use of lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.TagFunction in project Lucee by lucee.
the class Interface method evaluate.
public void evaluate(Tag tag, TagLibTag libTag) throws EvaluatorException {
super.evaluate(tag, libTag);
Body body = tag.getBody();
List<Statement> statments = body.getStatements();
Statement stat;
Iterator<Statement> it = statments.iterator();
Tag t;
while (it.hasNext()) {
stat =;
if (stat instanceof PrintOut) {
// body.remove(stat);
} else if (stat instanceof Tag) {
t = (Tag) stat;
if (stat instanceof TagImport) {
// ignore
} else if (stat instanceof TagFunction) {
Attribute attr = t.getAttribute("access");
if (attr != null) {
ExprString expr = t.getFactory().toExprString(attr.getValue());
if (!(expr instanceof LitString))
throw new EvaluatorException("the attribute access of the Tag function inside an interface must contain a constant value");
String access = ((LitString) expr).getString().trim();
if (!"public".equalsIgnoreCase(access))
throw new EvaluatorException("the attribute access of the tag function inside an interface definition can only have the value [public] not [" + access + "]");
} else
t.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "access", stat.getFactory().createLitString("public"), "string"));
} else
throw new EvaluatorException("tag " + libTag.getFullName() + " can only contain function definitions.");