerStack ? 1 : 0));
return result;
use of logisticspipes.utils.item.ItemIdentifier in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class JABBAInventoryHandler method getItems.
public Set<ItemIdentifier> getItems() {
Set<ItemIdentifier> result = new TreeSet<>();
ItemStack items = _storage.getStoredItemType();
if (items != null) {
return result;
use of logisticspipes.utils.item.ItemIdentifier in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class RequestTree method request.
public static boolean request(List<ItemIdentifierStack> items, IRequestItems requester, RequestLog log, EnumSet<ActiveRequestType> requestFlags, IAdditionalTargetInformation info) {
Map<IResource, Integer> messages = new HashMap<>();
RequestTree tree = new RequestTree(new ItemResource(new ItemIdentifierStack(ItemIdentifier.get(Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.stone), 0, null), 0), requester), null, requestFlags, info);
boolean isDone = true;
for (ItemIdentifierStack stack : items) {
ItemIdentifier item = stack.getItem();
Integer count = messages.get(item);
if (count == null) {
count = 0;
count += stack.getStackSize();
ItemResource req = new ItemResource(stack, requester);
messages.put(req, count);
RequestTree node = new RequestTree(req, tree, requestFlags, info);
isDone = isDone && node.isDone();
if (isDone) {
LinkedLogisticsOrderList list = tree.fullFillAll();
if (log != null) {
log.handleSucessfullRequestOfList(RequestTreeNode.shrinkToList(messages), list);
return true;
} else {
if (log != null) {
return false;
use of logisticspipes.utils.item.ItemIdentifier in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class ItemDisplay method renderItemArea.
public void renderItemArea(double zLevel) {
GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
screen.drawRect(left, top, left + width, top + height, Color.GREY);
tooltip = null;
int ppi = 0;
int panelxSize = 20;
int panelySize = 20;
int x = 2;
int y = 2;
ScaledResolution scaledresolution = new ScaledResolution(mc, mc.displayWidth, mc.displayHeight);
int scaleX = scaledresolution.getScaledWidth();
int scaleY = scaledresolution.getScaledHeight();
int mouseX = Mouse.getX() * scaleX / mc.displayWidth - left;
int mouseY = scaleY - Mouse.getY() * scaleY / mc.displayHeight - top;
GL11.glTranslatef(left, top, 0.0F);
if (!listbyserver) {
int graphic = ((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 250) % 5);
// GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
Tessellator tesselator = Tessellator.instance;
int xPosition = (width / 2) - 50;
int yPosition = 40;
tesselator.addVertexWithUV(xPosition, yPosition + 100, zLevel, 0.04, 0.72 + (graphic * 0.03125));
tesselator.addVertexWithUV(xPosition + 100, yPosition + 100, zLevel, 0.08, 0.72 + (graphic * 0.03125));
tesselator.addVertexWithUV(xPosition + 100, yPosition, zLevel, 0.08, 0.69 + (graphic * 0.03125));
tesselator.addVertexWithUV(xPosition, yPosition, zLevel, 0.04, 0.69 + (graphic * 0.03125));
} else {
OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, 240 / 1.0F, 240 / 1.0F);
for (ItemIdentifierStack itemIdentifierStack : _allItems) {
ItemIdentifier item = itemIdentifierStack.getItem();
if (search != null && !search.itemSearched(item)) {
if (ppi <= itemsPerPage * page) {
if (ppi > itemsPerPage * (page + 1)) {
ItemStack itemstack = itemIdentifierStack.unsafeMakeNormalStack();
// -2 on both, because field starts there (see black rect below)
int realX = x - 2;
int realY = y - 2;
Pair<Integer, Integer> pair = new Pair<>(realX, realY);
if (map.get(pair) != itemIdentifierStack) {
map.put(pair, itemIdentifierStack);
if (mouseX >= realX && mouseX < realX + panelxSize && mouseY >= realY && mouseY < realY + panelySize) {
screen.drawRect(x - 2, y - 2, x + panelxSize - 2, y + panelySize - 2, Color.BLACK);
screen.drawRect(x - 1, y - 1, x + panelxSize - 3, y + panelySize - 3, Color.DARKER_GREY);
tooltip = new Object[] { mouseX + left, mouseY + top, itemstack };
/*if (lastClickedx >= realX && lastClickedx < realX + panelxSize && lastClickedy >= realY && lastClickedy < realY + panelySize) {
selectedItem = itemIdentifierStack;
screen.drawRect(x - 2, y - 2, x + panelxSize - 2, y + panelySize - 2, Color.BLACK);
screen.drawRect(x - 1, y - 1, x + panelxSize - 3, y + panelySize - 3, Color.LIGHTER_GREY);
screen.drawRect(x, y, x + panelxSize - 4, y + panelySize - 4, Color.DARKER_GREY);
if (selectedItem == itemIdentifierStack) {
screen.drawRect(x - 2, y - 2, x + panelxSize - 2, y + panelySize - 2, Color.BLACK);
screen.drawRect(x - 1, y - 1, x + panelxSize - 3, y + panelySize - 3, Color.LIGHTER_GREY);
screen.drawRect(x, y, x + panelxSize - 4, y + panelySize - 4, Color.DARKER_GREY);
if (renderer != null) {
renderer.specialItemRendering(itemIdentifierStack.getItem(), x, y);
// use GuiGraphics to render the ItemStacks
ItemStackRenderer itemstackRenderer = new ItemStackRenderer(x, y, 100.0F, true, false, true);
x += panelxSize;
if (x > width) {
x = 2;
y += panelySize;