use of mudmap2.backend.WorldCoordinate in project mudmap2 by Neop.
the class WorldTab method setMeta.
public void setMeta(JSONObject meta) {
if (meta != null) {
MapPainterDefault mapPainter = (MapPainterDefault) getWorldPanel().getMappainter();
if (meta.has("showPaths"))
if (meta.has("pathsCurved"))
if (meta.has("showCursor"))
if (meta.has("showGrid"))
if (meta.has("tileSize"))
if (meta.has("history")) {
JSONArray history = meta.getJSONArray("history");
Integer size = history.length();
for (Integer i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
JSONObject histEl = history.getJSONObject(i);
if (histEl.has("l") && histEl.has("x") && histEl.has("y")) {
Integer layer = histEl.getInt("l");
Integer x = histEl.getInt("x");
Integer y = histEl.getInt("y");
worldPanel.getHistory().add(new WorldCoordinate(layer, x, y));
use of mudmap2.backend.WorldCoordinate in project mudmap2 by Neop.
the class ExportImageDialog method updateImageSize.
* Updates the displayed image size
void updateImageSize() {
if (centerPosition == null) {
centerPosition = new WorldCoordinate(worldTab.getWorldPanel().getPosition());
Pair<Integer, Integer> imageSize = new Pair<>(0, 0);
if (rbCurrentView.isSelected()) {
imageSize.first = worldTab.getWorldPanel().getWidth();
imageSize.second = worldTab.getWorldPanel().getHeight();
} else if (rbCurrentMap.isSelected()) {
Layer layer = worldTab.getWorld().getLayer(centerPosition.getLayer());
imageSize = getMapSize(layer);
} else if (rbAllMaps.isSelected()) {
for (Layer layer : worldTab.getWorld().getLayers()) {
// get largest image by area
Pair<Integer, Integer> imageSize2 = getMapSize(layer);
if (imageSize.first * imageSize.second < imageSize2.first * imageSize2.second) {
imageSize = imageSize2;
} else if (rbSelection.isSelected()) {
HashSet<Place> places = worldTab.getWorldPanel().placeGroupGetSelection();
imageSize = getSelectionSize(places);
imageWidth = imageSize.first;
imageHeight = imageSize.second;
lImageSize.setText("Image size: " + imageWidth + "x" + imageHeight + "px");
use of mudmap2.backend.WorldCoordinate in project mudmap2 by Neop.
the class PathConnectDialog method create.
void create() {
setMinimumSize(new Dimension(600, 600));
setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
worldtab = new WorldTab(parentFrame, place.getLayer().getWorld(), true);
worldtab.getWorldPanel().resetHistory(new WorldCoordinate(place.getLayer().getId(), place.getX(), place.getY()));
((MapPainterDefault) worldtab.getWorldPanel().getMappainter()).setGridEnabled(false);
GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
constraints.gridx = constraints.gridy = 0;
constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
constraints.weightx = 1;
constraints.weighty = 1;
constraints.gridwidth = 4;
add(worldtab, constraints);
// Place config
constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
constraints.gridx = 0;
constraints.gridy = 1;
constraints.insets = new Insets(4, 4, 4, 4);
constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
constraints.weightx = 1.0;
add(new JLabel(place.toString()), constraints);
LinkedList<String> directions1 = new LinkedList<>();
for (String s : Path.directions) if (place.getExit(s) == null)
constraints.gridx = 1;
constraints.weightx = 0.0;
directionComboBox1 = new JComboBox<>(directions1.toArray(new String[directions1.size()]));
add(directionComboBox1, constraints);
constraints.gridx = 0;
constraints.gridy = 2;
constraints.weightx = 1.0;
add(labelOtherPlace = new JLabel(), constraints);
constraints.gridx = 1;
constraints.weightx = 0.0;
directionComboBox2 = new JComboBox<>();
add(directionComboBox2, constraints);
// Buttons
constraints.insets = new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2);
constraints.gridx = 0;
constraints.gridy = 3;
constraints.weightx = 1.0;
JButton button_cancel = new JButton("Cancel");
add(button_cancel, constraints);
button_cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
constraints.gridx = 1;
constraints.gridy = 3;
JButton button_ok = new JButton("Ok");
add(button_ok, constraints);
button_ok.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
worldtab.getWorldPanel().addCursorListener(new MapCursorListener() {
public void placeSelected(Place p) {
if (p != place) {
other = p;
public void placeDeselected(Layer layer, int x, int y) {
setLocation(getParent().getX() + (getParent().getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2, getParent().getY() + (getParent().getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2);
use of mudmap2.backend.WorldCoordinate in project mudmap2 by Neop.
the class MapPainterDefault method paint.
public void paint(Graphics g, int tileSize, double graphicsWidth, double graphicsHeight, Layer layer, WorldCoordinate curPos) {
this.graphicsWidth = graphicsWidth;
this.graphicsHeight = graphicsHeight;
this.tileSize = tileSize;
this.curPos = curPos;
tileFont = g.getFont();
final float selectionStrokeWidth = getTileSelectionStrokeWidth();
final int tileBorderWidthScaled = getTileBorderWidth();
// max number of text lines tht fit in a tile
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
final int maxLines = (int) Math.round((double) (tileSize - 3 * (tileBorderWidthScaled + (int) Math.ceil(getRiskLevelStrokeWidth()))) / fm.getHeight());
final int maxLineLength = tileSize - 2 * (tileBorderWidthScaled + (int) selectionStrokeWidth + (int) Math.ceil(getRiskLevelStrokeWidth()));
final Boolean drawText = fm.stringWidth("WW") < (tileSize - 2 * (getRiskLevelStrokeWidth() + getTileBorderWidth()));
// screen center in world coordinates
// note: wdtwd2
final double screenCenterX = (graphicsWidth / tileSize) / 2.0;
final double screenCenterY = (graphicsHeight / tileSize) / 2.0;
final int placeXOffset = (int) (Math.round((float) curPos.getX()) - Math.round(screenCenterX));
final int placeYOffset = (int) (Math.round((float) curPos.getY()) - Math.floor(screenCenterY));
// more precalculation
final double placeXpxConst = remint(screenCenterX) - remint(curPos.getX());
final double placeYPXConst = remint(screenCenterY) + remint(curPos.getY());
// prepare graphic for paths
// Paths will be drawn on this graphic and later on copied to g
// to mask out the tile positions on graphic_path
ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> tilePositions = new ArrayList<>();
BufferedImage imagePath = new BufferedImage((int) graphicsWidth, (int) graphicsHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics graphicPath = imagePath.getGraphics();
((Graphics2D) graphicPath).setStroke(new BasicStroke(getPathStrokeWidth()));
((Graphics2D) graphicPath).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
((Graphics2D) g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
// getPlace the locations of copied places
HashSet<Pair<Integer, Integer>> copiedPlaceLocations = mudmap2.CopyPaste.getCopyPlaceLocations();
// clear screen
if (backgroundColor == null) {
g.clearRect(0, 0, (int) graphicsWidth + 1, (int) graphicsHeight + 1);
} else {
g.fillRect(0, 0, (int) graphicsWidth + 1, (int) graphicsHeight + 1);
// ------------------ draw the grid --------------------------------
if (isGridEnabled()) {
for (int tileX = (g.getClipBounds().x / tileSize) - 1; tileX < graphicsWidth / tileSize + 1; ++tileX) {
final int x = (int) Math.round((tileX + placeXpxConst) * tileSize);
g.drawLine(x, 0, x, (int) graphicsHeight);
for (int tileY = (g.getClipBounds().y / tileSize) - 1; tileY < graphicsHeight / tileSize + 1; ++tileY) {
final int y = (int) Math.round((tileY + placeYPXConst) * tileSize);
g.drawLine(0, y, (int) graphicsWidth, y);
// ------------------ draw the tiles / places ----------------------
for (int tileX = (g.getClipBounds().x / tileSize) - 1; tileX < graphicsWidth / tileSize + 1; ++tileX) {
for (int tileY = (g.getClipBounds().y / tileSize) - 1; tileY < graphicsHeight / tileSize + 1; ++tileY) {
// place position on the map
final int placeX = tileX + placeXOffset;
final int placeY = (int) (graphicsHeight / tileSize) - tileY + placeYOffset;
if (layer != null && layer.exist(placeX, placeY)) {
Place curPlace = layer.get(placeX, placeY);
// place position in pixel on the screen
final int placeXpx = (int) Math.round((tileX + placeXpxConst) * tileSize);
final int placeYpx = (int) Math.round((tileY + placeYPXConst) * tileSize);
tilePositions.add(new Pair<>(placeXpx, placeYpx));
// number of drawn text lines
int lineNum = 0;
// draw place group color
if (curPlace.getPlaceGroup() != null) {
g.fillRect(placeXpx, placeYpx, tileSize, tileSize);
// draw tile center color
if (drawText) {
g.fillRect(placeXpx + tileBorderWidthScaled, placeYpx + tileBorderWidthScaled, tileSize - 2 * tileBorderWidthScaled, tileSize - 2 * tileBorderWidthScaled);
// draw risk level border
if (curPlace.getRiskLevel() != null) {
((Graphics2D) g).setStroke(new BasicStroke(getRiskLevelStrokeWidth()));
g.drawRect(placeXpx + tileBorderWidthScaled, placeYpx + tileBorderWidthScaled, tileSize - 2 * tileBorderWidthScaled - (int) (0.5 * getRiskLevelStrokeWidth()), tileSize - 2 * tileBorderWidthScaled - (int) (0.5 * getRiskLevelStrokeWidth()));
LinkedList<String> text = new LinkedList<>();
String flags = "", exits = "";
// draw text, if tiles are large enough
if (drawText) {
// place name
// gets place name if unique, else place name with ID
String placeName;
switch(layer.getWorld().getShowPlaceId()) {
case UNIQUE:
case NONE:
// name only
placeName = curPlace.getName();
case ALL:
// name and id
placeName = curPlace.toString();
int reclvlmin = curPlace.getRecLevelMin(), reclvlmax = curPlace.getRecLevelMax();
if (reclvlmin > -1 || reclvlmax > -1) {
String levelString = "lvl " + (reclvlmin > -1 ? reclvlmin : "?") + " - " + (reclvlmax > -1 ? reclvlmax : "?");
// parents
if (lineNum < maxLines && !curPlace.getParents().isEmpty()) {
int parentsNum = curPlace.getParents().size();
String paStr = "Pa" + (parentsNum > 1 ? " (" + curPlace.getParents().size() + "): " : ": ");
boolean firstParent = true;
for (Place parent : curPlace.getParents()) {
paStr += (firstParent ? "" : ", ") + parent.getName();
firstParent = false;
// children
if (lineNum < maxLines && !curPlace.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
int childrenNum = curPlace.getChildren().size();
String chStr = "Ch" + (childrenNum > 1 ? " (" + curPlace.getChildren().size() + "): " : ": ");
boolean firstChild = true;
for (Place child : curPlace.getChildren()) {
chStr += (firstChild ? "" : ", ") + child.getName();
firstChild = false;
// flags
if (lineNum < maxLines) {
// place has comments
if (!curPlace.getComments().isEmpty())
flags += "Co";
if (!curPlace.getChildren().isEmpty())
flags += "Ch";
if (!curPlace.getParents().isEmpty())
flags += "Pa";
// other flags
for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> flag : curPlace.getFlags().entrySet()) {
if (flag.getValue())
flags += flag.getKey().toUpperCase();
if (fm.stringWidth(flags) >= tileSize - 2 * tileBorderWidthScaled)
// mark place group selection
if (isSelected(curPlace) || (mudmap2.CopyPaste.isCut() && mudmap2.CopyPaste.isMarked(curPlace))) {
g.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255, 128));
g.fillRect(placeXpx, placeYpx, tileSize, tileSize);
// draw path lines here
boolean exitUp = false, exitDown = false, exitnstd = false;
if (getShowPaths()) {
for (Path path : curPlace.getPaths()) {
Place otherPlace = path.getOtherPlace(curPlace);
Color colorPlace1 = layer.getWorld().getPathColor(path.getExitDirections()[0]);
Color colorPlace2 = layer.getWorld().getPathColor(path.getExitDirections()[1]);
if (path.getPlaces()[0] != curPlace) {
Color tmp = colorPlace1;
colorPlace1 = colorPlace2;
colorPlace2 = tmp;
// usually the main place (path.getPlaces()[0]) draws the path. If it isn't on screen, the other place draws it
if (Objects.equals(otherPlace.getLayer().getId(), layer.getId()) && (path.getPlaces()[0] == curPlace || !isOnScreen(otherPlace))) {
Pair<Integer, Integer> exitOffset = getExitOffset(path.getExit(curPlace));
Pair<Integer, Integer> exitOffsetOther = getExitOffset(path.getExit(otherPlace));
boolean drawCurves = getPathsCurved();
// exit positions on the map
final double exit1x = placeXpx + exitOffset.first;
final double exit1y = placeYpx + exitOffset.second;
final double exit2x = placeXpx + (otherPlace.getX() - curPlace.getX()) * tileSize + exitOffsetOther.first;
final double exit2y = placeYpx - (otherPlace.getY() - curPlace.getY()) * tileSize + exitOffsetOther.second;
if (colorPlace1.equals(colorPlace2)) {
// same color
((Graphics2D) graphicPath).setPaint(colorPlace1);
} else {
// draw gradient
GradientPaint gp = new GradientPaint((float) exit1x, (float) exit1y, colorPlace1, (float) exit2x, (float) exit2y, colorPlace2);
((Graphics2D) graphicPath).setPaint(gp);
if (drawCurves) {
Pair<Double, Double> normal1 = getExitNormal(path.getExit(curPlace));
Pair<Double, Double> normal2 = getExitNormal(path.getExit(otherPlace));
double dx = exit2x - exit1x;
double dy = exit2y - exit1y;
if (drawCurves = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) >= 1.5 * tileSize) {
CubicCurve2D c = new CubicCurve2D.Double();
// point 1
c.setCurve(exit1x, exit1y, // point 2
exit1x + normal1.first * tileSize, exit1y - normal1.second * tileSize, // point 3
exit2x + normal2.first * tileSize, exit2y - normal2.second * tileSize, // point 4
exit2x, exit2y);
((Graphics2D) graphicPath).draw(c);
if (!drawCurves) {
graphicPath.drawLine((int) exit1x, (int) exit1y, (int) exit2x, (int) exit2y);
// draw exit dots, if tiles are larger than 20
if (tileSize >= 20) {
String exit = path.getExit(curPlace);
switch(exit) {
case "u":
exitUp = true;
case "d":
exitDown = true;
Pair<Integer, Integer> exitOffset = getExitOffset(exit);
if (exitOffset.first != tileSize / 2 || exitOffset.second != tileSize / 2) {
int exitCircleRadius2 = getExitCircleRadius();
g.fillOval(placeXpx + exitOffset.first - exitCircleRadius2, placeYpx + exitOffset.second - exitCircleRadius2, 2 * exitCircleRadius2, 2 * exitCircleRadius2);
} else {
// non-standard exit
exitnstd = true;
// draw exits
if (tileSize >= 20 && (exitUp || exitDown) && drawText && lineNum <= maxLines) {
// have some arrows: ⬆⬇ ↑↓
exits = "" + (exitnstd ? "+" : "") + (exitUp ? "↑" : "") + (exitDown ? "↓" : "");
final int border = (int) (tileBorderWidthScaled + getRiskLevelStrokeWidth());
drawText(g, placeXpx + border, placeYpx + border, tileSize - 2 * border, tileSize - 2 * border, text, flags, exits);
// TODO: extract from parent loop
if (copiedPlaceLocations != null) {
boolean locationFound = false;
for (Pair<Integer, Integer> location : copiedPlaceLocations) {
if (location.first == placeX - placeSelectedX && location.second == placeY - placeSelectedY) {
locationFound = true;
if (locationFound) {
// alternative: getScreenPosX();
int placeXpx = (int) ((tileX + remint(screenCenterX) - remint(curPos.getX())) * tileSize);
int placeYpx = (int) ((tileY + remint(screenCenterY) + remint(curPos.getY())) * tileSize);
drawCursor(g, Color.BLUE, placeXpx, placeYpx, selectionStrokeWidth);
// draw cursor / place selection
if (placeSelectionEnabled && placeX == placeSelectedX && placeY == placeSelectedY) {
// alternative: getScreenPosX();
int placeXpx = (int) ((tileX + remint(screenCenterX) - remint(curPos.getX())) * tileSize);
int placeYpx = (int) ((tileY + remint(screenCenterY) + remint(curPos.getY())) * tileSize);
drawCursor(g, TILE_SELECTION_COLOR, placeXpx, placeYpx, selectionStrokeWidth);
// mask out tile positions on graphicPath
((Graphics2D) graphicPath).setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
int clearTileSize = tileSize - 2 * tileBorderWidthScaled;
for (Pair<Integer, Integer> p : tilePositions) // graphicPath.clearRect(p.first, p.second, p.first + tileSize, p.second + tileSize);
graphicPath.clearRect(p.first + tileBorderWidthScaled, p.second + tileBorderWidthScaled, clearTileSize, clearTileSize);
// draw graphicPath to g
if (getShowPaths())
g.drawImage(imagePath, 0, 0, null);
use of mudmap2.backend.WorldCoordinate in project mudmap2 by Neop.
the class WorldPanel method pushPosition.
// ========================= position history ==============================
public void pushPosition(WorldCoordinate coord) {
WorldCoordinate pos = new WorldCoordinate(coord);
// remove all entries after the current one
while (positionIdx > 0) {
// add new position
// move place selection
setCursor((int) pos.getX(), (int) pos.getY());