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Example 1 with FunctionArgument

use of lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument in project Lucee by lucee.

the class ComponentController method _invoke.

public static Object _invoke(String name, Object[] args) throws PageException {
    Key key = Caster.toKey(name);
    Component c = component.get();
    PageContext p = pagecontext.get();
    MessageContext mc = messageContext.get();
    if (c == null)
        throw new ApplicationException("missing component");
    if (p == null)
        throw new ApplicationException("missing pagecontext");
    UDF udf = Caster.toFunction(c.get(p, key, null), null);
    FunctionArgument[] fa = null;
    if (udf != null)
        fa = udf.getFunctionArguments();
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        if (fa != null && i < fa.length && fa[i].getType() == CFTypes.TYPE_UNKNOW) {
            args[i] = AxisCaster.toLuceeType(p, fa[i].getTypeAsString(), args[i]);
        } else
            args[i] = AxisCaster.toLuceeType(p, args[i]);
    // return type
    String rtnType = udf != null ? udf.getReturnTypeAsString() : "any";
    Object rtn =, key, args);
    // cast return value to Axis type
    try {
        RPCServer server = RPCServer.getInstance(p.getId(), p, p.getServletContext());
        TypeMapping tm = mc != null ? mc.getTypeMapping() : TypeMappingUtil.getServerTypeMapping(server.getEngine().getTypeMappingRegistry());
        rtn = Caster.castTo(p, rtnType, rtn, false);
        Class<?> clazz = Caster.cfTypeToClass(rtnType);
        return AxisCaster.toAxisType(tm, rtn, clazz.getComponentType() != null ? clazz : null);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw Caster.toPageException(t);
Also used : ApplicationException(lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException) UDF(lucee.runtime.type.UDF) TypeMapping(javax.xml.rpc.encoding.TypeMapping) PageContext(lucee.runtime.PageContext) MessageContext(org.apache.axis.MessageContext) Component(lucee.runtime.Component) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) Key(lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key)

Example 2 with FunctionArgument

use of lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Props method translate.

public static Struct translate(Component c, String strMethodName, Struct params) {
    Collection.Key methodName = KeyImpl.init(strMethodName);
    Key[] keys = CollectionUtil.keys(params);
    FunctionArgument[] args = null;
    int index = -1;
    Object value;
    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        index = Caster.toIntValue(keys[i].getString(), 0);
        if (index > 0) {
            if (args == null)
                args = _getArgs(c, methodName);
            if (args != null && index <= args.length) {
                value = params.removeEL(keys[i]);
                if (value != null)
                    params.setEL(args[index - 1].getName(), value);
    return params;
Also used : Key(lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key) Collection(lucee.runtime.type.Collection) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) Key(lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key)

Example 3 with FunctionArgument

use of lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument in project Lucee by lucee.

the class ComponentUtil method createMethod.

private static int createMethod(ConstrBytecodeContext constr, java.util.List<LitString> keys, ClassWriter cw, String className, Object member, int max, boolean writeLog, boolean suppressWSbeforeArg, boolean output, boolean returnValue) throws PageException {
    boolean hasOptionalArgs = false;
    if (member instanceof UDF) {
        UDF udf = (UDF) member;
        FunctionArgument[] args = udf.getFunctionArguments();
        Type[] types = new Type[max < 0 ? args.length : max];
        for (int y = 0; y < types.length; y++) {
            types[y] = toType(args[y].getTypeAsString(), true);
            if (!args[y].isRequired())
                hasOptionalArgs = true;
        Type rtnType = toType(udf.getReturnTypeAsString(), true);
        Method method = new Method(udf.getFunctionName(), rtnType, types);
        GeneratorAdapter adapter = new GeneratorAdapter(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC + Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, method, null, null, cw);
        BytecodeContext bc = new BytecodeContext(null, constr, getPage(constr), keys, cw, className, adapter, method, writeLog, suppressWSbeforeArg, output, returnValue);
        Label start = adapter.newLabel();
        // ComponentController.invoke(name, args);
        // name
        // args
        ArrayVisitor av = new ArrayVisitor();
        av.visitBegin(adapter, Types.OBJECT, types.length);
        for (int y = 0; y < types.length; y++) {
            av.visitBeginItem(adapter, y);
        adapter.invokeStatic(Types.COMPONENT_CONTROLLER, INVOKE);
        // ASMConstants.NULL(adapter);
        Label end = adapter.newLabel();
        for (int y = 0; y < types.length; y++) {
            adapter.visitLocalVariable(args[y].getName().getString(), types[y].getDescriptor(), null, start, end, y + 1);
        if (hasOptionalArgs) {
            if (max == -1)
                max = args.length - 1;
            return max;
    return -1;
Also used : Type(org.objectweb.asm.Type) UDF(lucee.runtime.type.UDF) Label(org.objectweb.asm.Label) GeneratorAdapter(org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter) Method(org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method) ArrayVisitor(lucee.transformer.bytecode.visitor.ArrayVisitor) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) BytecodeContext(lucee.transformer.bytecode.BytecodeContext) ConstrBytecodeContext(lucee.transformer.bytecode.ConstrBytecodeContext)

Example 4 with FunctionArgument

use of lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument in project Lucee by lucee.

the class UDFUtil method toDumpData.

public static DumpData toDumpData(PageContext pageContext, int maxlevel, DumpProperties dp, UDF udf, short type) {
    if (!dp.getShowUDFs()) {
        if (TYPE_UDF == type)
            return new SimpleDumpData("<UDF>");
        if (TYPE_BIF == type)
            return new SimpleDumpData("<BIF>");
        if (TYPE_CLOSURE == type)
            return new SimpleDumpData("<Closure>");
        if (TYPE_LAMBDA == type)
            return new SimpleDumpData("<Lambda>");
    // arguments
    FunctionArgument[] args = udf.getFunctionArguments();
    DumpTable atts;
    if (TYPE_UDF == type)
        atts = new DumpTable("udf", "#ca5095", "#e9accc", "#000000");
    else if (TYPE_CLOSURE == type)
        atts = new DumpTable("udf", "#9cb770", "#c7e1ba", "#000000");
    else if (TYPE_BIF == type)
        atts = new DumpTable("udf", "#e1c039", "#f1e2a3", "#000000");
        atts = new DumpTable("udf", "#f3d5bd", "#f6e4cc", "#000000");
    atts.appendRow(new DumpRow(63, new DumpData[] { new SimpleDumpData("label"), new SimpleDumpData("name"), new SimpleDumpData("required"), new SimpleDumpData("type"), new SimpleDumpData("default"), new SimpleDumpData("hint") }));
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        FunctionArgument arg = args[i];
        DumpData def;
        try {
            Object oa = udf.getDefaultValue(pageContext, i, null);
            if (oa == null)
                oa = "null";
            def = new SimpleDumpData(Caster.toString(oa));
        } catch (PageException e) {
            def = new SimpleDumpData("");
        atts.appendRow(new DumpRow(0, new DumpData[] { new SimpleDumpData(arg.getDisplayName()), new SimpleDumpData(arg.getName().getString()), new SimpleDumpData(arg.isRequired()), new SimpleDumpData(arg.getTypeAsString()), def, new SimpleDumpData(arg.getHint()) }));
    // atts.setRow(0,arg.getHint());
    DumpTable func;
    String label = udf.getDisplayName();
    if (TYPE_CLOSURE == type) {
        func = new DumpTable("#9cb770", "#c7e1ba", "#000000");
        func.setTitle(StringUtil.isEmpty(label) ? "Closure" : "Closure " + label);
    } else if (TYPE_UDF == type) {
        func = new DumpTable("#ca5095", "#e9accc", "#000000");
        String f = "Function ";
        try {
            f = StringUtil.ucFirst(ComponentUtil.toStringAccess(udf.getAccess()).toLowerCase()) + " " + f;
        } catch (ApplicationException e) {
        f += udf.getFunctionName();
        if (udf instanceof UDFGSProperty)
            f += " (generated)";
    } else if (TYPE_BIF == type) {
        String f = "Build in Function " + (!StringUtil.isEmpty(label) ? label : udf.getFunctionName());
        func = new DumpTable("#e1c039", "#f1e2a3", "#000000");
    } else {
        func = new DumpTable("#f3d5bd", "#f6e4cc", "#000000");
        func.setTitle(StringUtil.isEmpty(label) ? "Lambda" : "Lambda " + label);
    // Source
    String src = udf.getSource();
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(src))
        func.setComment("source:" + src);
    String hint = udf.getHint();
    String desc = udf.getDescription();
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(desc))
        addComment(func, desc);
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(hint))
        addComment(func, hint);
    if (Component.MODIFIER_NONE != udf.getModifier())
        func.appendRow(1, new SimpleDumpData("modifier"), new SimpleDumpData(ComponentUtil.toModifier(udf.getModifier(), "")));
    func.appendRow(1, new SimpleDumpData("arguments"), atts);
    func.appendRow(1, new SimpleDumpData("return type"), new SimpleDumpData(udf.getReturnTypeAsString()));
    return func;
Also used : DumpTable(lucee.runtime.dump.DumpTable) PageException(lucee.runtime.exp.PageException) ApplicationException(lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException) DumpRow(lucee.runtime.dump.DumpRow) SimpleDumpData(lucee.runtime.dump.SimpleDumpData) UDFGSProperty(lucee.runtime.type.UDFGSProperty) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) SimpleDumpData(lucee.runtime.dump.SimpleDumpData) DumpData(lucee.runtime.dump.DumpData)

Example 5 with FunctionArgument

use of lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument in project Lucee by lucee.

the class GetFunctionData method cfmlBasedFunction.

private static Struct cfmlBasedFunction(PageContext pc, FunctionLibFunction function) throws PageException {
    Struct sct = new StructImpl();
    ArrayList<FunctionLibFunctionArg> args = function.getArg();
    String filename = Caster.toString(args.get(0).getDefaultValue());
    Key name = KeyImpl.toKey(args.get(1).getDefaultValue());
    boolean isWeb = Caster.toBooleanValue(args.get(2).getDefaultValue());
    UDF udf = CFFunction.loadUDF(pc, filename, name, isWeb);
    sct.set(KeyConstants._name, function.getName());
    sct.set(ARGUMENT_TYPE, "fixed");
    sct.set(KeyConstants._description, StringUtil.emptyIfNull(udf.getHint()));
    sct.set(RETURN_TYPE, StringUtil.emptyIfNull(udf.getReturnTypeAsString()));
    sct.set(KeyConstants._type, "cfml");
    sct.set(SOURCE, udf.getSource());
    sct.set(KeyConstants._status, "implemeted");
    FunctionArgument[] fas = udf.getFunctionArguments();
    Array _args = new ArrayImpl();
    sct.set(KeyConstants._arguments, _args);
    int min = 0, max = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < fas.length; i++) {
        FunctionArgument fa = fas[i];
        Struct meta = fa.getMetaData();
        Struct _arg = new StructImpl();
        if (fa.isRequired())
        _arg.set(KeyConstants._required, fa.isRequired() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
        _arg.set(KeyConstants._type, StringUtil.emptyIfNull(fa.getTypeAsString()));
        _arg.set(KeyConstants._name, StringUtil.emptyIfNull(fa.getName()));
        _arg.set(KeyConstants._description, StringUtil.emptyIfNull(fa.getHint()));
        String status;
        if (meta == null)
            status = "implemeted";
            status = TagLibFactory.toStatus(TagLibFactory.toStatus(Caster.toString(meta.get(KeyConstants._status, "implemeted"))));
        _arg.set(KeyConstants._status, status);
    sct.set(ARG_MIN, Caster.toDouble(min));
    sct.set(ARG_MAX, Caster.toDouble(max));
    return sct;
Also used : ArrayImpl(lucee.runtime.type.ArrayImpl) Struct(lucee.runtime.type.Struct) Array(lucee.runtime.type.Array) StructImpl(lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl) UDF(lucee.runtime.type.UDF) FunctionArgument(lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument) FunctionLibFunctionArg(lucee.transformer.library.function.FunctionLibFunctionArg) Key(lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key)


FunctionArgument (lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument)12 Key (lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key)6 UDF (lucee.runtime.type.UDF)6 Struct (lucee.runtime.type.Struct)4 StructImpl (lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl)4 Array (lucee.runtime.type.Array)3 ArrayImpl (lucee.runtime.type.ArrayImpl)3 IOException ( Charset (java.nio.charset.Charset)2 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)2 StaticStruct (lucee.runtime.component.StaticStruct)2 ApplicationException (lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException)2 PageException (lucee.runtime.exp.PageException)2 Collection (lucee.runtime.type.Collection)2 Argument (lucee.runtime.type.scope.Argument)2 ArgumentIntKey (lucee.runtime.type.scope.ArgumentIntKey)2 LitString (lucee.transformer.expression.literal.LitString)2 ByteArrayInputStream (