use of me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.params.types.custom.ParamInfoParticle in project LibsDisguises by libraryaddict.
the class ParamInfoTypes method getParamInfos.
* Constructor values are listed here for continuity
public List<ParamInfo> getParamInfos() {
List<ParamInfo> paramInfos = new ArrayList<>();
// Register enum types
// paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(AnimalColor.class, "Animal Color",
// "View all the colors you can use for an animal color"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Art.class, "Art", "View all the paintings you can use for a painting disguise"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Horse.Color.class, "Horse Color", "View all the colors you can use for a horses color"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Villager.Profession.class, "Villager Profession", "View all the professions you can set on a Villager and Zombie Villager"));
if (NmsVersion.v1_14.isSupported()) {
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Villager.Type.class, "Villager Biome", "View all the biomes you can set on a Villager and Zombie Villager"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(BlockFace.class, "Direction", "Direction (North, East, South, West, Up, Down)", "View the directions usable on player setSleeping and shulker direction", Arrays.copyOf(BlockFace.values(), 6)));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(RabbitType.class, "Rabbit Type", "View the kinds of rabbits you can turn into"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(TreeSpecies.class, "Tree Species", "View the different types of tree species"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(MainHand.class, "Main Hand", "Set the main hand for an entity"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Llama.Color.class, "Llama Color", "View all the colors you can use for a llama color"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Parrot.Variant.class, "Parrot Variant", "View the different colors a parrot can be"));
if (NmsVersion.v1_13.isSupported()) {
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoParticle(WrappedParticle.class, "Particle", "The different particles of Minecraft", Particle.values(), getMaterials()));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(TropicalFish.Pattern.class, "Pattern", "Patterns of a tropical fish"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoBlockData(BlockData.class, "BlockData", "The block data states, barrel[facing=north,open=false] as example", getMaterials()));
} else {
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Particle.class, "Particle", "The different particles of Minecraft"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(DyeColor.class, "DyeColor", "Dye colors of many different colors"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Horse.Style.class, "Horse Style", "Horse style which is the patterns on the horse"));
if (NmsVersion.v1_14.isSupported()) {
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(EntityPose.class, "EntityPose", "The pose the entity should strike"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Cat.Type.class, "Cat Type", "The type of cat"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Fox.Type.class, "Fox Type", "The type of fox"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Panda.Gene.class, "Panda Gene", "The panda gene type"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(MushroomCow.Variant.class, "Mushroom Cow Variant", "The different variants for mushroom cows"));
if (NmsVersion.v1_17.isSupported()) {
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Axolotl.Variant.class, "Axolotl Variant", "The variant of Axolotl"));
} else {
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Ocelot.Type.class, "Ocelot Type", "The type of ocelot"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(DisguiseConfig.NotifyBar.class, "NotifyBar", "Where the disguised indicator should appear"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(BarColor.class, "BarColor", "The color of the boss bar"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(BarStyle.class, "BarStyle", "The style of the boss bar"));
// Register custom types
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEulerAngle(EulerAngle.class, "Euler Angle", "Euler Angle (X,Y,Z)", "Set the X,Y,Z directions on an armorstand"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoColor(Color.class, "Color", "Colors that can also be defined through RGB", getColors()));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(Material.class, "Material", "A material used for blocks and items", getMaterials()));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoItemStack(ItemStack.class, "ItemStack", "ItemStack (Material,Amount?,Glow?)", "An ItemStack compromised of Material,Amount,Glow. Only requires Material", getMaterials()));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoItemStackArray(ItemStack[].class, "ItemStack[]", "Four ItemStacks (Material:Amount?:Glow?,Material:Amount?:Glow?..)", "Four ItemStacks separated by a comma", getMaterials()));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoPotionEffect(PotionEffectType.class, "Potion Effect", "View all the potion effects you can add", getPotions()));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoBlockPosition(BlockPosition.class, "Block Position", "Block Position (num,num,num)", "Three numbers separated by a ,"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoGameProfile(WrappedGameProfile.class, "GameProfile", "Get the gameprofile here https://sessionserver.mojang" + ".com/session/minecraft/profile/PLAYER_UUID_GOES_HERE?unsigned=false"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoTime(long.class, "Expiry Time", "Set how long the disguise lasts, <Num><Time><Num>... where <Time> is (s/sec)(m/min)(h/hour)(d/day) " + "etc. 30m20secs = 30 minutes, 20 seconds"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoChatColor(ChatColor.class, "ChatColor", "A chat color"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoEnum(GolemCrack.class, "Golem Cracked", "The stage a golem has been cracked"));
// Register base types
Map<String, Object> booleanMap = new HashMap<>();
booleanMap.put("true", true);
booleanMap.put("false", false);
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoBoolean("Boolean", "True/False", "True or False", booleanMap));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoString(String.class, "Text", "A line of text"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoInteger("Number", "A whole number without decimals"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoFloat("Number.0", "A number which can have decimal places"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoFloatNullable("Number.0", "A number which can have decimal places or be null"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoDouble("Number.0", "A number which can have decimal places"));
paramInfos.add(new ParamInfoSoundGroup());
return paramInfos;
use of me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.params.types.custom.ParamInfoParticle in project LibsDisguises by libraryaddict.
the class SerializerFlagWatcher method correct.
private void correct(FlagWatcher watcher, Class<? extends FlagWatcher> flagWatcher, String name) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException, DisguiseParseException {
Field field = FlagWatcher.class.getDeclaredField(name);
HashMap<Integer, Object> map = (HashMap<Integer, Object>) field.get(watcher);
int count = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
MetaIndex index = MetaIndex.getMetaIndex(flagWatcher, entry.getKey());
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Double) {
Object def = index.getDefault();
if (def instanceof Long) {
entry.setValue(((Double) entry.getValue()).longValue());
} else if (def instanceof Float) {
entry.setValue(((Double) entry.getValue()).floatValue());
} else if (def instanceof Integer) {
entry.setValue(((Double) entry.getValue()).intValue());
} else if (def instanceof Short) {
entry.setValue(((Double) entry.getValue()).shortValue());
} else if (def instanceof Byte) {
entry.setValue(((Double) entry.getValue()).byteValue());
} else if (entry.getValue() instanceof String) {
if (index.getDefault() instanceof WrappedParticle) {
entry.setValue(((ParamInfoParticle) ParamInfoManager.getParamInfo(WrappedParticle.class)).fromString((String) entry.getValue()));
} else if (index.getDefault() instanceof EntityPose) {
entry.setValue(((ParamInfoEnum) ParamInfoManager.getParamInfo(EntityPose.class)).fromString((String) entry.getValue()));
} else if (entry.getValue() instanceof LinkedTreeMap) {
// If the default value is not VillagerData
if (index.getDefault() instanceof VillagerData) {
entry.setValue(new Gson().fromJson(new Gson().toJson(entry.getValue()), VillagerData.class));
} else if (index.getDefault() instanceof Optional) {
for (Field f : MetaIndex.class.getFields()) {
try {
if (f.get(null) != index) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
Type type = f.getGenericType();
Type opt = ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
if (opt instanceof ParameterizedType) {
Type val = ((ParameterizedType) opt).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
Optional value;
if (((LinkedTreeMap) entry.getValue()).isEmpty()) {
value = Optional.empty();
} else {
value = Optional.of(gson.fromJson(gson.toJson(((LinkedTreeMap) entry.getValue()).get("value")), val));
} else if (index.getDefault() instanceof ItemStack) {
entry.setValue(gson.fromJson(gson.toJson(entry.getValue()), ItemStack.class));
// If the deserialized class is not the same class type as the default
if (!index.getDefault().getClass().isInstance(entry.getValue())) {
if (count > 0) {
DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Fixed " + count + " incorrect disguise flags on saved disguise");