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Example 6 with BlockStateChangeImpl

use of in project Prism-Bukkit by prism.

the class BlockAction method removeBlock.

private ChangeResult removeBlock(Player player, PrismParameters parameters, boolean isPreview, Block block) {
    BlockStateChangeImpl stateChange;
    if (!block.getType().equals(AIR)) {
        // Ensure it's acceptable to remove the current block
        if (!Utilities.isAcceptableForBlockPlace(block.getType()) && !Utilities.areBlockIdsSameCoreItem(block.getType(), getMaterial()) && !parameters.hasFlag(Flag.OVERWRITE)) {
            return new ChangeResultImpl(ChangeResultType.SKIPPED, null);
        // Capture the block before we change it
        final BlockState originalBlock = block.getState();
        if (!isPreview) {
            // Set
            // Capture the new state
            final BlockState newBlock = block.getState();
            // Store the state change
            stateChange = new BlockStateChangeImpl(originalBlock, newBlock);
        } else {
            // Otherwise, save the state so we can cancel if needed
            // Note: we save the original state as both old/new so we can
            // re-use blockStateChanges
            stateChange = new BlockStateChangeImpl(originalBlock, originalBlock);
            // Preview it
            EntityUtils.sendBlockChange(player, block.getLocation(), Bukkit.createBlockData(AIR));
            // Send preview to shared players
            for (final CommandSender sharedPlayer : parameters.getSharedPlayers()) {
                if (sharedPlayer instanceof Player) {
                    EntityUtils.sendBlockChange((Player) sharedPlayer, block.getLocation(), Bukkit.createBlockData(AIR));
        return new ChangeResultImpl(ChangeResultType.APPLIED, stateChange);
    return new ChangeResultImpl(ChangeResultType.SKIPPED, null);
Also used : Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) BlockState(org.bukkit.block.BlockState) BlockStateChangeImpl( CommandSender(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender) ChangeResultImpl(me.botsko.prism.appliers.ChangeResultImpl)

Example 7 with BlockStateChangeImpl

use of in project Prism-Bukkit by prism.

the class Utilities method removeMaterialsFromRadius.

 * Remove materials in an radius.
 * @param materials Material array
 * @param loc       Location
 * @param radius    integer
public static ArrayList<BlockStateChange> removeMaterialsFromRadius(Material[] materials, final Location loc, int radius) {
    final ArrayList<BlockStateChange> blockStateChanges = new ArrayList<>();
    if (loc != null && radius > 0 && materials != null && materials.length > 0) {
        final int x1 = loc.getBlockX();
        final int y1 = loc.getBlockY();
        final int z1 = loc.getBlockZ();
        final World world = loc.getWorld();
        for (int x = x1 - radius; x <= x1 + radius; x++) {
            for (int y = y1 - radius; y <= y1 + radius; y++) {
                for (int z = z1 - radius; z <= z1 + radius; z++) {
                    Location testLocation = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                    final Block b = testLocation.getBlock();
                    if (b.getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
                    if (Arrays.asList(materials).contains(testLocation.getBlock().getType())) {
                        final BlockState originalBlock = testLocation.getBlock().getState();
                        final BlockState newBlock = testLocation.getBlock().getState();
                        blockStateChanges.add(new BlockStateChangeImpl(originalBlock, newBlock));
    return blockStateChanges;
Also used : BlockStateChange(me.botsko.prism.api.BlockStateChange) BlockState(org.bukkit.block.BlockState) BlockStateChangeImpl( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Block(org.bukkit.block.Block) World(org.bukkit.World) Location(org.bukkit.Location)


BlockStateChangeImpl ( BlockState (org.bukkit.block.BlockState)7 ChangeResultImpl (me.botsko.prism.appliers.ChangeResultImpl)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Block (org.bukkit.block.Block)3 Location (org.bukkit.Location)2 World (org.bukkit.World)2 BlockData ( CommandSender (org.bukkit.command.CommandSender)2 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)2 NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)2 BlockStateChange (me.botsko.prism.api.BlockStateChange)1 DyeColor (org.bukkit.DyeColor)1 Nameable (org.bukkit.Nameable)1 Banner (org.bukkit.block.Banner)1 CommandBlock (org.bukkit.block.CommandBlock)1 CreatureSpawner (org.bukkit.block.CreatureSpawner)1 Sign (org.bukkit.block.Sign)1 Skull (org.bukkit.block.Skull)1 Pattern (org.bukkit.block.banner.Pattern)1