use of main.ability.effects.Effect in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.
the class PriorityManagerImpl method getSpellCustomHostileEffectPriority.
public int getSpellCustomHostileEffectPriority(DC_Obj target, DC_ActiveObj action, Effect e) {
if (e instanceof AddBuffEffect) {
AddBuffEffect buffEffect = (AddBuffEffect) e;
// duration
int mod = 100;
// getDurationPriorityMod(buffEffect.getDurationFormula().getInt(action.getRef()));
return getSpellCustomHostileEffectPriority(target, action, buffEffect.getEffect()) * mod / 100;
if (e instanceof Effects) {
Effects effects = (Effects) e;
int p = 0;
for (Effect eff : effects) {
p += getSpellCustomHostileEffectPriority(target, action, eff);
return p;
if (e instanceof RollEffect) {
RollEffect rollEffect = (RollEffect) e;
int mod = getRollPriorityMod(rollEffect);
return getSpellCustomHostileEffectPriority(target, action, rollEffect.getEffect()) * mod / 100;
if (e instanceof InstantDeathEffect) {
return 2 * getUnitPriority(target, true);
if (e instanceof BehaviorModeEffect) {
int duration = new Formula(action.getParam(G_PARAMS.DURATION)).getInt(action.getRef());
BehaviorModeEffect behaviorModeEffect = (BehaviorModeEffect) e;
switch(behaviorModeEffect.getMode()) {
return getUnitPriority(target, true) * (Math.min(4, duration / 5 * 3));
return getUnitPriority(target, true) * (Math.min(2, duration / 2));
case PANIC:
return getUnitPriority(target, true) * (Math.min(3, duration / 3 * 2));
if (e instanceof OwnershipChangeEffect) {
int duration = new Formula(action.getParam(G_PARAMS.DURATION)).getInt(action.getRef());
return getUnitPriority(target, true) * (Math.min(5, duration));
return 0;
use of main.ability.effects.Effect in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.
the class PriorityManagerImpl method getDamagePriority.
public int getDamagePriority(DC_ActiveObj action, Obj targetObj, boolean attack) {
int damage = 0;
List<Effect> effects = EffectFinder.getEffectsOfClass(action, (attack) ? AttackEffect.class : DealDamageEffect.class);
initRollMap(action, effects);
for (Effect e : effects) {
try {
int mod = 100;
RollEffect roll = rollMap.get(e);
if (roll != null) {
mod = getRollPriorityMod(roll);
damage += FutureBuilder.getDamage(action, targetObj, e) * mod / 100;
} catch (Exception e1) {
float mod = getConstValue(AiConst.DAMAGE_PRIORITY_MOD);
if (DamageCalculator.isUnconscious(damage, targetObj)) {
if (checkKillPrioritized(targetObj, action)) {
return getUnconsciousDamagePriority() * (int) (mod * 100) / 100;
if (checkKillPrioritized(targetObj, action)) {
if (DamageCalculator.isLethal(damage, targetObj)) {
int p = getLethalDamagePriority();
if (targetObj instanceof Unit) {
if (((Unit) targetObj).isUnconscious())
return p * (int) (mod * 100) / 100;
int e = targetObj.getIntParam(PARAMS.C_ENDURANCE);
int t = targetObj.getIntParam(PARAMS.C_TOUGHNESS);
e = MathMaster.getCentimalPercentage(damage, e);
t = MathMaster.getCentimalPercentage(damage, t);
// TODO unconscious rule specifics
return damage + Math.max(e, t * 2 / 3) * (int) (mod * 100) / 100;
use of main.ability.effects.Effect in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.
the class PriorityManagerImpl method getCoatingPriority.
public int getCoatingPriority(DC_ActiveObj active, DC_Obj targetObj) {
List<Effect> effects = EffectFinder.getEffectsOfClass(active, ModifyCounterEffect.class);
if (effects.isEmpty()) {
return priority;
ModifyCounterEffect e = (ModifyCounterEffect) effects.get(0);
setBasePriority(getUnitPriority(getUnit(), true));
addConstant(getItemPriority(targetObj), targetObj.getName());
Integer amount = e.getFormula().getInt(active.getRef());
int mod = amount;
mod *= DC_CounterMaster.getCounterPriority(e.getCounterName(), targetObj);
addMultiplier(mod, e.getCounterName() + " coating " + StringMaster.wrapInParenthesis(amount + ""));
if (targetObj.getCounter(e.getCounterName()) > 0) {
addMultiplier(-75 * targetObj.getCounter(e.getCounterName()) / amount, e.getCounterName() + " - Already Coated " + StringMaster.wrapInParenthesis(targetObj.getCounter(e.getCounterName()) + ""));
// TODO if (quick) if (ammo) if (alreadyCoated)
return priority;
use of main.ability.effects.Effect in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.
the class PriorityManagerImpl method getParamModSpellPriority.
public int getParamModSpellPriority(Action action, Boolean buff) {
DC_ActiveObj spell = action.getActive();
DC_Obj target = action.getTarget();
if (buff == null) {
buff = EffectFinder.check(spell.getAbilities(), AddBuffEffect.class);
if (buff) {
if (!spell.checkBool(GenericEnums.STD_BOOLS.STACKING)) {
try {
List<ObjType> buffsFromSpell = BuffMaster.getBuffsFromSpell(spell);
if (buffsFromSpell.isEmpty()) {
priority = 0;
return 0;
ObjType objType = buffsFromSpell.get(0);
if (!objType.checkBool(GenericEnums.STD_BOOLS.STACKING)) {
if (target.hasBuff(objType.getName())) {
priority = 0;
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
int priority = (getUnitPriority(target, false));
boolean ally = target.getOwner().equals(getUnit().getOwner());
// boolean mod = EffectMaster.preCheck(spell.getAbilities(),
// ModifyValueEffect.class);
List<Effect> effects = EffectFinder.getEffectsOfClass(spell.getAbilities(), (buff) ? AddBuffEffect.class : ModifyValueEffect.class);
if (buff) {
List<Effect> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Effect e : effects) {
list.addAll(EffectFinder.getBuffEffects(e, ModifyValueEffect.class));
// TODO count the duration from buffEffect
effects = list;
initRollMap(spell, effects);
boolean valid = false;
for (Effect e : effects) {
ModifyValueEffect valueEffect = (ModifyValueEffect) e;
for (String sparam : {
for (PARAMETER param : DC_ContentManager.getParams(sparam)) {
// TODO apply generic fix!
if (TextParser.checkHasValueRefs(valueEffect.getFormula().toString())) {
String parsed = TextParser.parse(valueEffect.getFormula().toString(), action.getRef(), TextParser.ACTIVE_PARSING_CODE);
parsed = TextParser.replaceCodes(parsed);
valueEffect.setFormula(new Formula(parsed));
int amount = valueEffect.getFormula().getInt(action.getRef());
if (valueEffect.getMod_type() == MOD.MODIFY_BY_PERCENT) {
amount = MathMaster.getFractionValueCentimal(target.getIntParam(param, valueEffect.getFormula().toString().contains(StringMaster.BASE_CHAR)), amount);
boolean drain = (e instanceof DrainEffect);
int final_value = target.getIntParam(param) + amount;
int min_max = valueEffect.initMinMaxAmount(target, amount);
if (min_max != Integer.MAX_VALUE && min_max != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
if (amount >= 0) {
if (final_value > min_max) {
amount = min_max - target.getIntParam(param);
} else {
if (amount < min_max) {
amount = target.getIntParam(param) - min_max;
if (!ally && !drain) {
amount = -amount;
priority = (int) (priority * getParamModFactor(target, e, param, amount));
if (drain) {
// TODO limit the amount!
priority = (int) (priority * getParamModFactor(getUnit(), null, param, amount));
if (!buff) {
if (!ally && valid) {
} else {
priority = priority * (getDurationMultiplier(action)) / 100;
if (!valid) {
return 0;
// applyMultiplier(0, "Empty");
return priority;
use of main.ability.effects.Effect in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.
the class PriorityManagerImpl method getSpellCustomHostilePriority.
public int getSpellCustomHostilePriority(Action action) {
Effects effects = EffectFinder.getEffectsFromSpell(action.getActive());
// TODO targets???
for (Effect e : effects) {
addConstant(getSpellCustomHostileEffectPriority(action.getTarget(), action.getActive(), e), e.toString());
return priority;