use of megamek.common.Coords in project spoon by INRIA.
the class TestBot method calculateMove.
public MoveOption[] calculateMove(Entity entity) {
java.util.Vector enemy_array = game.getValidTargets(entity);
java.util.Vector entities = game.getEntitiesVector();
CEntity self = centities.get(entity);
Object[] move_array;
int friends = entities.size() - enemy_array.size();
* Second pass, combination moves/firing based only on the present
* case, since only one mech moves at a time
move_array = self.pass.values().toArray();
for (int j = 0; j < move_array.length && friends > 2; j++) {
MoveOption option = (MoveOption) move_array[j];
for (int e = 0; e < enemy_array.size(); e++) {
Entity en = (Entity) enemy_array.elementAt(e);
CEntity enemy = centities.get(en);
for (Enumeration f = entities.elements(); f.hasMoreElements(); ) {
Entity other = (Entity) f.nextElement();
if (other.isEnemyOf(self.entity)) {
MoveOption foption = centities.get(other).current;
double threat_divisor = 1;
MoveOption.DamageInfo di = option.getDamageInfo(enemy, true);
if (foption.getDamageInfo(enemy, false) != null) {
option.damage += (enemy.canMove() ? .1 : .2) * di.damage;
threat_divisor += foption.getCEntity().canMove() ? .4 : .6;
option.threat -= di.threat;
di.threat /= threat_divisor;
option.threat += di.threat;
// top balanced
filterMoves(move_array, self.pass, new MoveOption.WeightedComparator(1, 1), 50);
// top damage
filterMoves(move_array, self.pass, new MoveOption.WeightedComparator(.5, 1), 50);
* third pass, (not so bad) oppurtunistic planner gives preference to
* good ranges/defensive positions based upon the mech characterization
move_array = self.pass.values().toArray();
for (int j = 0; j < move_array.length; j++) {
MoveOption option = (MoveOption) move_array[j];
double adjustment = 0;
double temp_adjustment = 0;
for (int e = 0; e < enemy_array.size(); e++) {
// for each enemy
Entity en = (Entity) enemy_array.elementAt(e);
CEntity enemy = centities.get(en);
int current_range = self.current.getFinalCoords().distance(enemy.current.getFinalCoords());
int range = option.getFinalCoords().distance(enemy.current.getFinalCoords());
if (range > self.long_range) {
temp_adjustment += (!(range < enemy.long_range) ? .5 : 1) * (1 + self.range_damages[self.range]) * (Math.max(range - self.long_range - .5 * Math.max(self.jumpMP, .8 * self.runMP), 0));
if ((self.range == CEntity.RANGE_SHORT && (current_range > 5 || range > 9)) || (self.range_damages[CEntity.RANGE_SHORT] < 4 && current_range > 10)) {
temp_adjustment += ((enemy.range > CEntity.RANGE_SHORT) ? .5 : 1) * (Math.max(1 + self.range_damages[CEntity.RANGE_SHORT], 5)) * Math.max(range - .5 * Math.max(self.jumpMP, .8 * self.runMP), 0);
} else if (self.range == CEntity.RANGE_MEDIUM) {
temp_adjustment += ((current_range < 6 || current_range > 12) ? 1 : .25) * ((enemy.range > CEntity.RANGE_SHORT) ? .5 : 1) * (1 + self.range_damages[CEntity.RANGE_MEDIUM]) * Math.abs(range - .5 * Math.max(self.jumpMP, .8 * self.runMP));
} else if (option.damage < .25 * self.range_damages[CEntity.RANGE_LONG]) {
temp_adjustment += ((range < 10) ? .25 : 1) * (Math.max(1 + self.range_damages[CEntity.RANGE_LONG], 3)) * (1 / (1 + option.threat));
adjustment += Math.sqrt(temp_adjustment * /;
// I would always like to face the opponent
if (!(enemy.getEntity().isProne() || enemy.getEntity().isImmobile()) && CEntity.getThreatHitArc(option.getFinalCoords(), option.getFinalFacing(), enemy.getEntity().getPosition()) != ToHitData.SIDE_FRONT) {
int fa = CEntity.getFiringAngle(option.getFinalCoords(), option.getFinalFacing(), enemy.getEntity().getPosition());
if (fa > 90 && fa < 270) {
int distance = option.getFinalCoords().distance(enemy.current.getFinalCoords());
double mod = 1;
if (fa > 130 && fa < 240)
mod = 2;
// big formula that says don't do it
mod *= ((Math.max(self.jumpMP, .8 * self.runMP) < 5) ? 2 : 1) * ((double) / (double) 50) * Math.sqrt(((double) / / ((double) distance / 6 + 1);
option.self_threat += mod; + " " + fa + " Back to enemy\n");
adjustment *= self.overall_armor_percent * self.strategy.attack / enemy_array.size();
// fix for hiding in level 2 water
// To a greedy bot, it always seems nice to stay in here...
IHex h = game.getBoard().getHex(option.getFinalCoords());
if (h.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER) && h.surface() > (self.getEntity().getElevation() + ((option.getFinalProne()) ? 0 : 1))) {
double mod = (self.getEntity().heat + option.getMovementheatBuildup() <= 7) ? 100 : 30;
adjustment += / mod;
// add them in now, then re-add them later
if (self.range > CEntity.RANGE_SHORT) {
int ele_dif = game.getBoard().getHex(option.getFinalCoords()).getElevation() - game.getBoard().getHex(self.current.getFinalCoords()).getElevation();
adjustment -= (Math.max(ele_dif, 0) + 1) * ((double) Compute.getTargetTerrainModifier(game, option.getEntity()).getValue() + 1);
// close the range if nothing else and healthy
if (option.damage < .25 * self.range_damages[self.range] && adjustment < self.range_damages[self.range]) {
for (int e = 0; e < enemy_array.size(); e++) {
Entity en = (Entity) enemy_array.elementAt(e);
CEntity enemy = centities.get(en);
int range = option.getFinalCoords().distance(enemy.current.getFinalCoords());
if (range > 5)
adjustment += Math.pow(self.overall_armor_percent, 2) * Math.sqrt((double) (range - 4) * / (double) / enemy_array.size();
if (option.damage < .25 * (1 + self.range_damages[self.range])) {
option.self_threat += 2 * adjustment;
} else if (option.damage < .5 * (1 + self.range_damages[self.range])) {
option.self_threat += adjustment;
} + " Initial Damage Adjustment " + "\n");
// top balanced
filterMoves(move_array, self.pass, new MoveOption.WeightedComparator(1, 1), 30);
// top damage
filterMoves(move_array, self.pass, new MoveOption.WeightedComparator(.5, 1), 30);
// reduce self threat, and add bonus for terrain
for (Iterator i = self.pass.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
MoveOption option = (MoveOption);
option.self_damage *= .5;
option.self_threat *= .5;
// TODO: should scale to the unit bv
double terrain = 2 * ((double) Compute.getTargetTerrainModifier(game, option.getEntity()).getValue()); + " Terrain Adjusment " + "\n");
option.self_threat -= terrain;
move_array = self.pass.values().toArray();
* fourth pass, speculation on top moves use averaging to filter
for (int e = 0; e < enemy_array.size(); e++) {
// for each enemy
Entity en = (Entity) enemy_array.elementAt(e);
CEntity enemy = centities.get(en);
// engage in speculation on "best choices" when you loose iniative
if (enemy.canMove()) {
Object[] enemy_move_array = enemy.pass.values().toArray();
Vector to_check = new Vector();
// check some enemy moves
for (int j = 0; j < move_array.length; j++) {
MoveOption option = null;
option = (MoveOption) move_array[j];
// check for damning hexes specifically
// could also look at intervening defensive
Vector coord = new Vector();
Coords back = option.getFinalCoords().translated((option.getFinalFacing() + 3) % 6);
coord.add(back.translated((option.getFinalFacing() + 2) % 6));
coord.add(back.translated((option.getFinalFacing() + 4) % 6));
coord.add(option.getFinalCoords().translated((option.getFinalFacing() + 1) % 6));
coord.add(option.getFinalCoords().translated((option.getFinalFacing() + 2) % 6));
coord.add(option.getFinalCoords().translated((option.getFinalFacing() + 4) % 6));
coord.add(option.getFinalCoords().translated((option.getFinalFacing() + 5) % 6));
Iterator ci = coord.iterator();
while (ci.hasNext()) {
Coords test = (Coords);
List c = enemy.findMoves(test);
if (c.size() != 0)
int range = option.getFinalCoords().distance(enemy.current.getFinalCoords());
int compare = 0;
if ((enemy.long_range) > range - Math.max(enemy.jumpMP, enemy.runMP)) {
compare = 30;
} else if (enemy.long_range > range) {
compare = 10;
double mod = this.enemies_moved / this.getEnemyEntities().size();
compare *= (1 + mod);
for (int k = 0; k <= compare && k < enemy_move_array.length; k++) {
if (enemy_move_array.length < compare) {
} else {
int value = Compute.randomInt(enemy_move_array.length);
if (value % 2 == 1) {
} else {
Iterator eo = to_check.iterator();
while (eo.hasNext()) {
MoveOption enemy_option = (MoveOption);
double max_threat = 0;
double max_damage = 0;
int enemy_hit_arc = CEntity.getThreatHitArc(enemy_option.getFinalCoords(), enemy_option.getFinalFacing(), option.getFinalCoords());
int self_hit_arc = CEntity.getThreatHitArc(enemy_option.getFinalCoords(), enemy_option.getFinalFacing(), option.getFinalCoords());
if (enemy_option.isJumping()) {
enemy_hit_arc = Compute.ARC_FORWARD;
int[] modifiers = option.getModifiers(enemy_option.getEntity());
if (modifiers[1] != ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE) {
self.engaged = true;
if (!enemy_option.isJumping()) {
max_threat = option.getMaxModifiedDamage(enemy_option, modifiers[1], modifiers[MoveOption.DEFENCE_PC]);
} else {
max_threat = .8 * enemy.getModifiedDamage((modifiers[MoveOption.DEFENCE_PC] == 1) ? CEntity.TT : ToHitData.SIDE_FRONT, enemy_option.getFinalCoords().distance(option.getFinalCoords()), modifiers[1]);
max_threat = self.getThreatUtility(max_threat, self_hit_arc);
if (modifiers[0] != ToHitData.IMPOSSIBLE) {
self.engaged = true;
max_damage = enemy_option.getMaxModifiedDamage(option, modifiers[0], modifiers[MoveOption.ATTACK_PC]);
max_damage = enemy.getThreatUtility(max_damage, enemy_hit_arc);
if (option.isPhysical) {
if (centities.get(option.getPhysicalTargetId()).getEntity().getId() == enemy.getEntity().getId()) {
max_damage = option.getDamage(enemy);
} else {
max_damage = 0;
MoveOption.DamageInfo di = option.getDamageInfo(enemy, true);
di.max_threat = Math.max(max_threat, di.max_threat);
di.min_damage = Math.min(di.min_damage, max_damage);
if (max_threat - max_damage > di.threat - di.damage) {
di.threat = max_threat;
di.damage = max_damage; + " Spec Threat " + e + "\n"); + " Spec Damage " + e + "\n");
// update estimates
option.damage = 0;
option.threat = 0;
for (Iterator i = option.damageInfos.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
// my damage is the average of expected and min
CEntity cen = (CEntity);
// rescale
MoveOption.DamageInfo di = option.getDamageInfo(cen, true);
di.min_damage /=;
di.damage /=;
option.damage += (di.min_damage + di.damage) / 2;
// my threat is average of absolute worst, and expected
option.threat = Math.max(option.threat, di.max_threat + di.threat) / 2;
di.threat = (di.max_threat + 2 * di.threat) / 3;
// restore enemy
// --end move speculation
// top balanced
filterMoves(move_array, self.pass, new MoveOption.WeightedComparator(1, 1), 20);
// top damage
filterMoves(move_array, self.pass, new MoveOption.WeightedComparator(.5, 1), 20);
// reduce transient damage estimates
for (Iterator i = self.pass.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
MoveOption option = (MoveOption);
option.self_threat *= .5;
option.self_damage *= .5;
move_array = self.pass.values().toArray();
* fourth pass, final damage and threat approximation --prevents moves
* that from the previous pass would cause the mech to die
if (self.engaged) {
for (int j = 0; j < move_array.length; j++) {
MoveOption option = (MoveOption) move_array[j];
GAAttack temp = this.bestAttack(option);
if (temp != null) {
option.damage = (option.damage + temp.getFittestChromosomesFitness()) / 2;
} else {
option.damage /= 2;
for (int e = 0; e < enemy_array.size(); e++) {
// for each
// enemy
Entity en = (Entity) enemy_array.elementAt(e);
CEntity enemy = centities.get(en);
if (!enemy.canMove()) {
option.setThreat(enemy, (option.getThreat(enemy) + this.attackUtility(enemy.current, self)) / 2); + " Revised Threat " + e + " \n");
if (!option.isPhysical) {
if (temp != null) {
option.setDamage(enemy, (option.getDamage(enemy) + temp.getDamageUtility(enemy)) / 2);
} else {
// probably zero, but just in case
option.setDamage(enemy, option.getMinDamage(enemy));
} + " Revised Damage " + e + " \n");
// this needs to be reworked
if (option.getFinalCoords().distance(enemy.current.getFinalCoords()) == 1) {
PhysicalOption p = pcalc.getBestPhysicalAttack(option.getEntity(), enemy.getEntity(), game);
if (p != null) {
option.setDamage(enemy, option.getDamage(enemy) + p.expectedDmg); + " Physical Damage " + e + " \n");
p = pcalc.getBestPhysicalAttack(enemy.getEntity(), option.getEntity(), game);
if (p != null) {
option.setThreat(enemy, option.getThreat(enemy) + .5 * p.expectedDmg); * p.expectedDmg + " Physical Threat " + e + " \n");
} else if (!option.isPhysical) {
// enemy can move (not
if (temp != null) {
option.setDamage(enemy, (2 * option.getDamage(enemy) + temp.getDamageUtility(enemy)) / 3);
} else {
option.setDamage(enemy, option.getMinDamage(enemy));
} else {
// get a more accurate estimate
option.setDamage(enemy, option.getDamage(enemy) / Math.sqrt((double) / (double);
option.damage = option.getDamage(enemy);
option.threat = 0;
for (Iterator i = option.damageInfos.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
option.threat += ((MoveOption.DamageInfo);
} + " Revised Threat Utility\n"); + " Revised Damage Utility\n");
Arrays.sort(move_array, new MoveOption.WeightedComparator(1, 1));
* Return top twenty moves to the lance algorithm
MoveOption[] result = new MoveOption[Math.min(move_array.length, 20)];
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(move_array.length, 20); i++) {
MoveOption next = (MoveOption) move_array[i];
if (next.isPhysical && self.range_damages[CEntity.RANGE_SHORT] > 5 && next.doomed) {
if (offset + 20 < move_array.length) {
next = (MoveOption) move_array[offset + 20];
result[i] = next;
return result;
use of megamek.common.Coords in project spoon by INRIA.
the class TestBot method deployMinefields.
protected java.util.Vector deployMinefields(java.util.Vector deployedMinefields, int number, int type) {
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
Coords coords = new Coords(Compute.randomInt(game.getBoard().getWidth()), Compute.randomInt(game.getBoard().getHeight()));
if (game.containsMinefield(coords)) {
Minefield mf = (Minefield) game.getMinefields(coords).elementAt(0);
if (mf.getPlayerId() == getLocalPlayer().getId()) {
} else {
Minefield mf = null;
if (type == 0) {
mf = Minefield.createConventionalMF(coords, getLocalPlayer().getId());
} else if (type == 1) {
mf = Minefield.createCommandDetonatedMF(coords, getLocalPlayer().getId());
} else if (type == 2) {
mf = Minefield.createVibrabombMF(coords, getLocalPlayer().getId(), 20);
return deployedMinefields;
use of megamek.common.Coords in project spoon by INRIA.
the class TestBot method calculateDeployment.
protected void calculateDeployment() {
// Use the old clumping algorithm until someone puts AI in here
int entNum = game.getFirstDeployableEntityNum();
Coords cStart = getStartingCoords();
Coords cDeploy = getCoordsAround(cStart);
Coords cCenter = new Coords(game.getBoard().getWidth() / 2, game.getBoard().getHeight() / 2);
int nDir;
if (getLocalPlayer().getStartingPos() != 0) {
// face towards center if you aren't already there
nDir = cDeploy.direction(cCenter);
} else {
// otherwise, face away
nDir = cCenter.direction(cDeploy);
Entity ce = game.getEntity(entNum);
deploy(entNum, cDeploy, nDir);