use of mcjty.rftools.items.builder.GuiShapeCard in project RFTools by McJty.
the class GuiProxy method getClientGuiElement.
public Object getClientGuiElement(int guiid, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, World world, int x, int y, int z) {
if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_MANUAL_MAIN) {
return new GuiRFToolsManual(GuiRFToolsManual.MANUAL_MAIN);
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_MANUAL_SHAPE) {
return new GuiRFToolsManual(GuiRFToolsManual.MANUAL_SHAPE);
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_TELEPORTPROBE) {
return new GuiTeleportProbe();
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_ADVANCEDPORTER) {
return new GuiAdvancedPorter();
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_LIST_BLOCKS) {
return new GuiNetworkMonitor();
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_DEVELOPERS_DELIGHT) {
return new GuiDevelopersDelight();
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_REMOTE_STORAGE_ITEM) {
return new GuiModularStorage(new RemoteStorageItemContainer(entityPlayer));
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_REMOTE_STORAGESCANNER_ITEM) {
ItemStack tablet = entityPlayer.getHeldItemMainhand();
int monitordim = RFToolsTools.getDimensionFromModule(tablet);
BlockPos pos = RFToolsTools.getPositionFromModule(tablet);
StorageScannerTileEntity te = new StorageScannerTileEntity(entityPlayer, monitordim) {
public BlockPos getCraftingGridContainerPos() {
// We are a handheld so we return a null pos for the craftinggrid
return null;
public boolean isOpenWideView() {
TileEntity realTe = RFTools.proxy.getClientWorld().getTileEntity(pos);
if (realTe instanceof StorageScannerTileEntity) {
return ((StorageScannerTileEntity) realTe).isOpenWideView();
return true;
public BlockPos getStorageScannerPos() {
return pos;
// The position of the actual storage scanner is set on the dummy te
return new GuiStorageScanner(te, new StorageScannerContainer(entityPlayer, te));
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_MODULAR_STORAGE_ITEM) {
return new GuiModularStorage(new ModularStorageItemContainer(entityPlayer));
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_STORAGE_FILTER) {
return new GuiStorageFilter(new StorageFilterContainer(entityPlayer));
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_MODIFIER_MODULE) {
return new GuiModifier(new ModifierContainer(entityPlayer));
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_SHAPECARD) {
return new GuiShapeCard(false);
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_SHAPECARD_COMPOSER) {
return new GuiShapeCard(true);
} else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_CHAMBER_DETAILS) {
return new GuiChamberDetails();
// if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_LIST_BLOCKS) {
// return new GuiNetworkMonitor();
// } else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_DEVELOPERS_DELIGHT) {
// return new GuiDevelopersDelight();
// } else if (guiid == RFTools.GUI_MANUAL_DIMENSION) {
// return new GuiRFToolsManual(GuiRFToolsManual.MANUAL_DIMENSION);
// }
BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock();
if (block instanceof GenericBlock) {
GenericBlock<?, ?> genericBlock = (GenericBlock<?, ?>) block;
TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(pos);
return genericBlock.createClientGui(entityPlayer, te);
return null;