use of lucee.runtime.type.scope.Undefined in project Lucee by lucee.
the class ChildThreadImpl method execute.
public PageException execute(Config config) {
PageContext oldPc = ThreadLocalPageContext.get();
Page p = page;
PageContextImpl pc = null;
try {
// deamon
if (this.pc != null) {
pc = this.pc;
} else // task
ConfigWebImpl cwi;
try {
cwi = (ConfigWebImpl) config;
DevNullOutputStream os = DevNullOutputStream.DEV_NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM;
pc = ThreadUtil.createPageContext(cwi, os, serverName, requestURI, queryString, SerializableCookie.toCookies(cookies), headers, null, parameters, attributes, true, -1);
p = PageSourceImpl.loadPage(pc, cwi.getPageSources(oldPc == null ? pc : oldPc, null, template, false, false, true));
// p=cwi.getPageSources(oldPc,null, template, false,false,true).loadPage(cwi);
} catch (PageException e) {
return e;
pc.addPageSource(p.getPageSource(), true);
threadScope = pc.getThreadScope(KeyConstants._cfthread, null);
pc.setCurrentThreadScope(new ThreadsImpl(this));
// String encodings = pc.getHttpServletRequest().getHeader("Accept-Encoding");
Undefined undefined =;
Argument newArgs = new ArgumentThreadImpl((Struct) Duplicator.duplicate(attrs, false));
LocalImpl newLocal = pc.getScopeFactory().getLocalInstance();
// Key[] keys = attrs.keys();
Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = attrs.entryIterator();
Entry<Key, Object> e;
while (it.hasNext()) {
e =;
newArgs.setEL(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
newLocal.setEL(KEY_ATTRIBUTES, newArgs);
Argument oldArgs = pc.argumentsScope();
Local oldLocal = pc.localScope();
int oldMode = undefined.setMode(Undefined.MODE_LOCAL_OR_ARGUMENTS_ALWAYS);
pc.setFunctionScopes(newLocal, newArgs);
try {
p.threadCall(pc, threadIndex);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (!Abort.isSilentAbort(t)) {
ConfigWeb c = pc.getConfig();
if (c instanceof ConfigImpl) {
ConfigImpl ci = (ConfigImpl) c;
Log log = ci.getLog("thread");
if (log != null)
LogUtil.log(log, Log.LEVEL_ERROR, this.getName(), t);
PageException pe = Caster.toPageException(t);
if (!serializable)
catchBlock = pe.getCatchBlock(pc.getConfig());
return pe;
} finally {
completed = true;
pc.setFunctionScopes(oldLocal, oldArgs);
// pc.getScopeFactory().recycle(newArgs);
pc.getScopeFactory().recycle(pc, newLocal);
if (pc.getHttpServletResponse() instanceof HttpServletResponseDummy) {
HttpServletResponseDummy rsp = (HttpServletResponseDummy) pc.getHttpServletResponse();
contentType = rsp.getContentType();
Pair<String, Object>[] _headers = rsp.getHeaders();
if (_headers != null)
for (int i = 0; i < _headers.length; i++) {
if (_headers[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Encoding"))
contentEncoding = Caster.toString(_headers[i].getValue(), null);
} finally {
pc.getConfig().getFactory().releaseLuceePageContext(pc, true);
pc = null;
if (oldPc != null)
return null;
use of lucee.runtime.type.scope.Undefined in project Lucee by lucee.
the class UDFImpl method _call.
private Object _call(PageContext pc, Collection.Key calledName, Object[] args, Struct values, boolean doIncludePath) throws PageException {
// print.out(count++);
PageContextImpl pci = (PageContextImpl) pc;
Argument newArgs = pci.getScopeFactory().getArgumentInstance();
LocalImpl newLocal = pci.getScopeFactory().getLocalInstance();
Undefined undefined = pc.undefinedScope();
Argument oldArgs = pc.argumentsScope();
Local oldLocal = pc.localScope();
Collection.Key oldCalledName = pci.getActiveUDFCalledName();
pc.setFunctionScopes(newLocal, newArgs);
int oldCheckArgs = undefined.setMode(pc.getCurrentTemplateDialect() == CFMLEngine.DIALECT_CFML ? (properties.getLocalMode() == null ? pc.getApplicationContext().getLocalMode() : properties.getLocalMode().intValue()) : Undefined.MODE_LOCAL_OR_ARGUMENTS_ALWAYS);
PageSource ps = null;
PageSource psInc = null;
try {
ps = properties.getPageSource();
if (doIncludePath)
psInc = ps;
if (doIncludePath && getOwnerComponent() != null) {
psInc = ComponentUtil.getPageSource(getOwnerComponent());
if (psInc == pci.getCurrentTemplatePageSource()) {
psInc = null;
if (ps != null)
pci.addPageSource(ps, psInc);
// ////////////////////////////////////////
BodyContent bc = null;
Boolean wasSilent = null;
boolean bufferOutput = getBufferOutput(pci);
if (!getOutput()) {
if (bufferOutput)
bc = pci.pushBody();
wasSilent = pc.setSilent() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
UDF parent = null;
if (ownerComponent != null) {
parent = pci.getActiveUDF();
Object returnValue = null;
try {
if (args != null)
defineArguments(pc, getFunctionArguments(), args, newArgs);
defineArguments(pc, getFunctionArguments(), values, newArgs);
returnValue = implementation(pci);
if (ownerComponent != null)
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (ownerComponent != null)
if (!getOutput()) {
if (bufferOutput)
BodyContentUtil.flushAndPop(pc, bc);
else if (!wasSilent)
// BodyContentUtil.flushAndPop(pc,bc);
throw Caster.toPageException(t);
if (!getOutput()) {
if (bufferOutput)
BodyContentUtil.clearAndPop(pc, bc);
else if (!wasSilent)
if (returnValue == null && pc.getConfig().getFullNullSupport())
return returnValue;
if (properties.getReturnType() == CFTypes.TYPE_ANY || !((PageContextImpl) pc).getTypeChecking())
return returnValue;
if (Decision.isCastableTo(properties.getReturnTypeAsString(), returnValue, false, false, -1))
return returnValue;
throw new UDFCasterException(this, properties.getReturnTypeAsString(), returnValue);
// REALCAST return Caster.castTo(pageContext,returnType,returnValue,false);
// ////////////////////////////////////////
} finally {
if (ps != null)
pc.removeLastPageSource(psInc != null);
pci.setFunctionScopes(oldLocal, oldArgs);
pci.getScopeFactory().recycle(pci, newArgs);
pci.getScopeFactory().recycle(pci, newLocal);
use of lucee.runtime.type.scope.Undefined in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Evaluate method call.
public static Object call(PageContext pc, Object[] objs, boolean preciseMath) throws PageException {
// define a ohter enviroment for the function
if (objs.length > 1 && objs[objs.length - 1] instanceof Scope) {
// Variables Scope
Variables var = null;
Local lcl = null, cLcl = null;
Argument arg = null, cArg = null;
if (objs[objs.length - 1] instanceof Variables) {
var = (Variables) objs[objs.length - 1];
} else if (objs[objs.length - 1] instanceof CallerImpl) {
CallerImpl ci = ((CallerImpl) objs[objs.length - 1]);
var = ci.getVariablesScope();
lcl = ci.getLocalScope();
arg = ci.getArgumentsScope();
if (var != null) {
Variables cVar = pc.variablesScope();
if (lcl != null && !(lcl instanceof LocalNotSupportedScope)) {
cLcl = pc.localScope();
cArg = pc.argumentsScope();
pc.setFunctionScopes(lcl, arg);
try {
return _call(pc, objs, objs.length - 1, preciseMath);
} finally {
if (cLcl != null)
pc.setFunctionScopes(cLcl, cArg);
} else // Undefined Scope
if (objs[objs.length - 1] instanceof Undefined) {
PageContextImpl pci = (PageContextImpl) pc;
Undefined undefined = (Undefined) objs[objs.length - 1];
boolean check = undefined.getCheckArguments();
Variables orgVar = pc.variablesScope();
Argument orgArgs = pc.argumentsScope();
Local orgLocal = pc.localScope();
if (check)
pci.setFunctionScopes(undefined.localScope(), undefined.argumentsScope());
try {
return _call(pc, objs, objs.length - 1, preciseMath);
} finally {
if (check)
pci.setFunctionScopes(orgLocal, orgArgs);
return _call(pc, objs, objs.length, preciseMath);
use of lucee.runtime.type.scope.Undefined in project Lucee by lucee.
the class MemberUtil method call.
public static Object call(PageContext pc, Object coll, Collection.Key methodName, Object[] args, short[] types, String[] strTypes) throws PageException {
// look for members
short type;
String strType;
Map<Key, FunctionLibFunction> members = null;
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
type = types[i];
strType = strTypes[i];
members = getMembers(pc, type);
FunctionLibFunction member = members.get(methodName);
if (member != null) {
List<FunctionLibFunctionArg> _args = member.getArg();
if (args.length < _args.size()) {
ArrayList<Ref> refs = new ArrayList<Ref>();
int pos = member.getMemberPosition();
FunctionLibFunctionArg flfa;
Iterator<FunctionLibFunctionArg> it = _args.iterator();
int glbIndex = 0, argIndex = -1;
while (it.hasNext()) {
flfa =;
if (glbIndex == pos) {
refs.add(new Casting(strType, type, coll));
} else if (args.length > ++argIndex) {
// careful, argIndex is only incremented when condition above is false
refs.add(new Casting(flfa.getTypeAsString(), flfa.getType(), args[argIndex]));
return new BIFCall(coll, member, refs.toArray(new Ref[refs.size()])).getValue(pc);
// do reflection
if (pc.getConfig().getSecurityManager().getAccess( == {
if (!(coll instanceof Undefined)) {
Object res = callMethod(coll, methodName, args);
if (res != DEFAULT)
return res;
// merge
if (types.length > 1) {
Map<Key, FunctionLibFunction> tmp;
members = null;
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
tmp = getMembers(pc, types[i]);
if (members == null)
members = tmp;
else {
Iterator<Entry<Key, FunctionLibFunction>> it = tmp.entrySet().iterator();
Entry<Key, FunctionLibFunction> e;
while (it.hasNext()) {
e =;
members.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
Set<Key> set = members.keySet();
String msg = ExceptionUtil.similarKeyMessage(set.toArray(new Key[set.size()]), methodName.getString(), "function", "functions", "Object", true);
throw new ExpressionException(msg);
// throw new ExpressionException("No matching function member ["+methodName+"] found, available function members are ["+
// lucee.runtime.type.util.ListUtil.sort(CollectionUtil.getKeyList(members.keySet().iterator(), ","),"textnocase","asc",",")+"]");
use of lucee.runtime.type.scope.Undefined in project Lucee by lucee.
the class CFTag method doInclude.
void doInclude() throws PageException {
Variables var = pageContext.variablesScope();
QueryStack cs = null;
Undefined undefined = pageContext.undefinedScope();
int oldMode = undefined.setMode(Undefined.MODE_NO_LOCAL_AND_ARGUMENTS);
if (oldMode != Undefined.MODE_NO_LOCAL_AND_ARGUMENTS)
callerScope.setScope(var, pageContext.localScope(), pageContext.argumentsScope(), true);
callerScope.setScope(var, null, null, false);
if (pageContext.getConfig().allowImplicidQueryCall()) {
cs = undefined.getQueryStack();
undefined.setQueryStack(new QueryStackImpl());
try {
pageContext.doInclude(new PageSource[] { source.getPageSource() }, false);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw Caster.toPageException(t);
} finally {
// varScopeData=variablesScope.getMap();
if (pageContext.getConfig().allowImplicidQueryCall()) {