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Example 1 with MethodInvocation

use of lombok.ast.MethodInvocation in project wire-android by wireapp.

the class WrongTimberUsageDetector method getType.

private Class<?> getType(JavaContext context, Expression expression) {
    if (expression == null) {
        return null;
    if (expression instanceof MethodInvocation) {
        MethodInvocation method = (MethodInvocation) expression;
        String methodName = method.astName().astValue();
        if (methodName.equals(GET_STRING_METHOD)) {
            return String.class;
    } else if (expression instanceof StringLiteral) {
        return String.class;
    } else if (expression instanceof IntegralLiteral) {
        return Integer.TYPE;
    } else if (expression instanceof FloatingPointLiteral) {
        return Float.TYPE;
    } else if (expression instanceof CharLiteral) {
        return Character.TYPE;
    } else if (expression instanceof BooleanLiteral) {
        return Boolean.TYPE;
    } else if (expression instanceof NullLiteral) {
        return Object.class;
    if (context != null) {
        JavaParser.TypeDescriptor type = context.getType(expression);
        if (type != null) {
            Class<?> typeClass = getTypeClass(type);
            if (typeClass != null) {
                return typeClass;
            } else {
                return Object.class;
    return null;
Also used : JavaParser( IntegralLiteral(lombok.ast.IntegralLiteral) StringLiteral(lombok.ast.StringLiteral) CharLiteral(lombok.ast.CharLiteral) FloatingPointLiteral(lombok.ast.FloatingPointLiteral) BooleanLiteral(lombok.ast.BooleanLiteral) MethodInvocation(lombok.ast.MethodInvocation) NullLiteral(lombok.ast.NullLiteral)

Example 2 with MethodInvocation

use of lombok.ast.MethodInvocation in project android-priority-jobqueue by yigit.

the class NotifyOnObjectDetector method createJavaVisitor.

public AstVisitor createJavaVisitor(@NonNull final JavaContext context) {
    return new ForwardingAstVisitor() {

        public boolean visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
            Expression operand = node.astOperand();
            String methodName = node.astName().toString();
            if (BAD_METHODS.contains(methodName) && !context.isSuppressedWithComment(node, ISSUE)) {
      , context.getLocation(node), "Don't call " + methodName + " directly. Use" + " Timer instead.");
            return super.visitMethodInvocation(node);
Also used : ForwardingAstVisitor(lombok.ast.ForwardingAstVisitor) Expression(lombok.ast.Expression) MethodInvocation(lombok.ast.MethodInvocation)

Example 3 with MethodInvocation

use of lombok.ast.MethodInvocation in project android-priority-jobqueue by yigit.

the class SystemTimeDetector method createJavaVisitor.

public AstVisitor createJavaVisitor(@NonNull final JavaContext context) {
    return new ForwardingAstVisitor() {

        public boolean visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
            Expression operand = node.astOperand();
            String methodName = node.astName().toString();
            if (BAD_METHODS.contains(methodName) && operand.toString().equals("System") && !context.isSuppressedWithComment(node, ISSUE)) {
      , context.getLocation(node), "Don't call " + methodName + " on system. Use" + " Timer instead.");
            return super.visitMethodInvocation(node);
Also used : ForwardingAstVisitor(lombok.ast.ForwardingAstVisitor) Expression(lombok.ast.Expression) MethodInvocation(lombok.ast.MethodInvocation)

Example 4 with MethodInvocation

use of lombok.ast.MethodInvocation in project wire-android by wireapp.

the class ObjectAnimatorPropertyDetector method visitMethod.

public void visitMethod(JavaContext context, AstVisitor visitor, MethodInvocation node) {
    if (!(node.astOperand() instanceof VariableReference)) {
    final VariableReference ref = (VariableReference) node.astOperand();
    if (!"ObjectAnimator".equals(ref.astIdentifier().astValue())) {
    final StrictListAccessor<Expression, MethodInvocation> astArguments = node.astArguments();
    if (astArguments.size() <= 2) {
    final Iterator<Expression> iterator = astArguments.iterator();
    // ignored to get the second;
    final Expression property =;
    if (property instanceof StringLiteral) {, context.getLocation(node), String.format("String '%s' should be replaced", ((StringLiteral) property).astValue()));
    if (context.resolve(property) == null) {
    if (property instanceof VariableReference) {
        if (!isSubclassOf(context, (VariableReference) property, "android.util.Property") && !isSubclassOf(context, (VariableReference) property, "com.nineoldandroids.util.Property")) {
  , context.getLocation(node), String.format("'%s' should be replaced with a property", ((VariableReference) property).astIdentifier().astValue()));
Also used : VariableReference(lombok.ast.VariableReference) StringLiteral(lombok.ast.StringLiteral) Expression(lombok.ast.Expression) MethodInvocation(lombok.ast.MethodInvocation)

Example 5 with MethodInvocation

use of lombok.ast.MethodInvocation in project wire-android by wireapp.

the class WrongTimberUsageDetector method checkArguments.

private void checkArguments(JavaContext context, MethodInvocation node) {
    StrictListAccessor<Expression, MethodInvocation> astArguments = node.astArguments();
    Iterator<Expression> iterator = astArguments.iterator();
    if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
    int startIndexOfArguments = 1;
    Expression formatStringArg =;
    if (formatStringArg instanceof VariableReference) {
        if (isSubclassOf(context, (VariableReference) formatStringArg, Exception.class)) {
            formatStringArg =;
    String formatString = findLiteralValue(context, formatStringArg);
    // We passed for example a method call
    if (formatString == null) {
    int argumentCount = getFormatArgumentCount(formatString);
    int passedArgCount = astArguments.size() - startIndexOfArguments;
    if (argumentCount < passedArgCount) {, node, context.getLocation(node), String.format("Wrong argument count, format string `%1$s` requires `%2$d` but format " + "call supplies `%3$d`", formatString, argumentCount, passedArgCount));
    if (argumentCount == 0) {
    List<String> types = getStringArgumentTypes(formatString);
    Expression argument = null;
    boolean valid = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) {
        String formatType = types.get(i);
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            argument =;
        } else {
  , node, context.getLocation(node), String.format("Wrong argument count, format string `%1$s` requires `%2$d` but format " + "call supplies `%3$d`", formatString, argumentCount, passedArgCount));
        char last = formatType.charAt(formatType.length() - 1);
        if (formatType.length() >= 2 && Character.toLowerCase(formatType.charAt(formatType.length() - 2)) == 't') {
            // TODO
        Class type = getType(context, argument);
        if (type != null) {
            switch(last) {
                // unusual and probably not intended.
                case 'b':
                case 'B':
                    valid = type == Boolean.TYPE;
                // Numeric: integer and floats in various formats
                case 'x':
                case 'X':
                case 'd':
                case 'o':
                case 'e':
                case 'E':
                case 'f':
                case 'g':
                case 'G':
                case 'a':
                case 'A':
                    valid = type == Integer.TYPE || type == Float.TYPE || type == Double.TYPE || type == Long.TYPE || type == Byte.TYPE || type == Short.TYPE;
                case 'c':
                case 'C':
                    // Unicode character
                    valid = type == Character.TYPE;
                case 'h':
                // Hex print of hash code of objects
                case 'H':
                case 's':
                case 'S':
                    // String. Can pass anything, but warn about
                    // numbers since you may have meant more
                    // specific formatting. Use special issue
                    // explanation for this?
                    valid = type != Boolean.TYPE && !Number.class.isAssignableFrom(type);
            if (!valid) {
                String message = String.format("Wrong argument type for formatting argument '#%1$d' " + "in `%2$s`: conversion is '`%3$s`', received `%4$s` " + "(argument #%5$d in method call)", i, formatString, formatType, type.getSimpleName(), startIndexOfArguments + i + 1);
      , node, context.getLocation(argument), message);
Also used : VariableReference(lombok.ast.VariableReference) InlineIfExpression(lombok.ast.InlineIfExpression) Expression(lombok.ast.Expression) BinaryExpression(lombok.ast.BinaryExpression) MethodInvocation(lombok.ast.MethodInvocation)


MethodInvocation (lombok.ast.MethodInvocation)5 Expression (lombok.ast.Expression)4 ForwardingAstVisitor (lombok.ast.ForwardingAstVisitor)2 StringLiteral (lombok.ast.StringLiteral)2 VariableReference (lombok.ast.VariableReference)2 JavaParser ( BinaryExpression (lombok.ast.BinaryExpression)1 BooleanLiteral (lombok.ast.BooleanLiteral)1 CharLiteral (lombok.ast.CharLiteral)1 FloatingPointLiteral (lombok.ast.FloatingPointLiteral)1 InlineIfExpression (lombok.ast.InlineIfExpression)1 IntegralLiteral (lombok.ast.IntegralLiteral)1 NullLiteral (lombok.ast.NullLiteral)1