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Example 11 with QueryParameters

use of me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters in project Prism-Bukkit by prism.

the class RollbackCommand method handle.

     * Handle the command
public void handle(final CallInfo call) {
    final QueryParameters parameters = PreprocessArgs.process(plugin, call.getSender(), call.getArgs(), PrismProcessType.ROLLBACK, 1, !plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("prism.queries.never-use-defaults"));
    if (parameters == null) {
    parameters.setStringFromRawArgs(call.getArgs(), 1);
    // determine if defaults were used
    final ArrayList<String> defaultsUsed = parameters.getDefaultsUsed();
    String defaultsReminder = "";
    if (!defaultsUsed.isEmpty()) {
        defaultsReminder += " using defaults:";
        for (final String d : defaultsUsed) {
            defaultsReminder += " " + d;
    call.getSender().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerSubduedHeaderMsg("Preparing results..." + defaultsReminder));
         * Run the query itself in an async task so the lookup query isn't done
         * on the main thread
    plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            final ActionsQuery aq = new ActionsQuery(plugin);
            final QueryResult results = aq.lookup(parameters, call.getSender());
            if (!results.getActionResults().isEmpty()) {
                call.getSender().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerHeaderMsg("Beginning rollback..."));
                // Perform rollback on the main thread
                plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        final Rollback rb = new Rollback(plugin, call.getSender(), results.getActionResults(), parameters, new PrismApplierCallback());
            } else {
                call.getSender().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("Nothing found to rollback. Try using /prism l (args) first."));
Also used : QueryResult(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryResult) PrismApplierCallback(me.botsko.prism.appliers.PrismApplierCallback) ActionsQuery(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.ActionsQuery) QueryParameters(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters) Rollback(me.botsko.prism.appliers.Rollback)

Example 12 with QueryParameters

use of me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters in project Prism-Bukkit by prism.

the class TeleportCommand method handle.

     * Handle the command
public void handle(CallInfo call) {
    // Is there anything even stored to paginate?
    String keyName = "console";
    if (call.getSender() instanceof Player) {
        keyName = call.getSender().getName();
    if (!plugin.cachedQueries.containsKey(keyName) && !call.getArg(1).contains("id:")) {
        call.getSender().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("There's no saved query to use results from. Maybe they expired? Try your lookup again."));
    // Parse the incoming ident
    String ident = call.getArg(1);
    if (ident.contains("id:")) {
        ident = ident.replace("id:", "");
    // Determine result index to tp to - either an id, or the next/previous
    // id
    int record_id;
    if (ident.equals("next") || ident.equals("prev")) {
        // Get stored results
        final QueryResult results = plugin.cachedQueries.get(keyName);
        record_id = results.getLastTeleportIndex();
        record_id = (record_id == 0 ? 1 : record_id);
        if (record_id > 0) {
            if (ident.equals("next")) {
            } else {
                if (record_id > 1) {
    } else {
        if (!TypeUtils.isNumeric(ident)) {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("You must provide a numeric result number or record ID to teleport to."));
        record_id = Integer.parseInt(ident);
        if (record_id <= 0) {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("Result number or record ID must be greater than zero."));
    // If a record id provided, re-query the database
    Handler destinationAction;
    if (call.getArg(1).contains("id:")) {
        // Build params
        final QueryParameters params = new QueryParameters();
        // Query
        final ActionsQuery aq = new ActionsQuery(plugin);
        final QueryResult results = aq.lookup(params, call.getPlayer());
        if (results.getActionResults().isEmpty()) {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("No records exists with this ID."));
        // Get the first result
        destinationAction = results.getActionResults().get(0);
    } else // Otherwise, look for a cached query
        // Get stored results
        final QueryResult results = plugin.cachedQueries.get(keyName);
        if (record_id > results.getActionResults().size()) {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("No records exists at this index. Did you mean /pr tp id:" + record_id + " instead?"));
        final int key = (record_id - 1);
        // Get the result index specified
        destinationAction = results.getActionResults().get(key);
        // Refresh the query time and replace
        plugin.cachedQueries.replace(keyName, results);
    if (destinationAction != null) {
        final World world = plugin.getServer().getWorld(destinationAction.getWorldName());
        if (world == null) {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("Action record occurred in world we can't find anymore."));
        final Location loc = new Location(world, destinationAction.getX(), destinationAction.getY(), destinationAction.getZ());
        call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerSubduedHeaderMsg("Teleporting... " + ChatColor.WHITE + destinationAction.getType().getName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " by " + ChatColor.WHITE + destinationAction.getPlayerName() + ChatColor.GRAY + ", " + ChatColor.WHITE + destinationAction.getTimeSince()));
Also used : Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) QueryResult(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryResult) ActionsQuery(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.ActionsQuery) Handler(me.botsko.prism.actions.Handler) SubHandler(me.botsko.prism.commandlibs.SubHandler) QueryParameters(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters) World(org.bukkit.World) Location(org.bukkit.Location)

Example 13 with QueryParameters

use of me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters in project Prism-Bukkit by prism.

the class UndoCommand method handle.

     * Handle the command
public void handle(CallInfo call) {
    if (call.getArgs().length > 1) {
        final ActionsQuery aq = new ActionsQuery(plugin);
        int record_id = 0;
        if (TypeUtils.isNumeric(call.getArg(1))) {
            record_id = Integer.parseInt(call.getArg(1));
            if (record_id <= 0) {
                call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("Record ID must be greater than zero."));
        } else {
            if (call.getArg(1).equals("last")) {
                record_id = aq.getUsersLastPrismProcessId(call.getPlayer().getName());
        // Invalid id
        if (record_id == 0) {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("Either you have no last process or an invalid ID."));
        final PrismProcessAction process = aq.getPrismProcessRecord(record_id);
        if (process == null) {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("A process does not exists with that value."));
        // We only support this for drains
        if (!process.getProcessChildActionType().equals("prism-drain")) {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("You can't currently undo anything other than a drain process."));
        // Pull the actual block change data for this undo event
        final QueryParameters parameters = new QueryParameters();
        // make sure the distance isn't too far away
        final QueryResult results = aq.lookup(parameters, call.getPlayer());
        if (!results.getActionResults().isEmpty()) {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerHeaderMsg("Undoing..." + ChatColor.GRAY + " Abandon ship!"));
            final Undo rb = new Undo(plugin, call.getPlayer(), results.getActionResults(), parameters, new PrismApplierCallback());
        } else {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("Nothing found to undo. Must be a problem with Prism."));
    } else {
        // Show the list
        // Process and validate all of the arguments
        final QueryParameters parameters = new QueryParameters();
        // @todo config this, and move the logic
        // to queryparams
        final ActionsQuery aq = new ActionsQuery(plugin);
        final QueryResult results = aq.lookup(parameters, call.getPlayer());
        if (!results.getActionResults().isEmpty()) {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerHeaderMsg("Showing " + results.getTotalResults() + " results. Page 1 of " + results.getTotal_pages()));
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerSubduedHeaderMsg("Use /prism undo [id] to reverse a process"));
            final List<Handler> paginated = results.getPaginatedActionResults();
            if (paginated != null) {
                for (final Handler a : paginated) {
                    final ActionMessage am = new ActionMessage(a);
                    if (parameters.allowsNoRadius() || parameters.hasFlag(Flag.EXTENDED) || plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("prism.messenger.always-show-extended")) {
            } else {
                call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("Pagination can't find anything. Do you have the right page number?"));
        } else {
            call.getPlayer().sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("Nothing found." + ChatColor.GRAY + " Either you're missing something, or we are."));
Also used : PrismProcessAction(me.botsko.prism.actions.PrismProcessAction) QueryResult(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryResult) PrismApplierCallback(me.botsko.prism.appliers.PrismApplierCallback) ActionsQuery(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.ActionsQuery) ActionMessage(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.ActionMessage) Handler(me.botsko.prism.actions.Handler) SubHandler(me.botsko.prism.commandlibs.SubHandler) QueryParameters(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters) Undo(me.botsko.prism.appliers.Undo)

Example 14 with QueryParameters

use of me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters in project Prism-Bukkit by prism.

the class OreMonitor method processAlertsFromBlock.

     * @param player
     * @param block
public void processAlertsFromBlock(final Player player, final Block block) {
    if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("prism.alerts.ores.enabled")) {
    if (player == null || player.getGameMode() == null || player.getGameMode().equals(GameMode.CREATIVE)) {
    if (block != null && isWatched(block) && !plugin.alertedBlocks.containsKey(block.getLocation())) {
        threshold = 1;
        // identify all ore blocks on same Y axis in x/z direction
        final ArrayList<Block> matchingBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
        final ArrayList<Block> foundores = findNeighborBlocks(block.getType(), block, matchingBlocks);
        if (!foundores.isEmpty()) {
            // Save the block
            final BlockState state = block.getState();
            // Set to air to get the light
            int light = block.getLightLevel();
            light = (light > 0 ? Math.round(((light) & 0xFF) * 100) / 15 : 0);
            // Restore the block
            final String count = foundores.size() + (foundores.size() >= threshold_max ? "+" : "");
            final String msg = getOreColor(block) + player.getName() + " found " + count + " " + getOreNiceName(block) + " " + light + "% light";
                 * Run the lookup itself in an async task so the lookup query
                 * isn't done on the main thread
            plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    // check if block placed
                    boolean wasplaced = false;
                    // Build params
                    final QueryParameters params = new QueryParameters();
                    final ActionsQuery aq = new ActionsQuery(plugin);
                    final QueryResult results = aq.lookup(params, player);
                    if (!results.getActionResults().isEmpty()) {
                        wasplaced = true;
                    if (!wasplaced) {
                        // Alert staff
                        plugin.alertPlayers(null, TypeUtils.colorize(msg));
                        // Log to console
                        if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("prism.alerts.ores.log-to-console")) {
                        // Log to commands
                        List<String> commands = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("prism.alerts.ores.log-commands");
                        MiscUtils.dispatchAlert(msg, commands);
Also used : QueryResult(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryResult) BlockState(org.bukkit.block.BlockState) ActionsQuery(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.ActionsQuery) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Block(org.bukkit.block.Block) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) QueryParameters(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters)

Example 15 with QueryParameters

use of me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters in project Prism-Bukkit by prism.

the class InspectorWand method showLocationHistory.

     * @param player
     * @param block
     * @param loc
protected void showLocationHistory(final Player player, final Location loc) {
    final Block block = loc.getBlock();
         * Run the lookup itself in an async task so the lookup query isn't done
         * on the main thread
    plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            // Build params
            QueryParameters params;
            try {
                params = parameters.clone();
            } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
                params = new QueryParameters();
                player.sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("Error retrieving parameters. Checking with default parameters."));
            // Do we need a second location? (For beds, doors, etc)
            final Block sibling = me.botsko.elixr.BlockUtils.getSiblingForDoubleLengthBlock(block);
            if (sibling != null) {
            // Ignoring any actions via config?
            if (params.getActionTypes().size() == 0) {
                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<String> ignoreActions = (ArrayList<String>) plugin.getConfig().getList("prism.wands.inspect.ignore-actions");
                if (ignoreActions != null && !ignoreActions.isEmpty()) {
                    for (final String ignore : ignoreActions) {
                        params.addActionType(ignore, MatchRule.EXCLUDE);
            boolean timeDefault = false;
            for (final String _default : params.getDefaultsUsed()) {
                if (_default.startsWith("t:")) {
                    timeDefault = true;
            if (timeDefault) {
            // Query
            final ActionsQuery aq = new ActionsQuery(plugin);
            final QueryResult results = aq.lookup(params, player);
            if (!results.getActionResults().isEmpty()) {
                final String blockname = Prism.getItems().getAlias(block.getTypeId(), block.getData());
                player.sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerHeaderMsg(ChatColor.GOLD + "--- Inspecting " + blockname + " at " + loc.getBlockX() + " " + loc.getBlockY() + " " + loc.getBlockZ() + " ---"));
                if (results.getActionResults().size() > 5) {
                    player.sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerHeaderMsg("Showing " + results.getTotalResults() + " results. Page 1 of " + results.getTotal_pages()));
                for (final me.botsko.prism.actions.Handler a : results.getPaginatedActionResults()) {
                    final ActionMessage am = new ActionMessage(a);
                    if (parameters.hasFlag(Flag.EXTENDED) || plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("prism.messenger.always-show-extended")) {
            } else {
                final String space_name = (block.getType().equals(Material.AIR) ? "space" : block.getType().toString().replaceAll("_", " ").toLowerCase() + (block.getType().toString().endsWith("BLOCK") ? "" : " block"));
                player.sendMessage(Prism.messenger.playerError("No history for this " + space_name + " found."));
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) QueryParameters(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters) QueryResult(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryResult) ActionsQuery(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.ActionsQuery) ActionMessage(me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.ActionMessage) Block(org.bukkit.block.Block)


QueryParameters (me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryParameters)18 ActionsQuery (me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.ActionsQuery)12 QueryResult (me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.QueryResult)11 PrismApplierCallback (me.botsko.prism.appliers.PrismApplierCallback)5 ActionMessage (me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.ActionMessage)4 Handler (me.botsko.prism.actions.Handler)4 SubHandler (me.botsko.prism.commandlibs.SubHandler)4 Block (org.bukkit.block.Block)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 List (java.util.List)3 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)3 Connection (java.sql.Connection)2 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)2 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)2 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 CopyOnWriteArrayList (java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList)2 MatchRule (me.botsko.prism.actionlibs.MatchRule)2 Restore (me.botsko.prism.appliers.Restore)2 Rollback (me.botsko.prism.appliers.Rollback)2 PrismProcessAction (me.botsko.prism.actions.PrismProcessAction)1