use of logisticspipes.utils.math.Vector2d in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class SideConfigDisplay method handleMouseInput.
public void handleMouseInput() {
if (Mouse.getEventButton() == 0) {
draggingRotate = Mouse.getEventButtonState();
if (Mouse.getEventButton() == 2) {
draggingMove = Mouse.getEventButtonState();
if (draggingRotate) {
double dx = (Mouse.getEventDX() / (double) mc.displayWidth);
double dy = (Mouse.getEventDY() / (double) mc.displayHeight);
if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LCONTROL) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) {
distance -= dy * 15;
} else {
yaw -= 4 * dx * 180;
pitch += 2 * dy * 180;
pitch = (float) VecmathUtil.clamp(pitch, -80, 80);
if (draggingMove) {
double dx = Mouse.getEventDX();
double dy = -Mouse.getEventDY();
Vector3d orivec = camera.getWorldPoint(new Vector2d(0, 0));
Vector3d newvec = camera.getWorldPoint(new Vector2d(dx * distance, dy * distance)).negate();
distance -= Mouse.getEventDWheel() * 0.01;
distance = VecmathUtil.clamp(distance, 0.01, 200);
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - initTime;
int x = Mouse.getEventX();
int y = Mouse.getEventY();
Vector3d start = new Vector3d();
Vector3d end = new Vector3d();
if (camera.getRayForPixel(x, y, start, end)) {
end.multiply(distance * 2);
updateSelection(start, end);
if (!Mouse.getEventButtonState() && camera.isValid() && elapsed > 500) {
boolean inNeigButBounds = false;
if (Mouse.getEventButton() == 1) {
if (selection != null) {
} else if (Mouse.getEventButton() == 0 && inNeigButBounds) {
renderNeighbours = !renderNeighbours;