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Example 1 with WrappedUser

use of in project DragonsOnline by UniverseCraft.

the class PunishCommand method onCommand.

public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
    if (!requirePlayer(sender) || !requirePermission(sender, SystemProfileFlag.HELPER))
        return true;
    if (args.length == 0) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Specify a player and code! /punish <player1 [player2 ...]> <code> [extra info]");
        return true;
    CmdData data = CmdUtil.parse(sender, "/punish <players> <code> ", args);
    if (data == null)
        return true;
    int level = data.code.getStandingLevel();
    boolean canApply = data.code.canApply(user(sender));
    boolean notMod = !hasPermission(sender, SystemProfileFlag.MODERATION);
    List<WrappedUser> wrapped = -> WrappedUser.of(u)).collect(Collectors.toList());
    int minEffectiveLevel = -1;
    for (WrappedUser w : wrapped) {
        if (canApply) {
            // Punish immediately
            PunishmentType type = w.autoPunish(data.code, data.extraInfo, user(sender)).type;
            String punishment = "Punished";
            if (type == PunishmentType.BAN) {
                punishment = "Banned";
            } else if (type == PunishmentType.MUTE) {
                punishment = "Muted";
            } else if (type == PunishmentType.KICK) {
                punishment = "Kicked";
            } else if (type == PunishmentType.WARNING) {
                punishment = "Warned";
            sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Punishment applied to " + w.getUser().getName() + ": " + punishment + " for " + data.code.getName());
        if (level >= 10 && notMod) {
            Report review = reportLoader.fileStaffReport(data.targets, user(sender), "Post Review: " + data.formatInternalReason(), "");
            sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + " A senior staff member will review this punishment. (Escalation Report ID: " + review.getId() + ")");
    if (!canApply) {
        // Generate escalation report
        Report r = reportLoader.fileStaffReport(data.targets, user(sender), data.formatInternalReason(), "punish " + StringUtil.parseList( -> u.getUUID().toString()).collect(Collectors.toList()), " ") + " " + data.code.getCode() + (data.extraInfo.isBlank() ? "" : " " + data.extraInfo) + " -uuid");
        boolean held = false;
        if (r != null && minEffectiveLevel > 1) {
            held = true;
            HoldEntry hold = holdLoader.newHold(data.targets, user(sender), data.formatInternalReason(), r, true, data.code.getType() == StandingLevelType.BAN ? HoldType.SUSPEND : HoldType.MUTE);
            r.getData().append("holdId", hold.getId());
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + (held ? "Placed a " + HoldLoader.HOLD_DURATION_HOURS + "-hour hold and escalated" : "Escalated") + " this issue for review by a senior staff member.");
    return true;
Also used : WrappedUser( PunishmentType( StringUtil(mc.dragons.core.util.StringUtil) ReportLoader( CommandSender(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender) HoldType( HoldEntry( SystemProfileFlag(mc.dragons.core.gameobject.user.permission.SystemProfile.SystemProfileFlags.SystemProfileFlag) Collectors( StandingLevelType( List(java.util.List) Report( DragonsCommandExecutor(mc.dragons.core.commands.DragonsCommandExecutor) CmdUtil( HoldLoader( CmdData( ChatColor(org.bukkit.ChatColor) Command(org.bukkit.command.Command) HoldEntry( Report( CmdData( WrappedUser( PunishmentType(

Example 2 with WrappedUser

use of in project DragonsOnline by UniverseCraft.

the class UnPunishCommands method onCommand.

public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
    if (!requirePermission(sender, SystemProfileFlag.HELPER))
        return true;
    if (args.length == 0) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Specify a player and code! /" + label + " <player> <revocation code>");
        // sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "Warning: It is recommended to use /removepunishment to remove a specific punishment. This command revokes only the first applicable punishment.");
        return true;
    if (args.length == 1) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Select a revocation code below:");
        for (RevocationCode code : RevocationCode.values()) {
            sender.spigot().sendMessage(StringUtil.clickableHoverableText(ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + ChatColor.RESET + code.getCode() + ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + code.getDescription(), "/" + label + " " + args[0] + " " + code.getCode(), code.getDescription()));
        return true;
    User targetUser = lookupUser(sender, args[0]);
    RevocationCode code = RevocationCode.parseCode(sender, args[1]);
    if (targetUser == null || code == null)
        return true;
    WrappedUser wrapped = WrappedUser.of(targetUser);
    PunishmentType type = label.equalsIgnoreCase("unban") ? PunishmentType.BAN : PunishmentType.MUTE;
    List<PunishmentData> history = wrapped.getPunishmentHistory();
    PunishmentData record = null;
    int id = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < history.size(); i++) {
        if (history.get(i).getType() == type && !history.get(i).hasExpired() && !history.get(i).isRevoked()) {
            id = i;
            record = history.get(i);
    if (record == null) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "This player does not have any active punishments matching those criteria!");
        return true;
    if (!record.getIssuedBy().equals(user(sender)) && !hasPermission(sender, SystemProfileFlag.APPEALS_TEAM) || !hasPermission(sender, code.getPermissionToApply())) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You do not have permission to revoke this punishment!");
        return true;
    wrapped.unpunish(id, code, user(sender));
    // Check if we need to tell a different server to immediately revoke the punishment
    if (targetUser.getServerName() != null && !targetUser.getServerName().equals(dragons.getServerName())) {
        handler.forwardUnpunishment(targetUser, id);
    sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Punishment revoked successfully.");
    return true;
Also used : RevocationCode( WrappedUser( User(mc.dragons.core.gameobject.user.User) PunishmentData( WrappedUser( PunishmentType(

Example 3 with WrappedUser

use of in project DragonsOnline by UniverseCraft.

the class ViewPunishmentsCommand method onCommand.

public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
    if (!requirePermission(sender, SystemProfileFlag.HELPER))
        return true;
    if (args.length == 0) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Specify a player! /viewpunishments <player>");
        return true;
    boolean mod = hasPermission(sender, SystemProfileFlag.MODERATION);
    Player targetPlayer = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(args[0]);
    User targetUser = lookupUser(sender, args[0]);
    if (targetUser == null)
        return true;
    WrappedUser wrapped = WrappedUser.of(targetUser);
    PunishmentData banData = wrapped.getActivePunishmentData(PunishmentType.BAN);
    PunishmentData muteData = wrapped.getActivePunishmentData(PunishmentType.MUTE);
    sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Punishment History for User " + targetUser.getName());
    if (targetPlayer == null) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "" + ChatColor.ITALIC + "This player is offline. Showing cached data.");
    if (!mod) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "- You only have access to see punishments and holds that you have applied -");
    if (mod) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Active Punishments:");
        if (banData == null || banData.hasExpired() || banData.isRevoked()) {
            sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + "- Not banned");
        } else {
            sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + "- Banned: " + banData.getReason() + " (" + (banData.isPermanent() ? "Permanent" : "Until " + StringUtil.DATE_FORMAT.format(banData.getExpiry()) + ")"));
        if (muteData == null || muteData.hasExpired() || muteData.isRevoked()) {
            sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + "- Not muted");
        } else {
            sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + "- Muted: " + muteData.getReason() + " (" + (muteData.isPermanent() ? "Permanent" : "Until " + StringUtil.DATE_FORMAT.format(muteData.getExpiry()) + ")"));
    sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Past Punishments:");
    int i = 1;
    for (PunishmentData entry : wrapped.getPunishmentHistory()) {
        if ((entry.getIssuedBy() == null || !entry.getIssuedBy().equals(user(sender))) && !mod) {
        String duration = "";
        if (entry.isPermanent())
            duration = "(Permanent)";
        else if (entry.getExpiry() != null)
            duration = "(Until " + StringUtil.DATE_FORMAT.format(entry.getExpiry()) + ")";
        String removed = "";
        if (entry.hasExpired()) {
            removed = ChatColor.GREEN + " (Expired)";
        } else if (entry.isRevoked()) {
            removed = ChatColor.AQUA + " (Revoked: " + entry.getRevocationCode().getDescription() + ")";
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "#" + i + ": " + ChatColor.RED + entry.getType() + ": " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getReason() + " " + duration + removed);
    List<HoldEntry> holds = holdLoader.getActiveHoldsByUser(targetUser).stream().filter(h -> h.getBy().equals(user(sender)) || mod).collect(Collectors.toList());
    if (holds.size() > 0) {
        sender.spigot().sendMessage(StringUtil.plainText(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Pending Holds: " + ChatColor.RESET + holds.size()), StringUtil.clickableHoverableText(ChatColor.GRAY + " [View Holds]", "/viewholds " + targetUser.getName(), "Click to view active holds on this user"));
    if (targetPlayer == null) {
        // User was only constructed for querying purposes. Since they're not really online, remove them from local registry
    return true;
Also used : WrappedUser( PunishmentType( StringUtil(mc.dragons.core.util.StringUtil) CommandSender(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender) HoldEntry( User(mc.dragons.core.gameobject.user.User) Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) SystemProfileFlag(mc.dragons.core.gameobject.user.permission.SystemProfile.SystemProfileFlags.SystemProfileFlag) Collectors( List(java.util.List) DragonsCommandExecutor(mc.dragons.core.commands.DragonsCommandExecutor) HoldLoader( PunishmentData( ChatColor(org.bukkit.ChatColor) Command(org.bukkit.command.Command) Bukkit(org.bukkit.Bukkit) Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) WrappedUser( User(mc.dragons.core.gameobject.user.User) HoldEntry( PunishmentData( WrappedUser(

Example 4 with WrappedUser

use of in project DragonsOnline by UniverseCraft.

the class NSPunishCommands method kick.

private void kick(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
    if (!requirePermission(sender, SystemProfileFlag.HELPER))
    if (args.length < 2) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "/kick <player> <code> [extra info]");
    User target = lookupUser(sender, args[0]);
    if (target == null)
    PunishmentCode code = PunishmentCode.parseCode(sender, args[1]);
    if (code == null)
    String extraInfo = StringUtil.concatArgs(args, 2);
    String reason = code.getDescription() + (extraInfo.isEmpty() ? "" : " (" + extraInfo + ")");
    WrappedUser wtarget = WrappedUser.of(target);
    int id = wtarget.punish(PunishmentType.KICK, code, code.getStandingLevel(), extraInfo, user(sender));
    wtarget.raiseStandingLevel(code.getType(), code.getStandingLevel());
    if (wtarget.getUser().getServerName() != null && !dragons.getServerName().equals(wtarget.getUser().getServerName())) {
        LOGGER.trace("Forwarding punishment on " + wtarget.getUser().getName() + " to " + wtarget.getUser().getServerName());
        handler.forwardPunishment(wtarget.getUser(), id, PunishmentType.KICK, reason, -1L);
    sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Kicked " + target.getName() + ": " + code.getName());
Also used : WrappedUser( User(mc.dragons.core.gameobject.user.User) PunishmentCode( WrappedUser(

Example 5 with WrappedUser

use of in project DragonsOnline by UniverseCraft.

the class NSPunishCommands method warn.

private void warn(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
    if (!requirePermission(sender, SystemProfileFlag.HELPER))
    if (args.length < 2) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "/warn <player> <code> [extra info]");
    User target = lookupUser(sender, args[0]);
    if (target == null)
    PunishmentCode code = PunishmentCode.parseCode(sender, args[1]);
    if (code == null)
    String extraInfo = StringUtil.concatArgs(args, 2);
    String reason = code.getDescription() + (extraInfo.isEmpty() ? "" : " (" + extraInfo + ")");
    WrappedUser wtarget = WrappedUser.of(target);
    int id = wtarget.punish(PunishmentType.WARNING, code, code.getStandingLevel(), extraInfo, user(sender));
    wtarget.raiseStandingLevel(code.getType(), code.getStandingLevel());
    if (wtarget.getUser().getServerName() != null && !dragons.getServerName().equals(wtarget.getUser().getServerName())) {
        LOGGER.trace("Forwarding punishment on " + wtarget.getUser().getName() + " to " + wtarget.getUser().getServerName());
        handler.forwardPunishment(wtarget.getUser(), id, PunishmentType.WARNING, reason, -1L);
    sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Warned " + target.getName() + ": " + code.getName());
Also used : WrappedUser( User(mc.dragons.core.gameobject.user.User) PunishmentCode( WrappedUser(


WrappedUser ( User (mc.dragons.core.gameobject.user.User)11 PunishmentData ( List (java.util.List)4 Collectors ( DragonsCommandExecutor (mc.dragons.core.commands.DragonsCommandExecutor)4 SystemProfileFlag (mc.dragons.core.gameobject.user.permission.SystemProfile.SystemProfileFlags.SystemProfileFlag)4 StringUtil (mc.dragons.core.util.StringUtil)4 PunishmentCode ( PunishmentType ( StandingLevelType ( ChatColor (org.bukkit.ChatColor)4 Command (org.bukkit.command.Command)4 CommandSender (org.bukkit.command.CommandSender)4 HoldLoader ( HoldEntry ( Bukkit (org.bukkit.Bukkit)3 RevocationCode ( CmdUtil ( CmdData (