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Example 11 with ResolvedFunCall

use of mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class UnionFunDefTest method testMondrian2250.

 * Test for MONDRIAN-2250 issue.
 * Tests that the result is independent on the hashCode.
 * For this purpose MemberForTest with rewritten hashCode is used.
 * Tuples are gotten from customer attachments.
public void testMondrian2250() {
    Member[] dates = new Member[4];
    for (int i = 25; i < 29; i++) {
        dates[i - 25] = new MemberForTest("[Consumption Date.Calendar].[2014-07-" + i + "]");
    List<Member> list = Arrays.asList(dates);
    UnaryTupleList unaryTupleList = new UnaryTupleList(list);
    Member consumptionMethod = new MemberForTest("[Consumption Method].[PVR]");
    Member measuresAverageTimeshift = new MemberForTest("[Measures].[Average Timeshift]");
    String[] hours = { "00", "14", "15", "16", "23" };
    Member[] times = new Member[5];
    for (int i = 0; i < hours.length; i++) {
        times[i] = new MemberForTest("[Consumption Time.Time].[" + hours[i] + ":00]");
    int arity = 3;
    ArrayTupleList arrayTupleList = new ArrayTupleList(arity);
    for (Member time : times) {
        List<Member> currentList = new ArrayList(3);
    CrossJoinFunDef crossJoinFunDef = new CrossJoinFunDef(new CrossJoinTest.NullFunDef());
    Exp[] expMock = new Exp[1];
    expMock[0] = mock(Exp.class);
    ResolvedFunCall resolvedFunCall = new ResolvedFunCall(mock(FunDef.class), expMock, mock(SetType.class));
    Calc[] calcs = new Calc[1];
    calcs[0] = Mockito.mock(Calc.class);
    CrossJoinFunDef.ImmutableListCalc immutableListCalc = ImmutableListCalc(resolvedFunCall, calcs);
    TupleList listForUnion1 = immutableListCalc.makeList(unaryTupleList, arrayTupleList);
    List<Member> list2 = Arrays.asList(dates);
    UnaryTupleList unaryTupleList2 = new UnaryTupleList(list2);
    Member measuresTotalViewingTime = new MemberForTest("[Measures].[Total Viewing Time]");
    ArrayTupleList arrayTupleList2 = new ArrayTupleList(arity);
    for (Member time : times) {
        List<Member> currentList = new ArrayList(3);
    TupleList listForUnion2 = immutableListCalc.makeList(unaryTupleList2, arrayTupleList2);
    UnionFunDef unionFunDefMock = Mockito.mock(UnionFunDef.class);
    doCallRealMethod().when(unionFunDefMock).union(any(TupleList.class), any(TupleList.class), anyBoolean());
    TupleList tupleList = unionFunDefMock.union(listForUnion1, listForUnion2, false);
    assertEquals(40, tupleList.size());
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Calc(mondrian.calc.Calc) UnaryTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.UnaryTupleList) TupleList(mondrian.calc.TupleList) ArrayTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.ArrayTupleList) FunDef(mondrian.olap.FunDef) UnaryTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.UnaryTupleList) ArrayTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.ArrayTupleList) SetType(mondrian.olap.type.SetType) ResolvedFunCall(mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall) Exp(mondrian.olap.Exp) Member(mondrian.olap.Member)

Example 12 with ResolvedFunCall

use of mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class CompoundPredicateInfo method makeCalculatedMemberPredicate.

private StarPredicate makeCalculatedMemberPredicate(RolapCubeMember member, RolapCube baseCube, Evaluator evaluator) {
    assert member.getExpression() instanceof ResolvedFunCall;
    ResolvedFunCall fun = (ResolvedFunCall) member.getExpression();
    final Exp exp = fun.getArg(0);
    final Type type = exp.getType();
    if (type instanceof SetType) {
        return makeSetPredicate(exp, evaluator);
    } else if (type.getArity() == 1) {
        return makeUnaryPredicate(member, baseCube, evaluator);
    } else {
        throw MondrianResource.instance().UnsupportedCalculatedMember.ex(member.getName(), null);
Also used : Type(mondrian.olap.type.Type) SetType(mondrian.olap.type.SetType) SetType(mondrian.olap.type.SetType) ResolvedFunCall(mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall) Exp(mondrian.olap.Exp)

Example 13 with ResolvedFunCall

use of mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SqlContextConstraint method findMeasures.

 * Extracts the stored measures referenced in an expression
 * @param exp expression
 * @param baseCubes set of base cubes
private static void findMeasures(Exp exp, Set<RolapCube> baseCubes, List<RolapCube> baseCubeList) {
    if (exp instanceof MemberExpr) {
        MemberExpr memberExpr = (MemberExpr) exp;
        Member member = memberExpr.getMember();
        if (member instanceof RolapStoredMeasure) {
            addMeasure((RolapStoredMeasure) member, baseCubes, baseCubeList);
        } else if (member instanceof RolapCalculatedMember) {
            findMeasures(member.getExpression(), baseCubes, baseCubeList);
    } else if (exp instanceof ResolvedFunCall) {
        ResolvedFunCall funCall = (ResolvedFunCall) exp;
        Exp[] args = funCall.getArgs();
        for (Exp arg : args) {
            findMeasures(arg, baseCubes, baseCubeList);
Also used : MemberExpr(mondrian.mdx.MemberExpr) ResolvedFunCall(mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall) MultiCardinalityDefaultMember(mondrian.rolap.RestrictedMemberReader.MultiCardinalityDefaultMember) LimitedRollupMember(mondrian.rolap.RolapHierarchy.LimitedRollupMember)

Example 14 with ResolvedFunCall

use of mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class AbstractCalc method getName.

 * Returns the name of this expression type, used when serializing an
 * expression to a string.
 * <p>The default implementation tries to extract a name from a function
 * call, if any, then prints the last part of the class name.
protected String getName() {
    String name = lastSegment(getClass());
    if (isDigits(name) && exp instanceof ResolvedFunCall) {
        ResolvedFunCall funCall = (ResolvedFunCall) exp;
        name = funCall.getFunDef().getName();
    return name;
Also used : ResolvedFunCall(mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall)


ResolvedFunCall (mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall)14 Exp (mondrian.olap.Exp)9 FunDef (mondrian.olap.FunDef)5 Member (mondrian.olap.Member)5 NullFunDef ( NullType (mondrian.olap.type.NullType)5 Type (mondrian.olap.type.Type)5 MemberExpr (mondrian.mdx.MemberExpr)4 AggregateFunDef ( ParenthesesFunDef ( TestMember ( TupleType (mondrian.olap.type.TupleType)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 TupleList (mondrian.calc.TupleList)3 UnaryTupleList (mondrian.calc.impl.UnaryTupleList)3 DecimalType (mondrian.olap.type.DecimalType)3 List (java.util.List)2 Calc (mondrian.calc.Calc)2 TupleIterable (mondrian.calc.TupleIterable)2 SetEvaluator (mondrian.olap.Evaluator.SetEvaluator)2