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Example 1 with MemberListCrossJoinArg

use of mondrian.rolap.sql.MemberListCrossJoinArg in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SqlTupleReader method chooseAggStar.

 * Obtains the AggStar instance which corresponds to an aggregate table which can be used to support the member
 * constraint.
 * @param constraint The tuple constraint to apply.
 * @param evaluator  the current evaluator to obtain the cube and members to be queried  @return AggStar for aggregate
 *                   table
 * @param baseCube   The base cube from which to choose an aggregation star. Can be null, in which case we use the
 *                   evaluator's cube.
AggStar chooseAggStar(TupleConstraint constraint, Evaluator evaluator, RolapCube baseCube) {
    if (!MondrianProperties.instance().UseAggregates.get()) {
        return null;
    if (evaluator == null || !constraint.supportsAggTables()) {
        return null;
    if (baseCube == null) {
        baseCube = (RolapCube) evaluator.getCube();
    // Current cannot support aggregate tables for virtual cubes
    if (baseCube.isVirtual()) {
        return null;
    RolapStar star = baseCube.getStar();
    final int starColumnCount = star.getColumnCount();
    BitKey measureBitKey = BitKey.Factory.makeBitKey(starColumnCount);
    BitKey levelBitKey = BitKey.Factory.makeBitKey(starColumnCount);
    // Convert global ordinal to cube based ordinal (the 0th dimension
    // is always [Measures]). In the case of filter constraint this will
    // be the measure on which the filter will be done.
    // Since we support aggregated members as arguments, we'll expand
    // this too.
    // Failing to do so could result in chosing the wrong aggstar, as the
    // level would not be passed to the bitkeys
    final Member[] members = SqlConstraintUtils.expandSupportedCalculatedMembers(Arrays.asList(evaluator.getNonAllMembers()), evaluator).getMembersArray();
    // if measure is calculated, we can't continue
    if (!(members[0] instanceof RolapBaseCubeMeasure)) {
        return null;
    RolapBaseCubeMeasure measure = (RolapBaseCubeMeasure) members[0];
    int bitPosition = ((RolapStar.Measure) measure.getStarMeasure()).getBitPosition();
    // set a bit for each level which is constrained in the context
    final CellRequest request = RolapAggregationManager.makeRequest(members);
    if (request == null) {
        // One or more calculated members. Cannot use agg table.
        return null;
    // TODO: RME why is this using the array of constrained columns
    // from the CellRequest rather than just the constrained columns
    // BitKey (method getConstrainedColumnsBitKey)?
    RolapStar.Column[] columns = request.getConstrainedColumns();
    for (RolapStar.Column column1 : columns) {
    // set the masks
    for (TargetBase target : targets) {
        RolapLevel level = target.level;
        if (!level.isAll()) {
            RolapStar.Column column = ((RolapCubeLevel) level).getBaseStarKeyColumn(baseCube);
            if (column != null) {
    // Set the bits for limited rollup members
    RolapUtil.constraintBitkeyForLimitedMembers(evaluator, evaluator.getMembers(), baseCube, levelBitKey);
    if (constraint instanceof RolapNativeCrossJoin.NonEmptyCrossJoinConstraint) {
        // Cannot evaluate NonEmptyCrossJoinConstraint using an agg
        // table if one of its args is a DescendantsConstraint.
        RolapNativeCrossJoin.NonEmptyCrossJoinConstraint necj = (RolapNativeCrossJoin.NonEmptyCrossJoinConstraint) constraint;
        for (CrossJoinArg arg : necj.args) {
            if (arg instanceof DescendantsCrossJoinArg || arg instanceof MemberListCrossJoinArg) {
                final RolapLevel level = arg.getLevel();
                if (level != null && !level.isAll()) {
                    RolapStar.Column column = ((RolapCubeLevel) level).getBaseStarKeyColumn(baseCube);
                    if (column == null) {
                        // target group.
    } else if (constraint instanceof RolapNativeFilter.FilterConstraint) {
        for (Member slicer : ((RolapEvaluator) evaluator).getSlicerMembers()) {
            final Level level = slicer.getLevel();
            if (level != null && !level.isAll()) {
                final RolapStar.Column column = ((RolapCubeLevel) level).getBaseStarKeyColumn(baseCube);
    // find the aggstar using the masks
    return AggregationManager.findAgg(star, levelBitKey, measureBitKey, new boolean[] { false });
Also used : DescendantsCrossJoinArg(mondrian.rolap.sql.DescendantsCrossJoinArg) MemberListCrossJoinArg(mondrian.rolap.sql.MemberListCrossJoinArg) CrossJoinArg(mondrian.rolap.sql.CrossJoinArg) DescendantsCrossJoinArg(mondrian.rolap.sql.DescendantsCrossJoinArg) TupleConstraint(mondrian.rolap.sql.TupleConstraint) MemberChildrenConstraint(mondrian.rolap.sql.MemberChildrenConstraint) CellRequest(mondrian.rolap.agg.CellRequest) Level(mondrian.olap.Level) MemberListCrossJoinArg(mondrian.rolap.sql.MemberListCrossJoinArg) Member(mondrian.olap.Member)


Level (mondrian.olap.Level)1 Member (mondrian.olap.Member)1 CellRequest (mondrian.rolap.agg.CellRequest)1 CrossJoinArg (mondrian.rolap.sql.CrossJoinArg)1 DescendantsCrossJoinArg (mondrian.rolap.sql.DescendantsCrossJoinArg)1 MemberChildrenConstraint (mondrian.rolap.sql.MemberChildrenConstraint)1 MemberListCrossJoinArg (mondrian.rolap.sql.MemberListCrossJoinArg)1 TupleConstraint (mondrian.rolap.sql.TupleConstraint)1