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Example 6 with FunctionArgument

use of lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument in project Lucee by lucee.

the class ComponentUtil method md5.

public static String md5(ComponentSpecificAccess cw) throws IOException {
    Key[] keys = cw.keys();
    StringBuffer _interface = new StringBuffer();
    Object member;
    UDF udf;
    FunctionArgument[] args;
    FunctionArgument arg;
    for (int y = 0; y < keys.length; y++) {
        member = cw.get(keys[y], null);
        if (member instanceof UDF) {
            udf = (UDF) member;
            // print.out(udf.);
            args = udf.getFunctionArguments();
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                arg = args[i];
    return MD5.getDigestAsString(_interface.toString().toLowerCase());
Also used : UDF(lucee.runtime.type.UDF) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) Key(lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key)

Example 7 with FunctionArgument

use of lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument in project Lucee by lucee.

the class ComponentUtil method getMetaData.

public static Struct getMetaData(PageContext pc, UDFPropertiesBase udf) throws PageException {
    StructImpl func = new StructImpl();
    pc = ThreadLocalPageContext.get(pc);
    // TODO func.set("roles", value);
    // TODO func.set("userMetadata", value); neo unterstuetzt irgendwelche a
    // meta data
    Struct meta = udf.getMeta();
    if (meta != null)
        StructUtil.copy(meta, func, true);
    func.setEL(KeyConstants._closure, Boolean.FALSE);
    func.set(KeyConstants._access, ComponentUtil.toStringAccess(udf.getAccess()));
    String hint = udf.getHint();
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(hint))
        func.set(KeyConstants._hint, hint);
    String displayname = udf.getDisplayName();
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(displayname))
        func.set(KeyConstants._displayname, displayname);
    func.set(KeyConstants._name, udf.getFunctionName());
    func.set(KeyConstants._output, Caster.toBoolean(udf.getOutput()));
    func.set(KeyConstants._returntype, udf.getReturnTypeAsString());
    func.set("modifier", udf.getModifier() == Component.MODIFIER_NONE ? "" : ComponentUtil.toModifier(udf.getModifier(), ""));
    func.set(KeyConstants._description, udf.getDescription());
    if (udf.getLocalMode() != null)
        func.set("localMode", AppListenerUtil.toLocalMode(udf.getLocalMode().intValue(), ""));
    if (udf.getPageSource() != null)
        func.set(KeyConstants._owner, udf.getPageSource().getDisplayPath());
    if (udf.getStartLine() > 0 && udf.getEndLine() > 0) {
        Struct pos = new StructImpl();
        pos.set("start", udf.getStartLine());
        pos.set("end", udf.getEndLine());
        func.setEL("position", pos);
    int format = udf.getReturnFormat();
    if (format < 0 || format == UDF.RETURN_FORMAT_WDDX)
        func.set(KeyConstants._returnFormat, "wddx");
    else if (format == UDF.RETURN_FORMAT_PLAIN)
        func.set(KeyConstants._returnFormat, "plain");
    else if (format == UDF.RETURN_FORMAT_JSON)
        func.set(KeyConstants._returnFormat, "json");
    else if (format == UDF.RETURN_FORMAT_SERIALIZE)
        func.set(KeyConstants._returnFormat, "cfml");
    FunctionArgument[] args = udf.getFunctionArguments();
    Array params = new ArrayImpl();
    // Object defaultValue;
    Struct m;
    // Object defaultValue;
    for (int y = 0; y < args.length; y++) {
        StructImpl param = new StructImpl();
        param.set(KeyConstants._name, args[y].getName().getString());
        param.set(KeyConstants._required, Caster.toBoolean(args[y].isRequired()));
        param.set(KeyConstants._type, args[y].getTypeAsString());
        displayname = args[y].getDisplayName();
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(displayname))
            param.set(KeyConstants._displayname, displayname);
        int defType = args[y].getDefaultType();
        if (defType == FunctionArgument.DEFAULT_TYPE_RUNTIME_EXPRESSION) {
            param.set(KeyConstants._default, "[runtime expression]");
        } else if (defType == FunctionArgument.DEFAULT_TYPE_LITERAL) {
            Page p = udf.getPage(pc);
            param.set(KeyConstants._default, p.udfDefaultValue(pc, udf.getIndex(), y, null));
        hint = args[y].getHint();
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(hint))
            param.set(KeyConstants._hint, hint);
        // TODO func.set("userMetadata", value); neo unterstuetzt irgendwelche attr, die dann hier ausgebenen werden bloedsinn
        // meta data
        m = args[y].getMetaData();
        if (m != null)
            StructUtil.copy(m, param, true);
    func.set(KeyConstants._parameters, params);
    return func;
Also used : Array(lucee.runtime.type.Array) StructImpl(lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl) ArrayImpl(lucee.runtime.type.ArrayImpl) Page(lucee.runtime.Page) LitString(lucee.transformer.expression.literal.LitString) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) Struct(lucee.runtime.type.Struct)

Example 8 with FunctionArgument

use of lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument in project Lucee by lucee.

the class UDFUtil method argumentCollection.

public static void argumentCollection(Struct values, FunctionArgument[] funcArgs) {
    Object value = values.removeEL(KeyConstants._argumentCollection);
    if (value != null) {
        value = Caster.unwrap(value, value);
        if (value instanceof Argument) {
            Argument argColl = (Argument) value;
            Iterator<Key> it = argColl.keyIterator();
            Key k;
            int i = -1;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                k =;
                if (funcArgs.length > i && k instanceof ArgumentIntKey) {
                    if (!values.containsKey(funcArgs[i].getName()))
                        values.setEL(funcArgs[i].getName(), argColl.get(k, Argument.NULL));
                        values.setEL(k, argColl.get(k, Argument.NULL));
                } else if (!values.containsKey(k)) {
                    values.setEL(k, argColl.get(k, Argument.NULL));
        } else if (value instanceof Collection) {
            Collection argColl = (Collection) value;
            // Collection.Key[] keys = argColl.keys();
            Iterator<Key> it = argColl.keyIterator();
            Key k;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                k =;
                if (!values.containsKey(k)) {
                    values.setEL(k, argColl.get(k, Argument.NULL));
        } else if (value instanceof Map) {
            Map map = (Map) value;
            Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();
            Map.Entry entry;
            Key key;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                entry = (Entry);
                key = Caster.toKey(entry.getKey(), null);
                if (!values.containsKey(key)) {
                    values.setEL(key, entry.getValue());
        } else if (value instanceof java.util.List) {
            java.util.List list = (java.util.List) value;
            Iterator it = list.iterator();
            Object v;
            int index = 0;
            Key k;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                v =;
                k = ArgumentIntKey.init(++index);
                if (!values.containsKey(k)) {
                    values.setEL(k, v);
        } else {
            values.setEL(KeyConstants._argumentCollection, value);
Also used : Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Argument(lucee.runtime.type.scope.Argument) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Collection(lucee.runtime.type.Collection) ArgumentIntKey(lucee.runtime.type.scope.ArgumentIntKey) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Map(java.util.Map) Key(lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key) ArgumentIntKey(lucee.runtime.type.scope.ArgumentIntKey)

Example 9 with FunctionArgument

use of lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument in project Lucee by lucee.

the class ComponentImpl method onMissingMethod.

public Object onMissingMethod(PageContext pc, int access, Member member, String name, Object[] _args, Struct _namedArgs, boolean superAccess) throws PageException {
    Member ommm = access == -1 ? getMember(pc, KeyConstants._onmissingmethod, false, superAccess) : getMember(access, KeyConstants._onmissingmethod, false, superAccess);
    if (ommm instanceof UDF) {
        Argument args = new ArgumentImpl();
        if (_args != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < _args.length; i++) {
                args.setEL(ArgumentIntKey.init(i + 1), _args[i]);
        } else if (_namedArgs != null) {
            UDFUtil.argumentCollection(_namedArgs, new FunctionArgument[] {});
            Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = _namedArgs.entryIterator();
            Entry<Key, Object> e;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                e =;
                args.setEL(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
        // Struct newArgs=new StructImpl(StructImpl.TYPE_SYNC);
        // newArgs.setEL(MISSING_METHOD_NAME, name);
        // newArgs.setEL(MISSING_METHOD_ARGS, args);
        Object[] newArgs = new Object[] { name, args };
        return _call(pc, KeyConstants._onmissingmethod, (UDFPlus) ommm, null, newArgs);
    if (member == null)
        throw ComponentUtil.notFunction(this, KeyImpl.init(name), null, access);
    throw ComponentUtil.notFunction(this, KeyImpl.init(name), member.getValue(), access);
Also used : Argument(lucee.runtime.type.scope.Argument) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) UDF(lucee.runtime.type.UDF) ArgumentImpl(lucee.runtime.type.scope.ArgumentImpl) ComponentIterator( ComponentEntryIterator(lucee.runtime.type.cfc.ComponentEntryIterator) StringIterator( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ComponentValueIterator(lucee.runtime.type.cfc.ComponentValueIterator) Member(lucee.runtime.component.Member) DataMember(lucee.runtime.component.DataMember) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) ArgumentIntKey(lucee.runtime.type.scope.ArgumentIntKey)

Example 10 with FunctionArgument

use of lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Props method _callRest.

private void _callRest(PageContext pc, Component component, UDF udf, String path, Struct variables, Result result, MimeType best, MimeType[] produces, boolean suppressContent, Key methodName) throws PageException, IOException, ConverterException {
    FunctionArgument[] fa = udf.getFunctionArguments();
    Struct args = new StructImpl(), meta;
    Key name;
    String restArgName, restArgSource, value;
    for (int i = 0; i < fa.length; i++) {
        name = fa[i].getName();
        meta = fa[i].getMetaData();
        restArgSource = meta == null ? "" : Caster.toString(meta.get(KeyConstants._restArgSource, ""), "");
        if ("path".equalsIgnoreCase(restArgSource))
            setValue(fa[i], args, name, variables.get(name, null));
        if ("query".equalsIgnoreCase(restArgSource) || "url".equalsIgnoreCase(restArgSource))
            setValue(fa[i], args, name, pc.urlScope().get(name, null));
        if ("form".equalsIgnoreCase(restArgSource))
            setValue(fa[i], args, name, pc.formScope().get(name, null));
        if ("cookie".equalsIgnoreCase(restArgSource))
            setValue(fa[i], args, name, pc.cookieScope().get(name, null));
        if ("header".equalsIgnoreCase(restArgSource) || "head".equalsIgnoreCase(restArgSource)) {
            restArgName = meta == null ? "" : Caster.toString(meta.get(KeyConstants._restArgName, ""), "");
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(restArgName))
                restArgName = name.getString();
            value = ReqRspUtil.getHeaderIgnoreCase(pc, restArgName, null);
            setValue(fa[i], args, name, value);
        if ("matrix".equalsIgnoreCase(restArgSource))
            setValue(fa[i], args, name, result.getMatrix().get(name, null));
        if ("body".equalsIgnoreCase(restArgSource) || StringUtil.isEmpty(restArgSource, true)) {
            boolean isSimple = CFTypes.isSimpleType(fa[i].getType());
            Object body = ReqRspUtil.getRequestBody(pc, true, null);
            if (isSimple && !Decision.isSimpleValue(body))
                body = ReqRspUtil.getRequestBody(pc, false, null);
            setValue(fa[i], args, name, body);
    Object rtn = null;
    try {
        if (suppressContent)
        rtn = component.callWithNamedValues(pc, methodName, args);
    } catch (PageException e) {
        RestUtil.setStatus(pc, 500, ExceptionUtil.getMessage(e));
    } finally {
        if (suppressContent)
    // custom response
    Struct sct = result.getCustomResponse();
    boolean hasContent = false;
    if (sct != null) {
        HttpServletResponse rsp = pc.getHttpServletResponse();
        // status
        int status = Caster.toIntValue(sct.get(KeyConstants._status, Constants.DOUBLE_ZERO), 0);
        if (status > 0)
        // content
        Object o = sct.get(KeyConstants._content, null);
        if (o != null) {
            String content = Caster.toString(o, null);
            if (content != null) {
                try {
                    hasContent = true;
                } catch (IOException e) {
        // headers
        Struct headers = Caster.toStruct(sct.get(KeyConstants._headers, null), null);
        if (headers != null) {
            // Key[] keys = headers.keys();
            Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = headers.entryIterator();
            Entry<Key, Object> e;
            String n, v;
            Object tmp;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                e =;
                n = e.getKey().getString();
                tmp = e.getValue();
                v = Caster.toString(tmp, null);
                if (tmp != null && v == null)
                    v = tmp.toString();
                rsp.setHeader(n, v);
    // convert result
    if (rtn != null && !hasContent) {
        Props props = new Props();
        props.format = result.getFormat();
        Charset cs = getCharset(pc);
        if (result.hasFormatExtension()) {
            // setFormat(pc.getHttpServletResponse(), props.format,cs);
            _writeOut(pc, props, null, rtn, cs, true);
        } else {
            if (best != null && !MimeType.ALL.same(best)) {
                int f = MimeType.toFormat(best, -1);
                if (f != -1) {
                    props.format = f;
                    // setFormat(pc.getHttpServletResponse(), f,cs);
                    _writeOut(pc, props, null, rtn, cs, true);
                } else {
                    writeOut(pc, props, rtn, best);
            } else {
                _writeOut(pc, props, null, rtn, cs, true);
Also used : PageException(lucee.runtime.exp.PageException) HttpServletResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) Charset(java.nio.charset.Charset) IOException( StaticStruct(lucee.runtime.component.StaticStruct) Struct(lucee.runtime.type.Struct) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) StructImpl(lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) Key(lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key)


FunctionArgument (lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument)12 Key (lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key)6 UDF (lucee.runtime.type.UDF)6 Struct (lucee.runtime.type.Struct)4 StructImpl (lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl)4 Array (lucee.runtime.type.Array)3 ArrayImpl (lucee.runtime.type.ArrayImpl)3 IOException ( Charset (java.nio.charset.Charset)2 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)2 StaticStruct (lucee.runtime.component.StaticStruct)2 ApplicationException (lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException)2 PageException (lucee.runtime.exp.PageException)2 Collection (lucee.runtime.type.Collection)2 Argument (lucee.runtime.type.scope.Argument)2 ArgumentIntKey (lucee.runtime.type.scope.ArgumentIntKey)2 LitString (lucee.transformer.expression.literal.LitString)2 ByteArrayInputStream (