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Example 1 with Format

use of mondrian.util.Format in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class CurrentDateMemberUdf method execute.

public Object execute(Evaluator evaluator, Argument[] arguments) {
    if (resultDateMember != null) {
        return resultDateMember;
    // determine the current date
    Object formatArg = arguments[1].evaluateScalar(evaluator);
    final Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
    final Format format = new Format((String) formatArg, locale);
    String currDateStr = format.format(getDate(evaluator, arguments));
    // determine the match type
    MatchType matchType;
    if (arguments.length == 3) {
        String matchStr = arguments[2].evaluateScalar(evaluator).toString();
        matchType = Enum.valueOf(MatchType.class, matchStr);
    } else {
        matchType = MatchType.EXACT;
    List<Id.Segment> uniqueNames = Util.parseIdentifier(currDateStr);
    resultDateMember = evaluator.getSchemaReader().getMemberByUniqueName(uniqueNames, false, matchType);
    if (resultDateMember != null) {
        return resultDateMember;
    // if there is no matching member, return the null member for
    // the specified dimension/hierarchy
    Object arg0 = arguments[0].evaluate(evaluator);
    if (arg0 instanceof Hierarchy) {
        resultDateMember = ((Hierarchy) arg0).getNullMember();
    } else {
        resultDateMember = ((Dimension) arg0).getHierarchy().getNullMember();
    return resultDateMember;
Also used : Format(mondrian.util.Format)

Example 2 with Format

use of mondrian.util.Format in project pentaho-platform by pentaho.

the class InlineMemberFormatter method formatMember.

public String formatMember(Member member) {
    Annotation annot = member.getLevel().getAnnotationMap().get(FORMAT_STRING);
    if (annot == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Missing InlineMemberFormatString on level " + member.getLevel().getUniqueName());
    Object key = member.getPropertyValue(Property.KEY.getName());
    Format format = Format.get(annot.getValue().toString(), Locale.getDefault());
    return format.format(key);
Also used : Format(mondrian.util.Format) Annotation(mondrian.olap.Annotation)

Example 3 with Format

use of mondrian.util.Format in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class FormatFunDef method compileCall.

public Calc compileCall(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) {
    final Exp[] args = call.getArgs();
    final Calc calc = compiler.compileScalar(call.getArg(0), true);
    final Locale locale = compiler.getEvaluator().getConnectionLocale();
    if (args[1] instanceof Literal) {
        // Constant string expression: optimize by
        // compiling format string.
        String formatString = (String) ((Literal) args[1]).getValue();
        final Format format = new Format(formatString, locale);
        return new AbstractStringCalc(call, new Calc[] { calc }) {

            public String evaluateString(Evaluator evaluator) {
                final Object o = calc.evaluate(evaluator);
                return format.format(o);
    } else {
        // Variable string expression
        final StringCalc stringCalc = compiler.compileString(call.getArg(1));
        return new AbstractStringCalc(call, new Calc[] { calc, stringCalc }) {

            public String evaluateString(Evaluator evaluator) {
                final Object o = calc.evaluate(evaluator);
                final String formatString = stringCalc.evaluateString(evaluator);
                final Format format = new Format(formatString, locale);
                return format.format(o);
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) AbstractStringCalc(mondrian.calc.impl.AbstractStringCalc) AbstractStringCalc(mondrian.calc.impl.AbstractStringCalc) Format(mondrian.util.Format) AbstractStringCalc(mondrian.calc.impl.AbstractStringCalc)

Example 4 with Format

use of mondrian.util.Format in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class I18nTest method testFormat.

public void testFormat() {
    // Make sure Util is loaded, so that the LocaleFormatFactory gets
    // registered.
    Locale spanish = new Locale("es", "ES");
    Locale german = new Locale("de", "DE");
    // Thousands and decimal separators are different in Spain
    Format numFormat = new Format("#,000.00", spanish);
    assertEquals("123.456,79", numFormat.format(new Double(123456.789)));
    // Currency too
    Format currencyFormat = new Format("Currency", spanish);
    assertEquals("1.234.567,79 " + Euro, currencyFormat.format(new Double(1234567.789)));
    // Dates
    Format dateFormat = new Format("Medium Date", spanish);
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2005);
    // January, 0-based
    calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0);
    calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, 22);
    java.util.Date date = calendar.getTime();
    assertEquals("22-ene-05", dateFormat.format(date));
    // Dates in German
    dateFormat = new Format("Long Date", german);
    assertEquals("Samstag, Januar 22, 2005", dateFormat.format(date));
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) Format(mondrian.util.Format) Calendar(java.util.Calendar)

Example 5 with Format

use of mondrian.util.Format in project mondrian by pentaho.

the class CurrentDateStringUdf method execute.

public Object execute(Evaluator evaluator, Argument[] arguments) {
    Object arg = arguments[0].evaluateScalar(evaluator);
    final Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
    final Format format = new Format((String) arg, locale);
    Date currDate = evaluator.getQueryStartTime();
    return format.format(currDate);
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) Format(mondrian.util.Format) Date(java.util.Date)


Format (mondrian.util.Format)5 Locale (java.util.Locale)3 Calendar (java.util.Calendar)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 AbstractStringCalc (mondrian.calc.impl.AbstractStringCalc)1 Annotation (mondrian.olap.Annotation)1