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Example 16 with IEnergyContainer

use of in project Mekanism by mekanism.

the class ModuleShearingUnit method onItemUse.

public ActionResultType onItemUse(IModule<ModuleShearingUnit> module, ItemUseContext context) {
    IEnergyContainer energyContainer = module.getEnergyContainer();
    if (energyContainer == null || energyContainer.getEnergy().smallerThan(MekanismConfig.gear.mekaToolEnergyUsageShearBlock.get())) {
        return ActionResultType.PASS;
    BlockState state = context.getLevel().getBlockState(context.getClickedPos());
    return MekanismUtils.performActions(carvePumpkin(energyContainer, context, state), () -> shearBeehive(energyContainer, context, state));
Also used : IEnergyContainer( BlockState(net.minecraft.block.BlockState) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 17 with IEnergyContainer

use of in project Mekanism by mekanism.

the class ModuleInhalationPurificationUnit method tickServer.

public void tickServer(IModule<ModuleInhalationPurificationUnit> module, PlayerEntity player) {
    FloatingLong usage = MekanismConfig.gear.mekaSuitEnergyUsagePotionTick.get();
    boolean free = usage.isZero() || player.isCreative();
    IEnergyContainer energyContainer = free ? null : module.getEnergyContainer();
    if (free || (energyContainer != null && energyContainer.getEnergy().greaterOrEqual(usage))) {
        // Gather all the active effects that we can handle, so that we have them in their own list and
        // don't run into any issues related to CMEs
        List<EffectInstance> effects = player.getActiveEffects().stream().filter(effect -> canHandle(effect.getEffect().getCategory())).collect(Collectors.toList());
        for (EffectInstance effect : effects) {
            if (free) {
                speedupEffect(player, effect);
            } else if (module.useEnergy(player, energyContainer, usage, true).isZero()) {
                // If we can't actually extract energy, exit
            } else {
                speedupEffect(player, effect);
                if (energyContainer.getEnergy().smallerThan(usage)) {
                    // If after using energy, our remaining energy is now smaller than how much we need to use, exit
Also used : ModuleBooleanData(mekanism.api.gear.config.ModuleBooleanData) IModule(mekanism.api.gear.IModule) PlayerEntity(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity) ICustomModule(mekanism.api.gear.ICustomModule) ModuleConfigItemCreator(mekanism.api.gear.config.ModuleConfigItemCreator) Collectors( DamageSource(net.minecraft.util.DamageSource) ParametersAreNonnullByDefault(javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault) IModuleConfigItem(mekanism.api.gear.config.IModuleConfigItem) MekanismUtils(mekanism.common.util.MekanismUtils) List(java.util.List) EffectInstance(net.minecraft.potion.EffectInstance) FloatingLong(mekanism.api.math.FloatingLong) EffectType(net.minecraft.potion.EffectType) IEnergyContainer( MekanismLang(mekanism.common.MekanismLang) MekanismConfig(mekanism.common.config.MekanismConfig) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) FloatingLong(mekanism.api.math.FloatingLong) IEnergyContainer( EffectInstance(net.minecraft.potion.EffectInstance)

Example 18 with IEnergyContainer

use of in project Mekanism by mekanism.

the class ModuleMagneticAttractionUnit method tickServer.

public void tickServer(IModule<ModuleMagneticAttractionUnit> module, PlayerEntity player) {
    if (range.get() != Range.OFF) {
        float size = 4 + range.get().getRange();
        FloatingLong usage = MekanismConfig.gear.mekaSuitEnergyUsageItemAttraction.get().multiply(range.get().getRange());
        boolean free = usage.isZero() || player.isCreative();
        IEnergyContainer energyContainer = free ? null : module.getEnergyContainer();
        if (free || (energyContainer != null && energyContainer.getEnergy().greaterOrEqual(usage))) {
            // If the energy cost is free, or we have enough energy for at least one pull grab all the items that can be picked up.
            // Note: We check distance afterwards so that we aren't having to calculate a bunch of distances when we may run out
            // of energy, and calculating distance is a bit more expensive than just checking if it can be picked up
            List<ItemEntity> items = player.level.getEntitiesOfClass(ItemEntity.class, player.getBoundingBox().inflate(size, size, size), item -> !item.hasPickUpDelay());
            for (ItemEntity item : items) {
                if (item.distanceTo(player) > 0.001) {
                    if (free) {
                        pullItem(player, item);
                    } else if (module.useEnergy(player, energyContainer, usage, true).isZero()) {
                        // If we can't actually extract energy, exit
                    } else {
                        pullItem(player, item);
                        if (energyContainer.getEnergy().smallerThan(usage)) {
                            // If after using energy, our energy is now smaller than how much we need to use, exit
Also used : FloatingLong(mekanism.api.math.FloatingLong) ItemEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity) IEnergyContainer(

Example 19 with IEnergyContainer

use of in project Mekanism by mekanism.

the class ModuleChargeDistributionUnit method chargeSuit.

private void chargeSuit(PlayerEntity player) {
    FloatingLong total = FloatingLong.ZERO;
    EnergySaveTarget saveTarget = new EnergySaveTarget(4);
    for (ItemStack stack : player.inventory.armor) {
        IEnergyContainer energyContainer = StorageUtils.getEnergyContainer(stack, 0);
        if (energyContainer != null) {
            total = total.plusEqual(energyContainer.getEnergy());
    EmitUtils.sendToAcceptors(saveTarget, total);;
Also used : FloatingLong(mekanism.api.math.FloatingLong) EnergySaveTarget( IEnergyContainer( ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)

Example 20 with IEnergyContainer

use of in project Mekanism by mekanism.

the class ModuleSolarRechargingUnit method tickServer.

public void tickServer(IModule<ModuleSolarRechargingUnit> module, PlayerEntity player) {
    IEnergyContainer energyContainer = module.getEnergyContainer();
    if (energyContainer != null && !energyContainer.getNeeded().isZero()) {
        // Use the position that is roughly where the solar panel is
        BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(player.getX(), player.getEyeY() + 0.2, player.getZ());
        // Based on how TileEntitySolarGenerator and the rest of our solar things do energy calculations
        if (WorldUtils.canSeeSun(player.level, pos)) {
            Biome b = player.level.getBiomeManager().getBiome(pos);
            boolean needsRainCheck = b.getPrecipitation() != RainType.NONE;
            // Consider the best temperature to be 0.8; biomes that are higher than that
            // will suffer an efficiency loss (semiconductors don't like heat); biomes that are cooler
            // get a boost. We scale the efficiency to around 30% so that it doesn't totally dominate
            float tempEff = 0.3F * (0.8F - b.getTemperature(pos));
            // Treat rainfall as a proxy for humidity; any humidity works as a drag on overall efficiency.
            // As with temperature, we scale it so that it doesn't overwhelm production. Note the signedness
            // on the scaling factor. Also note that we only use rainfall as a proxy if it CAN rain; some dimensions
            // (like the End) have rainfall set, but can't actually support rain.
            float humidityEff = needsRainCheck ? -0.3F * b.getDownfall() : 0.0F;
            FloatingLong peakOutput = MekanismConfig.gear.mekaSuitSolarRechargingRate.get().multiply(1.0F + tempEff + humidityEff);
            // Get the brightness of the sun; note that there are some implementations that depend on the base
            // brightness function which doesn't take into account the fact that rain can't occur in some biomes.
            float brightness = WorldUtils.getSunBrightness(player.level, 1.0F);
            // Production is a function of the peak possible output in this biome and sun's current brightness
            FloatingLong production = peakOutput.multiply(brightness);
            // If the generator is in a biome where it can rain, and it's raining penalize production by 80%
            if (needsRainCheck && (player.level.isRaining() || player.level.isThundering())) {
                production = production.timesEqual(RAIN_MULTIPLIER);
            // Multiply actual production based on how many modules are installed
            energyContainer.insert(production.multiply(module.getInstalledCount()), Action.EXECUTE, AutomationType.MANUAL);
Also used : FloatingLong(mekanism.api.math.FloatingLong) IEnergyContainer( Biome( BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)


IEnergyContainer ( FloatingLong (mekanism.api.math.FloatingLong)26 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)13 PlayerEntity (net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity)12 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)12 Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)10 Direction (net.minecraft.util.Direction)8 World ( BlockState (net.minecraft.block.BlockState)6 ServerPlayerEntity (net.minecraft.entity.player.ServerPlayerEntity)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 List (java.util.List)4 Map (java.util.Map)4 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)4 TileEntityMekanism (mekanism.common.tile.base.TileEntityMekanism)4 TileEntity (net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity)4 SyncableFloatingLong (mekanism.common.inventory.container.sync.SyncableFloatingLong)3 EnumMap (java.util.EnumMap)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Set (java.util.Set)2