use of minechem.item.OpticalMicroscopeLens in project Minechem by iopleke.
the class MinechemItemsRegistration method init.
public static void init() {
element = new ElementItem();
GameRegistry.registerItem(element, Reference.ID + "Element");
molecule = new MoleculeItem();
GameRegistry.registerItem(molecule, Reference.ID + "Molecule");
lens = new OpticalMicroscopeLens();
concaveLens = new ItemStack(lens, 1, 0);
convexLens = new ItemStack(lens, 1, 1);
microscopeLens = new ItemStack(lens, 1, 2);
projectorLens = new ItemStack(lens, 1, 3);
GameRegistry.registerItem(lens, Reference.ID + "OpticalMicroscopeLens");
atomicManipulator = new ItemAtomicManipulator();
GameRegistry.registerItem(atomicManipulator, Reference.ID + "AtomicManipulator");
blueprint = new ItemBlueprint();
GameRegistry.registerItem(blueprint, Reference.ID + "Blueprint");
journal = new ChemistJournalItem();
GameRegistry.registerItem(journal, Reference.ID + "Journal");
polytool = new PolytoolItem();
GameRegistry.registerItem(polytool, Reference.ID + "Polytool");
emptyTube = new ItemStack(MinechemItemsRegistration.element, 1, 0);