use of lucee.runtime.db.ClassDefinition in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Admin method doUpdateJDBCDriver.
private void doUpdateJDBCDriver() throws PageException {
ClassDefinition cd = new ClassDefinitionImpl(getString("admin", action, "classname"), getString("bundleName", null), getString("bundleVersion", null), config.getIdentification());
String label = getString("admin", action, "label");
admin.updateJDBCDriver(label, cd);
adminSync.broadcast(attributes, config);
use of lucee.runtime.db.ClassDefinition in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Admin method doGetDatasource.
* @throws PageException
private void doGetDatasource() throws PageException {
String name = getString("admin", action, "name");
Map ds = config.getDataSourcesAsMap();
Iterator it = ds.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
DataSource d = (DataSource) ds.get(key);
Struct sct = new StructImpl();
ClassDefinition cd = d.getClassDefinition();
sct.setEL(KeyConstants._name, key);
sct.setEL(KeyConstants._host, d.getHost());
sct.setEL("classname", cd.getClassName());
sct.setEL("class", cd.getClassName());
sct.setEL("bundleName", cd.getName());
sct.setEL("bundleVersion", cd.getVersionAsString());
sct.setEL("dsn", d.getDsnOriginal());
sct.setEL("database", d.getDatabase());
sct.setEL("port", d.getPort() < 1 ? "" : Caster.toString(d.getPort()));
sct.setEL("dsnTranslated", d.getDsnTranslated());
sct.setEL("timezone", toStringTimeZone(d.getTimeZone()));
sct.setEL("password", d.getPassword());
sct.setEL("passwordEncrypted", ConfigWebUtil.encrypt(d.getPassword()));
sct.setEL("username", d.getUsername());
sct.setEL("readonly", Caster.toBoolean(d.isReadOnly()));
sct.setEL("select", Boolean.valueOf(d.hasAllow(DataSource.ALLOW_SELECT)));
sct.setEL("delete", Boolean.valueOf(d.hasAllow(DataSource.ALLOW_DELETE)));
sct.setEL("update", Boolean.valueOf(d.hasAllow(DataSource.ALLOW_UPDATE)));
sct.setEL("insert", Boolean.valueOf(d.hasAllow(DataSource.ALLOW_INSERT)));
sct.setEL("create", Boolean.valueOf(d.hasAllow(DataSource.ALLOW_CREATE)));
sct.setEL("insert", Boolean.valueOf(d.hasAllow(DataSource.ALLOW_INSERT)));
sct.setEL("drop", Boolean.valueOf(d.hasAllow(DataSource.ALLOW_DROP)));
sct.setEL("grant", Boolean.valueOf(d.hasAllow(DataSource.ALLOW_GRANT)));
sct.setEL("revoke", Boolean.valueOf(d.hasAllow(DataSource.ALLOW_REVOKE)));
sct.setEL("alter", Boolean.valueOf(d.hasAllow(DataSource.ALLOW_ALTER)));
sct.setEL("connectionLimit", d.getConnectionLimit() < 1 ? "" : Caster.toString(d.getConnectionLimit()));
sct.setEL("connectionTimeout", d.getConnectionTimeout() < 1 ? "" : Caster.toString(d.getConnectionTimeout()));
sct.setEL("metaCacheTimeout", Caster.toDouble(d.getMetaCacheTimeout()));
sct.setEL("custom", d.getCustoms());
sct.setEL("blob", Boolean.valueOf(d.isBlob()));
sct.setEL("clob", Boolean.valueOf(d.isClob()));
sct.setEL("validate", Boolean.valueOf(d.validate()));
sct.setEL("storage", Boolean.valueOf(d.isStorage()));
if (d instanceof DataSourceImpl) {
DataSourceImpl di = ((DataSourceImpl) d);
sct.setEL("literalTimestampWithTSOffset", Boolean.valueOf(di.getLiteralTimestampWithTSOffset()));
sct.setEL("alwaysSetTimeout", Boolean.valueOf(di.getAlwaysSetTimeout()));
sct.setEL("dbdriver", Caster.toString(di.getDbDriver(), ""));
pageContext.setVariable(getString("admin", action, "returnVariable"), sct);
throw new ApplicationException("there is no datasource with name [" + name + "]");
use of lucee.runtime.db.ClassDefinition in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Admin method doUpdateClusterClass.
private void doUpdateClusterClass() throws PageException {
ClassDefinition cd = new ClassDefinitionImpl(getString("admin", action, "class"), getString("bundleName", null), getString("bundleVersion", null), config.getIdentification());
use of lucee.runtime.db.ClassDefinition in project Lucee by lucee.
the class XMLConfigAdmin method updateRHExtension.
public void updateRHExtension(Config config, RHExtension rhext, boolean reload) throws PageException {
ConfigImpl ci = (ConfigImpl) config;
Log logger = ci.getLog("deploy");
String type = ci instanceof ConfigWeb ? "web" : "server";
// load already installed previous version and uninstall the parts no longer needed
RHExtension existingRH = getRHExtension(ci, rhext.getId(), null);
if (existingRH != null) {
// same version
if (existingRH.getVersion().compareTo(rhext.getVersion()) == 0) {
removeRHExtension(config, existingRH, rhext, false);
} else
removeRHExtension(config, existingRH, rhext, true);
try {
// boolean clearTags=false,clearFunction=false;
boolean reloadNecessary = false;
// store to xml
BundleDefinition[] existing = _updateExtension(ci, rhext);
// _storeAndReload();
// this must happen after "store"
// clean after populating the new ones
cleanBundles(rhext, ci, existing);
// ConfigWebAdmin.updateRHExtension(ci,rhext);
ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(IOUtil.toBufferedInputStream(rhext.getExtensionFile().getInputStream()));
ZipEntry entry;
String path;
String fileName;
while ((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
path = entry.getName();
fileName = fileName(entry);
// jars
if (!entry.isDirectory() && (startsWith(path, type, "jars") || startsWith(path, type, "jar") || startsWith(path, type, "bundles") || startsWith(path, type, "bundle") || startsWith(path, type, "lib") || startsWith(path, type, "libs")) && StringUtil.endsWithIgnoreCase(path, ".jar")) {
Object obj = XMLConfigAdmin.installBundle(config, zis, fileName, rhext.getVersion(), false, false);
// jar is not a bundle, only a regular jar
if (!(obj instanceof BundleFile)) {
Resource tmp = (Resource) obj;
Resource tmpJar = tmp.getParentResource().getRealResource(ListUtil.last(path, "\\/"));
XMLConfigAdmin.updateJar(config, tmpJar, false);
// flds
if (!entry.isDirectory() && startsWith(path, type, "flds") && (StringUtil.endsWithIgnoreCase(path, ".fld") || StringUtil.endsWithIgnoreCase(path, ".fldx"))) {
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy fld " + fileName);
updateFLD(zis, fileName, false);
reloadNecessary = true;
// tlds
if (!entry.isDirectory() && startsWith(path, type, "tlds") && (StringUtil.endsWithIgnoreCase(path, ".tld") || StringUtil.endsWithIgnoreCase(path, ".tldx"))) {
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy tld/tldx " + fileName);
updateTLD(zis, fileName, false);
reloadNecessary = true;
// tags
if (!entry.isDirectory() && startsWith(path, type, "tags")) {
String sub = subFolder(entry);
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy tag " + sub);
updateTag(zis, sub, false);
// clearTags=true;
reloadNecessary = true;
// functions
if (!entry.isDirectory() && startsWith(path, type, "functions")) {
String sub = subFolder(entry);
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy function " + sub);
updateFunction(zis, sub, false);
// clearFunction=true;
reloadNecessary = true;
// mappings
if (!entry.isDirectory() && (startsWith(path, type, "archives") || startsWith(path, type, "mappings"))) {
String sub = subFolder(entry);
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy mapping " + sub);
updateArchive(zis, sub, false);
reloadNecessary = true;
// clearFunction=true;
// event-gateway
if (!entry.isDirectory() && (startsWith(path, type, "event-gateways") || startsWith(path, type, "eventGateways")) && (StringUtil.endsWithIgnoreCase(path, "." + Constants.getCFMLComponentExtension()) || StringUtil.endsWithIgnoreCase(path, "." + Constants.getLuceeComponentExtension()))) {
String sub = subFolder(entry);
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy event-gateway " + sub);
updateEventGateway(zis, sub, false);
// context
String realpath;
if (!entry.isDirectory() && startsWith(path, type, "context") && !StringUtil.startsWith(fileName(entry), '.')) {
realpath = path.substring(8);
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy context " + realpath);
updateContext(zis, realpath, false, false);
// web contextS
boolean first;
if (!entry.isDirectory() && ((first = startsWith(path, type, "webcontexts")) || startsWith(path, type, "web.contexts")) && !StringUtil.startsWith(fileName(entry), '.')) {
realpath = path.substring(first ? 12 : 13);
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy webcontext " + realpath);
updateWebContexts(zis, realpath, false, false);
// applications
if (!entry.isDirectory() && (startsWith(path, type, "applications") || startsWith(path, type, "web.applications") || startsWith(path, type, "web")) && !StringUtil.startsWith(fileName(entry), '.')) {
int index;
if (startsWith(path, type, "applications"))
index = 13;
else if (startsWith(path, type, "web.applications"))
index = 17;
// web
index = 4;
realpath = path.substring(index);
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy application " + realpath);
updateApplication(zis, realpath, false);
// configs
if (!entry.isDirectory() && (startsWith(path, type, "config")) && !StringUtil.startsWith(fileName(entry), '.')) {
realpath = path.substring(7);
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy config " + realpath);
updateConfigs(zis, realpath, false, false);
// components
if (!entry.isDirectory() && (startsWith(path, type, "components")) && !StringUtil.startsWith(fileName(entry), '.')) {
realpath = path.substring(11);
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy component " + realpath);
updateComponent(zis, realpath, false, false);
// plugins
if (!entry.isDirectory() && (startsWith(path, type, "plugins")) && !StringUtil.startsWith(fileName(entry), '.')) {
realpath = path.substring(8);
logger.log(Log.LEVEL_INFO, "extension", "deploy plugin " + realpath);
updatePlugin(zis, realpath, false);
// load the bundles
if (rhext.getStartBundles()) {
BundleInfo[] bfs = rhext.getBundles();
for (BundleInfo bf : bfs) {
OSGiUtil.loadBundleFromLocal(bf.getSymbolicName(), bf.getVersion(), false, null);
// update cache
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(rhext.getCaches())) {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> itl = rhext.getCaches().iterator();
Map<String, String> map;
while (itl.hasNext()) {
map =;
ClassDefinition cd = RHExtension.toClassDefinition(config, map, null);
if (cd != null && cd.isBundle()) {
reloadNecessary = true;
}"extension", "update cache [" + cd + "] from extension [" + rhext.getName() + ":" + rhext.getVersion() + "]");
// update cache handler
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(rhext.getCacheHandlers())) {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> itl = rhext.getCacheHandlers().iterator();
Map<String, String> map;
while (itl.hasNext()) {
map =;
ClassDefinition cd = RHExtension.toClassDefinition(config, map, null);
String _id = map.get("id");
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(_id) && cd != null && cd.hasClass()) {
_updateCacheHandler(_id, cd);
reloadNecessary = true;
}"extension", "update cache handler [" + cd + "] from extension [" + rhext.getName() + ":" + rhext.getVersion() + "]");
// update AMF
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(rhext.getAMFs())) {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> itl = rhext.getAMFs().iterator();
Map<String, String> map;
while (itl.hasNext()) {
map =;
ClassDefinition cd = RHExtension.toClassDefinition(config, map, null);
if (cd != null && cd.hasClass()) {
_updateAMFEngine(cd, map.get("caster"), map.get("configuration"));
reloadNecessary = true;
}"extension", "update AMF engine [" + cd + "] from extension [" + rhext.getName() + ":" + rhext.getVersion() + "]");
// update Search
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(rhext.getSearchs())) {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> itl = rhext.getSearchs().iterator();
Map<String, String> map;
while (itl.hasNext()) {
map =;
ClassDefinition cd = RHExtension.toClassDefinition(config, map, null);
if (cd != null && cd.hasClass()) {
reloadNecessary = true;
}"extension", "update search engine [" + cd + "] from extension [" + rhext.getName() + ":" + rhext.getVersion() + "]");
// update Resource
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(rhext.getResources())) {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> itl = rhext.getResources().iterator();
Map<String, String> map;
while (itl.hasNext()) {
map =;
ClassDefinition cd = RHExtension.toClassDefinition(config, map, null);
String scheme = map.get("scheme");
if (cd != null && cd.hasClass() && !StringUtil.isEmpty(scheme)) {
Struct args = new StructImpl();
copyButIgnoreClassDef(map, args);
_updateResourceProvider(scheme, cd, args);
reloadNecessary = true;
}"extension", "update resource provider [" + scheme + "] from extension [" + rhext.getName() + ":" + rhext.getVersion() + "]");
// update orm
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(rhext.getOrms())) {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> itl = rhext.getOrms().iterator();
Map<String, String> map;
while (itl.hasNext()) {
map =;
ClassDefinition cd = RHExtension.toClassDefinition(config, map, null);
if (cd != null && cd.hasClass()) {
reloadNecessary = true;
}"extension", "update orm engine [" + cd + "] from extension [" + rhext.getName() + ":" + rhext.getVersion() + "]");
// update monitor
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(rhext.getMonitors())) {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> itl = rhext.getMonitors().iterator();
Map<String, String> map;
while (itl.hasNext()) {
map =;
ClassDefinition cd = RHExtension.toClassDefinition(config, map, null);
if (cd != null && cd.hasClass()) {
_updateMonitor(cd, map.get("type"), map.get("name"), true);
reloadNecessary = true;
}"extension", "update monitor engine [" + cd + "] from extension [" + rhext.getName() + ":" + rhext.getVersion() + "]");
// update jdbc
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(rhext.getJdbcs())) {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> itl = rhext.getJdbcs().iterator();
Map<String, String> map;
while (itl.hasNext()) {
map =;
ClassDefinition cd = RHExtension.toClassDefinition(config, map, null);
String _label = map.get("label");
if (cd != null && cd.isBundle()) {
_updateJDBCDriver(_label, cd);
reloadNecessary = true;
}"extension", "update JDBC Driver [" + _label + ":" + cd + "] from extension [" + rhext.getName() + ":" + rhext.getVersion() + "]");
// update mapping
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(rhext.getMappings())) {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> itl = rhext.getMappings().iterator();
Map<String, String> map;
String virtual, physical, archive, primary;
short inspect;
int lmode, ltype;
boolean toplevel, readonly;
while (itl.hasNext()) {
map =;
virtual = map.get("virtual");
physical = map.get("physical");
archive = map.get("archive");
primary = map.get("primary");
inspect = ConfigWebUtil.inspectTemplate(map.get("inspect"), Config.INSPECT_UNDEFINED);
lmode = ConfigWebUtil.toListenerMode(map.get("listener-mode"), -1);
ltype = ConfigWebUtil.toListenerType(map.get("listener-type"), -1);
toplevel = Caster.toBooleanValue(map.get("toplevel"), false);
readonly = Caster.toBooleanValue(map.get("readonly"), false);
_updateMapping(virtual, physical, archive, primary, inspect, toplevel, lmode, ltype, readonly);
reloadNecessary = true;"extension", "update Mapping [" + virtual + "]");
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(rhext.getEventGatewayInstances())) {
Iterator<Map<String, Object>> itl = rhext.getEventGatewayInstances().iterator();
Map<String, Object> map;
while (itl.hasNext()) {
map =;
// id
String id = Caster.toString(map.get("id"), null);
// class
ClassDefinition cd = RHExtension.toClassDefinition(config, map, null);
// component path
String cfcPath = Caster.toString(map.get("cfc-path"), null);
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(cfcPath))
cfcPath = Caster.toString(map.get("component-path"), null);
// listener component path
String listenerCfcPath = Caster.toString(map.get("listener-cfc-path"), null);
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(listenerCfcPath))
listenerCfcPath = Caster.toString(map.get("listener-component-path"), null);
// startup mode
String strStartupMode = Caster.toString(map.get("startup-mode"), "automatic");
int startupMode = GatewayEntryImpl.toStartup(strStartupMode, GatewayEntryImpl.STARTUP_MODE_AUTOMATIC);
// read only
boolean readOnly = Caster.toBooleanValue(map.get("read-only"), false);
// custom
Struct custom = Caster.toStruct(map.get("custom"), null);
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(id) && (!StringUtil.isEmpty(cfcPath) || (cd != null && cd.hasClass()))) {
_updateGatewayEntry(id, cd, cfcPath, listenerCfcPath, startupMode, custom, readOnly);
}"extension", "update event gateway entry [" + id + "] from extension [" + rhext.getName() + ":" + rhext.getVersion() + "]");
// reload
// if(reloadNecessary){
reloadNecessary = true;
if (reload && reloadNecessary)
// }
} catch (Throwable t) {
DeployHandler.moveToFailedFolder(rhext.getExtensionFile().getParentResource(), rhext.getExtensionFile());
try {
XMLConfigAdmin.removeRHExtension((ConfigImpl) config, rhext.getId(), false);
} catch (Throwable t2) {
throw Caster.toPageException(t);
use of lucee.runtime.db.ClassDefinition in project Lucee by lucee.
the class XMLConfigAdmin method getResourceProviders.
private void getResourceProviders(ResourceProvider[] providers, Query qry, Element p, int row, Boolean def) throws PageException {
Array support = new ArrayImpl();
String cn = p.getAttribute("class");
String name = p.getAttribute("bundle-name");
String version = p.getAttribute("bundle-version");
ClassDefinition cd = new ClassDefinitionImpl(cn, name, version, ThreadLocalPageContext.getConfig().getIdentification());
qry.setAt("scheme", row, p.getAttribute("scheme"));
qry.setAt("arguments", row, p.getAttribute("arguments"));
qry.setAt("class", row, cd.getClassName());
qry.setAt("bundleName", row, cd.getName());
qry.setAt("bundleVersion", row, cd.getVersionAsString());
for (int i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) {
if (providers[i].getClass().getName().equals(cd.getClassName())) {
if (providers[i].isAttributesSupported())
if (providers[i].isModeSupported())
qry.setAt("support", row, ListUtil.arrayToList(support, ","));
qry.setAt("scheme", row, providers[i].getScheme());
qry.setAt("caseSensitive", row, Caster.toBoolean(providers[i].isCaseSensitive()));
qry.setAt("default", row, def);