use of lombok.ast.TypeDeclaration in project android by JetBrains.
the class LintIdeJavaParserTest method testResolve.
public void testResolve() {
String source1Path = "src/p1/p2/";
String source1 = "package p1.p2;\n" + "\n" + "public class Target {\n" + " public void foo(int f) {\n" + " }\n" + " public int myField = 5;\n" + " public static class Target2 extends {\n" + " public Target2() {\n" + " super(null, null);\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}";
myFixture.addFileToProject(source1Path, source1);
String source2Path = "src/p1/p2/";
String source2 = "package p1.p2;\n" + "\n" + "public final class Caller extends Target.Target2 {\n" + " public String call(Target target) {\n" + ";\n" + " target.myField = 6;\n" + " }\n" + "}";
PsiFile file2 = myFixture.addFileToProject(source2Path, source2);
PsiCall call = PsiTreeUtil.findChildrenOfType(file2, PsiCall.class).iterator().next();
ResolvedNode resolved = LintIdeJavaParser.resolve(call);
assertTrue(resolved instanceof ResolvedMethod);
ResolvedMethod method = (ResolvedMethod) resolved;
assertEquals("foo", method.getName());
assertEquals("p1.p2.Target", method.getContainingClass().getName());
assertTrue(method.isInPackage("p1.p2", true));
assertTrue(method.isInPackage("p1.p2", false));
assertTrue(method.isInPackage("p1", true));
assertFalse(method.isInPackage("p1", false));
// Resolve "target" as a reference expression in the call() method
PsiElement element = ((PsiMethodCallExpression) call).getMethodExpression().getQualifier();
resolved = LintIdeJavaParser.resolve(element);
assertTrue(resolved instanceof ResolvedVariable);
ResolvedVariable resolvedVariable = (ResolvedVariable) resolved;
assertEquals("target", resolvedVariable.getName());
assertEquals("p1.p2.Target", resolvedVariable.getType().getName());
PsiMethod callMethod = PsiTreeUtil.findChildrenOfType(file2, PsiMethod.class).iterator().next();
PsiVariable variable = callMethod.getParameterList().getParameters()[0];
resolved = LintIdeJavaParser.resolve(variable);
assertTrue(resolved instanceof ResolvedVariable);
resolvedVariable = (ResolvedVariable) resolved;
assertEquals("target", resolvedVariable.getName());
assertEquals("p1.p2.Target", resolvedVariable.getType().getName());
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") PsiStatement fieldReferenceStatement = callMethod.getBody().getStatements()[1];
PsiExpression lExpression = ((PsiAssignmentExpression) ((PsiExpressionStatement) fieldReferenceStatement).getExpression()).getLExpression();
resolved = LintIdeJavaParser.resolve(lExpression);
assertTrue(resolved instanceof ResolvedField);
ResolvedField field = (ResolvedField) resolved;
assertEquals("myField", field.getName());
assertEquals("int", field.getType().getName());
assertEquals("p1.p2.Target", field.getContainingClass().getName());
assertTrue(field.isInPackage("p1.p2", true));
assertTrue(field.isInPackage("p1.p2", false));
assertTrue(field.isInPackage("p1", true));
assertFalse(field.isInPackage("p1", false));
PsiClass cls = PsiTreeUtil.findChildrenOfType(file2, PsiClass.class).iterator().next();
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement superReference = cls.getExtendsList().getReferenceElements()[0];
resolved = LintIdeJavaParser.resolve(superReference);
assertTrue(resolved instanceof ResolvedClass);
ResolvedClass rc = (ResolvedClass) resolved;
assertTrue(rc.isInPackage("p1.p2", true));
assertTrue(rc.isInPackage("p1.p2", false));
assertTrue(rc.isInPackage("p1", true));
assertFalse(rc.isInPackage("p1", false));
CompilationUnit unit = LombokPsiConverter.convert((PsiJavaFile) file2);
//noinspection ConstantConditions
TypeDeclaration first = unit.astTypeDeclarations().first();
resolved = LintIdeJavaParser.resolve((PsiElement) first.getNativeNode());
assertTrue(resolved instanceof ResolvedClass);
rc = (ResolvedClass) resolved;
assertEquals("p1.p2.Caller", rc.getName());
//noinspection ConstantConditions
assertEquals("p1.p2.Target.Target2", rc.getSuperClass().getName());
use of lombok.ast.TypeDeclaration in project kotlin by JetBrains.
the class LintDriver method isSuppressed.
* Returns whether the given issue is suppressed in the given parse tree node.
* @param context the context for the source being scanned
* @param issue the issue to be checked, or null to just check for "all"
* @param scope the AST node containing the issue
* @return true if there is a suppress annotation covering the specific
* issue in this class
public boolean isSuppressed(@Nullable JavaContext context, @NonNull Issue issue, @Nullable Node scope) {
boolean checkComments = mClient.checkForSuppressComments() && context != null && context.containsCommentSuppress();
while (scope != null) {
Class<? extends Node> type = scope.getClass();
// so no need to do instanceof stuff here.
if (type == VariableDefinition.class) {
// Variable
VariableDefinition declaration = (VariableDefinition) scope;
if (isSuppressed(issue, declaration.astModifiers())) {
return true;
} else if (type == MethodDeclaration.class) {
// Method
// Look for annotations on the method
MethodDeclaration declaration = (MethodDeclaration) scope;
if (isSuppressed(issue, declaration.astModifiers())) {
return true;
} else if (type == ConstructorDeclaration.class) {
// Constructor
// Look for annotations on the method
ConstructorDeclaration declaration = (ConstructorDeclaration) scope;
if (isSuppressed(issue, declaration.astModifiers())) {
return true;
} else if (TypeDeclaration.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
// Class, annotation, enum, interface
TypeDeclaration declaration = (TypeDeclaration) scope;
if (isSuppressed(issue, declaration.astModifiers())) {
return true;
} else if (type == AnnotationMethodDeclaration.class) {
// Look for annotations on the method
AnnotationMethodDeclaration declaration = (AnnotationMethodDeclaration) scope;
if (isSuppressed(issue, declaration.astModifiers())) {
return true;
if (checkComments && context.isSuppressedWithComment(scope, issue)) {
return true;
scope = scope.getParent();
return false;