use of me.retrodaredevil.solarthing.packets.collection.PacketCollectionIdGenerator in project solarthing by wildmountainfarms.
the class CommandManager method makeCreator.
* @param instanceTargetPacket The {@link InstanceTargetPacket} to indicate which fragments to target or null. If null, it is not added to the packet collection
* @param commandOpenPacket The command packet
* @return A creator to make a packet collection. When supplied with an {@link Instant} representing now, a packet collection is created.
public PacketCollectionCreator makeCreator(String sourceId, ZoneId zoneId, @Nullable InstanceTargetPacket instanceTargetPacket, CommandOpenPacket commandOpenPacket, PacketCollectionIdGenerator packetCollectionIdGenerator) {
// instanceTargetPacket may be null
KeyPair keyPair = getKeyPair();
InstanceSourcePacket instanceSourcePacket = InstanceSourcePackets.create(sourceId);
// ----
return now -> {
PacketCollection packetCollectionToNestAndEncrypt = PacketCollections.create(now, instanceTargetPacket == null ? Arrays.asList(commandOpenPacket, instanceSourcePacket) : Arrays.asList(commandOpenPacket, instanceSourcePacket, instanceTargetPacket), "unused document ID that does not get serialized");
// Note, on packetCollectionToNestAndEncrypt, _id is not serialized, so the generator and zoneId used above do NOT affect anything
final String payload;
try {
payload = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(packetCollectionToNestAndEncrypt);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
String hashString = Long.toHexString(now.toEpochMilli()) + "," + HashUtil.encodedHash(payload);
final String encrypted;
try {
synchronized (CIPHER) {
// It's possible we could be in a multi-threaded environment, and you cannot have multiple threads using a single cipher at once
encrypted = Encrypt.encrypt(CIPHER, keyPair.getPrivate(), hashString);
} catch (InvalidKeyException | EncryptException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
List<Packet> packets = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new ImmutableLargeIntegrityPacket(sender, encrypted, payload), instanceSourcePacket));
if (instanceTargetPacket != null) {
return PacketCollections.createFromPackets(now, packets, packetCollectionIdGenerator, zoneId);