use of mudmap2.backend.WorldCoordinate in project mudmap2 by Neop.
the class WorldPanelTest method testSetHome.
* Test of gotoHome method, of class WorldPanel.
public void testGotoHome() {
World world = new World();
WorldCoordinate home = new WorldCoordinate(1, 2, 3);
WorldPanel instance = new WorldPanel(world, false);
assertEquals(home.getLayer(), instance.getPosition().getLayer());
assertEquals(home.getX(), instance.getPosition().getX(), 0.01);
assertEquals(home.getY(), instance.getPosition().getY(), 0.01);
* Test of setHome method, of class WorldPanel.
public void testSetHome() {
World world = new World();
WorldCoordinate coord = new WorldCoordinate(1, 6, 9);
WorldPanel instance = new WorldPanel(null, world, false);
// might be changed by moveScreenToCursor()
coord = instance.getPosition();
assertEquals(coord.getLayer(), world.getHome().getLayer());
assertEquals(coord.getX(), world.getHome().getX(), 0.01);
assertEquals(coord.getY(), world.getHome().getY(), 0.01);
use of mudmap2.backend.WorldCoordinate in project mudmap2 by Neop.
the class WorldPanelTest method testGetSelectedPlace.
* Test of getSelectedPlace method, of class WorldPanel.
public void testGetSelectedPlace() {
try {
World world = new World();
Layer l = world.getNewLayer();
Place pl1 = new Place("BLa", 4, 6, l);
Place pl2 = new Place("Blub", 7, 1, l);
WorldPanel instance = new WorldPanel(null, world, false);
instance.pushPosition(new WorldCoordinate(l.getId(), 0, 0));
instance.setCursor(2, 3);
instance.setCursor(pl1.getX(), pl1.getY());
assertEquals(pl1, instance.getSelectedPlace());
instance.setCursor(pl2.getX(), pl2.getY());
assertEquals(pl2, instance.getSelectedPlace());
} catch (Layer.PlaceNotInsertedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(WorldPanelTest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
use of mudmap2.backend.WorldCoordinate in project mudmap2 by Neop.
the class WorldFileJSON method writeFile.
* Write world to file
* @param world
* @throws
public void writeFile(World world) throws IOException {
JSONObject root = new JSONObject();
// metaWriter data
// mudmap version
String mudmapVer = getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion();
if (mudmapVer != null)
root.put("mudmapVer", getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion());
root.put("mudmapVer", "dev");
// file version
root.put("fileVer", versionMajor + "." + versionMinor);
// world name
root.put("worldName", world.getName());
root.put("showPlaceID", world.getShowPlaceId());
// tile center color
if (world.getTileCenterColor() != null) {
root.put("tileCenterCol", colToHex(world.getTileCenterColor()));
// cardinal and non cardinal path color
if (world.getPathColor() != null) {
root.put("pathCol", colToHex(world.getPathColor()));
if (world.getPathColorNstd() != null) {
root.put("pathColNonCardinal", colToHex(world.getPathColorNstd()));
// other path colors
JSONArray pathColorsArray = new JSONArray();
root.put("pathColDefs", pathColorsArray);
for (Map.Entry<String, Color> pathCol : world.getPathColors().entrySet()) {
if (pathCol.getValue() != null) {
JSONObject pathColObj = new JSONObject();
pathColObj.put("path", pathCol.getKey());
pathColObj.put("col", colToHex(pathCol.getValue()));
// risk level colors
JSONArray riskLevelColors = new JSONArray();
root.put("riskLevels", riskLevelColors);
for (RiskLevel rlc : world.getRiskLevels()) {
JSONObject rlo = new JSONObject();
rlo.put("id", rlc.getId());
rlo.put("desc", rlc.getDescription());
rlo.put("col", colToHex(rlc.getColor()));
// areaArray
// create IDs for areaArray
HashMap<PlaceGroup, Integer> areaIDs = new HashMap<>();
// incremental id
Integer cnt = 0;
for (PlaceGroup a : world.getPlaceGroups()) {
Boolean inUse = false;
// removePlace unused
for (Layer layer : world.getLayers()) {
for (Place place : layer.getPlaces()) {
if (place.getPlaceGroup() == a) {
inUse = true;
if (inUse)
areaIDs.put(a, ++cnt);
// add areaArray
JSONArray areas = new JSONArray();
root.put("areas", areas);
for (PlaceGroup area : world.getPlaceGroups()) {
JSONObject areaObj = new JSONObject();
areaObj.put("id", areaIDs.get(area));
areaObj.put("name", area.getName());
areaObj.put("col", colToHex(area.getColor()));
// helper to assign new layer ids
Integer nextLayerID = 0;
layerIDs = new HashMap<>();
// layers (for quadtree optimization
JSONArray layers = new JSONArray();
root.put("layers", layers);
for (Layer layer : world.getLayers()) {
if (!layer.getPlaces().isEmpty()) {
JSONObject layerObj = new JSONObject();
// add layer to id map
Integer layerID = nextLayerID++;
layerIDs.put(layer.getId(), layerID);
layerObj.put("id", layerID);
layerObj.put("centerX", layer.getCenterX());
layerObj.put("centerY", layer.getCenterY());
if (layer.hasName())
layerObj.put("name", layer.getName());
// places
JSONArray places = new JSONArray();
root.put("places", places);
for (Layer layer : world.getLayers()) {
for (Place place : layer.getPlaces()) {
JSONObject placeObj = new JSONObject();
placeObj.put("id", place.getId());
placeObj.put("n", place.getName());
placeObj.put("l", translateLayerID(place.getLayer().getId()));
placeObj.put("x", place.getX());
placeObj.put("y", place.getY());
if (place.getPlaceGroup() != null)
placeObj.put("a", areaIDs.get(place.getPlaceGroup()));
if (place.getRiskLevel() != null)
placeObj.put("r", place.getRiskLevel().getId());
if (place.getRecLevelMin() > -1)
placeObj.put("lvlMin", place.getRecLevelMin());
if (place.getRecLevelMax() > -1)
placeObj.put("lvlMax", place.getRecLevelMax());
// child places
if (!place.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
JSONArray children = new JSONArray();
placeObj.put("c", children);
for (Place child : place.getChildren()) {
// parent places
if (!place.getParents().isEmpty()) {
JSONArray parents = new JSONArray();
placeObj.put("p", parents);
for (Place parent : place.getParents()) {
// flags
if (!place.getFlags().isEmpty()) {
JSONArray flags = new JSONArray();
placeObj.put("f", flags);
for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> flag : place.getFlags().entrySet()) {
if (flag.getValue())
// comments
if (!place.getComments().isEmpty()) {
JSONArray comments = new JSONArray();
placeObj.put("co", comments);
int idx = 0;
for (String comment : place.getComments()) {
comments.put(idx++, comment);
// paths
JSONArray pathsArray = new JSONArray();
root.put("paths", pathsArray);
// paths that have already been added
HashSet<Path> paths = new HashSet<>();
for (Layer layer : world.getLayers()) {
for (Place place : layer.getPlaces()) {
for (Path path : place.getPaths()) {
if (!paths.contains(path)) {
JSONArray pathObj = new JSONArray();
JSONObject p1 = new JSONObject();
p1.put("p", path.getPlaces()[0].getId());
p1.put("e", path.getExit(path.getPlaces()[0]));
JSONObject p2 = new JSONObject();
p2.put("p", path.getPlaces()[1].getId());
p2.put("e", path.getExit(path.getPlaces()[1]));
// home position
WorldCoordinate home = world.getHome();
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("l", translateLayerID(home.getLayer()));
obj.put("x", home.getX());
obj.put("y", home.getY());
root.put("home", obj);
// add metaWriter data from WorldTab
if (metaWriter != null)
root.put("meta", metaWriter.getMeta(layerIDs));
try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(filename)) {
// indentation for better readability (for debugging), increases file size
// root.write(writer, 4, 0);
fileRoot = root;
} catch (Exception ex) {
use of mudmap2.backend.WorldCoordinate in project mudmap2 by Neop.
the class WorldFileJSON method readFile.
* Read world file
* @return new world object or null if file is invalid
* @throws Exception
* @throws WorldFileInvalidTypeException
* @ throws WorldFileReadError
public World readFile() throws Exception {
World world = null;
try {
JSONObject root = getJSONRoot();
// check file version
if (root.has("fileVer")) {
String[] fileVer = root.getString("fileVer").split("\\.");
if (versionMajor != Integer.parseInt(fileVer[0])) {
// version major not equal: different file format
throw new WorldFileInvalidTypeException(filename, "invalid world file version", null);
if (versionMinor < Integer.parseInt(fileVer[1])) {
// file was created by a newer MUD Map: might have unsupported features
int ret = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "World file version is greater than the reader version. " + "Please update MUD Map. Continuing might cause data loss.", "Loading world", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);
if (ret == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION)
throw new WorldFileInvalidTypeException(filename, "Could not read world file", null);
} else {
throw new WorldFileInvalidTypeException(filename, "could not read world file version", null);
// getPlace world name
String worldName = "";
if (root.has("worldName"))
worldName = root.getString("worldName");
if (worldName.isEmpty()) {
Integer begin = worldName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (begin == -1)
begin = worldName.lastIndexOf('\\');
begin += 1;
worldName = worldName.substring(begin);
// create world root
world = new World(worldName);
// showPlaceID
if (root.has("showPlaceID")) {
// tileCenterCol
if (root.has("tileCenterCol")) {
// pathCol
if (root.has("pathCol")) {
// pathColNonCardinal
if (root.has("pathColNonCardinal")) {
// pathColDefs
if (root.has("pathColDefs")) {
JSONArray pathColDefs = root.getJSONArray("pathColDefs");
Integer length = pathColDefs.length();
for (Integer i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
JSONObject pathColDef = pathColDefs.getJSONObject(i);
if (pathColDef.has("path") && pathColDef.has("col")) {
world.setPathColor(pathColDef.getString("path"), hexToCol(pathColDef.getString("col")));
// home
if (root.has("home")) {
JSONObject home = root.getJSONObject("home");
if (home.has("l") && home.has("x") && home.has("y")) {
Integer l = home.getInt("l");
Double x = home.getDouble("x");
Double y = home.getDouble("y");
world.setHome(new WorldCoordinate(l, x, y));
// riskLevels
if (root.has("riskLevels")) {
// remove existing risk levels
JSONArray riskLevels = root.getJSONArray("riskLevels");
Integer length = riskLevels.length();
for (Integer i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
JSONObject riskLevel = riskLevels.getJSONObject(i);
if (riskLevel.has("id") && riskLevel.has("desc") && riskLevel.has("col")) {
Integer id = riskLevel.getInt("id");
String desc = riskLevel.getString("desc");
Color col = hexToCol(riskLevel.getString("col"));
world.setRiskLevel(new RiskLevel(id, desc, col));
// areaArray
HashMap<Integer, PlaceGroup> areas = new HashMap<>();
if (root.has("areas")) {
JSONArray areaArray = root.getJSONArray("areas");
Integer length = areaArray.length();
for (Integer i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
JSONObject area = areaArray.getJSONObject(i);
if (area.has("id") && area.has("name") && area.has("col")) {
Integer id = area.getInt("id");
String name = area.getString("name");
Color col = hexToCol(area.getString("col"));
PlaceGroup a = new PlaceGroup(name, col);
areas.put(id, a);
// layers
if (root.has("layers")) {
JSONArray layers = root.getJSONArray("layers");
Integer length = layers.length();
for (Integer i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
JSONObject layer = layers.getJSONObject(i);
if (layer.has("id")) {
Integer id = layer.getInt("id");
// create layer
Layer l = new Layer(id, world);
if (layer.has("centerX") && layer.has("centerY")) {
// set quadtree center
Integer centerX = layer.getInt("centerX");
Integer centerY = layer.getInt("centerY");
l.setQuadtree(centerX, centerY);
if (layer.has("name")) {
// set layer name
// places
HashMap<Integer, Place> places = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Place, HashSet<Integer>> childrenMapping = new HashMap<>();
if (root.has("places")) {
JSONArray jPlaces = root.getJSONArray("places");
Integer length = jPlaces.length();
for (Integer i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
JSONObject jPlace = jPlaces.getJSONObject(i);
if (jPlace.has("id") && jPlace.has("n") && jPlace.has("l") && jPlace.has("x") && jPlace.has("y")) {
Integer id = jPlace.getInt("id");
String name = jPlace.getString("n");
Integer layerId = jPlace.getInt("l");
Integer x = jPlace.getInt("x");
Integer y = jPlace.getInt("y");
// get layer
Layer layer = world.getLayer(layerId);
if (layer == null) {
layer = new Layer(layerId, world);
// create place
Place place = new Place(id, name, x, y, layer);
places.put(id, place);
// area
if (jPlace.has("a")) {
Integer area = jPlace.getInt("a");
// risk level
if (jPlace.has("r")) {
Integer risk = jPlace.getInt("r");
// rec level
if (jPlace.has("lvlMin")) {
Integer lvlMin = jPlace.getInt("lvlMin");
if (jPlace.has("lvlMax")) {
Integer lvlMax = jPlace.getInt("lvlMax");
// children
if (jPlace.has("c")) {
JSONArray children = jPlace.getJSONArray("c");
HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
childrenMapping.put(place, set);
Integer lc = children.length();
for (Integer c = 0; c < lc; ++c) {
// flags
if (jPlace.has("f")) {
JSONArray flags = jPlace.getJSONArray("f");
Integer lf = flags.length();
for (Integer f = 0; f < lf; ++f) {
String flagname = flags.getString(f);
place.setFlag(flagname, true);
// comments
if (jPlace.has("co")) {
JSONArray comments = jPlace.getJSONArray("co");
Integer lc = comments.length();
for (Integer c = 0; c < lc; ++c) {
// connect children
for (Entry<Place, HashSet<Integer>> entry : childrenMapping.entrySet()) {
Place place = entry.getKey();
for (Integer id : entry.getValue()) {
// paths
if (root.has("paths")) {
JSONArray paths = root.getJSONArray("paths");
Integer length = paths.length();
for (Integer i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
JSONArray path = paths.getJSONArray(i);
if (path.length() == 2) {
JSONObject p0 = path.getJSONObject(0);
JSONObject p1 = path.getJSONObject(1);
if (p0.has("p") && p0.has("e") && p1.has("p") && p1.has("e")) {
Place pl0 = places.get(p0.getInt("p"));
Place pl1 = places.get(p1.getInt("p"));
if (pl0 != null && pl1 != null) {
Path p = new Path(pl0, p0.getString("e"), pl1, p1.getString("e"));
// remember meta data for WorldTab
if (root.has("meta"))
metaData = root.getJSONObject("meta");
} catch (JSONException ex) {
throw new WorldFileReadError(filename, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
return world;
use of mudmap2.backend.WorldCoordinate in project mudmap2 by Neop.
the class PlaceSelectionDialog method create.
void create() {
optionPane = new JOptionPane();
optionPane.setMessage(worldtab = new WorldTab(parentFrame, world, true));
worldtab.getWorldPanel().resetHistory(new WorldCoordinate(default_coordinate));
optionPane.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent arg0) {
if (isVisible() && arg0.getSource() == optionPane && arg0.getPropertyName().equals(JOptionPane.VALUE_PROPERTY)) {
int value = ((Integer) optionPane.getValue());
ok = value == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION;
if (parentFrame != null)
setSize(500, 500);