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Example 1 with ResultLimitExceededException

use of mondrian.olap.ResultLimitExceededException in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class RolapResult method executeStripe.

private void executeStripe(int axisOrdinal, RolapEvaluator revaluator, final int[] pos) {
    if (axisOrdinal < 0) {
        RolapAxis axis = (RolapAxis) slicerAxis;
        TupleList tupleList = axis.getTupleList();
        final Iterator<List<Member>> tupleIterator = tupleList.iterator();
        if (tupleIterator.hasNext()) {
            final List<Member> members =;
            final int savepoint = revaluator.savepoint();
            Object o;
            try {
                o = revaluator.evaluateCurrent();
            } catch (MondrianEvaluationException e) {
                LOGGER.warn("Mondrian: exception in executeStripe.", e);
                o = e;
            } finally {
            CellInfo ci = null;
            // Object.
            try {
                // This code is a combination of the code found in
                // the old RolapResult
                // <code>getCellNoDefaultFormatString</code> method and
                // the old RolapCell <code>getFormattedValue</code> method.
                // Create a CellInfo object for the given position
                // integer array.
                ci = cellInfos.create(point.getOrdinals());
                String cachedFormatString = null;
                // Determine if there is a CellFormatter registered for
                // the current Cube's Measure's Dimension. If so,
                // then find or create a CellFormatterValueFormatter
                // for it. If not, then find or create a Locale based
                // FormatValueFormatter.
                final RolapCube cube = getCube();
                Hierarchy measuresHierarchy = cube.getMeasuresHierarchy();
                RolapMeasure m = (RolapMeasure) revaluator.getContext(measuresHierarchy);
                ValueFormatter valueFormatter = m.getFormatter();
                if (valueFormatter == null) {
                    cachedFormatString = revaluator.getFormatString();
                    Locale locale = statement.getMondrianConnection().getLocale();
                    valueFormatter = formatValueFormatters.get(locale);
                    if (valueFormatter == null) {
                        valueFormatter = new FormatValueFormatter(locale);
                        formatValueFormatters.put(locale, valueFormatter);
                ci.formatString = cachedFormatString;
                ci.valueFormatter = valueFormatter;
            } catch (ResultLimitExceededException e) {
                // Do NOT ignore a ResultLimitExceededException!!!
                throw e;
            } catch (CellRequestQuantumExceededException e) {
                // We need to throw this so another phase happens.
                throw e;
            } catch (MondrianEvaluationException e) {
                // ignore but warn
                LOGGER.warn("Mondrian: exception in executeStripe.", e);
            } catch (Error e) {
                // Errors indicate fatal JVM problems; do not discard
                throw e;
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                LOGGER.warn("Mondrian: exception in executeStripe.", e);
            if (o != RolapUtil.valueNotReadyException) {
                ci.value = o;
    } else {
        RolapAxis axis = (RolapAxis) axes[axisOrdinal];
        TupleList tupleList = axis.getTupleList();
        // force materialize
        if (isAxisHighCardinality(axisOrdinal, tupleList)) {
            final int limit = MondrianProperties.instance().HighCardChunkSize.get();
            if (positionsIterators.get(axisOrdinal) == null) {
                final TupleCursor tupleCursor = tupleList.tupleCursor();
                positionsIterators.put(axisOrdinal, tupleCursor);
                positionsIndexes.put(axisOrdinal, 0);
                final List<List<Member>> subPositions = new ArrayList<List<Member>>();
                for (int i = 0; i < limit && tupleCursor.forward(); i++) {
                positionsCurrent.put(axisOrdinal, subPositions);
            final TupleCursor tupleCursor = positionsIterators.get(axisOrdinal);
            final int positionIndex = positionsIndexes.get(axisOrdinal);
            List<List<Member>> subTuples = positionsCurrent.get(axisOrdinal);
            if (subTuples == null) {
            int pi;
            if (pos[axisOrdinal] > positionIndex + subTuples.size() - 1 && subTuples.size() == limit) {
                pi = positionIndex + subTuples.size();
                positionsIndexes.put(axisOrdinal, positionIndex + subTuples.size());
                subTuples.subList(0, subTuples.size()).clear();
                for (int i = 0; i < limit && tupleCursor.forward(); i++) {
                positionsCurrent.put(axisOrdinal, subTuples);
            } else {
                pi = positionIndex;
            for (final List<Member> tuple : subTuples) {
                point.setAxis(axisOrdinal, pi);
                final int savepoint = revaluator.savepoint();
                try {
                    executeStripe(axisOrdinal - 1, revaluator, pos);
                } finally {
        } else {
            for (List<Member> tuple : tupleList) {
                List<Member> measures = new ArrayList<Member>(statement.getQuery().getMeasuresMembers());
                for (Member measure : measures) {
                    if (measure instanceof RolapBaseCubeMeasure) {
                        RolapBaseCubeMeasure baseCubeMeasure = (RolapBaseCubeMeasure) measure;
                        if (baseCubeMeasure.getAggregator() == RolapAggregator.DistinctCount) {
                            processDistinctMeasureExpr(tuple, baseCubeMeasure);
            int tupleIndex = 0;
            for (final List<Member> tuple : tupleList) {
                point.setAxis(axisOrdinal, tupleIndex);
                final int savepoint = revaluator.savepoint();
                try {
                    executeStripe(axisOrdinal - 1, revaluator, pos);
                } finally {
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) TupleCursor(mondrian.calc.TupleCursor) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Hierarchy(mondrian.olap.Hierarchy) ListTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.ListTupleList) DelegatingTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.DelegatingTupleList) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TupleList(mondrian.calc.TupleList) Member(mondrian.olap.Member) VisualTotalMember( CellRequestQuantumExceededException(mondrian.rolap.agg.CellRequestQuantumExceededException) ListTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.ListTupleList) DelegatingTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.DelegatingTupleList) TupleList(mondrian.calc.TupleList) MondrianEvaluationException( ResultLimitExceededException(mondrian.olap.ResultLimitExceededException)


ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 List (java.util.List)1 Locale (java.util.Locale)1 TupleCursor (mondrian.calc.TupleCursor)1 TupleList (mondrian.calc.TupleList)1 DelegatingTupleList (mondrian.calc.impl.DelegatingTupleList)1 ListTupleList (mondrian.calc.impl.ListTupleList)1 Hierarchy (mondrian.olap.Hierarchy)1 Member (mondrian.olap.Member)1 ResultLimitExceededException (mondrian.olap.ResultLimitExceededException)1 MondrianEvaluationException ( VisualTotalMember ( CellRequestQuantumExceededException (mondrian.rolap.agg.CellRequestQuantumExceededException)1