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Example 1 with TankManager

use of mods.railcraft.common.fluids.TankManager in project Railcraft by Railcraft.

the class TileTankIronValve method update.

public void update() {
    if (Game.isClient(worldObj))
    if (isMaster) {
        TileEntity tileBelow = tileCache.getTileOnSide(EnumFacing.DOWN);
        TileTankIronValve valveBelow = null;
        if (tileBelow instanceof TileTankIronValve) {
            valveBelow = (TileTankIronValve) tileBelow;
            if (valveBelow.isStructureValid() && valveBelow.getPatternMarker() == 'T') {
                //noinspection ConstantConditions
                StandardTank tankBelow = valveBelow.getTankManager().get(0);
                assert tankBelow != null;
                FluidStack liquid = tankBelow.getFluid();
                if (liquid != null && liquid.amount >= tankBelow.getCapacity() - FluidTools.BUCKET_VOLUME) {
                    valveBelow = null;
                    FluidStack fillStack = liquid.copy();
                    fillStack.amount = FluidTools.BUCKET_VOLUME - (tankBelow.getCapacity() - liquid.amount);
                    if (fillStack.amount > 0) {
                        int used = tank.fill(fillStack, false);
                        if (used > 0) {
                            fillStack = tankBelow.drain(used, true);
                            tank.fill(fillStack, true);
            } else
                valveBelow = null;
        if (valveBelow != null) {
            FluidStack available = tankManager.drain(0, FluidTools.BUCKET_VOLUME, false);
            if (available != null && available.amount > 0) {
                int used = valveBelow.fill(available, true);
                tankManager.drain(0, used, true);
    if (getPatternPosition().getY() - getPattern().getMasterOffset().getY() == 0) {
        TankManager tMan = getTankManager();
        if (tMan != null)
            tMan.push(tileCache, Predicates.notInstanceOf(TileTankBase.class), FLUID_OUTPUTS, 0, FLOW_RATE);
    TileMultiBlock masterBlock = getMasterBlock();
    if (masterBlock instanceof TileTankBase) {
        TileTankBase masterTileTankBase = (TileTankBase) masterBlock;
        int compValue = masterTileTankBase.getComparatorValue();
        if (previousComparatorValue != compValue) {
            previousComparatorValue = compValue;
            getWorld().notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(getPos(), null);
    if (previousStructureValidity != isStructureValid())
        getWorld().notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(getPos(), null);
    previousStructureValidity = isStructureValid();
Also used : TileEntity(net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity) TileMultiBlock(mods.railcraft.common.blocks.machine.TileMultiBlock) FluidStack(net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack) TankManager(mods.railcraft.common.fluids.TankManager) StandardTank(mods.railcraft.common.fluids.tanks.StandardTank)

Example 2 with TankManager

use of mods.railcraft.common.fluids.TankManager in project Railcraft by Railcraft.

the class TESRHollowTank method renderTileEntityAt.

public void renderTileEntityAt(TileTankBase tile, double x, double y, double z, float partialTicks, int destroyStage) {
    if (!tile.isStructureValid())
    if (tile instanceof TileTankIronValve) {
        TileTankIronValve valve = (TileTankIronValve) tile;
        StandardTank fillTank = valve.getFillTank();
        FluidStack fillStack = fillTank.getFluid();
        if (fillStack != null && fillStack.amount > 0) {
            if (valve.getPattern().getPatternMarkerChecked(valve.getPatternPosition()) == 'A') {
                int height = getTankHeight(valve);
                float yOffset = height / 2f;
                float vScale = height - 2f;
                OpenGL.glTranslatef((float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + yOffset - height + 1, (float) z + 0.5F);
                OpenGL.glScalef(1f, vScale, 1f);
            } else if (valve.getPattern().getPatternMarkerChecked(valve.getPatternPosition().add(-1, 0, 0)) == 'A') {
                float vScale = getVerticalScaleSide(valve);
                float yOffset = 0.5f - vScale / 2f + RenderTools.PIXEL * 3;
                OpenGL.glTranslatef((float) x - 0.5F + RenderTools.PIXEL * 5, (float) y + yOffset, (float) z + 0.5F);
                OpenGL.glScalef(1f, vScale, 1f);
            } else if (valve.getPattern().getPatternMarkerChecked(valve.getPatternPosition().add(1, 0, 0)) == 'A') {
                float vScale = getVerticalScaleSide(valve);
                float yOffset = 0.5f - vScale / 2f + RenderTools.PIXEL * 3;
                OpenGL.glTranslatef((float) x + 1.5F - RenderTools.PIXEL * 5, (float) y + yOffset, (float) z + 0.5F);
                OpenGL.glScalef(1f, vScale, 1f);
            } else if (valve.getPattern().getPatternMarkerChecked(valve.getPatternPosition().add(0, 0, -1)) == 'A') {
                float vScale = getVerticalScaleSide(valve);
                float yOffset = 0.5f - vScale / 2f + RenderTools.PIXEL * 3;
                OpenGL.glTranslatef((float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + yOffset, (float) z - 0.5F + RenderTools.PIXEL * 5);
                OpenGL.glScalef(1f, vScale, 1f);
            } else if (valve.getPattern().getPatternMarkerChecked(valve.getPatternPosition().add(0, 0, 1)) == 'A') {
                float vScale = getVerticalScaleSide(valve);
                float yOffset = 0.5f - vScale / 2f + RenderTools.PIXEL * 3;
                OpenGL.glTranslatef((float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + yOffset, (float) z + 1.5F - RenderTools.PIXEL * 5);
                OpenGL.glScalef(1f, vScale, 1f);
    if (!tile.isMaster() || tile.isInvalid())
    int height = getTankHeight(tile);
    float yOffset = height / 2f;
    float vScale = height - 2;
    float hScale = tile.getPattern().getPatternWidthX() - 2;
    TankManager tankManager = tile.getTankManager();
    if (tankManager == null)
    StandardTank tank = tankManager.get(0);
    if (tank == null)
    FluidStack fluidStack = tank.getFluid();
    if (fluidStack != null && fluidStack.amount > 0) {
        OpenGL.glTranslatef((float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + yOffset + 0.01f, (float) z + 0.5F);
        OpenGL.glScalef(hScale, vScale, hScale);
        //        OpenGL.glScalef(0.999f, 1, 0.999f);
        int[] displayLists = FluidRenderer.getLiquidDisplayLists(fluidStack);
        float cap = tank.getCapacity();
        float level = Math.min(fluidStack.amount, cap) / cap;
        OpenGL.glCallList(displayLists[(int) (level * (float) (FluidRenderer.DISPLAY_STAGES - 1))]);
Also used : TileTankIronValve(mods.railcraft.common.blocks.machine.beta.TileTankIronValve) FluidStack(net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack) TankManager(mods.railcraft.common.fluids.TankManager) StandardTank(mods.railcraft.common.fluids.tanks.StandardTank)

Example 3 with TankManager

use of mods.railcraft.common.fluids.TankManager in project Railcraft by Railcraft.

the class TileSteamTurbine method update.

//    @Override
//    public ChargeHandler getChargeHandler() {
//        return chargeHandler;
//    }
public void update() {
    if (Game.isHost(worldObj)) {
        if (isStructureValid()) {
            if (isMaster())
        //                chargeHandler.tick();
        } else
        //            double chargeNeeded = chargeHandler.getCapacity() - chargeHandler.getCharge();
        double chargeNeeded = 0;
        if (chargeNeeded > 0) {
            double draw = (chargeNeeded / IC2_OUTPUT) * BC_OUTPUT;
            double e = getEnergy();
            if (e < draw)
                draw = e;
        //                chargeHandler.addCharge((draw / BC_OUTPUT) * IC2_OUTPUT);
        if (isMaster()) {
            boolean addedEnergy = false;
            if (energy < BC_OUTPUT * 2) {
                FluidStack steam = tankSteam.drainInternal(STEAM_USAGE, false);
                //                if(steam != null) System.out.println("steam=" + steam.amount);
                if (steam != null && steam.amount >= STEAM_USAGE) {
                    ItemStack rotor = inv.getStackInSlot(0);
                    if (InvTools.isItemEqual(rotor, getSampleRotor())) /*&& rotor.getItemDamage() < rotor.getMaxDamage() - 5*/
                        addedEnergy = true;
                        energy += BC_OUTPUT;
                        tankSteam.drainInternal(STEAM_USAGE, true);
                        tankWater.fillInternal(waterFilter, true);
                        inv.setInventorySlotContents(0, ((ItemTurbineRotor) rotor.getItem()).useRotor(rotor));
            output = (float) ((output * 49D + (addedEnergy ? 100D : 0D)) / 50D);
            //                System.out.println("addedEnergy=" + addedEnergy);
            if (clock % 4 == 0) {
                gaugeState = (byte) getOutput();
                WorldPlugin.addBlockEvent(worldObj, getPos(), getBlockType(), 1, gaugeState);
    TankManager tMan = getTankManager();
    if (tMan != null)
        tMan.push(tileCache, Predicates.instanceOf(TileBoilerFirebox.class), EnumFacing.HORIZONTALS, TANK_WATER, WATER_OUTPUT);
Also used : FluidStack(net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack) TankManager(mods.railcraft.common.fluids.TankManager) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)

Example 4 with TankManager

use of mods.railcraft.common.fluids.TankManager in project Railcraft by Railcraft.

the class TileTankWater method update.

public void update() {
    if (Game.isHost(getWorld())) {
        if (isMaster()) {
            if (worldObj.provider.getDimension() != -1 && clock % REFILL_INTERVAL == 0) {
                float rate = REFILL_RATE;
                Biome biome = worldObj.getBiome(getPos());
                float humidity = biome.getRainfall();
                rate *= humidity;
                //                    String debug = "Biome=" + biome.biomeName + ", Humidity=" + humidity;
                boolean outside = false;
                for (int x = getX() - 1; x <= getX() + 1; x++) {
                    for (int z = getZ() - 1; z <= getZ() + 1; z++) {
                        outside = worldObj.canBlockSeeSky(new BlockPos(x, getY() + 3, z));
                        //                            System.out.println(x + ", " + (yCoord + 3) + ", " + z);
                        if (outside)
                //                    debug += ", Outside=" + outside;
                if (!outside)
                    rate *= REFILL_PENALTY_INSIDE;
                else if (worldObj.isRaining())
                    if (biome.getEnableSnow())
                        //                            debug += ", Snow=true";
                        rate *= REFILL_PENALTY_SNOW;
                        //                            debug += ", Rain=true";
                        rate *= REFILL_BOOST_RAIN;
                int rateFinal = MathHelper.floor_float(rate);
                if (rateFinal < REFILL_RATE_MIN)
                    rateFinal = REFILL_RATE_MIN;
                //                    debug += ", Refill=" + rateFinal;
                //                    System.out.println(debug);
                FluidStack fillStack = Fluids.WATER.get(rateFinal);
                tank.fillInternal(fillStack, true);
        //                if (clock % FluidTools.BUCKET_FILL_TIME == 0)
        //                    FluidTools.processContainers(tankManager.get(0), this, SLOT_INPUT, SLOT_OUTPUT);
        TankManager tMan = getTankManager();
        if (tMan != null)
            tMan.push(tileCache, Predicates.notInstanceOf(getClass()), LIQUID_OUTPUTS, 0, OUTPUT_RATE);
Also used : Biome( FluidStack(net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack) TankManager(mods.railcraft.common.fluids.TankManager) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)


TankManager (mods.railcraft.common.fluids.TankManager)4 FluidStack (net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack)4 StandardTank (mods.railcraft.common.fluids.tanks.StandardTank)2 TileMultiBlock (mods.railcraft.common.blocks.machine.TileMultiBlock)1 TileTankIronValve (mods.railcraft.common.blocks.machine.beta.TileTankIronValve)1 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)1 TileEntity (net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity)1 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)1 Biome (