Search in sources :

Example 1 with DateTimeImpl

use of lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Admin method translateTime.

private Array translateTime(Array exp) {
    exp = (Array) Duplicator.duplicate(exp, true);
    Iterator<Object> it = exp.valueIterator();
    Struct sct;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        sct = (Struct);
        sct.setEL("time", new DateTimeImpl(pageContext, Caster.toLongValue(sct.get("time", null), 0), true));
    return exp;
Also used : DateTimeImpl(lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl) Struct(lucee.runtime.type.Struct)

Example 2 with DateTimeImpl

use of lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl in project Lucee by lucee.

the class FileTag method _actionUpload.

private static Struct _actionUpload(PageContext pageContext, securityManager, FormItem formItem, String strDestination, int nameconflict, String accept, boolean strict, int mode, String attributes, Object acl, String serverPassword) throws PageException {
    if (nameconflict == NAMECONFLICT_UNDEFINED)
        nameconflict = NAMECONFLICT_ERROR;
    boolean fileWasRenamed = false;
    boolean fileWasAppended = false;
    boolean fileExisted = false;
    boolean fileWasOverwritten = false;
    String contentType = ResourceUtil.getMimeType(formItem.getResource(), formItem.getContentType());
    // set cffile struct
    Struct cffile = new StructImpl();
    long length = formItem.getResource().length();
    cffile.set("timecreated", new DateTimeImpl(pageContext.getConfig()));
    cffile.set("timelastmodified", new DateTimeImpl(pageContext.getConfig()));
    cffile.set("datelastaccessed", new DateImpl(pageContext));
    cffile.set("oldfilesize", Long.valueOf(length));
    cffile.set("filesize", Long.valueOf(length));
    cffile.set("contenttype",, contentType, "/"));
    cffile.set("contentsubtype",, contentType, "/"));
    // client file
    String strClientFile = formItem.getName();
    while (strClientFile.indexOf('\\') != -1) strClientFile = strClientFile.replace('\\', '/');
    Resource clientFile = pageContext.getConfig().getResource(strClientFile);
    String clientFileName = clientFile.getName();
    // check file type
    checkContentType(contentType, accept, getFileExtension(clientFile), strict);
    cffile.set("clientdirectory", getParent(clientFile));
    cffile.set("clientfile", clientFile.getName());
    cffile.set("clientfileext", getFileExtension(clientFile));
    cffile.set("clientfilename", getFileName(clientFile));
    // check destination
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(strDestination))
        throw new ApplicationException("attribute destination is not defined in tag file");
    Resource destination = toDestination(pageContext, strDestination, null);
    securityManager.checkFileLocation(pageContext.getConfig(), destination, serverPassword);
    if (destination.isDirectory())
        destination = destination.getRealResource(clientFileName);
    else if (!destination.exists() && (strDestination.endsWith("/") || strDestination.endsWith("\\")))
        destination = destination.getRealResource(clientFileName);
    else if (!clientFileName.equalsIgnoreCase(destination.getName())) {
        if (ResourceUtil.getExtension(destination, null) == null)
            destination = destination.getRealResource(clientFileName);
            fileWasRenamed = true;
    // check parent destination -> directory of the desinatrion
    Resource parentDestination = destination.getParentResource();
    if (!parentDestination.exists()) {
        Resource pp = parentDestination.getParentResource();
        if (pp == null || !pp.exists())
            throw new ApplicationException("attribute destination has an invalid value [" + destination + "], directory [" + parentDestination + "] doesn't exist");
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw Caster.toPageException(e);
    } else if (!parentDestination.canWrite())
        throw new ApplicationException("can't write to destination directory [" + parentDestination + "], no access to write");
    // set server variables
    cffile.set("serverdirectory", getParent(destination));
    cffile.set("serverfile", destination.getName());
    cffile.set("serverfileext", getFileExtension(destination));
    cffile.set("serverfilename", getFileName(destination));
    cffile.set("attemptedserverfile", destination.getName());
    // check nameconflict
    if (destination.exists()) {
        fileExisted = true;
        if (nameconflict == NAMECONFLICT_ERROR) {
            throw new ApplicationException("destination file [" + destination + "] already exist");
        } else if (nameconflict == NAMECONFLICT_SKIP) {
            cffile.set("fileexisted", Caster.toBoolean(fileExisted));
            cffile.set("filewasappended", Boolean.FALSE);
            cffile.set("filewasoverwritten", Boolean.FALSE);
            cffile.set("filewasrenamed", Boolean.FALSE);
            cffile.set("filewassaved", Boolean.FALSE);
            return cffile;
        } else if (nameconflict == NAMECONFLICT_MAKEUNIQUE) {
            destination = makeUnique(destination);
            fileWasRenamed = true;
            // if(fileWasRenamed) {
            cffile.set("serverdirectory", getParent(destination));
            cffile.set("serverfile", destination.getName());
            cffile.set("serverfileext", getFileExtension(destination));
            cffile.set("serverfilename", getFileName(destination));
            cffile.set("attemptedserverfile", destination.getName());
        // }
        } else if (nameconflict == NAMECONFLICT_OVERWRITE) {
            // fileWasAppended=true;
            fileWasOverwritten = true;
            if (!destination.delete())
                if (// hier hatte ich concurrent problem das damit ausgeraeumt ist
                    throw new ApplicationException("can't delete destination file [" + destination + "]");
    // for "overwrite" no action is neded
    setACL(pageContext, destination, acl);
    try {
        IOUtil.copy(formItem.getResource(), destination);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw Caster.toPageException(t);
    // Set cffile/file struct
    cffile.set("fileexisted", Caster.toBoolean(fileExisted));
    cffile.set("filewasappended", Caster.toBoolean(fileWasAppended));
    cffile.set("filewasoverwritten", Caster.toBoolean(fileWasOverwritten));
    cffile.set("filewasrenamed", Caster.toBoolean(fileWasRenamed));
    cffile.set("filewassaved", Boolean.TRUE);
    setMode(destination, mode);
    setAttributes(destination, attributes);
    return cffile;
Also used : StructImpl(lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl) ApplicationException(lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException) Resource( DateTimeImpl(lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl) IOException( DateImpl(lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateImpl) Struct(lucee.runtime.type.Struct)

Example 3 with DateTimeImpl

use of lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Ftp method toQuery.

public static lucee.runtime.type.Query toQuery(FTPFile[] files, String prefix, String directory, String hostName) throws PageException {
    String[] cols = new String[] { "name", "isdirectory", "lastmodified", "length", "mode", "path", "url", "type", "raw", "attributes" };
    String[] types = new String[] { "VARCHAR", "BOOLEAN", "DATE", "DOUBLE", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR" };
    lucee.runtime.type.Query query = new QueryImpl(cols, types, 0, "query");
    // translate directory path for display
    if (directory.length() == 0)
        directory = "/";
    else if (directory.startsWith("./"))
        directory = directory.substring(1);
    else if (directory.charAt(0) != '/')
        directory = '/' + directory;
    if (directory.charAt(directory.length() - 1) != '/')
        directory = directory + '/';
    int row;
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        FTPFile file = files[i];
        if (file.getName().equals(".") || file.getName().equals(".."))
        row = query.addRow();
        query.setAt("attributes", row, "");
        query.setAt("isdirectory", row, Caster.toBoolean(file.isDirectory()));
        query.setAt("lastmodified", row, new DateTimeImpl(file.getTimestamp()));
        query.setAt("length", row, Caster.toDouble(file.getSize()));
        query.setAt("mode", row, FTPConstant.getPermissionASInteger(file));
        query.setAt("type", row, FTPConstant.getTypeAsString(file.getType()));
        // query.setAt("permission",row,FTPConstant.getPermissionASInteger(file));
        query.setAt("raw", row, file.getRawListing());
        query.setAt("name", row, file.getName());
        query.setAt("path", row, directory + file.getName());
        query.setAt("url", row, prefix + "://" + hostName + "" + directory + file.getName());
    return query;
Also used : QueryImpl(lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl) DateTimeImpl(lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl) FTPFile(

Example 4 with DateTimeImpl

use of lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Trace method _doEndTag.

public void _doEndTag() throws IOException, PageException {
    PageSource ps = pageContext.getCurrentTemplatePageSource();
    // var
    String varValue = null;
    Object value = null, traceValue = null;
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(var)) {
        try {
            if (caller instanceof Scope)
                value = VariableInterpreter.getVariable(pageContext, var, (Scope) caller);
                value = pageContext.getVariable(var);
        } catch (PageException e) {
            varValue = "(undefined)";
            follow = false;
        if (follow) {
            // print.o(1);
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(text, true))
                text = var;
            // print.o(2);
            traceValue = TraceObjectSupport.toTraceObject(pageContext.getDebugger(), value, type, category, text);
            if (caller instanceof Scope)
                VariableInterpreter.setVariable(pageContext, var, traceValue, (Scope) caller);
                pageContext.setVariable(var, traceValue);
        try {
            varValue = new ScriptConverter().serialize(value);
        } catch (ConverterException e) {
            if (value != null)
                varValue = "(" + Caster.toTypeName(value) + ")";
    DebugTrace trace = ((DebuggerImpl) pageContext.getDebugger()).addTrace(type, category, text, ps, var, varValue);
    DebugTrace[] traces = pageContext.getDebugger().getTraces(pageContext);
    String total = "(1st trace)";
    if (traces.length > 1) {
        long t = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < traces.length; i++) {
            t += traces[i].getTime();
        total = "(" + t + ")";
    boolean hasCat = !StringUtil.isEmpty(trace.getCategory());
    boolean hasText = !StringUtil.isEmpty(trace.getText());
    boolean hasVar = !StringUtil.isEmpty(var);
    // inline
    if (inline) {
        lucee.runtime.format.TimeFormat tf = new lucee.runtime.format.TimeFormat(pageContext.getConfig().getLocale());
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"white\">");
        // sb.append("<td><img src=\"/CFIDE/debug/images/Error_16x16.gif\" alt=\"Error type\">");
        sb.append("<font color=\"orange\">");
        sb.append(DebugTraceImpl.toType(trace.getType(), "INFO") + " - ");
        sb.append("[CFTRACE " + tf.format(new DateTimeImpl(pageContext.getConfig()), "hh:mm:ss:l") + "]");
        sb.append("[" + trace.getTime() + " ms " + total + "]");
        sb.append("[" + trace.getTemplate() + " @ line: " + trace.getLine() + "]");
        if (hasCat || hasText)
            sb.append(" -");
        if (hasCat)
            sb.append("  [" + trace.getCategory() + "]");
        if (hasText)
            sb.append(" <i>" + trace.getText() + "&nbsp;</i>");
        if (hasVar)
  , value, var);
    // log
    Log log = ((ConfigImpl) pageContext.getConfig()).getLog("trace");
    StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
    msg.append("[" + trace.getTime() + " ms " + total + "] ");
    msg.append("[" + trace.getTemplate() + " @ line: " + trace.getLine() + "]");
    if (hasCat || hasText || hasVar)
        msg.append("- ");
    if (hasCat)
        msg.append("[" + trace.getCategory() + "] ");
    if (hasVar)
        msg.append("[" + var + "=" + varValue + "] ");
    if (hasText)
        msg.append(" " + trace.getText() + " ");
    log.log(trace.getType(), "cftrace", msg.toString());
    // abort
    if (abort)
        throw new Abort(Abort.SCOPE_REQUEST);
Also used : PageException(lucee.runtime.exp.PageException) ConverterException(lucee.runtime.converter.ConverterException) Log( DebuggerImpl(lucee.runtime.debug.DebuggerImpl) PageSource(lucee.runtime.PageSource) Abort(lucee.runtime.exp.Abort) Scope(lucee.runtime.type.scope.Scope) DebugTrace(lucee.runtime.debug.DebugTrace) ScriptConverter(lucee.runtime.converter.ScriptConverter) DateTimeImpl(lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl) ConfigImpl(lucee.runtime.config.ConfigImpl)

Example 5 with DateTimeImpl

use of lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl in project Lucee by lucee.

the class Zip method actionList.

private void actionList() throws PageException, IOException {
    required("file", file, true);
    required("name", name);
    lucee.runtime.type.Query query = new QueryImpl(new String[] { "name", "size", "type", "dateLastModified", "directory", "crc", "compressedSize", "comment" }, 0, "query");
    pageContext.setVariable(name, query);
    ZipFile zip = getZip(file);
    Enumeration entries = zip.entries();
    try {
        String path, name, dir;
        ZipEntry ze;
        int row = 0, index;
        while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
            ze = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement();
            if (!showDirectory && ze.isDirectory())
            path = ze.getName().replace('\\', '/');
            index = path.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (!recurse && index > 0)
            dir = index == -1 ? "" : path.substring(0, index);
            name = path.substring(index + 1);
            if (filter != null && !filter.accept(file.getRealResource(name)))
            if (!entryPathMatch(dir))
            // if(entryPath!=null && !(dir.equalsIgnoreCase(entryPath) || StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(dir,entryPath+"/"))) ;///continue;
            query.setAt("name", row, path);
            query.setAt("size", row, Caster.toDouble(ze.getSize()));
            query.setAt("type", row, ze.isDirectory() ? "Directory" : "File");
            query.setAt("dateLastModified", row, new DateTimeImpl(pageContext, ze.getTime(), false));
            query.setAt("crc", row, Caster.toDouble(ze.getCrc()));
            query.setAt("compressedSize", row, Caster.toDouble(ze.getCompressedSize()));
            query.setAt("comment", row, ze.getComment());
            query.setAt("directory", row, dir);
        // zis.closeEntry();
    } finally {
Also used : QueryImpl(lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl) Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) ZipFile( ZipEntry( DateTimeImpl(lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl)


DateTimeImpl (lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl)41 Struct (lucee.runtime.type.Struct)12 StructImpl (lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl)11 Date (java.util.Date)7 PageException (lucee.runtime.exp.PageException)6 Calendar (java.util.Calendar)5 Resource ( Collection (lucee.runtime.type.Collection)5 QueryImpl (lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl)5 IOException ( ConfigWebImpl (lucee.runtime.config.ConfigWebImpl)4 TimeZone (java.util.TimeZone)3 PageContextImpl (lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl)3 ExpressionException (lucee.runtime.exp.ExpressionException)3 Array (lucee.runtime.type.Array)3 ArrayImpl (lucee.runtime.type.ArrayImpl)3 DateTime (lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTime)3 File ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)2 DateFormat (java.text.DateFormat)2