use of lucee.runtime.db.ClassDefinition in project Lucee by lucee.
the class XMLConfigWebFactory method loadCache.
/*private static ClassDefinition matchJDBCBundle(Config config, ClassDefinition cd) {
if(!cd.isBundle()) {
return new ClassDefinitionImpl<>(cd.getClassName(), "hypersonic.hsqldb", null, config.getIdentification());
return new ClassDefinitionImpl<>(cd.getClassName(), "com.mysql.jdbc", null, config.getIdentification());
return new ClassDefinitionImpl<>(cd.getClassName(), "org.h2", null, config.getIdentification());
return new ClassDefinitionImpl<>(cd.getClassName(), "jtds", null, config.getIdentification());
return new ClassDefinitionImpl<>(cd.getClassName(), "microsoft.sqljdbc", null, config.getIdentification());
return cd;
* @param configServer
* @param config
* @param doc
* @param configServer
* @param config
* @param doc
private static void loadCache(ConfigServerImpl configServer, ConfigImpl config, Document doc, Log log) {
boolean hasCS = configServer != null;
// load Cache info
Element parent = getChildByName(doc.getDocumentElement(), "caches");
Element[] children = getChildren(parent, "cache");
Map<String, ClassDefinition> map = new HashMap<String, ClassDefinition>();
// first add the server drivers, so they can be overwritten
if (configServer != null) {
Iterator<ClassDefinition> it = configServer.getCacheDefinitions().values().iterator();
ClassDefinition cd;
while (it.hasNext()) {
cd =;
map.put(cd.getClassName(), cd);
ClassDefinition cd;
String label;
for (Element child : children) {
cd = getClassDefinition(child, "", config.getIdentification());
// check if it is a bundle
if (!cd.isBundle()) {
log.error("Datasource", "[" + cd + "] does not have bundle info");
map.put(cd.getClassName(), cd);
Map<String, CacheConnection> caches = new HashMap<String, CacheConnection>();
boolean hasAccess = ConfigWebUtil.hasAccess(config, SecurityManagerImpl.TYPE_CACHE);
// print.o("LOAD CACHE:"+hasAccess+":"+hasCS);
Element eCache = getChildByName(doc.getDocumentElement(), "cache");
// has changes
String md5 = getMD5(eCache, hasCS ? configServer.getCacheMD5() : "");
if (md5.equals(config.getCacheMD5()))
String[] typeNames = new String[] { "resource", "function", "include", "query", "template", "object", "file", "http", "webservice" };
// default cache
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
String def = getAttr(eCache, "default-" + typeNames[i]);
if (hasAccess && !StringUtil.isEmpty(def)) {
config.setCacheDefaultConnectionName(types[i], def);
} else if (hasCS) {
if (eCache.hasAttribute("default-" + typeNames[i]))
config.setCacheDefaultConnectionName(types[i], "");
config.setCacheDefaultConnectionName(types[i], configServer.getCacheDefaultConnectionName(types[i]));
} else
config.setCacheDefaultConnectionName(+types[i], "");
// cache connections
Element[] eConnections = getChildren(eCache, "connection");
// if(hasAccess) {
ClassDefinition cd;
String name;
CacheConnection cc;
// caches
if (hasAccess)
for (int i = 0; i < eConnections.length; i++) {
Element eConnection = eConnections[i];
name = getAttr(eConnection, "name");
cd = getClassDefinition(eConnection, "", config.getIdentification());
if (!cd.isBundle()) {
ClassDefinition _cd = config.getCacheDefinition(cd.getClassName());
if (_cd != null)
cd = _cd;
try {
Struct custom = toStruct(getAttr(eConnection, "custom"));
// Workaround for old EHCache class defintions
if (cd.getClassName() != null && cd.getClassName().endsWith(".EHCacheLite")) {
cd = new ClassDefinitionImpl("");
if (!custom.containsKey("distributed"))
custom.setEL("distributed", "off");
if (!custom.containsKey("asynchronousReplicationIntervalMillis"))
custom.setEL("asynchronousReplicationIntervalMillis", "1000");
if (!custom.containsKey("maximumChunkSizeBytes"))
custom.setEL("maximumChunkSizeBytes", "5000000");
} else //
if (cd.getClassName() != null && (cd.getClassName().endsWith("") || cd.getClassName().endsWith("")))
cd = new ClassDefinitionImpl("");
// else cacheClazz = cd.getClazz();
cc = new CacheConnectionImpl(config, name, cd, custom, Caster.toBooleanValue(getAttr(eConnection, "read-only"), false), Caster.toBooleanValue(getAttr(eConnection, "storage"), false));
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) {
caches.put(name.toLowerCase(), cc);
} else
SystemOut.print(config.getErrWriter(), "missing cache name");
} catch (ClassException ce) {
log.error("Cache", ce);
// SystemOut.print(config.getErrWriter(), ExceptionUtil.getStacktrace(ce, true));
} catch (BundleException be) {
log.error("Cache", be);
// SystemOut.print(config.getErrWriter(), ExceptionUtil.getStacktrace(be, true));
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Cache", e);
// SystemOut.print(config.getErrWriter(), ExceptionUtil.getStacktrace(e, true));
// }
// call static init once per driver
// group by classes
final Map<ClassDefinition, List<CacheConnection>> _caches = new HashMap<ClassDefinition, List<CacheConnection>>();
Iterator<Entry<String, CacheConnection>> it = caches.entrySet().iterator();
Entry<String, CacheConnection> entry;
List<CacheConnection> list;
while (it.hasNext()) {
entry =;
cc = entry.getValue();
// Jira 3196 ?!
if (cc == null)
list = _caches.get(cc.getClassDefinition());
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<CacheConnection>();
_caches.put(cc.getClassDefinition(), list);
// call
Iterator<Entry<ClassDefinition, List<CacheConnection>>> it = _caches.entrySet().iterator();
Entry<ClassDefinition, List<CacheConnection>> entry;
List<CacheConnection> list;
ClassDefinition _cd;
while (it.hasNext()) {
entry =;
list = entry.getValue();
_cd = entry.getKey();
try {
Method m = _cd.getClazz().getMethod("init", new Class[] { Config.class, String[].class, Struct[].class });
if (Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()))
m.invoke(null, new Object[] { config, _toCacheNames(list), _toArguments(list) });
SystemOut.print(config.getErrWriter(), "method [init(Config,String[],Struct[]):void] for class [" + _cd.toString() + "] is not static");
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
log.error("Cache", e.getTargetException());
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
log.error("Cache", e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
log.error("Cache", "missing method [public static init(Config,String[],Struct[]):void] for class [" + _cd.toString() + "] ");
// SystemOut.print(config.getErrWriter(), "missing method [public static init(Config,String[],Struct[]):void] for class [" + _cd.toString() + "] ");
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.error("Cache", e);
// Copy Parent caches as readOnly
if (hasCS) {
Map<String, CacheConnection> ds = configServer.getCacheConnections();
Iterator<Entry<String, CacheConnection>> it = ds.entrySet().iterator();
Entry<String, CacheConnection> entry;
while (it.hasNext()) {
entry =;
cc = entry.getValue();
if (!caches.containsKey(entry.getKey()))
caches.put(entry.getKey(), new ServerCacheConnection(configServer, cc));
use of lucee.runtime.db.ClassDefinition in project Lucee by lucee.
the class XMLConfigWebFactory method loadMonitors.
private static void loadMonitors(ConfigServerImpl configServer, ConfigImpl config, Document doc) throws IOException {
// only load in server context
if (configServer != null)
configServer = (ConfigServerImpl) config;
Element parent = getChildByName(doc.getDocumentElement(), "monitoring");
boolean enabled = Caster.toBooleanValue(getAttr(parent, "enabled"), false);
SystemOut.printDate(config.getOutWriter(), "monitoring is " + (enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
Element[] children = getChildren(parent, "monitor");
java.util.List<IntervallMonitor> intervalls = new ArrayList<IntervallMonitor>();
java.util.List<RequestMonitor> requests = new ArrayList<RequestMonitor>();
java.util.List<MonitorTemp> actions = new ArrayList<MonitorTemp>();
String strType, name;
ClassDefinition cd;
boolean log, async;
short type;
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Element el = children[i];
cd = getClassDefinition(el, "", config.getIdentification());
strType = getAttr(el, "type");
name = getAttr(el, "name");
async = Caster.toBooleanValue(getAttr(el, "async"), false);
log = Caster.toBooleanValue(getAttr(el, "log"), true);
if ("request".equalsIgnoreCase(strType))
type = IntervallMonitor.TYPE_REQUEST;
else if ("action".equalsIgnoreCase(strType))
type = Monitor.TYPE_ACTION;
type = IntervallMonitor.TYPE_INTERVAL;
if (cd.hasClass() && !StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) {
name = name.trim();
try {
Class clazz = cd.getClazz();
Object obj;
ConstructorInstance constr = Reflector.getConstructorInstance(clazz, new Object[] { configServer }, null);
if (constr != null)
obj = constr.invoke();
obj = clazz.newInstance();
SystemOut.printDate(config.getOutWriter(), "loaded " + (strType) + " monitor [" + clazz.getName() + "]");
if (type == IntervallMonitor.TYPE_INTERVAL) {
IntervallMonitor m = obj instanceof IntervallMonitor ? (IntervallMonitor) obj : new IntervallMonitorWrap(obj);
m.init(configServer, name, log);
} else if (type == Monitor.TYPE_ACTION) {
ActionMonitor am = obj instanceof ActionMonitor ? (ActionMonitor) obj : new ActionMonitorWrap(obj);
actions.add(new MonitorTemp(am, name, log));
} else {
RequestMonitorPro m = new RequestMonitorProImpl(obj instanceof RequestMonitor ? (RequestMonitor) obj : new RequestMonitorWrap(obj));
if (async)
m = new AsyncRequestMonitor(m);
m.init(configServer, name, log);
SystemOut.printDate(config.getOutWriter(), "initialize " + (strType) + " monitor [" + clazz.getName() + "]");
} catch (Throwable t) {
SystemOut.printDate(config.getErrWriter(), ExceptionUtil.getStacktrace(t, true));
configServer.setRequestMonitors(requests.toArray(new RequestMonitor[requests.size()]));
configServer.setIntervallMonitors(intervalls.toArray(new IntervallMonitor[intervalls.size()]));
ActionMonitorCollector actionMonitorCollector = ActionMonitorFatory.getActionMonitorCollector(configServer, actions.toArray(new MonitorTemp[actions.size()]));
((CFMLEngineImpl) configServer.getCFMLEngine()).touchMonitor(configServer);
use of lucee.runtime.db.ClassDefinition in project Lucee by lucee.
the class XMLConfigWebFactory method loadORM.
private static void loadORM(ConfigServerImpl configServer, ConfigImpl config, Document doc, Log log) {
boolean hasAccess = ConfigWebUtil.hasAccess(config, SecurityManagerImpl.TYPE_ORM);
Element orm = hasAccess ? getChildByName(doc.getDocumentElement(), "orm") : null;
boolean hasCS = configServer != null;
// engine
ClassDefinition cdDefault = new ClassDefinitionImpl(DummyORMEngine.class);
ClassDefinition cd = null;
if (orm != null) {
cd = getClassDefinition(orm, "engine-", config.getIdentification());
if (cd == null || cd.isClassNameEqualTo(DummyORMEngine.class.getName()) || cd.isClassNameEqualTo("lucee.runtime.orm.hibernate.HibernateORMEngine"))
cd = getClassDefinition(orm, "", config.getIdentification());
if (cd != null && (cd.isClassNameEqualTo(DummyORMEngine.class.getName()) || cd.isClassNameEqualTo("lucee.runtime.orm.hibernate.HibernateORMEngine")))
cd = null;
if (cd == null || !cd.hasClass()) {
if (configServer != null)
cd = configServer.getORMEngineClass();
cd = cdDefault;
// load class
try {
// TODO check interface as well
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("ORM", e);
cd = cdDefault;
// config
if (orm == null)
// this is just a dummy
orm = doc.createElement("orm");
ORMConfiguration def = hasCS ? configServer.getORMConfig() : null;
ORMConfiguration ormConfig = ORMConfigurationImpl.load(config, null, orm, config.getRootDirectory(), def);
use of lucee.runtime.db.ClassDefinition in project Lucee by lucee.
the class XMLConfigWebFactory method loadCacheHandler.
private static void loadCacheHandler(ConfigServerImpl configServer, ConfigImpl config, Document doc, Log log) throws ClassException, BundleException {
boolean hasCS = configServer != null;
// first of all we make sure we have a request and timespan cachehandler
if (!hasCS) {
config.addCacheHandler("request", new ClassDefinitionImpl(RequestCacheHandler.class));
config.addCacheHandler("timespan", new ClassDefinitionImpl(TimespanCacheHandler.class));
// add CacheHandlers from server context to web context
if (hasCS) {
Iterator<Entry<String, Class<CacheHandler>>> it = configServer.getCacheHandlers();
Entry<String, Class<CacheHandler>> entry;
while (it.hasNext()) {
entry =;
config.addCacheHandler(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
Element root = getChildByName(doc.getDocumentElement(), "cache-handlers");
Element[] handlers = getChildren(root, "cache-handler");
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(handlers)) {
ClassDefinition cd;
String strId;
for (int i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
cd = getClassDefinition(handlers[i], "", config.getIdentification());
strId = getAttr(handlers[i], "id");
if (cd.hasClass() && !StringUtil.isEmpty(strId)) {
strId = strId.trim().toLowerCase();
try {
config.addCacheHandler(strId, cd);
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Cache-Handler", t);
use of lucee.runtime.db.ClassDefinition in project Lucee by lucee.
the class XMLConfigWebFactory method loadDataSources.
* loads datasource settings from XMl DOM
* @param configServer
* @param config
* @param doc
* @throws BundleException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
private static void loadDataSources(ConfigServerImpl configServer, ConfigImpl config, Document doc, Log log) {
// load JDBC Driver defintion
Element jdbc = getChildByName(doc.getDocumentElement(), "jdbc");
Element[] drivers = getChildren(jdbc, "driver");
Map<String, JDBCDriver> map = new HashMap<String, JDBCDriver>();
// first add the server drivers, so they can be overwritten
if (configServer != null) {
JDBCDriver[] sds = configServer.getJDBCDrivers();
for (JDBCDriver sd : sds) {
map.put(, sd);
ClassDefinition cd;
String label;
for (Element driver : drivers) {
cd = getClassDefinition(driver, "", config.getIdentification());
label = getAttr(driver, "label");
// check if label exists
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(label)) {
log.error("Datasource", "missing label for jdbc driver [" + cd.getClassName() + "]");
// check if it is a bundle
if (!cd.isBundle()) {
log.error("Datasource", "jdbc driver [" + label + "] does not describe a bundle");
map.put(cd.toString(), new JDBCDriver(label, cd));
config.setJDBCDrivers(map.values().toArray(new JDBCDriver[map.size()]));
// When set to true, makes JDBC use a representation for DATE data that
// is compatible with the Oracle8i database.
System.setProperty("oracle.jdbc.V8Compatible", "true");
boolean hasCS = configServer != null;
Map<String, DataSource> datasources = new HashMap<String, DataSource>();
// Copy Parent datasources as readOnly
if (hasCS) {
Map<String, DataSource> ds = configServer.getDataSourcesAsMap();
Iterator<Entry<String, DataSource>> it = ds.entrySet().iterator();
Entry<String, DataSource> entry;
while (it.hasNext()) {
entry =;
if (!entry.getKey().equals(QOQ_DATASOURCE_NAME))
datasources.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().cloneReadOnly());
// Default query of query DB
try {
setDatasource(config, datasources, QOQ_DATASOURCE_NAME, new ClassDefinitionImpl("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver", "hsqldb", "1.8.0", config.getIdentification()), "hypersonic-hsqldb", "", -1, "jdbc:hsqldb:.", "sa", "", DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION, -1, 60000, true, true, DataSource.ALLOW_ALL, false, false, null, new StructImpl(), "", ParamSyntax.DEFAULT, false, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Datasource", e);
SecurityManager sm = config.getSecurityManager();
short access = sm.getAccess(SecurityManager.TYPE_DATASOURCE);
int accessCount = -1;
if (access == SecurityManager.VALUE_YES)
accessCount = -1;
else if (access == SecurityManager.VALUE_NO)
accessCount = 0;
else if (access >= SecurityManager.VALUE_1 && access <= SecurityManager.VALUE_10) {
accessCount = access - SecurityManager.NUMBER_OFFSET;
// Databases
Element databases = getChildByName(doc.getDocumentElement(), "data-sources");
// if(databases==null)databases=doc.createElement("data-sources");
// PSQ
String strPSQ = getAttr(databases, "psq");
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(strPSQ)) {
// prior version was buggy, was the opposite
strPSQ = getAttr(databases, "preserve-single-quote");
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(strPSQ)) {
Boolean b = Caster.toBoolean(strPSQ, null);
if (b != null)
strPSQ = b.booleanValue() ? "false" : "true";
if (access != SecurityManager.VALUE_NO && !StringUtil.isEmpty(strPSQ)) {
config.setPSQL(toBoolean(strPSQ, true));
} else if (hasCS)
// Data Sources
Element[] dataSources = getChildren(databases, "data-source");
if (accessCount == -1)
accessCount = dataSources.length;
if (dataSources.length < accessCount)
accessCount = dataSources.length;
// if(hasAccess) {
ClassDefinition cd;
for (int i = 0; i < accessCount; i++) {
Element dataSource = dataSources[i];
if (dataSource.hasAttribute("database")) {
try {
cd = getClassDefinition(dataSource, "", config.getIdentification());
if (!cd.isBundle()) {
JDBCDriver jdbc = config.getJDBCDriverByClassName(cd.getClassName(), null);
if (jdbc != null)
cd =;
setDatasource(config, datasources, getAttr(dataSource, "name"), cd, getAttr(dataSource, "host"), getAttr(dataSource, "database"), Caster.toIntValue(getAttr(dataSource, "port"), -1), getAttr(dataSource, "dsn"), getAttr(dataSource, "username"), ConfigWebUtil.decrypt(getAttr(dataSource, "password")), Caster.toIntValue(getAttr(dataSource, "connectionLimit"), DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION), Caster.toIntValue(getAttr(dataSource, "connectionTimeout"), -1), Caster.toLongValue(getAttr(dataSource, "metaCacheTimeout"), 60000), toBoolean(getAttr(dataSource, "blob"), true), toBoolean(getAttr(dataSource, "clob"), true), Caster.toIntValue(getAttr(dataSource, "allow"), DataSource.ALLOW_ALL), toBoolean(getAttr(dataSource, "validate"), false), toBoolean(getAttr(dataSource, "storage"), false), getAttr(dataSource, "timezone"), toStruct(getAttr(dataSource, "custom")), getAttr(dataSource, "dbdriver"), ParamSyntax.toParamSyntax(dataSource, ParamSyntax.DEFAULT), toBoolean(getAttr(dataSource, "literal-timestamp-with-tsoffset"), false), toBoolean(getAttr(dataSource, "always-set-timeout"), false));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Datasource", e);
// }