use of maspack.util.FastRadialMarcher in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class MFreeFactory method generatePointLocations.
public static Point3d[] generatePointLocations(PolygonalMesh mesh, int[] res, int nPoints) {
Vector3d centroid = new Vector3d();
RigidTransform3d trans = new RigidTransform3d();
OBB obb = PointDistributor.getTightOBB(mesh, trans);
Vector3d widths = new Vector3d();
int nx = res[0];
int ny = res[1];
int nz = res[2];
double dx, dy, dz;
double xOffset, yOffset, zOffset;
if (nx == 1) {
widths.x = 0;
dx = 0;
} else {
dx = widths.x / (nx - 1);
if (ny == 1) {
widths.y = 0;
dy = 0;
} else {
dy = widths.y / (ny - 1);
if (nz == 1) {
widths.z = 0;
dz = 0;
} else {
dz = widths.z / (nz - 1);
xOffset = -widths.x / 2;
yOffset = -widths.y / 2;
zOffset = -widths.z / 2;
// generate a grid of points that fall inside domain
Point3d[][][] pnts = new Point3d[nx][ny][nz];
// BVFeatureQuery query = new BVFeatureQuery();
Vector3i sdres = new Vector3i(2 * nx, 2 * ny, 2 * nz);
sdres.x = Math.min(sdres.x, 30);
sdres.y = Math.min(sdres.y, 30);
sdres.z = Math.min(sdres.z, 30);
Logger.getSystemLogger().debug("Creating signed distance grid");
List<Face> faces = mesh.getFaces();
DistanceGrid sdgrid = new DistanceGrid(faces, 0.1, sdres, true);
double tol = 1e-15;
Logger.getSystemLogger().debug("Generating " + nx + "x" + ny + "x" + nz + " points");
double x, y, z;
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
x = xOffset + i * dx;
for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
y = yOffset + j * dy;
for (int k = 0; k < nz; k++) {
z = zOffset + k * dz;
Point3d pnt = new Point3d(x, y, z);
double d = sdgrid.getLocalDistanceAndNormal(null, null, pnt);
if (d < tol) {
pnts[i][j][k] = pnt;
} else {
pnts[i][j][k] = null;
// InsideQuery rayTest = query.isInsideMesh(mesh, pnt, tol);
// if (rayTest == InsideQuery.INSIDE) {
// pnts[i][j][k] = pnt;
// } else if (rayTest == InsideQuery.OUTSIDE) {
// pnts[i][j][k] = null;
// } else {
// System.out.println("unsure");
// }
Logger.getSystemLogger().debug("Farthest point sampling...");
Point3dGridUtility pgu = new Point3dGridUtility(pnts);
FastRadialMarcher marcher = new FastRadialMarcher(nx * ny * nz, pgu);
double[] dists = marcher.getDistance();
// mark null points as having distance of -1 (never to be selected)
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < nz; k++) {
if (pnts[i][j][k] == null) {
dists[k + j * nz + i * ny * nz] = -1;
// initialize heap to include all indices
// farthest-point sampling
Point3d[] out = new Point3d[nPoints];
int i, j, k;
for (int idx = 0; idx < nPoints; idx++) {
int farthest = 0;
IndexedBinaryHeap dheap = marcher.getDistanceHeap();
farthest = dheap.peek();
// get next furthest
int nextSample = farthest;
// idx = i*ny*nz+j*nz+k
k = nextSample % nz;
j = ((nextSample - k) / nz) % ny;
i = (nextSample - k - j * nz) / (ny * nz);
out[idx] = pnts[i][j][k];
// update distances to first point
return out;