use of me.retrodaredevil.solarthing.packets.handling.PacketHandleException in project solarthing by wildmountainfarms.
the class CouchDbPacketSaver method handle.
public void handle(PacketCollection packetCollection) throws PacketHandleException {
// Normally we would try and create the database, but that doesn't work with non-admin cookie authenticated users
String id = packetCollection.getDbId();
String revision = idMap == null ? null : idMap.get(id);
final JsonData jsonData;
try {
jsonData = new StringJsonData(MAPPER.writeValueAsString(packetCollection));
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot serialize packet collection! This is bad!", e);
try {
final DocumentResponse response;
if (revision == null) {
response = database.putDocument(id, jsonData);
} else {
response = database.updateDocument(id, revision, jsonData);
LOGGER.debug("Now revision is: " + response.getRev() + ". It was: " + revision);
if (idMap != null) {
// Currently, if we have a new document ID, we never, ever, need to worry about using an older document ID, so we can clear the map to avoid keeping unnecessary memory
idMap.put(id, response.getRev());
} catch (CouchDbNotFoundException ex) {
throw new PacketHandleException("Got 'not found'. Does the database exist? Make sure to run the couchdb-setup!", ex);
} catch (CouchDbUpdateConflictException ex) {
if (idMap == null) {
// we are ignoring conflicts
LOGGER.debug("Got update conflict exception. Ignoring...");
try {
String actualRev = database.getCurrentRevision(id);
idMap.put(id, actualRev);
LOGGER.debug("We were able to get the actual Revision ID for id=" + id + " actual rev=" + actualRev);
} catch (CouchDbException revEx) {
LOGGER.debug("Unable to get the actual Revision ID for id=" + id, revEx);
throw new PacketHandleException("Conflict while saving something to couchdb. id=" + id + " rev=" + revision + ". This usually means we put a packet in the database, but we weren't able to cache its rev id.", ex);
} catch (CouchDbException ex) {
if (ex.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
throw new PacketHandleException("We got a DbAccessException probably meaning we couldn't reach the database.", ex);
} else {
throw new PacketHandleException("Got a DbAccessException without IOException as a cause. Something must be wrong.", ex);
use of me.retrodaredevil.solarthing.packets.handling.PacketHandleException in project solarthing by wildmountainfarms.
the class InfluxDbPacketSaver method handle.
public void handle(PacketCollection packetCollection) throws PacketHandleException {
try (InfluxDB db = createDatabase()) {
final InstancePacketGroup packetGroup = PacketGroups.parseToInstancePacketGroup(packetCollection, DefaultInstanceOptions.REQUIRE_NO_DEFAULTS);
final String database = databaseNameGetter.getName(packetGroup);
try {
QueryResult result = db.query(new Query("CREATE DATABASE " + database, null, true));
String error = getError(result);
if (error != null) {
throw new PacketHandleException("Result got error! error: " + result);
} catch (InfluxDBException ex) {
throw new PacketHandleException("Unable to query the database!", ex);
final RetentionPolicySetting retentionPolicySetting = retentionPolicyGetter.getRetentionPolicySetting();
final String retentionPolicyName;
// region Retention Policy Creation Logic
if (retentionPolicySetting != null) {
retentionPolicyName = retentionPolicySetting.getName();
if (retentionPolicyName != null) {
final RetentionPolicy policy = retentionPolicySetting.getRetentionPolicy();
if (policy != null) {
final String policyString = policy.toPolicyStringInfluxDb1(retentionPolicyName, database);
final boolean needsAlter;
if (retentionPolicySetting.isTryToCreate()) {
final QueryResult result;
final String query = "CREATE " + policyString;
try {
result = db.query(new Query(query, null, true));
} catch (InfluxDBException ex) {
throw new PacketHandleException("Unable to query database to create retention policy: " + retentionPolicyName + " query: " + query, ex);
String error = getError(result);
if (retentionPolicySetting.isIgnoreUnsuccessfulCreate()) {
if (error != null) {
LOGGER.debug("We're going to ignore this error we got while trying to create a retention policy. Error: {}", error);
needsAlter = false;
} else {
if (error != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Got error while trying to create! Error: " + error);
needsAlter = error != null;
if (needsAlter && !retentionPolicySetting.isAutomaticallyAlter()) {
throw new PacketHandleException("Got error while trying to create retention policy: " + retentionPolicyName + ". Error: " + error);
} else {
needsAlter = true;
if (needsAlter) {
if (retentionPolicySetting.isAutomaticallyAlter()) {
final QueryResult alterResult;
try {
alterResult = db.query(new Query("ALTER " + policyString));, "Successfully altered {} retention policy!", retentionPolicyName);
} catch (InfluxDBException ex) {
throw new PacketHandleException("Unable to query database to alter retention policy: " + retentionPolicyName, ex);
String error = getError(alterResult);
if (error != null) {
throw new PacketHandleException("Unable to alter retention policy: " + retentionPolicyName + ". Error: " + error);
} else {
throw new PacketHandleException("Retention policy: " + retentionPolicyName + " needs to be altered but automatically alter is false!");
} else {
retentionPolicyName = null;
// endregion
final long time = packetCollection.getDateMillis();
final BatchPoints points = BatchPoints.database(database).tag("sourceId", packetGroup.getSourceId()).tag("fragmentId", "" + packetGroup.getFragmentId()).consistency(InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel.ALL).retentionPolicy(// may be null, but that's OK
int packetsWritten = 0;
for (Packet packet : packetGroup.getPackets()) {
Point.Builder pointBuilder = pointCreator.createBuilder(packet).time(time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Collection<String> tagKeys = PointUtil.getTagKeys(packet.getClass());
ObjectNode json = OBJECT_MAPPER.valueToTree(packet);
for (Map.Entry<String, ValueNode> entry : PointUtil.flattenJsonObject(json)) {
String key = entry.getKey();
ValueNode prim = entry.getValue();
if (tagKeys.contains(key)) {
pointBuilder.tag(key, prim.asText());
if (prim.isNumber()) {
// always store as float datatype
pointBuilder.addField(key, prim.asDouble());
} else if (prim.isTextual() || prim.isBinary()) {
pointBuilder.addField(key, prim.asText());
} else if (prim.isBoolean()) {
pointBuilder.addField(key, prim.asBoolean());
} else
throw new AssertionError("This primitive isn't a number, string/binary or boolean! It's: " + prim + " class: " + prim.getClass() + " text=" + prim.asText());
try {
} catch (InfluxDBException ex) {
throw new PacketHandleException("We were able to query the database, but unable to write the points to it!", ex);
LOGGER.debug("Wrote {} packets to InfluxDB! database={} retention policy={}", packetsWritten, database, retentionPolicyName);
use of me.retrodaredevil.solarthing.packets.handling.PacketHandleException in project solarthing by wildmountainfarms.
the class PostPacketHandler method handle.
public void handle(PacketCollection packetCollection) throws PacketHandleException {
String string = stringPacketHandler.getString(packetCollection);
Call call = client.newCall(new Request.Builder().url(url).post(RequestBody.create(string, mediaType)).build());
try {
Response response = call.execute();
if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
throw new PacketHandleException("Connected with unsuccessful response! code: " + response.code() + " message: " + response.message());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PacketHandleException("Exception while posting!", e);
use of me.retrodaredevil.solarthing.packets.handling.PacketHandleException in project solarthing by wildmountainfarms.
the class InfluxDb2PacketSaver method handle.
public void handle(PacketCollection packetCollection) throws PacketHandleException {
final InstancePacketGroup packetGroup = PacketGroups.parseToInstancePacketGroup(packetCollection, DefaultInstanceOptions.REQUIRE_NO_DEFAULTS);
Organization organization = findOrCreateOrg();
Bucket bucket = findOrCreateBucket(bucketNameGetter.getName(packetGroup), organization);
final long time = packetCollection.getDateMillis();
List<Point> points = new ArrayList<>();
for (Packet packet : packetGroup.getPackets()) {
Point point = pointCreator.createBuilder(packet).time(time, WritePrecision.MS);
Collection<String> tagKeys = PointUtil.getTagKeys(packet.getClass());
ObjectNode json = OBJECT_MAPPER.valueToTree(packet);
for (Map.Entry<String, ValueNode> entry : PointUtil.flattenJsonObject(json)) {
String key = entry.getKey();
ValueNode prim = entry.getValue();
if (tagKeys.contains(key)) {
point.addTag(key, prim.asText());
if (prim.isNumber()) {
// always store as float datatype because you can never change the type from int to float easily
final Number value;
if (prim.isBigDecimal()) {
DecimalNode decimal = (DecimalNode) prim;
value = decimal.decimalValue();
} else {
value = prim.asDouble();
point.addField(key, value);
} else if (prim.isTextual() || prim.isBinary()) {
point.addField(key, prim.asText());
} else if (prim.isBoolean()) {
point.addField(key, prim.asBoolean());
} else
throw new AssertionError("This primitive isn't a number, string/binary or boolean! It's: " + prim + " class: " + prim.getClass() + " text=" + prim.asText());
try {
client.getWriteApiBlocking().writePoints(bucket.getName(), bucket.getOrgID(), points);
} catch (InfluxException exception) {
throw new PacketHandleException("Could not write points", exception);