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Example 16 with Execution

use of mondrian.server.Execution in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class MemberCacheControlTest method setUp.

protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    propSaver.set(MondrianProperties.instance().EnableRolapCubeMemberCache, false);
    final RolapConnection conn = (RolapConnection) getConnection();
    final Statement statement = conn.getInternalStatement();
    final Execution execution = new Execution(statement, 0);
    locus = new Locus(execution, getName(), null);
Also used : Execution(mondrian.server.Execution) Statement(mondrian.server.Statement) Locus(mondrian.server.Locus)

Example 17 with Execution

use of mondrian.server.Execution in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class FunUtil method evaluateSet.

 * Evaluates {@code exp} (if defined) over {@code members} to
 * generate a {@link List} of {@link SetWrapper} objects, which contains
 * a {@link Double} value and meta information, unlike
 * {@link #evaluateMembers}, which only produces values.
 * @pre exp != null
static SetWrapper evaluateSet(Evaluator evaluator, TupleIterable members, Calc calc) {
    assert members != null;
    assert calc != null;
    assert calc.getType() instanceof ScalarType;
    // todo: treat constant exps as evaluateMembers() does
    SetWrapper retval = new SetWrapper();
    final TupleCursor cursor = members.tupleCursor();
    int currentIteration = 0;
    Execution execution = evaluator.getQuery().getStatement().getCurrentExecution();
    while (cursor.forward()) {
        CancellationChecker.checkCancelOrTimeout(currentIteration++, execution);
        Object o = calc.evaluate(evaluator);
        if (o == null || o == Util.nullValue) {
        } else if (o == RolapUtil.valueNotReadyException) {
            // Carry on summing, so that if we are running in a
            // BatchingCellReader, we find out all the dependent cells we
            // need
        } else if (o instanceof Number) {
            retval.v.add(((Number) o).doubleValue());
        } else {
    return retval;
Also used : Execution(mondrian.server.Execution)

Example 18 with Execution

use of mondrian.server.Execution in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class FunUtil method sortTuples.

 * Sorts a list of Tuples by the value of an applied expression. Stable
 * sort.
 * <p>Helper function for MDX functions TopCount, TopSum, TopPercent,
 * BottomCount, BottomSum, BottomPercent, but not the MDX function Order.
 * <p>NOTE: This function does not preserve the contents of the validator.
 * <p>If you specify {@code tupleList}, the list is sorted in place, and
 * tupleList is returned.
 * @param evaluator Evaluator
 * @param tupleIterable Iterator over tuples
 * @param tupleList List of tuples, if known, otherwise null
 * @param exp Expression to sort on
 * @param desc Whether to sort descending
 * @param brk Whether to break
 * @param arity Number of members in each tuple
 * @return sorted list (never null)
public static TupleList sortTuples(Evaluator evaluator, TupleIterable tupleIterable, TupleList tupleList, Calc exp, boolean desc, boolean brk, int arity) {
    // NOTE: This method does not implement the iterable/list concept
    // as fully as sortMembers. This is because sortMembers evaluates all
    // sort expressions up front. There, it is efficient to unravel the
    // iterator and evaluate the sort expressions at the same time.
    List<List<Member>> tupleArrayList;
    if (tupleList == null) {
        tupleArrayList = new ArrayList<List<Member>>();
        final TupleCursor cursor = tupleIterable.tupleCursor();
        int currentIteration = 0;
        Execution execution = evaluator.getQuery().getStatement().getCurrentExecution();
        while (cursor.forward()) {
            CancellationChecker.checkCancelOrTimeout(currentIteration++, execution);
        if (tupleArrayList.size() <= 1) {
            return new DelegatingTupleList(tupleIterable.getArity(), tupleArrayList);
    } else {
        if (tupleList.size() <= 1) {
            return tupleList;
        tupleArrayList = tupleList;
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) List<Member>[] tuples = tupleArrayList.toArray(new List[tupleArrayList.size()]);
    final DelegatingTupleList result = new DelegatingTupleList(tupleIterable.getArity(), Arrays.asList(tuples));
    Comparator<List<Member>> comparator;
    if (brk) {
        comparator = new BreakTupleComparator(evaluator, exp, arity);
        if (desc) {
            comparator = Collections.reverseOrder(comparator);
    } else {
        comparator = new HierarchicalTupleComparator(evaluator, exp, arity, desc);
    Arrays.sort(tuples, comparator);
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("FunUtil.sortTuples returned:");
        for (List<Member> tuple : tuples) {
    return result;
Also used : Execution(mondrian.server.Execution)

Example 19 with Execution

use of mondrian.server.Execution in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class BatchTestCase method assertRequestSql.

 * Checks that a given sequence of cell requests results in a
 * particular SQL statement being generated.
 * <p>Always clears the cache before running the requests.
 * <p>Runs the requests once for each SQL pattern in the current
 * dialect. If there are multiple patterns, runs the MDX query multiple
 * times, and expects to see each SQL statement appear. If there are no
 * patterns in this dialect, the test trivially succeeds.
 * @param requests Sequence of cell requests
 * @param patterns Set of patterns
 * @param negative Set to false in order to 'expect' a query or
 * true to 'forbid' a query.
protected void assertRequestSql(CellRequest[] requests, SqlPattern[] patterns, boolean negative) {
    final RolapStar star = requests[0].getMeasure().getStar();
    final String cubeName = requests[0].getMeasure().getCubeName();
    final RolapCube cube = lookupCube(cubeName);
    final Dialect sqlDialect = star.getSqlQueryDialect();
    Dialect.DatabaseProduct d = sqlDialect.getDatabaseProduct();
    SqlPattern sqlPattern = SqlPattern.getPattern(d, patterns);
    if (d == Dialect.DatabaseProduct.UNKNOWN) {
        // test. We do not print any warning message.
    boolean patternFound = false;
    for (SqlPattern pattern : patterns) {
        if (!pattern.hasDatabaseProduct(d)) {
        patternFound = true;
        String sql = sqlPattern.getSql();
        String trigger = sqlPattern.getTriggerSql();
        switch(d) {
            case ORACLE:
                sql = sql.replaceAll(" =as= ", " ");
                trigger = trigger.replaceAll(" =as= ", " ");
            case TERADATA:
                sql = sql.replaceAll(" =as= ", " as ");
                trigger = trigger.replaceAll(" =as= ", " as ");
        // Create a dummy DataSource which will throw a 'bomb' if it is
        // asked to execute a particular SQL statement, but will otherwise
        // behave exactly the same as the current DataSource.
        RolapUtil.setHook(new TriggerHook(trigger));
        Bomb bomb;
        final Execution execution = new Execution(((RolapConnection) getConnection()).getInternalStatement(), 1000);
        final AggregationManager aggMgr = execution.getMondrianStatement().getMondrianConnection().getServer().getAggregationManager();
        final Locus locus = new Locus(execution, "BatchTestCase", "BatchTestCase");
        try {
            FastBatchingCellReader fbcr = new FastBatchingCellReader(execution, getCube(cubeName), aggMgr);
            for (CellRequest request : requests) {
            // The FBCR will presume there is a current Locus in the stack,
            // so let's create a mock one.
            bomb = null;
        } catch (Bomb e) {
            bomb = e;
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // Walk up the exception tree and see if the root cause
            // was a SQL bomb.
            bomb = Util.getMatchingCause(e, Bomb.class);
            if (bomb == null) {
                throw e;
        } finally {
        if (!negative && bomb == null) {
            fail("expected query [" + sql + "] did not occur");
        } else if (negative && bomb != null) {
            fail("forbidden query [" + sql + "] detected");
        TestContext.assertEqualsVerbose(replaceQuotes(sql), replaceQuotes(bomb.sql));
    // dialect.
    if (!patternFound) {
        String warnDialect = MondrianProperties.instance().WarnIfNoPatternForDialect.get();
        if (warnDialect.equals(d.toString())) {
            System.out.println("[No expected SQL statements found for dialect \"" + sqlDialect.toString() + "\" and test not run]");
Also used : Execution(mondrian.server.Execution) SqlPattern(mondrian.test.SqlPattern) Dialect(mondrian.spi.Dialect) Locus(mondrian.server.Locus)

Example 20 with Execution

use of mondrian.server.Execution in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class CancellationTest method testMutableCrossJoinCancellation.

public void testMutableCrossJoinCancellation() throws MondrianException {
    // tests that cancellation/timeout is checked in
    // CrossJoinFunDef.mutableCrossJoin
    propSaver.set(, 1);
    RolapCube salesCube = (RolapCube) cubeByName(getTestContext().getConnection(), "Sales");
    SchemaReader salesCubeSchemaReader = salesCube.getSchemaReader(getTestContext().getConnection().getRole()).withLocus();
    TupleList productMembers = productMembersPotScrubbersPotsAndPans(salesCubeSchemaReader);
    String selectGenders = "select Gender.members on 0 from sales";
    Result genders = executeQuery(selectGenders);
    Evaluator gendersEval = ((RolapResult) genders).getEvaluator(new int[] { 0 });
    TupleList genderMembers = new UnaryTupleList();
    for (Position pos : genders.getAxes()[0].getPositions()) {
    Execution execution = spy(new Execution(genders.getQuery().getStatement(), 0));
    TupleList mutableCrossJoinResult = mutableCrossJoin(productMembers, genderMembers, execution);
    // checkCancelOrTimeout should be called once
    // for each tuple from mutableCrossJoin since phase interval is 1
    // plus once for each productMembers item
    // since it gets through SqlStatement.execute
    int expectedCallsQuantity = mutableCrossJoinResult.size() + productMembers.size();
    verify(execution, times(expectedCallsQuantity)).checkCancelOrTimeout();
Also used : UnaryTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.UnaryTupleList) TupleList(mondrian.calc.TupleList) UnaryTupleList(mondrian.calc.impl.UnaryTupleList) Execution(mondrian.server.Execution)


Execution (mondrian.server.Execution)23 TupleList (mondrian.calc.TupleList)5 UnaryTupleList (mondrian.calc.impl.UnaryTupleList)4 Locus (mondrian.server.Locus)4 Dialect (mondrian.spi.Dialect)4 StatisticsProvider (mondrian.spi.StatisticsProvider)3 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)2 ArrayTupleList (mondrian.calc.impl.ArrayTupleList)2 MemberExpr (mondrian.mdx.MemberExpr)2 Connection (mondrian.olap.Connection)2 Member (mondrian.olap.Member)2 Query (mondrian.olap.Query)2 QueryAxis (mondrian.olap.QueryAxis)2 TestMember ( TestContext (mondrian.test.TestContext)2 StringProperty ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)1 UndeclaredThrowableException (java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException)1 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)1 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1