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Example 1 with BundleCollection

use of lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Admin method doGetBundle.

private void doGetBundle() throws PageException {
    String symbolicName = getString("admin", "getBundle", "symbolicName", true);
    Version version = OSGiUtil.toVersion(getString("version", null), null);
    BundleDefinition bd;
    BundleFile bf = null;
    Bundle b = OSGiUtil.getBundleLoaded(symbolicName, version, null);
    if (b != null) {
        bd = new BundleDefinition(b);
    } else {
        try {
            bf = OSGiUtil.getBundleFile(symbolicName, version, null, false);
            bd = bf.toBundleDefinition();
            b = bd.getLoadedBundle();
        } catch (BundleException e) {
            throw Caster.toPageException(e);
    CFMLEngine engine = ConfigWebUtil.getEngine(config);
    BundleCollection coreBundles = engine.getBundleCollection();
    java.util.Collection<BundleDefinition> extBundles = config.getAllExtensionBundleDefintions();
    Struct sct = new StructImpl();
    pageContext.setVariable(getString("admin", action, "returnVariable"), sct);
    sct.set(SYMBOLIC_NAME, bd.getName());
    sct.set(KeyConstants._title, bd.getName());
    sct.set(KeyConstants._version, bd.getVersionAsString());
    sct.set(USED_BY, _usedBy(bd.getName(), bd.getVersion(), coreBundles, extBundles));
    try {
        if (b != null) {
            sct.set(PATH, b.getLocation());
        } else {
            if (bf == null)
                bf = bd.getBundleFile(false);
            sct.set(PATH, bf.getFile());
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    Map<String, Object> headers = null;
    if (b != null) {
        sct.set(KeyConstants._version, bd.getVersion().toString());
        sct.set(KeyConstants._id, b.getBundleId());
        sct.set(KeyConstants._state, OSGiUtil.toState(b.getState(), null));
        sct.set(FRAGMENT, OSGiUtil.isFragment(b));
        headers = OSGiUtil.getHeaders(b);
    } else {
        sct.set(KeyConstants._state, "notinstalled");
        try {
            if (bf == null)
                bf = bd.getBundleFile(false);
            sct.set(KeyConstants._version, bf.getVersionAsString());
            sct.set(FRAGMENT, OSGiUtil.isFragment(bf));
            headers = bf.getHeaders();
        } catch (BundleException e) {
    if (headers != null) {
        Struct h = Caster.toStruct(headers, false);
        sct.set(HEADERS, h);
        // title
        String str = Caster.toString(h.get("Bundle-Title", null), null);
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
            str = Caster.toString(h.get("Implementation-Title", null), null);
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
            str = Caster.toString(h.get("Specification-Title", null), null);
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
            str = Caster.toString(h.get("Bundle-Name", null), null);
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
            sct.set(KeyConstants._title, str);
        // description
        str = Caster.toString(h.get("Bundle-Description", null), null);
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
            str = Caster.toString(h.get("Implementation-Description", null), null);
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
            str = Caster.toString(h.get("Specification-Description", null), null);
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
            sct.set(KeyConstants._description, str);
        // Vendor
        str = Caster.toString(h.get("Bundle-Vendor", null), null);
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
            str = Caster.toString(h.get("Implementation-Vendor", null), null);
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
            str = Caster.toString(h.get("Specification-Vendor", null), null);
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
            sct.set(VENDOR, str);
Also used : Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) Struct(lucee.runtime.type.Struct) BundleDefinition(lucee.runtime.osgi.OSGiUtil.BundleDefinition) BundleCollection(lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection) StructImpl(lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl) Version(org.osgi.framework.Version) BundleException(org.osgi.framework.BundleException) CFMLEngine(lucee.loader.engine.CFMLEngine) BundleFile(lucee.runtime.osgi.BundleFile)

Example 2 with BundleCollection

use of lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection in project Lucee by lucee.

the class OSGiUtil method loadClass.

/*public static FrameworkFactory getFrameworkFactory() throws Exception {
		ClassLoader cl = OSGiUtil.class.getClassLoader(); url = cl.getResource("META-INF/services/org.osgi.framework.launch.FrameworkFactory");
        if (url != null) {
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
            try {
                for (String s = br.readLine(); s != null; s = br.readLine()) {
                    s = s.trim();
                    // Try to load first non-empty, non-commented line.
                    if ((s.length() > 0) && (s.charAt(0) != '#')) {
                        return (FrameworkFactory) ClassUtil.loadInstance(cl, s);
            finally {
                if (br != null) br.close();
        throw new Exception("Could not find framework factory.");
 * tries to load a class with ni bundle defintion
 * @param name
 * @param version
 * @param id
 * @param startIfNecessary
 * @return
 * @throws BundleException
public static Class loadClass(String className, Class defaultValue) {
    className = className.trim();
    CFMLEngine engine = CFMLEngineFactory.getInstance();
    BundleCollection bc = engine.getBundleCollection();
    // first we try to load the class from the Lucee core
    try {
        // load from core
        return bc.core.loadClass(className);
    }// class is not visible to the Lucee core
     catch (Throwable t) {
    // now we check all started bundled (not only bundles used by core)
    Bundle[] bundles = bc.getBundleContext().getBundles();
    for (Bundle b : bundles) {
        if (b == bc.core)
        try {
            return b.loadClass(className);
        }// class is not visible to that bundle
         catch (Throwable t) {
    // now we check lucee loader (SystemClassLoader?)
    CFMLEngineFactory factory = engine.getCFMLEngineFactory();
    try {
        // print.e("loader:");
        return factory.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(className);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    	try {
			return Class.forName(className);
		} catch (Throwable t3) {
    // now we check bundles not loaded
    Set<String> loaded = new HashSet<String>();
    for (Bundle b : bundles) {
        loaded.add(b.getSymbolicName() + "|" + b.getVersion());
    try {
        File dir = factory.getBundleDirectory();
        File[] children = dir.listFiles(JAR_EXT_FILTER);
        BundleFile bf;
        for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            try {
                bf = new BundleFile(children[i]);
                if (bf.isBundle() && !loaded.contains(bf.getSymbolicName() + "|" + bf.getVersion()) && bf.hasClass(className)) {
                    Bundle b = null;
                    try {
                        b = _loadBundle(bc.getBundleContext(), bf.getFile());
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                    if (b != null) {
                        return b.loadClass(className);
            } catch (Throwable t2) {
    } catch (Throwable t1) {
    return defaultValue;
Also used : Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) IOException( BundleCollection(lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection) CFMLEngine(lucee.loader.engine.CFMLEngine) File( CFMLEngineFactory(lucee.loader.engine.CFMLEngineFactory) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 3 with BundleCollection

use of lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Admin method doGetBundles.

private void doGetBundles() throws PageException {
    CFMLEngine engine = ConfigWebUtil.getEngine(config);
    BundleCollection coreBundles = engine.getBundleCollection();
    java.util.Collection<BundleDefinition> extBundles = config.getAllExtensionBundleDefintions();
    List<BundleDefinition> bds = OSGiUtil.getBundleDefinitions(engine.getBundleContext());
    Iterator<BundleDefinition> it = bds.iterator();
    BundleDefinition bd;
    Bundle b;
    String str;
    Query qry = new QueryImpl(new Key[] { SYMBOLIC_NAME, KeyConstants._title, KeyConstants._description, KeyConstants._version, VENDOR, KeyConstants._state, PATH, USED_BY, KeyConstants._id, FRAGMENT, HEADERS }, bds.size(), "bundles");
    int row = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        bd =;
        b = bd.getLoadedBundle();
        qry.setAt(SYMBOLIC_NAME, row, bd.getName());
        qry.setAt(KeyConstants._title, row, bd.getName());
        qry.setAt(KeyConstants._version, row, bd.getVersionAsString());
        qry.setAt(USED_BY, row, _usedBy(bd.getName(), bd.getVersion(), coreBundles, extBundles));
        BundleFile bf = null;
        try {
            if (b != null) {
                qry.setAt(PATH, row, b.getLocation());
            } else {
                bf = bd.getBundleFile(false);
                qry.setAt(PATH, row, bf.getFile());
        } catch (Throwable t) {
        Map<String, Object> headers = null;
        if (b != null) {
            qry.setAt(KeyConstants._version, row, bd.getVersion().toString());
            qry.setAt(KeyConstants._id, row, b.getBundleId());
            qry.setAt(KeyConstants._state, row, OSGiUtil.toState(b.getState(), null));
            qry.setAt(FRAGMENT, row, OSGiUtil.isFragment(b));
            headers = OSGiUtil.getHeaders(b);
        } else {
            qry.setAt(KeyConstants._state, row, "notinstalled");
            try {
                if (b != null) {
                    qry.setAt(KeyConstants._version, row, b.getVersion().toString());
                    qry.setAt(FRAGMENT, row, OSGiUtil.isFragment(b));
                    Dictionary<String, String> dic = b.getHeaders();
                    Enumeration<String> keys = dic.keys();
                    headers = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                    String key;
                    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
                        key = keys.nextElement();
                        headers.put(key, dic.get(key));
                } else {
                    if (bf != null)
                        bf = bd.getBundleFile(false);
                    qry.setAt(KeyConstants._version, row, bf.getVersionAsString());
                    // qry.setAt(KeyConstants._id, row, bf.getBundleId());
                    qry.setAt(FRAGMENT, row, OSGiUtil.isFragment(bf));
                    headers = bf.getHeaders();
            } catch (BundleException e) {
        if (headers != null) {
            Struct h = Caster.toStruct(headers, false);
            qry.setAt(HEADERS, row, h);
            // title
            str = Caster.toString(h.get("Bundle-Title", null), null);
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
                str = Caster.toString(h.get("Implementation-Title", null), null);
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
                str = Caster.toString(h.get("Specification-Title", null), null);
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
                str = Caster.toString(h.get("Bundle-Name", null), null);
            if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
                qry.setAt(KeyConstants._title, row, str);
            // description
            str = Caster.toString(h.get("Bundle-Description", null), null);
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
                str = Caster.toString(h.get("Implementation-Description", null), null);
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
                str = Caster.toString(h.get("Specification-Description", null), null);
            if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
                qry.setAt(KeyConstants._description, row, str);
            // Vendor
            str = Caster.toString(h.get("Bundle-Vendor", null), null);
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
                str = Caster.toString(h.get("Implementation-Vendor", null), null);
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
                str = Caster.toString(h.get("Specification-Vendor", null), null);
            if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(str))
                qry.setAt(VENDOR, row, str);
        // Specification-Vendor,Bundle-Vendor
    }, qry, "title");
    pageContext.setVariable(getString("admin", action, "returnVariable"), qry);
Also used : Query(lucee.runtime.type.Query) Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) Struct(lucee.runtime.type.Struct) BundleDefinition(lucee.runtime.osgi.OSGiUtil.BundleDefinition) BundleCollection(lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection) QueryImpl(lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl) CFMLEngine(lucee.loader.engine.CFMLEngine) BundleException(org.osgi.framework.BundleException) BundleFile(lucee.runtime.osgi.BundleFile)

Example 4 with BundleCollection

use of lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection in project Lucee by lucee.

the class XMLConfigAdmin method cleanBundles.

public static void cleanBundles(RHExtension rhe, ConfigImpl config, BundleDefinition[] candiatesToRemove) throws BundleException, ApplicationException, IOException {
    if (ArrayUtil.isEmpty(candiatesToRemove))
    BundleCollection coreBundles = ConfigWebUtil.getEngine(config).getBundleCollection();
    // core master
    _cleanBundles(candiatesToRemove, coreBundles.core.getSymbolicName(), coreBundles.core.getVersion());
    // core slaves
    Iterator<Bundle> it = coreBundles.getSlaves();
    Bundle b;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        b =;
        _cleanBundles(candiatesToRemove, b.getSymbolicName(), b.getVersion());
    // all extension
    Iterator<RHExtension> itt = config.getAllRHExtensions().iterator();
    RHExtension _rhe;
    while (itt.hasNext()) {
        _rhe =;
        if (rhe != null && rhe.equals(_rhe))
        BundleInfo[] bundles = _rhe.getBundles();
        for (BundleInfo bi : bundles) {
            _cleanBundles(candiatesToRemove, bi.getSymbolicName(), bi.getVersion());
    // now we only have BundlesDefs in the array no longer used
    for (BundleDefinition ctr : candiatesToRemove) {
        if (ctr != null)
            OSGiUtil.removeLocalBundleSilently(ctr.getName(), ctr.getVersion(), true);
Also used : BundleDefinition(lucee.runtime.osgi.OSGiUtil.BundleDefinition) BundleCollection(lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection) RHExtension(lucee.runtime.extension.RHExtension) BundleInfo(lucee.runtime.osgi.BundleInfo) Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle)

Example 5 with BundleCollection

use of lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection in project Lucee by lucee.

the class CFMLEngineFactory method shutdownFelix.

public void shutdownFelix() throws BundleException {
    System.out.println("---- Shutdown Felix ----");
    BundleCollection bc = singelton.getBundleCollection();
    if (bc == null || bc.felix == null)
    // stop
    // we give it some time
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    BundleUtil.stop(felix, false);
/*int count=0;
		while(dumpThreads()) {
			System.err.println(new Date());
			if(count++>100) break;
			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
				// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Also used : BundleCollection(lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection)


BundleCollection (lucee.loader.osgi.BundleCollection)5 Bundle (org.osgi.framework.Bundle)4 CFMLEngine (lucee.loader.engine.CFMLEngine)3 BundleDefinition (lucee.runtime.osgi.OSGiUtil.BundleDefinition)3 BundleFile (lucee.runtime.osgi.BundleFile)2 Struct (lucee.runtime.type.Struct)2 BundleException (org.osgi.framework.BundleException)2 File ( IOException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 CFMLEngineFactory (lucee.loader.engine.CFMLEngineFactory)1 RHExtension (lucee.runtime.extension.RHExtension)1 BundleInfo (lucee.runtime.osgi.BundleInfo)1 Query (lucee.runtime.type.Query)1 QueryImpl (lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl)1 StructImpl (lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl)1 Version (org.osgi.framework.Version)1