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Example 11 with Execution

use of mondrian.server.Execution in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SegmentLoader method processData.

RowList processData(SqlStatement stmt, final boolean[] axisContainsNull, final SortedSet<Comparable>[] axisValueSets, final GroupingSetsList groupingSetsList) throws SQLException {
    List<Segment> segments = groupingSetsList.getDefaultSegments();
    int measureCount = segments.size();
    ResultSet rawRows = loadData(stmt, groupingSetsList);
    assert stmt != null;
    final List<SqlStatement.Type> types = stmt.guessTypes();
    int arity = axisValueSets.length;
    final int groupingColumnStartIndex = arity + measureCount;
    // If we're using grouping sets, the SQL query will have a number of
    // indicator columns, and we roll these into a single BitSet column in
    // the processed data set.
    final List<SqlStatement.Type> processedTypes;
    if (groupingSetsList.useGroupingSets()) {
        processedTypes = new ArrayList<SqlStatement.Type>(types.subList(0, groupingColumnStartIndex));
    } else {
        processedTypes = types;
    final RowList processedRows = new RowList(processedTypes, 100);
    Execution execution = Locus.peek().execution;
    while ( {
        // Check if the MDX query was canceled.
        CancellationChecker.checkCancelOrTimeout(++stmt.rowCount, execution);
        // get the columns
        int columnIndex = 0;
        for (int axisIndex = 0; axisIndex < arity; axisIndex++, columnIndex++) {
            final SqlStatement.Type type = types.get(columnIndex);
            switch(type) {
                case OBJECT:
                case STRING:
                    Object o = rawRows.getObject(columnIndex + 1);
                    if (o == null) {
                        o = RolapUtil.sqlNullValue;
                        if (!groupingSetsList.useGroupingSets() || !isAggregateNull(rawRows, groupingColumnStartIndex, groupingSetsList, axisIndex)) {
                            axisContainsNull[axisIndex] = true;
                    } else {
                        // So it can be processing (comparing and displaying) correctly as String
                        if (o instanceof byte[]) {
                            o = new String((byte[]) o);
                        axisValueSets[axisIndex].add((Comparable) o);
                    processedRows.setObject(columnIndex, o);
                case INT:
                    final int intValue = rawRows.getInt(columnIndex + 1);
                    if (intValue == 0 && rawRows.wasNull()) {
                        if (!groupingSetsList.useGroupingSets() || !isAggregateNull(rawRows, groupingColumnStartIndex, groupingSetsList, axisIndex)) {
                            axisContainsNull[axisIndex] = true;
                        processedRows.setNull(columnIndex, true);
                    } else {
                        processedRows.setInt(columnIndex, intValue);
                case LONG:
                    final long longValue = rawRows.getLong(columnIndex + 1);
                    if (longValue == 0 && rawRows.wasNull()) {
                        if (!groupingSetsList.useGroupingSets() || !isAggregateNull(rawRows, groupingColumnStartIndex, groupingSetsList, axisIndex)) {
                            axisContainsNull[axisIndex] = true;
                        processedRows.setNull(columnIndex, true);
                    } else {
                        processedRows.setLong(columnIndex, longValue);
                case DOUBLE:
                    final double doubleValue = rawRows.getDouble(columnIndex + 1);
                    if (doubleValue == 0 && rawRows.wasNull()) {
                        if (!groupingSetsList.useGroupingSets() || !isAggregateNull(rawRows, groupingColumnStartIndex, groupingSetsList, axisIndex)) {
                            axisContainsNull[axisIndex] = true;
                        processedRows.setNull(columnIndex, true);
                    } else {
                        processedRows.setDouble(columnIndex, doubleValue);
                    throw Util.unexpected(type);
        // pre-compute which measures are numeric
        final boolean[] numeric = new boolean[measureCount];
        int k = 0;
        for (Segment segment : segments) {
            numeric[k++] = segment.measure.getDatatype().isNumeric();
        // get the measure
        for (int i = 0; i < measureCount; i++, columnIndex++) {
            final SqlStatement.Type type = types.get(columnIndex);
            switch(type) {
                case OBJECT:
                case STRING:
                    Object o = rawRows.getObject(columnIndex + 1);
                    if (o == null) {
                        // convert to placeholder
                        o = Util.nullValue;
                    } else if (numeric[i]) {
                        if (o instanceof Double) {
                        // nothing to do
                        } else if (o instanceof BigDecimal) {
                        // nothing to do // PDI-16761 if we cast it to double type we lose precision
                        } else if (o instanceof Number) {
                            o = ((Number) o).doubleValue();
                        } else if (o instanceof byte[]) {
                            // On MySQL 5.0 in German locale, values can come
                            // out as byte arrays. Don't know why. Bug 1594119.
                            o = Double.parseDouble(new String((byte[]) o));
                        } else {
                            o = Double.parseDouble(o.toString());
                    processedRows.setObject(columnIndex, o);
                case INT:
                    final int intValue = rawRows.getInt(columnIndex + 1);
                    processedRows.setInt(columnIndex, intValue);
                    if (intValue == 0 && rawRows.wasNull()) {
                        processedRows.setNull(columnIndex, true);
                case LONG:
                    final long longValue = rawRows.getLong(columnIndex + 1);
                    processedRows.setLong(columnIndex, longValue);
                    if (longValue == 0 && rawRows.wasNull()) {
                        processedRows.setNull(columnIndex, true);
                case DOUBLE:
                    final double doubleValue = rawRows.getDouble(columnIndex + 1);
                    processedRows.setDouble(columnIndex, doubleValue);
                    if (doubleValue == 0 && rawRows.wasNull()) {
                        processedRows.setNull(columnIndex, true);
                    throw Util.unexpected(type);
        if (groupingSetsList.useGroupingSets()) {
            processedRows.setObject(columnIndex, getRollupBitKey(groupingSetsList.getRollupColumns().size(), rawRows, columnIndex));
    return processedRows;
Also used : BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) Execution(mondrian.server.Execution) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet)

Example 12 with Execution

use of mondrian.server.Execution in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class CancellationTest method testNonEmptyListCancellation.

public void testNonEmptyListCancellation() throws MondrianException {
    // tests that cancellation/timeout is checked in
    // CrossJoinFunDef.nonEmptyList
    propSaver.set(, 1);
    CrossJoinFunDefTester crossJoinFunDef = new CrossJoinFunDefTester(new CrossJoinTest.NullFunDef());
    Result result = executeQuery("select store.[store name].members on 0 from sales");
    Evaluator eval = ((RolapResult) result).getEvaluator(new int[] { 0 });
    TupleList list = new UnaryTupleList();
    for (Position pos : result.getAxes()[0].getPositions()) {
    Execution exec = spy(new Execution(eval.getQuery().getStatement(), 0));
    crossJoinFunDef.nonEmptyList(eval, list, null);
    // checkCancelOrTimeout should be called once
    // for each tuple since phase interval is 1
    verify(exec, times(list.size())).checkCancelOrTimeout();
Also used : UnaryTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.UnaryTupleList) TupleList(mondrian.calc.TupleList) UnaryTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.UnaryTupleList) Execution(mondrian.server.Execution) CrossJoinTest(

Example 13 with Execution

use of mondrian.server.Execution in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class CrossJoinTest method testCrossJoinIterCalc_IterationCancellationOnForward.

// The test to verify that cancellation/timeout is checked
// in CrossJoinFunDef$CrossJoinIterCalc$1$1.forward()
public void testCrossJoinIterCalc_IterationCancellationOnForward() {
    propSaver.set(, 1);
    // Get product members as TupleList
    RolapCube salesCube = (RolapCube) cubeByName(getTestContext().getConnection(), SALES_CUBE);
    SchemaReader salesCubeSchemaReader = salesCube.getSchemaReader(getTestContext().getConnection().getRole()).withLocus();
    TupleList productMembers = productMembersPotScrubbersPotsAndPans(salesCubeSchemaReader);
    // Get genders members as TupleList
    Result genders = executeQuery(SELECT_GENDER_MEMBERS);
    TupleList genderMembers = getGenderMembers(genders);
    // Test execution to track cancellation/timeout calls
    Execution execution = spy(new Execution(genders.getQuery().getStatement(), 0));
    // check no execution of checkCancelOrTimeout has been yet
    verify(execution, times(0)).checkCancelOrTimeout();
    Integer crossJoinIterCalc = crossJoinIterCalcIterate(productMembers, genderMembers, execution);
    // checkCancelOrTimeout should be called once for the left tuple
    // from CrossJoinIterCalc$1$1.forward() since phase
    // interval is 1
    verify(execution, times(productMembers.size())).checkCancelOrTimeout();
    assertEquals(productMembers.size() * genderMembers.size(), crossJoinIterCalc.intValue());
Also used : UnaryTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.UnaryTupleList) ArrayTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.ArrayTupleList) Execution(mondrian.server.Execution) RolapCube(mondrian.rolap.RolapCube)

Example 14 with Execution

use of mondrian.server.Execution in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SqlConstraintUtilsTest method testReplaceCompoundSlicerPlaceholder.

public void testReplaceCompoundSlicerPlaceholder() {
    final TestContext testContext = TestContext.instance();
    final Connection connection = testContext.getConnection();
    final String queryText = "SELECT {[Measures].[Customer Count]} ON 0 " + "FROM [Sales] " + "WHERE [Time].[1997]";
    final Query query = connection.parseQuery(queryText);
    final QueryAxis querySlicerAxis = query.getSlicerAxis();
    final Member slicerMember = ((MemberExpr) querySlicerAxis.getSet()).getMember();
    final RolapHierarchy slicerHierarchy = ((RolapCube) query.getCube()).getTimeHierarchy(null);
    final Execution execution = new Execution(query.getStatement(), 0L);
    final RolapEvaluatorRoot rolapEvaluatorRoot = new RolapEvaluatorRoot(execution);
    final RolapEvaluator rolapEvaluator = new RolapEvaluator(rolapEvaluatorRoot);
    final Member expectedMember = slicerMember;
    RolapResult.CompoundSlicerRolapMember placeHolderMember = Mockito.mock(RolapResult.CompoundSlicerRolapMember.class);
    // tested call
    Member r = SqlConstraintUtils.replaceCompoundSlicerPlaceholder(placeHolderMember, rolapEvaluator);
    // test
    Assert.assertSame(expectedMember, r);
Also used : Query(mondrian.olap.Query) TestContext(mondrian.test.TestContext) Connection(mondrian.olap.Connection) Execution(mondrian.server.Execution) MemberExpr(mondrian.mdx.MemberExpr) Member(mondrian.olap.Member) TestMember( QueryAxis(mondrian.olap.QueryAxis)

Example 15 with Execution

use of mondrian.server.Execution in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class SqlStatementTest method setUp.

public void setUp() {
    monitor = mock(Monitor.class);
    srv = mock(MondrianServer.class);
    rolapConnection = mock(RolapConnection.class);
    statMock = mock(StatementImpl.class);
    execution = new Execution(statMock, 0);
    execution = spy(execution);
    locus = new Locus(execution, "component", "message");
    statement = new SqlStatement(null, "sql", null, 0, 0, locus, 0, 0, null);
    statement = spy(statement);
Also used : Monitor(mondrian.server.monitor.Monitor) MondrianServer(mondrian.olap.MondrianServer) Execution(mondrian.server.Execution) StatementImpl(mondrian.server.StatementImpl) Locus(mondrian.server.Locus)


Execution (mondrian.server.Execution)23 TupleList (mondrian.calc.TupleList)5 UnaryTupleList (mondrian.calc.impl.UnaryTupleList)4 Locus (mondrian.server.Locus)4 Dialect (mondrian.spi.Dialect)4 StatisticsProvider (mondrian.spi.StatisticsProvider)3 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)2 ArrayTupleList (mondrian.calc.impl.ArrayTupleList)2 MemberExpr (mondrian.mdx.MemberExpr)2 Connection (mondrian.olap.Connection)2 Member (mondrian.olap.Member)2 Query (mondrian.olap.Query)2 QueryAxis (mondrian.olap.QueryAxis)2 TestMember ( TestContext (mondrian.test.TestContext)2 StringProperty ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)1 UndeclaredThrowableException (java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException)1 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)1 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1