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Example 1 with Type

use of mondrian.olap.type.Type in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SqlConstraintUtilsTest method testIsSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember.

// ~ Test methods ----------------------------------------------------------
public void testIsSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember() {
    Assert.assertEquals("null expression", false, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(null));
    Exp memberExpr = new MemberExpr(Mockito.mock(Member.class));
    Assert.assertEquals("MemberExpr", true, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(memberExpr));
    Exp nullFunDefExpr = new ResolvedFunCall(new NullFunDef(), new Exp[] {}, new NullType());
    Assert.assertEquals("ResolvedFunCall-NullFunDef", false, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(nullFunDefExpr));
    // ResolvedFunCall arguments
    final Exp argUnsupported = new ResolvedFunCall(new NullFunDef(), new Exp[] {}, new NullType());
    final Exp argSupported = new MemberExpr(Mockito.mock(Member.class));
    Assert.assertEquals(false, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(argUnsupported));
    Assert.assertEquals(true, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(argSupported));
    final Exp[] noArgs = new Exp[] {};
    final Exp[] args1Unsupported = new Exp[] { argUnsupported };
    final Exp[] args1Supported = new Exp[] { argSupported };
    final Exp[] args2Different = new Exp[] { argUnsupported, argSupported };
    final ParenthesesFunDef parenthesesFunDef = new ParenthesesFunDef(Category.Member);
    Type parenthesesReturnType = new DecimalType(1, 1);
    Exp parenthesesExpr = new ResolvedFunCall(parenthesesFunDef, noArgs, parenthesesReturnType);
    Assert.assertEquals("ResolvedFunCall-Parentheses()", true, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(parenthesesExpr));
    parenthesesExpr = new ResolvedFunCall(parenthesesFunDef, args1Unsupported, parenthesesReturnType);
    Assert.assertEquals("ResolvedFunCall-Parentheses(N)", false, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(parenthesesExpr));
    parenthesesExpr = new ResolvedFunCall(parenthesesFunDef, args1Supported, parenthesesReturnType);
    Assert.assertEquals("ResolvedFunCall-Parentheses(Y)", true, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(parenthesesExpr));
    parenthesesExpr = new ResolvedFunCall(parenthesesFunDef, args2Different, parenthesesReturnType);
    Assert.assertEquals("ResolvedFunCall-Parentheses(N,Y)", true, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(parenthesesExpr));
    FunDef dummy = Mockito.mock(FunDef.class);
    FunDef aggregateFunDef = new AggregateFunDef(dummy);
    Type aggregateReturnType = new DecimalType(1, 1);
    Exp aggregateExpr = new ResolvedFunCall(aggregateFunDef, noArgs, aggregateReturnType);
    Assert.assertEquals("ResolvedFunCall-Aggregate()", true, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(aggregateExpr));
    aggregateExpr = new ResolvedFunCall(aggregateFunDef, args1Unsupported, aggregateReturnType);
    Assert.assertEquals("ResolvedFunCall-Aggregate(N)", true, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(aggregateExpr));
    aggregateExpr = new ResolvedFunCall(aggregateFunDef, args1Supported, aggregateReturnType);
    Assert.assertEquals("ResolvedFunCall-Aggregate(Y)", true, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(aggregateExpr));
    aggregateExpr = new ResolvedFunCall(aggregateFunDef, args2Different, aggregateReturnType);
    Assert.assertEquals("ResolvedFunCall-Aggregate(N,Y)", true, SqlConstraintUtils.isSupportedExpressionForCalculatedMember(aggregateExpr));
Also used : FunDef(mondrian.olap.FunDef) ParenthesesFunDef( AggregateFunDef( NullFunDef( NullType(mondrian.olap.type.NullType) DecimalType(mondrian.olap.type.DecimalType) TupleType(mondrian.olap.type.TupleType) Type(mondrian.olap.type.Type) NullFunDef( MemberExpr(mondrian.mdx.MemberExpr) ParenthesesFunDef( DecimalType(mondrian.olap.type.DecimalType) ResolvedFunCall(mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall) AggregateFunDef( NullType(mondrian.olap.type.NullType) Exp(mondrian.olap.Exp) Member(mondrian.olap.Member) TestMember(

Example 2 with Type

use of mondrian.olap.type.Type in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class ValidatorImpl method validate.

public Exp validate(Exp exp, boolean scalar) {
    Exp resolved;
    try {
        resolved = (Exp) resolvedNodes.get(exp);
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        // not occur for any query, valid or invalid.
        throw Util.newInternal(e, "Infinite recursion encountered while validating '" + Util.unparse(exp) + "'");
    if (resolved == null) {
        try {
            stack.push((QueryPart) exp);
            // To prevent recursion, put in a placeholder while we're
            // resolving.
            resolvedNodes.put((QueryPart) exp, placeHolder);
            resolved = exp.accept(this);
            Util.assertTrue(resolved != null);
            resolvedNodes.put((QueryPart) exp, (QueryPart) resolved);
        } finally {
    if (scalar) {
        final Type type = resolved.getType();
        if (!TypeUtil.canEvaluate(type)) {
            String exprString = Util.unparse(resolved);
            throw MondrianResource.instance().MdxMemberExpIsSet.ex(exprString);
    return resolved;
Also used : Type(mondrian.olap.type.Type)

Example 3 with Type

use of mondrian.olap.type.Type in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class AncestorFunDef method compileCall.

public Calc compileCall(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) {
    final MemberCalc memberCalc = compiler.compileMember(call.getArg(0));
    final Type type1 = call.getArg(1).getType();
    if (type1 instanceof LevelType) {
        final LevelCalc levelCalc = compiler.compileLevel(call.getArg(1));
        return new AbstractMemberCalc(call, new Calc[] { memberCalc, levelCalc }) {

            public Member evaluateMember(Evaluator evaluator) {
                Level level = levelCalc.evaluateLevel(evaluator);
                Member member = memberCalc.evaluateMember(evaluator);
                int distance = member.getLevel().getDepth() - level.getDepth();
                return ancestor(evaluator, member, distance, level);
    } else {
        final IntegerCalc distanceCalc = compiler.compileInteger(call.getArg(1));
        return new AbstractMemberCalc(call, new Calc[] { memberCalc, distanceCalc }) {

            public Member evaluateMember(Evaluator evaluator) {
                int distance = distanceCalc.evaluateInteger(evaluator);
                Member member = memberCalc.evaluateMember(evaluator);
                return ancestor(evaluator, member, distance, null);
Also used : Type(mondrian.olap.type.Type) LevelType(mondrian.olap.type.LevelType) LevelType(mondrian.olap.type.LevelType) AbstractMemberCalc(mondrian.calc.impl.AbstractMemberCalc) AbstractMemberCalc(mondrian.calc.impl.AbstractMemberCalc)

Example 4 with Type

use of mondrian.olap.type.Type in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class GlobalFunTable method validateFunction.

 * Throws an error if a user-defined function does not adhere to the
 * API.
 * @param udf User defined function
private void validateFunction(final UserDefinedFunction udf) {
    // Check that the name is not null or empty.
    final String udfName = udf.getName();
    if (udfName == null || udfName.equals("")) {
        throw Util.newInternal("User-defined function defined by class '" + udf.getClass() + "' has empty name");
    // It's OK for the description to be null.
    // final String description = udf.getDescription();
    final Type[] parameterTypes = udf.getParameterTypes();
    for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
        Type parameterType = parameterTypes[i];
        if (parameterType == null) {
            throw Util.newInternal("Invalid user-defined function '" + udfName + "': parameter type #" + i + " is null");
    // It's OK for the reserved words to be null or empty.
    // final String[] reservedWords = udf.getReservedWords();
    // Test that the function returns a sensible type when given the FORMAL
    // types. It may still fail when we give it the ACTUAL types, but it's
    // impossible to check that now.
    final Type returnType = udf.getReturnType(parameterTypes);
    if (returnType == null) {
        throw Util.newInternal("Invalid user-defined function '" + udfName + "': return type is null");
    final Syntax syntax = udf.getSyntax();
    if (syntax == null) {
        throw Util.newInternal("Invalid user-defined function '" + udfName + "': syntax is null");
Also used : Type(mondrian.olap.type.Type)

Example 5 with Type

use of mondrian.olap.type.Type in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class CrossJoinArgFactory method checkFilterPredicateInIs.

 * Check whether the predicate is an IN or IS predicate and can be
 * natively evaluated.
 * @return the array of CrossJoinArg containing the predicate.
private CrossJoinArg[] checkFilterPredicateInIs(RolapEvaluator evaluator, ResolvedFunCall predicateCall, boolean exclude) {
    final boolean useIs;
    if (predicateCall.getFunName().equals("IS")) {
        useIs = true;
    } else if (predicateCall.getFunName().equals("IN")) {
        useIs = false;
    } else {
        // This predicate can not be natively evaluated.
        return null;
    Exp[] predArgs = predicateCall.getArgs();
    if (predArgs.length != 2) {
        return null;
    // or Ancestor of those functions.
    if (!(predArgs[0] instanceof ResolvedFunCall)) {
        return null;
    ResolvedFunCall predFirstArgCall = (ResolvedFunCall) predArgs[0];
    if (predFirstArgCall.getFunDef().getName().equals("Ancestor")) {
        Exp[] ancestorArgs = predFirstArgCall.getArgs();
        if (!(ancestorArgs[0] instanceof ResolvedFunCall)) {
            return null;
        predFirstArgCall = (ResolvedFunCall) ancestorArgs[0];
    // Now check that predFirstArgCall is a CurrentMember function that
    // refers to the dimension being filtered
    FunDef predFirstArgFun = predFirstArgCall.getFunDef();
    if (!predFirstArgFun.getName().equals("CurrentMember")) {
        return null;
    Exp currentMemberArg = predFirstArgCall.getArg(0);
    Type currentMemberArgType = currentMemberArg.getType();
    // Input to CurremntMember should be either Dimension or Hierarchy type.
    if (!(currentMemberArgType instanceof mondrian.olap.type.DimensionType || currentMemberArgType instanceof HierarchyType)) {
        return null;
    // It is not necessary to check currentMemberArg comes from the same
    // dimension as one of the filterCJArgs, because query parser makes sure
    // that currentMember always references dimensions in context.
    // Check that predArgs[1] can be expressed as an MemberListCrossJoinArg.
    Exp predSecondArg = predArgs[1];
    Exp[] predSecondArgList;
    FunDef predSecondArgFun;
    CrossJoinArg[] predCJArgs;
    if (useIs) {
        // IS operator
        if (!(predSecondArg instanceof MemberExpr)) {
            return null;
        // IS predicate only contains one member
        // Make it into a list to be uniform with IN predicate.
        predSecondArgFun = null;
        predSecondArgList = new Exp[] { predSecondArg };
    } else {
        // IN operator
        if (predSecondArg instanceof NamedSetExpr) {
            NamedSet namedSet = ((NamedSetExpr) predSecondArg).getNamedSet();
            predSecondArg = namedSet.getExp();
        if (!(predSecondArg instanceof ResolvedFunCall)) {
            return null;
        ResolvedFunCall predSecondArgCall = (ResolvedFunCall) predSecondArg;
        predSecondArgFun = predSecondArgCall.getFunDef();
        predSecondArgList = predSecondArgCall.getArgs();
    predCJArgs = checkEnumeration(evaluator, predSecondArgFun, predSecondArgList, exclude);
    return predCJArgs;
Also used : HierarchyType(mondrian.olap.type.HierarchyType) Type(mondrian.olap.type.Type) HierarchyType(mondrian.olap.type.HierarchyType)


Type (mondrian.olap.type.Type)15 ResolvedFunCall (mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall)5 Exp (mondrian.olap.Exp)4 Member (mondrian.olap.Member)4 NullType (mondrian.olap.type.NullType)4 TupleType (mondrian.olap.type.TupleType)4 MemberExpr (mondrian.mdx.MemberExpr)3 FunDef (mondrian.olap.FunDef)3 AggregateFunDef ( NullFunDef ( ParenthesesFunDef ( TestMember ( DecimalType (mondrian.olap.type.DecimalType)3 LevelType (mondrian.olap.type.LevelType)3 AbstractListCalc (mondrian.calc.impl.AbstractListCalc)2 PrintWriter ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Calc (mondrian.calc.Calc)1 IterCalc (mondrian.calc.IterCalc)1 TupleIterable (mondrian.calc.TupleIterable)1