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Example 1 with SegmentCacheIndex

use of mondrian.rolap.cache.SegmentCacheIndex in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SegmentLoader method createExecuteSql.

 * Creates and executes a SQL statement to retrieve the set of cells
 * specified by a GroupingSetsList.
 * <p>This method may be overridden in tests.
 * @param cellRequestCount Number of missed cells that led to this request
 * @param groupingSetsList Grouping
 * @param compoundPredicateList Compound predicate list
 * @return An executed SQL statement, or null
SqlStatement createExecuteSql(int cellRequestCount, final GroupingSetsList groupingSetsList, List<StarPredicate> compoundPredicateList) {
    RolapStar star = groupingSetsList.getStar();
    Pair<String, List<SqlStatement.Type>> pair = AggregationManager.generateSql(groupingSetsList, compoundPredicateList);
    final Locus locus = new SqlStatement.StatementLocus(Locus.peek().execution, "Segment.load", "Error while loading segment", SqlStatementEvent.Purpose.CELL_SEGMENT, cellRequestCount);
    // When caching is enabled, we must register the SQL statement
    // in the index. We don't want to cancel SQL statements that are shared
    // across threads unless it is safe.
    final Util.Functor1<Void, Statement> callbackWithCaching = new Util.Functor1<Void, Statement>() {

        public Void apply(final Statement stmt) {
            cacheMgr.execute(new SegmentCacheManager.Command<Void>() {

                public Void call() throws Exception {
                    boolean atLeastOneActive = false;
                    for (Segment seg : groupingSetsList.getDefaultSegments()) {
                        final SegmentCacheIndex index = cacheMgr.getIndexRegistry().getIndex(;
                        // then.
                        if (index.contains(seg.getHeader())) {
                            index.linkSqlStatement(seg.getHeader(), stmt);
                            atLeastOneActive = true;
                        if (!atLeastOneActive) {
                            // knows to stop.
                            throw new AbortException();
                    return null;

                public Locus getLocus() {
                    return locus;
            return null;
    // When using no cache, we register the SQL statement directly
    // with the execution instance for cleanup.
    final Util.Functor1<Void, Statement> callbackNoCaching = new Util.Functor1<Void, Statement>() {

        public Void apply(final Statement stmt) {
            locus.execution.registerStatement(locus, stmt);
            return null;
    try {
        return RolapUtil.executeQuery(star.getDataSource(), pair.left, pair.right, 0, 0, locus, -1, -1, // cache the segments or not.
        MondrianProperties.instance().DisableCaching.get() ? callbackNoCaching : callbackWithCaching);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        if (Util.getMatchingCause(t, AbortException.class) != null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            throw new MondrianException("Failed to load segment form SQL", t);
Also used : Statement(java.sql.Statement) Util(mondrian.olap.Util) AbortException(mondrian.rolap.agg.SegmentCacheManager.AbortException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) MondrianException(mondrian.olap.MondrianException) SegmentCacheIndex(mondrian.rolap.cache.SegmentCacheIndex) Locus(mondrian.server.Locus) MondrianException(mondrian.olap.MondrianException) AbortException(mondrian.rolap.agg.SegmentCacheManager.AbortException)

Example 2 with SegmentCacheIndex

use of mondrian.rolap.cache.SegmentCacheIndex in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SegmentLoader method load.

 * Loads data for all the segments of the GroupingSets. If the grouping sets
 * list contains more than one Grouping Set then data is loaded using the
 * GROUP BY GROUPING SETS sql. Else if only one grouping set is passed in
 * the list data is loaded without using GROUP BY GROUPING SETS sql. If the
 * database does not support grouping sets
 * {@link mondrian.spi.Dialect#supportsGroupingSets()} then
 * grouping sets list should always have only one element in it.
 * <p>For example, if list has 2 grouping sets with columns A, B, C and B, C
 * respectively, then the SQL will be
 * "GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((A, B, C), (B, C))".
 * <p>Else if the list has only one grouping set then sql would be without
 * grouping sets.
 * <p>The <code>groupingSets</code> list should be topological order, with
 * more detailed higher-level grouping sets occurring first. In other words,
 * the first element of the list should always be the detailed grouping
 * set (default grouping set), followed by grouping sets which can be
 * rolled-up on this detailed grouping set.
 * In the example (A, B, C) is the detailed grouping set and (B, C) is
 * rolled-up using the detailed.
 * <p>Grouping sets are removed from the {@code groupingSets} list as they
 * are loaded.</p>
 * @param cellRequestCount Number of missed cells that led to this request
 * @param groupingSets   List of grouping sets whose segments are loaded
 * @param compoundPredicateList Compound predicates
 * @param segmentFutures List of futures wherein each statement will place
 *                       a list of the segments it has loaded, when it
 *                       completes
public void load(int cellRequestCount, List<GroupingSet> groupingSets, List<StarPredicate> compoundPredicateList, List<Future<Map<Segment, SegmentWithData>>> segmentFutures) {
    if (!MondrianProperties.instance().DisableCaching.get()) {
        for (GroupingSet groupingSet : groupingSets) {
            for (Segment segment : groupingSet.getSegments()) {
                final SegmentCacheIndex index = cacheMgr.getIndexRegistry().getIndex(;
                index.add(segment.getHeader(), new SegmentBuilder.StarSegmentConverter(segment.measure, compoundPredicateList), true);
                // Make sure that we are registered as a client of
                // the segment by invoking getFuture.
                Util.discard(index.getFuture(Locus.peek().execution, segment.getHeader()));
    try {
        segmentFutures.add(cacheMgr.sqlExecutor.submit(new SegmentLoadCommand(Locus.peek(), this, cellRequestCount, groupingSets, compoundPredicateList)));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MondrianException(e);
Also used : SegmentCacheIndex(mondrian.rolap.cache.SegmentCacheIndex) MondrianException(mondrian.olap.MondrianException) AbortException(mondrian.rolap.agg.SegmentCacheManager.AbortException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) MondrianException(mondrian.olap.MondrianException)

Example 3 with SegmentCacheIndex

use of mondrian.rolap.cache.SegmentCacheIndex in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class BatchLoader method loadFromCaches.

 * Loads a cell from caches. If the cell is successfully loaded,
 * we return true.
private boolean loadFromCaches(final CellRequest request, final AggregationKey key, final SegmentBuilder.SegmentConverterImpl converter) {
    if (MondrianProperties.instance().DisableCaching.get()) {
        // Caching is disabled. Return always false.
        return false;
    // Is request matched by one of the headers we intend to load?
    final Map<String, Comparable> mappedCellValues = request.getMappedCellValues();
    final List<String> compoundPredicates = request.getCompoundPredicateStrings();
    for (SegmentHeader header : cacheHeaders) {
        if (SegmentCacheIndexImpl.matches(header, mappedCellValues, compoundPredicates)) {
            // from the segment index, and we'll be back.
            return true;
    final RolapStar.Measure measure = request.getMeasure();
    final RolapStar star = measure.getStar();
    final RolapSchema schema = star.getSchema();
    final SegmentCacheIndex index = cacheMgr.getIndexRegistry().getIndex(star);
    final List<SegmentHeader> headersInCache = index.locate(schema.getName(), schema.getChecksum(), measure.getCubeName(), measure.getName(), star.getFactTable().getAlias(), request.getConstrainedColumnsBitKey(), mappedCellValues, compoundPredicates);
    if (!headersInCache.isEmpty()) {
        for (SegmentHeader headerInCache : headersInCache) {
            final Future<SegmentBody> future = index.getFuture(locus.execution, headerInCache);
            if (future != null) {
                // Segment header is in cache, body is being loaded.
                // Worker will need to wait for load to complete.
                futures.put(headerInCache, future);
            } else {
                // Segment is in cache.
            index.setConverter(headerInCache.schemaName, headerInCache.schemaChecksum, headerInCache.cubeName, headerInCache.rolapStarFactTableName, headerInCache.measureName, headerInCache.compoundPredicates, converter);
            converterMap.put(SegmentCacheIndexImpl.makeConverterKey(request, key), converter);
        return true;
    // Aggregator.supportsFastAggregates() to verify.
    if (MondrianProperties.instance().EnableInMemoryRollup.get() && measure.getAggregator().supportsFastAggregates(measure.getDatatype()) && measure.getAggregator().getRollup().supportsFastAggregates(measure.getDatatype()) && !isRequestCoveredByRollups(request)) {
        // Don't even bother doing a segment lookup if we can't
        // rollup that measure.
        final List<List<SegmentHeader>> rollup = index.findRollupCandidates(schema.getName(), schema.getChecksum(), measure.getCubeName(), measure.getName(), star.getFactTable().getAlias(), request.getConstrainedColumnsBitKey(), mappedCellValues, request.getCompoundPredicateStrings());
        if (!rollup.isEmpty()) {
            rollups.add(new RollupInfo(request, rollup));
            converterMap.put(SegmentCacheIndexImpl.makeConverterKey(request, key), new SegmentBuilder.StarSegmentConverter(measure, key.getCompoundPredicateList()));
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : SegmentCacheIndex(mondrian.rolap.cache.SegmentCacheIndex)

Example 4 with SegmentCacheIndex

use of mondrian.rolap.cache.SegmentCacheIndex in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class BatchLoader method loadAggregations.

 * Resolves any pending cell reads using the cache. After calling this
 * method, all cells requested in a given batch are loaded into this
 * statement's local cache.
 * <p>The method is implemented by making an asynchronous call to the cache
 * manager. The result is a list of segments that satisfies every cell
 * request.</p>
 * <p>The client should put the resulting segments into its "query local"
 * cache, to ensure that future cells in that segment can be answered
 * without a call to the cache manager. (That is probably 1000x faster.)</p>
 * <p>The cache manager does not inform where client where each segment
 * came from. There are several possibilities:</p>
 * <ul>
 *     <li>Segment was already in cache (header and body)</li>
 *     <li>Segment is in the process of being loaded by executing a SQL
 *     statement (probably due to a request from another client)</li>
 *     <li>Segment is in an external cache (that is, header is in the cache,
 *        body is not yet)</li>
 *     <li>Segment can be created by rolling up one or more cache segments.
 *        (And of course each of these segments might be "paged out".)</li>
 *     <li>By executing a SQL {@code GROUP BY} statement</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>Furthermore, segments in external cache may take some time to retrieve
 * (a LAN round trip, say 1 millisecond, is a reasonable guess); and the
 * request may fail. (It depends on the cache, but caches are at liberty
 * to 'forget' segments.) So, any strategy that relies on cache segments
 * should be able to fall back. Even if there are fall backs, only one call
 * needs to be made to the cache manager.</p>
 * @return Whether any aggregations were loaded.
boolean loadAggregations() {
    if (!isDirty()) {
        return false;
    // List of futures yielding segments populated by SQL statements. If
    // loading requires several iterations, we just append to the list. We
    // don't mind if it takes a while for SQL statements to return.
    final List<Future<Map<Segment, SegmentWithData>>> sqlSegmentMapFutures = new ArrayList<Future<Map<Segment, SegmentWithData>>>();
    final List<CellRequest> cellRequests1 = new ArrayList<CellRequest>(cellRequests);
    for (int iteration = 0; ; ++iteration) {
        final BatchLoader.LoadBatchResponse response = cacheMgr.execute(new BatchLoader.LoadBatchCommand(Locus.peek(), cacheMgr, getDialect(), cube, Collections.unmodifiableList(cellRequests1)));
        int failureCount = 0;
        // Segments that have been retrieved from cache this cycle. Allows
        // us to reduce calls to the external cache.
        Map<SegmentHeader, SegmentBody> headerBodies = new HashMap<SegmentHeader, SegmentBody>();
        // cacheMgr -- it's our cache.
        for (SegmentHeader header : response.cacheSegments) {
            final SegmentBody body = cacheMgr.compositeCache.get(header);
            if (body == null) {
                // it on the next iteration.
                if (cube.getStar() != null) {
                    cacheMgr.remove(cube.getStar(), header);
            headerBodies.put(header, body);
            final SegmentWithData segmentWithData = response.convert(header, body);
        // Perform each suggested rollup.
        // TODO this could be improved.
        // See
        // Rollups that succeeded. Will tell cache mgr to put the headers
        // into the index and the header/bodies in cache.
        final Map<SegmentHeader, SegmentBody> succeededRollups = new HashMap<SegmentHeader, SegmentBody>();
        for (final BatchLoader.RollupInfo rollup : response.rollups) {
            // Gather the required segments.
            Map<SegmentHeader, SegmentBody> map = findResidentRollupCandidate(headerBodies, rollup);
            if (map == null) {
                // all present in the cache.
            final Set<String> keepColumns = new HashSet<String>();
            for (RolapStar.Column column : rollup.constrainedColumns) {
            Pair<SegmentHeader, SegmentBody> rollupHeaderBody = SegmentBuilder.rollup(map, keepColumns, rollup.constrainedColumnsBitKey, rollup.measure.getAggregator().getRollup(), rollup.measure.getDatatype());
            final SegmentHeader header = rollupHeaderBody.left;
            final SegmentBody body = rollupHeaderBody.right;
            if (headerBodies.containsKey(header)) {
                // We had already created this segment, somehow.
            headerBodies.put(header, body);
            succeededRollups.put(header, body);
            final SegmentWithData segmentWithData = response.convert(header, body);
            // Register this segment with the local star.
            // Actor thread to ensure thread safety.
            if (!MondrianProperties.instance().DisableCaching.get()) {
                final Locus locus = Locus.peek();
                cacheMgr.execute(new SegmentCacheManager.Command<Void>() {

                    public Void call() throws Exception {
                        SegmentCacheIndex index = cacheMgr.getIndexRegistry().getIndex(segmentWithData.getStar());
                        index.add(segmentWithData.getHeader(), response.converterMap.get(SegmentCacheIndexImpl.makeConverterKey(segmentWithData.getHeader())), true);
                        index.loadSucceeded(segmentWithData.getHeader(), body);
                        return null;

                    public Locus getLocus() {
                        return locus;
        // Wait for SQL statements to end -- but only if there are no
        // failures.
        // If there are failures, and its the first iteration, it's more
        // urgent that we create and execute a follow-up request. We will
        // wait for the pending SQL statements at the end of that.
        // If there are failures on later iterations, wait for SQL
        // statements to end. The cache might be porous. SQL might be the
        // only way to make progress.
        if (failureCount == 0 || iteration > 0) {
            // Wait on segments being loaded by someone else.
            for (Map.Entry<SegmentHeader, Future<SegmentBody>> entry : response.futures.entrySet()) {
                final SegmentHeader header = entry.getKey();
                final Future<SegmentBody> bodyFuture = entry.getValue();
                final SegmentBody body = Util.safeGet(bodyFuture, "Waiting for someone else's segment to load via SQL");
                final SegmentWithData segmentWithData = response.convert(header, body);
            // Wait on segments being loaded by SQL statements we asked for.
            for (Future<Map<Segment, SegmentWithData>> sqlSegmentMapFuture : sqlSegmentMapFutures) {
                final Map<Segment, SegmentWithData> segmentMap = Util.safeGet(sqlSegmentMapFuture, "Waiting for segment to load via SQL");
                for (SegmentWithData segmentWithData : segmentMap.values()) {
            // TODO: also pass back SegmentHeader and SegmentBody,
            // and add these to headerBodies. Might help?
        if (failureCount == 0) {
        // Figure out which cell requests are not satisfied by any of the
        // segments retrieved.
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<CellRequest> old = new ArrayList<CellRequest>(cellRequests1);
        for (CellRequest cellRequest : old) {
            if (cellRequest.getMeasure().getStar().getCellFromCache(cellRequest, null) == null) {
        if (cellRequests1.isEmpty()) {
        if (cellRequests1.size() >= old.size() && iteration > 10) {
            throw Util.newError("Cache round-trip did not resolve any cell requests. " + "Iteration #" + iteration + "; request count " + cellRequests1.size() + "; requested headers: " + response.cacheSegments.size() + "; requested rollups: " + response.rollups.size() + "; requested SQL: " + response.sqlSegmentMapFutures.size());
    // Continue loop; form and execute a new request with the smaller
    // set of cell requests.
    dirty = false;
    return true;
Also used : Locus(mondrian.server.Locus) SegmentCacheIndex(mondrian.rolap.cache.SegmentCacheIndex) Future(java.util.concurrent.Future)


SegmentCacheIndex (mondrian.rolap.cache.SegmentCacheIndex)4 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 MondrianException (mondrian.olap.MondrianException)2 AbortException (mondrian.rolap.agg.SegmentCacheManager.AbortException)2 Locus (mondrian.server.Locus)2 Statement (java.sql.Statement)1 Future (java.util.concurrent.Future)1 Util (mondrian.olap.Util)1