Search in sources :

Example 26 with PageContextImpl

use of lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl in project Lucee by lucee.

the class DebugEntryTemplatePartComparator method getEntry.

public DebugEntryTemplatePart getEntry(PageContext pc, PageSource source, int startPos, int endPos) {
    String src = DebugEntryTemplatePartImpl.getSrc(source == null ? "" : source.getDisplayPath(), startPos, endPos);
    DebugEntryTemplatePartImpl de = null;
    if (partEntries != null) {
        de = partEntries.get(src);
        if (de != null) {
            return de;
    } else {
        partEntries = new HashMap<String, DebugEntryTemplatePartImpl>();
    ResourceSnippet snippet = snippetsMap.getSnippet(source, startPos, endPos, ((PageContextImpl) pc).getResourceCharset().name());
    de = new DebugEntryTemplatePartImpl(source, startPos, endPos, snippet.getStartLine(), snippet.getEndLine(), snippet.getContent());
    partEntries.put(src, de);
    return de;
Also used : ResourceSnippet( PageContextImpl(lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl)

Example 27 with PageContextImpl

use of lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl in project Lucee by lucee.

the class DebugEntryTemplatePartComparator method writeOut.

public void writeOut(PageContext pc) throws IOException {
    // stop();
    if (!output)
    String addr = pc.getHttpServletRequest().getRemoteAddr();
    lucee.runtime.config.DebugEntry debugEntry = ((ConfigImpl) pc.getConfig()).getDebugEntry(addr, null);
    if (debugEntry == null) {
        // pc.forceWrite(pc.getConfig().getDefaultDumpWriter().toString(pc,toDumpData(pc, 9999,DumpUtil.toDumpProperties()),true));
    Struct args = new StructImpl();
    args.setEL(KeyConstants._custom, debugEntry.getCustom());
    try {
        args.setEL(KeyConstants._debugging, pc.getDebugger().getDebuggingData(pc));
    } catch (PageException e1) {
    try {
        String path = debugEntry.getPath();
        PageSource[] arr = ((PageContextImpl) pc).getPageSources(path);
        Page p = PageSourceImpl.loadPage(pc, arr, null);
        // patch for old path
        String fullname = debugEntry.getFullname();
        if (p == null) {
            if (path != null) {
                boolean changed = false;
                if (path.endsWith("/Modern.cfc") || path.endsWith("\\Modern.cfc")) {
                    path = "/lucee-server-context/admin/debug/Modern.cfc";
                    fullname = "lucee-server-context.admin.debug.Modern";
                    changed = true;
                } else if (path.endsWith("/Classic.cfc") || path.endsWith("\\Classic.cfc")) {
                    path = "/lucee-server-context/admin/debug/Classic.cfc";
                    fullname = "lucee-server-context.admin.debug.Classic";
                    changed = true;
                } else if (path.endsWith("/Comment.cfc") || path.endsWith("\\Comment.cfc")) {
                    path = "/lucee-server-context/admin/debug/Comment.cfc";
                    fullname = "lucee-server-context.admin.debug.Comment";
                    changed = true;
                if (changed)
                    pc.write("<span style='color:red'>Please update your debug template defintions in the Lucee admin by going into the detail view and hit the \"update\" button.</span>");
            arr = ((PageContextImpl) pc).getPageSources(path);
            p = PageSourceImpl.loadPage(pc, arr);
        pc.addPageSource(p.getPageSource(), true);
        try {
            Component c = pc.loadComponent(fullname);
            c.callWithNamedValues(pc, "output", args);
        } finally {
    } catch (PageException e) {
Also used : PageException(lucee.runtime.exp.PageException) Page(lucee.runtime.Page) PageContextImpl(lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl) Struct(lucee.runtime.type.Struct) PageSource(lucee.runtime.PageSource) StructImpl(lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl) Component(lucee.runtime.Component) ConfigImpl(lucee.runtime.config.ConfigImpl)

Example 28 with PageContextImpl

use of lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl in project Lucee by lucee.

the class ComponentLoader method _search.

private static Object _search(PageContext pc, PageSource loadingLocation, String rawPath, Boolean searchLocal, Boolean searchRoot, boolean executeConstr, short returnType, PageSource currPS, ImportDefintion[] importDefintions, int dialect, final boolean isExtendedComponent) throws PageException {
    ConfigImpl config = (ConfigImpl) pc.getConfig();
    if (dialect == CFMLEngine.DIALECT_LUCEE && !config.allowLuceeDialect())
    boolean doCache = config.useComponentPathCache();
    String sub = null;
    if (returnType != RETURN_TYPE_PAGE && rawPath.indexOf(':') != -1) {
        int d = rawPath.indexOf(':');
        int s = rawPath.indexOf('.');
        if (d > s) {
            sub = rawPath.substring(d + 1);
            rawPath = rawPath.substring(0, d);
    // app-String appName=pc.getApplicationContext().getName();
    rawPath = rawPath.trim().replace('\\', '/');
    String path = (rawPath.indexOf("./") == -1) ? rawPath.replace('.', '/') : rawPath;
    boolean isRealPath = !StringUtil.startsWith(path, '/');
    // PageSource currPS = pc.getCurrentPageSource();
    // Page currP=currPS.loadPage(pc,false);
    PageSource ps = null;
    CIPage page = null;
    // MUSTMUST improve to handle different extensions
    String pathWithCFC = path.concat("." + (dialect == CFMLEngine.DIALECT_CFML ? Constants.getCFMLComponentExtension() : Constants.getLuceeComponentExtension()));
    // no cache for per application pathes
    Mapping[] acm = pc.getApplicationContext().getComponentMappings();
    if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(acm)) {
        Mapping m;
        for (int y = 0; y < acm.length; y++) {
            m = acm[y];
            ps = m.getPageSource(pathWithCFC);
            page = toCIPage(ps.loadPageThrowTemplateException(pc, false, (Page) null));
            if (page != null) {
                return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
    if (searchLocal == null)
        searchLocal = Caster.toBoolean(rawPath.indexOf('.') == -1 ? true : config.getComponentLocalSearch());
    if (searchRoot == null)
        searchRoot = Caster.toBoolean(config.getComponentRootSearch());
    // CACHE
    // check local in cache
    String localCacheName = null;
    if (searchLocal && isRealPath && currPS != null) {
        localCacheName = currPS.getDisplayPath().replace('\\', '/');
        localCacheName = localCacheName.substring(0, localCacheName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).concat(pathWithCFC);
        if (doCache) {
            page = config.getCachedPage(pc, localCacheName);
            if (page != null)
                return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
    // check import cache
    if (doCache && isRealPath) {
        ImportDefintion impDef = config.getComponentDefaultImport();
        ImportDefintion[] impDefs = importDefintions == null ? EMPTY_ID : importDefintions;
        int i = -1;
        do {
            if (impDef.isWildcard() || impDef.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(path)) {
                page = config.getCachedPage(pc, "import:" + impDef.getPackageAsPath() + pathWithCFC);
                if (page != null)
                    return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
            impDef = ++i < impDefs.length ? impDefs[i] : null;
        } while (impDef != null);
    if (doCache) {
        // check global in cache
        page = config.getCachedPage(pc, pathWithCFC);
        if (page != null)
            return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
    // search from local
    if (searchLocal && isRealPath) {
        // check realpath
        PageSource[] arr = ((PageContextImpl) pc).getRelativePageSources(pathWithCFC);
        page = toCIPage(PageSourceImpl.loadPage(pc, arr, null));
        if (page != null) {
            if (doCache)
                config.putCachedPageSource(localCacheName, page.getPageSource());
            return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
    // search with imports
    Mapping[] cMappings = config.getComponentMappings();
    if (isRealPath) {
        ImportDefintion impDef = config.getComponentDefaultImport();
        ImportDefintion[] impDefs = importDefintions == null ? EMPTY_ID : importDefintions;
        PageSource[] arr;
        int i = -1;
        do {
            if (impDef.isWildcard() || impDef.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(path)) {
                // search from local first
                if (searchLocal) {
                    arr = ((PageContextImpl) pc).getRelativePageSources(impDef.getPackageAsPath() + pathWithCFC);
                    page = toCIPage(PageSourceImpl.loadPage(pc, arr, null));
                    if (page != null) {
                        if (doCache)
                            config.putCachedPageSource("import:" + impDef.getPackageAsPath() + pathWithCFC, page.getPageSource());
                        return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
                // search mappings and webroot
                page = toCIPage(PageSourceImpl.loadPage(pc, ((PageContextImpl) pc).getPageSources("/" + impDef.getPackageAsPath() + pathWithCFC), null));
                if (page != null) {
                    String key = impDef.getPackageAsPath() + pathWithCFC;
                    if (doCache && !((MappingImpl) page.getPageSource().getMapping()).isAppMapping())
                        config.putCachedPageSource("import:" + key, page.getPageSource());
                    return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
                // search component mappings
                Mapping m;
                for (int y = 0; y < cMappings.length; y++) {
                    m = cMappings[y];
                    ps = m.getPageSource(impDef.getPackageAsPath() + pathWithCFC);
                    page = toCIPage(ps.loadPageThrowTemplateException(pc, false, (Page) null));
                    if (page != null) {
                        if (doCache)
                            config.putCachedPageSource("import:" + impDef.getPackageAsPath() + pathWithCFC, page.getPageSource());
                        return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
            impDef = ++i < impDefs.length ? impDefs[i] : null;
        } while (impDef != null);
    String p;
    if (isRealPath)
        p = '/' + pathWithCFC;
        p = pathWithCFC;
    // search mappings and webroot
    page = toCIPage(PageSourceImpl.loadPage(pc, ((PageContextImpl) pc).getPageSources(p), null));
    if (page != null) {
        String key = pathWithCFC;
        if (doCache && !((MappingImpl) page.getPageSource().getMapping()).isAppMapping())
            config.putCachedPageSource(key, page.getPageSource());
        return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
    // search component mappings
    Mapping m;
    for (int i = 0; i < cMappings.length; i++) {
        m = cMappings[i];
        ps = m.getPageSource(p);
        page = toCIPage(ps.loadPageThrowTemplateException(pc, false, (Page) null));
        // recursive search
        if (page == null && config.doComponentDeepSearch() && path.indexOf('/') == -1) {
            ps = MappingUtil.searchMappingRecursive(m, pathWithCFC, true);
            if (ps != null) {
                page = toCIPage(ps.loadPageThrowTemplateException(pc, false, (Page) null));
                // do not cache this, it could be ambigous
                if (page != null)
                    doCache = false;
        if (page != null) {
            if (doCache)
                config.putCachedPageSource(pathWithCFC, page.getPageSource());
            return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
    // search relative to active component (this get not cached because the cache get ambigous if we do)
    if (searchLocal && isRealPath) {
        if (loadingLocation == null) {
            Component c = pc.getActiveComponent();
            if (c != null)
                loadingLocation = c.getPageSource();
        if (loadingLocation != null) {
            ps = loadingLocation.getRealPage(pathWithCFC);
            if (ps != null) {
                page = toCIPage(ps.loadPageThrowTemplateException(pc, false, (Page) null));
                if (page != null) {
                    return returnType == RETURN_TYPE_PAGE ? page : load(pc, page, trim(path.replace('/', '.')), sub, isRealPath, returnType, isExtendedComponent, executeConstr);
    // translate cfide. to org.lucee.cfml
    if (StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(rawPath, "cfide.")) {
        String rpm = Constants.DEFAULT_PACKAGE + "." + rawPath.substring(6);
        try {
            return _search(pc, loadingLocation, rpm, searchLocal, searchRoot, executeConstr, returnType, currPS, importDefintions, dialect, false);
        } catch (ExpressionException ee) {
            return null;
        // throw new ExpressionException("invalid "+toStringType(returnType)+" definition, can't find "+rawPath+" or "+rpm);
    return null;
// throw new ExpressionException("invalid "+toStringType(returnType)+" definition, can't find "+toStringType(returnType)+" ["+rawPath+"]");
Also used : CIPage(lucee.runtime.CIPage) Mapping(lucee.runtime.Mapping) PageContextImpl(lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl) MappingImpl(lucee.runtime.MappingImpl) ExpressionException(lucee.runtime.exp.ExpressionException) PageSource(lucee.runtime.PageSource) Component(lucee.runtime.Component) ConfigImpl(lucee.runtime.config.ConfigImpl)

Example 29 with PageContextImpl

use of lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl in project Lucee by lucee.

the class ComponentListPackage method _call.

private static Set<String> _call(PageContext pc, String packageName) throws IOException, ApplicationException {
    PageContextImpl pci = (PageContextImpl) pc;
    ConfigWebImpl config = (ConfigWebImpl) pc.getConfig();
    Set<String> rtn = null;
    // var SEP=server.separator.file;
    // get enviroment configuration
    boolean searchLocal = packageName.indexOf('.') == -1 ? true : config.getComponentLocalSearch();
    boolean searchRoot = config.getComponentRootSearch();
    String path = StringUtil.replace(packageName, ".", File.separator, false);
    // search local
    if (searchLocal) {
        PageSource ps = pci.getRelativePageSourceExisting(path);
        if (ps != null) {
            Mapping mapping = ps.getMapping();
            String _path = ps.getRealpath();
            _path = ListUtil.trim(_path, "\\/");
            String[] list = _listMapping(pc, mapping, _path);
            if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(list))
                rtn = add(rtn, list);
    // check mappings (this includes the webroot)
    if (searchRoot) {
        String virtual = "/" + StringUtil.replace(packageName, ".", "/", false);
        Mapping[] mappings = config.getMappings();
        Mapping mapping;
        String _path;
        String[] list;
        for (int i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) {
            mapping = mappings[i];
            if (StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(virtual, mapping.getVirtual())) {
                _path = ListUtil.trim(virtual.substring(mapping.getVirtual().length()), "\\/").trim();
                _path = StringUtil.replace(_path, "/", File.separator, false);
                list = _listMapping(pc, mapping, _path);
                if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(list))
                    rtn = add(rtn, list);
    // check component mappings
    Mapping[] mappings = config.getComponentMappings();
    Mapping mapping;
    String[] list;
    for (int i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) {
        mapping = mappings[i];
        list = _listMapping(pc, mapping, path);
        if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(list))
            rtn = add(rtn, list);
    if (rtn == null)
        throw new ApplicationException("no package with name [" + packageName + "] found");
    return rtn;
Also used : ConfigWebImpl(lucee.runtime.config.ConfigWebImpl) ApplicationException(lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException) Mapping(lucee.runtime.Mapping) PageContextImpl(lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl) PageSource(lucee.runtime.PageSource)

Example 30 with PageContextImpl

use of lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Evaluate method call.

public static Object call(PageContext pc, Object[] objs, boolean preciseMath) throws PageException {
    // define a ohter enviroment for the function
    if (objs.length > 1 && objs[objs.length - 1] instanceof Scope) {
        // Variables Scope
        Variables var = null;
        Local lcl = null, cLcl = null;
        Argument arg = null, cArg = null;
        if (objs[objs.length - 1] instanceof Variables) {
            var = (Variables) objs[objs.length - 1];
        } else if (objs[objs.length - 1] instanceof CallerImpl) {
            CallerImpl ci = ((CallerImpl) objs[objs.length - 1]);
            var = ci.getVariablesScope();
            lcl = ci.getLocalScope();
            arg = ci.getArgumentsScope();
        if (var != null) {
            Variables cVar = pc.variablesScope();
            if (lcl != null && !(lcl instanceof LocalNotSupportedScope)) {
                cLcl = pc.localScope();
                cArg = pc.argumentsScope();
                pc.setFunctionScopes(lcl, arg);
            try {
                return _call(pc, objs, objs.length - 1, preciseMath);
            } finally {
                if (cLcl != null)
                    pc.setFunctionScopes(cLcl, cArg);
        } else // Undefined Scope
        if (objs[objs.length - 1] instanceof Undefined) {
            PageContextImpl pci = (PageContextImpl) pc;
            Undefined undefined = (Undefined) objs[objs.length - 1];
            boolean check = undefined.getCheckArguments();
            Variables orgVar = pc.variablesScope();
            Argument orgArgs = pc.argumentsScope();
            Local orgLocal = pc.localScope();
            if (check)
                pci.setFunctionScopes(undefined.localScope(), undefined.argumentsScope());
            try {
                return _call(pc, objs, objs.length - 1, preciseMath);
            } finally {
                if (check)
                    pci.setFunctionScopes(orgLocal, orgArgs);
    return _call(pc, objs, objs.length, preciseMath);
Also used : Variables(lucee.runtime.type.scope.Variables) Undefined(lucee.runtime.type.scope.Undefined) CallerImpl(lucee.runtime.type.scope.CallerImpl) Scope(lucee.runtime.type.scope.Scope) LocalNotSupportedScope(lucee.runtime.type.scope.LocalNotSupportedScope) Argument(lucee.runtime.type.scope.Argument) LocalNotSupportedScope(lucee.runtime.type.scope.LocalNotSupportedScope) Local(lucee.runtime.type.scope.Local) PageContextImpl(lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl)


PageContextImpl (lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl)84 PageSource (lucee.runtime.PageSource)19 Resource ( Key (lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key)15 Struct (lucee.runtime.type.Struct)15 StructImpl (lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl)14 IOException ( ApplicationException (lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException)10 PageException (lucee.runtime.exp.PageException)10 Component (lucee.runtime.Component)9 ConfigWeb (lucee.runtime.config.ConfigWeb)9 ConfigWebImpl (lucee.runtime.config.ConfigWebImpl)9 CFMLFactoryImpl (lucee.runtime.CFMLFactoryImpl)7 ByteArrayInputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 Mapping (lucee.runtime.Mapping)6 PageContext (lucee.runtime.PageContext)6 ConfigImpl (lucee.runtime.config.ConfigImpl)6 ExpressionException (lucee.runtime.exp.ExpressionException)6 HttpServletResponse (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)5