use of mods.railcraft.client.gui.buttons.GuiToggleButtonSmall in project Railcraft by Railcraft.
the class GuiLocomotive method initGui.
public void initGui() {
if (loco == null)
int w = (width - xSize) / 2;
int h = (height - ySize) / 2;
int id = 0;
for (LocoMode mode : loco.getAllowedModes()) {
GuiToggleButtonSmall button = new GuiToggleButtonSmall(id++, 0, h + ySize - 129, 55, LocalizationPlugin.translate("gui.railcraft.locomotive.mode." + mode.getName()), loco.clientMode == mode);
button.setClickConsumer(b -> loco.clientMode = mode);
button.setStatusUpdater(b -> = loco.clientMode == mode);
button.setToolTip(ToolTip.buildToolTip("gui.railcraft.locomotive." + typeTag + ".tips.button.mode." + mode.getName()));
modeButtons.put(mode, button);
GuiTools.newButtonRowAuto(buttonList, w + 3, 171, modeButtons.values());
GuiToggleButtonSmall reverseButton = new GuiToggleButtonSmall(id++, 0, h + ySize - 112, 12, "R", loco.isReverse());
reverseButton.setClickConsumer(b -> loco.setReverse(!loco.isReverse()));
reverseButton.setStatusUpdater(b -> = loco.isReverse());
for (LocoSpeed speed : LocoSpeed.VALUES) {
String label = "";
for (int i = 0; i < speed.getLevel(); i++) {
label += ">";
GuiToggleButtonSmall button = new GuiToggleButtonSmall(id++, 0, h + ySize - 112, 7 + speed.getLevel() * 5, label, loco.clientSpeed == speed);
button.setClickConsumer(b -> loco.clientSpeed = speed);
button.setStatusUpdater(b -> = loco.clientSpeed == speed);
GuiTools.newButtonRow(buttonList, w + 8, 3, speedButtons);
buttonList.add(lockButton = GuiMultiButton.create(id, w + 152, h + ySize - 111, 16, loco.getLockController()));
lockButton.enabled = loco.clientCanLock;
use of mods.railcraft.client.gui.buttons.GuiToggleButtonSmall in project Railcraft by Railcraft.
the class GuiDetectorVillager method initGui.
public void initGui() {
if (tile == null) {
int w = (width - xSize) / 2;
int h = (height - ySize) / 2;
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(0, w + 10, h + 25, 30, 20, "<"));
buttonList.add(new GuiButton(1, w + 135, h + 25, 30, 20, ">"));
buttonList.add(any = new GuiToggleButtonSmall(2, w + 10, h + 55, 45, LocalizationPlugin.translate("gui.railcraft.detector.villager.any"), mode == Mode.ANY));
buttonList.add(none = new GuiToggleButtonSmall(3, w + 10, h + 75, 45, LocalizationPlugin.translate("gui.railcraft.detector.villager.none"), mode == Mode.NONE));
buttonList.add(equals = new GuiToggleButtonSmall(4, w + 122, h + 55, 45, LocalizationPlugin.translate("gui.railcraft.detector.villager.equals"), mode == Mode.EQUALS));
buttonList.add(not = new GuiToggleButtonSmall(5, w + 122, h + 75, 45, LocalizationPlugin.translate("gui.railcraft.detector.villager.not"), mode == Mode.NOT));