use of me.juancarloscp52.bedrockify.BedrockifySettings in project BedrockIfy by juancarloscp52.
the class Overlay method renderPositionText.
private void renderPositionText(MatrixStack matrixStack) {
BedrockifySettings settings = Bedrockify.getInstance().settings;
int screenBorder = settings.getScreenSafeArea();
int posY = settings.getPositionHUDHeight();
if (!settings.isShowPositionHUDEnabled())
BlockPos blockPos = Objects.requireNonNull(this.client.getCameraEntity(), "Camera Entity cannot be null.").getBlockPos();
MutableText position = new TranslatableText("bedrockify.hud.position").append(new LiteralText(" " + blockPos.getX() + ", " + blockPos.getY() + ", " + blockPos.getZ()));
if (settings.getFPSHUDoption() == 1)
position.append(" ").append(fps);
int positionWidth = client.textRenderer.getWidth(position);
fill(matrixStack, textPosX + screenBorder, posY + screenBorder, textPosX + positionWidth + 6 + screenBorder, posY + 10 + screenBorder, MathHelper.ceil((255.0D * client.options.textBackgroundOpacity)) << 24);
client.textRenderer.drawWithShadow(matrixStack, position, textPosX + 3 + screenBorder, posY + 1 + screenBorder, 16777215);
use of me.juancarloscp52.bedrockify.BedrockifySettings in project BedrockIfy by juancarloscp52.
the class Overlay method renderFpsText.
private void renderFpsText(MatrixStack matrixStack) {
BedrockifySettings settings = Bedrockify.getInstance().settings;
int screenBorder = settings.getScreenSafeArea();
int posY = settings.getPositionHUDHeight();
boolean positionEnabled = settings.isShowPositionHUDEnabled();
if (settings.getFPSHUDoption() != 2)
int fpsCounterWidth = client.textRenderer.getWidth(fps);
fill(matrixStack, textPosX + screenBorder, posY + (positionEnabled ? 10 : 0) + screenBorder, textPosX + fpsCounterWidth + 6 + screenBorder, posY + (positionEnabled ? 10 : 0) + 10 + screenBorder, MathHelper.ceil((255.0D * client.options.textBackgroundOpacity)) << 24);
client.textRenderer.drawWithShadow(matrixStack, fps, textPosX + 3 + screenBorder, posY + 1 + (positionEnabled ? 10 : 0) + screenBorder, 16777215);
use of me.juancarloscp52.bedrockify.BedrockifySettings in project BedrockIfy by juancarloscp52.
the class SavingOverlay method render.
public void render(MatrixStack matrixStack) {
final BedrockifySettings settings = Bedrockify.getInstance().settings;
if (saving || System.currentTimeMillis() - timer < 3000) {
// Draw chest
this.drawTexture(matrixStack, client.getWindow().getScaledWidth() - (21 + settings.getScreenSafeArea()), 19 + settings.getScreenSafeArea(), 0, 99, 16, 17);
// Draw arrow
this.drawTexture(matrixStack, client.getWindow().getScaledWidth() - (19 + settings.getScreenSafeArea()), 5 + settings.getScreenSafeArea() + MathHelper.fastFloor(MathHelper.abs(MathHelper.sin((float) (Util.getMeasuringTimeMs() % 1000L) / 1000F * 3.1415926F) * 6)), 16, 99, 12, 15);
use of me.juancarloscp52.bedrockify.BedrockifySettings in project BedrockIfy by juancarloscp52.
the class ChatHudMixin method getAvailableLines.
private int getAvailableLines() {
BedrockifySettings settings = Bedrockify.getInstance().settings;
int posY = settings.getPositionHUDHeight() + (settings.isShowPositionHUDEnabled() ? 10 : 0) + (settings.getFPSHUDoption() == 2 ? 10 : 0) + settings.getScreenSafeArea();
return MathHelper.ceil((client.getWindow().getScaledHeight() - posY) / ((this.client.options.chatLineSpacing + 1.0D) * 9)) - 2;
use of me.juancarloscp52.bedrockify.BedrockifySettings in project BedrockIfy by juancarloscp52.
the class HeldItemTooltips method drawItemWithCustomTooltips.
public int drawItemWithCustomTooltips(TextRenderer fontRenderer, MatrixStack matrices, Text text, float x, float y, int color, ItemStack currentStack) {
int screenBorder = Bedrockify.getInstance().settings.getScreenSafeArea();
// Get the current held item tooltips.
List<Tooltip> tooltips = getTooltips(currentStack);
int tooltipOffset = 0;
BedrockifySettings settings = Bedrockify.getInstance().settings;
// Draw item tooltips if the option is enabled.
if (settings.getHeldItemTooltip() > 0) {
if (tooltips != null) {
// Compute the max tooltip offset (used for the item name).
int count = 0;
// Limit the maximum number of shown tooltips to 4.
boolean showMoreTooltip = false;
if (tooltips.size() > 4) {
showMoreTooltip = true;
tooltipOffset = 12 * 4;
} else
tooltipOffset = tooltips.size() * 12;
// Render background behind tooltip if enabled.
if (settings.getHeldItemTooltip() == 2) {
int maxLength = getMaxTooltipLength(tooltips, fontRenderer, currentStack);
renderBackground(matrices, y, screenBorder, tooltipOffset, maxLength);
for (Tooltip elem : tooltips) {
// Prevent from drawing more than 4 tooltips.
if (count > 3)
// Render the tooltip.
renderTooltip(fontRenderer, matrices, y - screenBorder - (12 * count), color, elem.getTooltipText().formatted(Formatting.GRAY));
// show the "and x more..." tooltip if the item has more than 4 tooltips.
if (showMoreTooltip)
renderTooltip(fontRenderer, matrices, y - screenBorder, color, new TranslatableText("container.shulkerBox.more", tooltips.size() - 4).formatted(Formatting.GRAY));
} else if (settings.getHeldItemTooltip() == 2) {
// draw the background
renderBackground(matrices, y, screenBorder, tooltipOffset, fontRenderer.getWidth(text));
// Render the item name.
return fontRenderer.drawWithShadow(matrices, text, x, y - tooltipOffset - screenBorder, color);