use of maspack.util.StreamGobbler in project artisynth_core by artisynth.
the class MovieMaker method render.
* Renders captured data to a movie with the specified file name.
public void render(String fn) throws Exception {
if (lastFrameCount == 0) {
Main.getMain().getLogger().info("No frames grabbed, no movie to make");
// wait for all frames to be done writing
Method method = myMethodMap.get(myMethodName);
if (myMethodName.equals(INTERNAL_METHOD)) {
String[] frameFileNames = new String[lastFrameCount];
for (int i = 1; i <= lastFrameCount; i++) {
frameFileNames[i - 1] = getFrameFileName(i);
new MakeMovieFromData(frameFileNames, dataPath, fn + ".mov");
} else if (myMethodName.equals(ANIMATED_GIF_METHOD)) {
String opts = method.command;
opts = opts.replaceAll("\\$FPS", "" + frameRate);
String[] frameFileNames = new String[lastFrameCount];
for (int i = 1; i <= lastFrameCount; i++) {
frameFileNames[i - 1] = getFrameFileName(i);
File outFile = new File(dataPath + File.separator + fn + ".gif");
DoubleHolder delayHolder = new DoubleHolder(0);
IntHolder loopHolder = new IntHolder(0);
AnimatedGifWriter.parseArgs(opts, delayHolder, loopHolder);
AnimatedGifWriter.write(outFile, frameFileNames, delayHolder.value, loopHolder.value);
} else {
// Custom method, execute the specified command in data directory.
String cmd = method.command;
cmd = cmd.replaceAll("\\$FPS", "" + frameRate);
cmd = cmd.replaceAll("\\$FMT", myFormat);
String[] cmdArray = cmd.split("\\s+");
// Substitute $OUT later because file name might contain white space
String finalCmd = "";
for (int i = 0; i < cmdArray.length; i++) {
cmdArray[i] = cmdArray[i].replaceAll("\\$OUT", fn);
finalCmd = finalCmd + " " + cmdArray[i];
// Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
// File dataFile = new File(dataPath);
// Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec (
// cmdArray, /*env=*/null, null);
Main.getMain().getLogger().info("Executing " + finalCmd);
ProcessBuilder procBuild = new ProcessBuilder(cmdArray); File(dataPath));
Process proc = procBuild.start();
StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream(), System.err, ">>");
// any output?
StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream(), System.out, ">>");
// start gobblers
int exitVal = proc.waitFor();
if (exitVal != 0) {
Main.getMain().getLogger().error("\nMovie creation failed with exit value: " + exitVal + "\n");