use of lucee.runtime.type.Objects in project Lucee by lucee.
the class VariableUtilImpl method get.
public Object get(PageContext pc, Object coll, Collection.Key key) throws PageException {
// Objects
if (coll instanceof Objects) {
return ((Objects) coll).get(pc, key);
} else // Collection
if (coll instanceof Collection) {
return ((Collection) coll).get(key);
} else // Map
if (coll instanceof Map) {
Object rtn = null;
try {
rtn = ((Map) coll).get(key.getString());
if (rtn == null && coll.getClass().getName().startsWith("org.hibernate."))
rtn = ((Map) coll).get(MapAsStruct.getCaseSensitiveKey((Map) coll, key.getString()));
if (rtn != null)
return rtn;
} catch (Throwable t) {
rtn = Reflector.getProperty(coll, key.getString(), null);
if (rtn != null)
return rtn;
String realKey = MapAsStruct.getCaseSensitiveKey((Map) coll, key.getString());
String detail = null;
if (realKey != null) {
detail = "The keys for this Map are case-sensitive, use bracked notation like this \"map['" + realKey + "']\" instead of dot notation like this \"map." + realKey + "\" to address the Map";
throw new ExpressionException("Key [" + key.getString() + "] doesn't exist in Map (" + ((Map) coll).getClass().getName() + ")", detail);
} else // List
if (coll instanceof List) {
try {
Object rtn = ((List) coll).get(Caster.toIntValue(key.getString()) - 1);
if (rtn == null)
throw new ExpressionException("Key [" + key.getString() + "] doesn't exist in List");
return rtn;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new ExpressionException("Key [" + key.getString() + "] doesn't exist in List");
} else // Native Array
if (Decision.isNativeArray(coll)) {
Object rtn = ArrayUtil.get(coll, Caster.toIntValue(key.getString()) - 1, null);
if (rtn == null)
throw new ExpressionException("Key [" + key.getString() + "] doesn't exist in Native Array");
return rtn;
} else // Node
if (coll instanceof Node) {
// print.out("get:"+key);
return XMLStructFactory.newInstance((Node) coll, false).get(key);
} else if (coll instanceof String) {
if (Decision.isInteger(key.getString())) {
// i do the decision call and the caster call, because in most cases the if will be false
String str = (String) coll;
int index = Caster.toIntValue(key.getString(), -1);
if (index > 0 && index <= str.length()) {
return str.substring(index - 1, index);
// Direct Object Access
if (coll != null && pc.getConfig().getSecurityManager().getAccess(SecurityManager.TYPE_DIRECT_JAVA_ACCESS) == SecurityManager.VALUE_YES) {
return Reflector.getProperty(coll, key.getString());
throw new ExpressionException("No matching property [" + key.getString() + "] found");
use of lucee.runtime.type.Objects in project Lucee by lucee.
the class VariableUtilImpl method get.
public Object get(PageContext pc, Object coll, String key) throws PageException {
// Objects
if (coll instanceof Objects) {
return ((Objects) coll).get(pc, KeyImpl.init(key));
} else // Collection
if (coll instanceof Collection) {
return ((Collection) coll).get(KeyImpl.init(key));
} else // Map
if (coll instanceof Map) {
Object rtn = null;
try {
rtn = ((Map) coll).get(key);
// if(rtn==null)rtn=((Map)coll).get(MapAsStruct.getCaseSensitiveKey((Map)coll, key));
if (rtn != null)
return rtn;
} catch (Throwable t) {
rtn = Reflector.getProperty(coll, key, null);
if (rtn != null)
return rtn;
throw new ExpressionException("Key [" + key + "] doesn't exist in Map (" + Caster.toClassName(coll) + ")", "keys are [" + keyList(((Map) coll)) + "]");
} else // List
if (coll instanceof List) {
try {
Object rtn = ((List) coll).get(Caster.toIntValue(key) - 1);
if (rtn == null)
throw new ExpressionException("Key [" + key + "] doesn't exist in List");
return rtn;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new ExpressionException("Key [" + key + "] doesn't exist in List");
} else // Native Array
if (Decision.isNativeArray(coll)) {
Object rtn = ArrayUtil.get(coll, Caster.toIntValue(key) - 1, null);
if (rtn == null)
throw new ExpressionException("Key [" + key + "] doesn't exist in Native Array");
return rtn;
} else // Node
if (coll instanceof Node) {
return XMLStructFactory.newInstance((Node) coll, false).get(key);
// Direct Object Access
if (pc.getConfig().getSecurityManager().getAccess(SecurityManager.TYPE_DIRECT_JAVA_ACCESS) == SecurityManager.VALUE_YES) {
return Reflector.getProperty(coll, key);
throw new ExpressionException("No matching property [" + key + "] found");