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Example 6 with Task

use of nars.Task in project narchy by automenta.

the class Revision method mergeTemporal.

 * assumes:
 *          the tasks to be sorted in descending strength
 * the input minEvi corresponds to the absolute minimum accepted
 * evidence integral (evidence * time) for a point-like result (dtRange == 0)
static Task mergeTemporal(float eviMinInteg, NAR nar, int results, TaskRegion... tt) {
    assert (tt.length > 1);
    Task first = tt[0].task();
    // TODO calculate the temporal density at the same time as this first part to avoid naively generating a sparse result afterward
    // TODO combine evidensity with the stamp calculation
    // TODO allow evidensity to skip a task in the array and proceed to the next without recurse
    LongHashSet evidence = new LongHashSet();
    int overlap = 0, totalEv = 0;
    int tasks = 0;
    boolean termSame = true;
    EviDensity density = new EviDensity();
    for (int i = 0; i < results; i++) {
        TaskRegion ri = tt[i];
        if (ri == null)
        Task ti = ri.task();
        // assert (!t.isEternal());
        long[] ts = ti.stamp();
        totalEv += ts.length;
        int overlapsToAdd;
        if (tasks == 0) {
            overlapsToAdd = 0;
        } else {
            overlapsToAdd = Stamp.overlaps(evidence, ts);
            if (overlapsToAdd > 0) {
                if (totalEv > 0 && Param.overlapFactor(overlap + overlapsToAdd) < Float.MIN_NORMAL) {
                    /* current amount so far */
                    // would cause zero evidence, regardless of whatever truth is calculated later
                    tt[i] = null;
                    // skip this one
            } else {
                if (termSame) {
                    Term termI = ti.term();
                    if ((i > 0) && !termI.equals(first.term())) {
                        if (tasks == 1 && termI.op() != CONJ) /* dont do CONJ now because it might produce an occurrence shift which isnt tracked yet */
                            // limit termpolation to max 2 tasks for now
                            // difference in terms
                            termSame = false;
                            // TODO loop dont recurse, just buffer the accumulated evidence changes to the end of the loop
                            tt = new TaskRegion[] { first, ri };
                            // cause the for-loop to end after this iteration
                            i = results;
                        // continue
                        } else {
                            // skip this term, it would conflict with the other 2+ terms which are already known to be the same
                            tt[i] = null;
                            // skip this one
        if (tasks > 1)
            // because it may be compared against frequently
        overlap += overlapsToAdd;
    if (tasks == 1) {
        // return the top one, nothing could be merged
        return first;
    // dont settle for anything worse than the first (strongest) task by un-revised
    eviMinInteg = Math.max(first.eviInteg(), eviMinInteg);
    float overlapFactor = Param.overlapFactor(((float) overlap) / totalEv);
    if (overlapFactor < Float.MIN_NORMAL)
        return first;
    float densityFactor = density.factor();
    if (tasks != tt.length)
        tt = ArrayUtils.removeNulls(tt, Task[]::new);
    long start = density.unionStart;
    long end = density.unionEnd;
    long range = 1 + (end - start);
    Term content;
    float differenceFactor = 1f;
    if (!termSame) {
        Task second = tt[1].task();
        float diff = dtDiff(first.term(), second.term());
        if (!Float.isFinite(diff))
            // impossible
            return null;
        if (diff > 0)
            // proport
            differenceFactor = (float) Param.evi(1f, diff, Math.max(1, range));
        float e1 = first.eviInteg();
        float e2 = second.eviInteg();
        float firstProp = e1 / (e1 + e2);
        content = intermpolate(first.term(), second.term(), firstProp, nar);
        if (!Task.validTaskTerm(content))
            return first;
    } else {
        content = first.term();
    int dur = nar.dur();
    Truth truth = new TruthPolation(start, end, dur, tt).truth(true);
    if (truth == null)
        return first;
    float factor = overlapFactor * differenceFactor * densityFactor;
    float eAdjusted = truth.evi() * factor;
    if ((eAdjusted * range) < eviMinInteg)
        return first;
    Task t = Task.tryTask(content, first.punc(), truth, (c, tr) -> {
        @Nullable PreciseTruth cTruth = tr.dither(nar, factor);
        if (cTruth == null)
            return null;
        return new NALTask(c, first.punc(), cTruth, nar.time(), start, end, Stamp.sample(Param.STAMP_CAPACITY, evidence, /* TODO account for relative evidence contributions */
    if (t == null)
        return first;
    t.priSet( p) -> p.task().priElseZero(), tt), false, Tasked::task, tt));
    ((NALTask) t).cause = Cause.sample(Param.causeCapacity.intValue(), tt);
    if (Param.DEBUG)
        t.log("Temporal Merge");
    for (TaskRegion x : tt) {
        // forward to the revision
        x.task().meta("@", (k) -> t);
    return t;
Also used : Task(nars.Task) Term(nars.term.Term) TaskRegion(nars.task.util.TaskRegion) LongHashSet(org.eclipse.collections.impl.set.mutable.primitive.LongHashSet) PreciseTruth(nars.truth.PreciseTruth) Truth(nars.truth.Truth) PreciseTruth(nars.truth.PreciseTruth) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 7 with Task

use of nars.Task in project narchy by automenta.

the class Revision method merge.

public static Task merge(/*@NotNull*/
Task a, /*@NotNull*/
Task b, long now, float minEvi, NAR nar) {
    assert (!a.isEternal() && !b.isEternal()) : "can not merge eternal tasks";
    // if (a.op() == CONJ) {
    // //avoid intermpolation of 2 conjunctions with opposite polarities
    // if (!a.term().equals(b.term())
    // && (a.isPositive() ^ b.isPositive()) && (a.term().dtRange() != 0 || b.term().dtRange() != 0))
    // return null;
    // }
    // ObjectFloatPair<long[]> s = FasterList(a, b), Param.STAMP_CAPACITY);
    float overlap = Stamp.overlapFraction(a.stamp(), b.stamp());
    float overlapFactor = Param.overlapFactor(overlap);
    if (overlapFactor < Float.MIN_NORMAL)
        return null;
    long as, bs;
    if ((as = a.start()) > (bs = b.start())) {
        // swap so that 'a' is left aligned
        Task x = a;
        a = b;
        b = x;
        long xs = as;
        as = bs;
        bs = xs;
    assert (bs != ETERNAL);
    assert (as != ETERNAL);
    // float ae = a.evi();
    // float aa = ae * (1 + ai.length());
    // float be = b.evi();
    // float bb = be * (1 + bi.length());
    // float p = aa / (aa + bb);
    // relate high frequency difference with low confidence
    // float freqDiscount =
    // 0.5f + 0.5f * (1f - Math.abs(a.freq() - b.freq()));
    // factor *= freqDiscount;
    // if (factor < Prioritized.EPSILON) return null;
    // float temporalOverlap = timeOverlap==null || timeOverlap.length()==0 ? 0 : timeOverlap.length()/((float)Math.min(ai.length(), bi.length()));
    // float confMax = Util.lerp(temporalOverlap, Math.max(w2c(ae),w2c(be)),  1f);
    // float timeDiscount = 1f;
    // if (timeOverlap == null) {
    // long separation = Math.max(a.timeDistance(b.start()), a.timeDistance(b.end()));
    // if (separation > 0) {
    // long totalLength = ai.length() + bi.length();
    // timeDiscount =
    // (totalLength) /
    // (separation + totalLength)
    // ;
    // }
    // }
    // width will be the average width
    // long width = (ai.length() + bi.length()) / 2; //TODO weight
    // long mid = (ai.mid() + bi.mid()) / 2;  //TODO weight
    // Truth expected = table.truth(mid, now, dur);
    // if (expected == null)
    // return null;
    int dur = nar.dur();
    // float intermvalDistance = dtDiff(a.term(), b.term()) /
    // ((1 + Math.max(a.term().dtRange(), b.term().dtRange())) * dur);
    // factor *= (1f / (1f + intermvalDistance));
    // if (factor < Prioritized.EPSILON) return null;
    EviDensity density = new EviDensity(a, b);
    long start = density.unionStart;
    long end = density.unionEnd;
    Truth an = a.truth(start, end, dur, 0);
    if (an == null)
        return null;
    Truth bn = b.truth(start, end, dur, 0);
    if (bn == null)
        return null;
    Truth rawTruth = revise(an, bn, // joint.factor(Math.abs( an.freq() - bn.freq() ))
    density.factor(), Truth.EVI_MIN);
    if (rawTruth == null)
        return null;
    float e2 = rawTruth.evi() * overlapFactor;
    if (e2 < minEvi)
        return null;
    rawTruth = rawTruth.withEvi(e2);
    Truth cTruth = rawTruth.dither(nar);
    if (cTruth == null)
        return null;
    Term cc = null;
    assert (a.punc() == b.punc());
    float aProp = a.isQuestOrQuestion() ? 0.5f : an.evi() / (an.evi() + bn.evi());
    Term at = a.term();
    Term bt = b.term();
    if (!at.equals(bt)) {
        for (int i = 0; i < Param.MAX_TERMPOLATE_RETRIES; i++) {
            Term t;
            if (at.equals(bt)) {
                t = at;
                // no need to retry
                i = Param.MAX_TERMPOLATE_RETRIES;
            } else {
                long dt = bs - as;
                t = intermpolate(at, dt, bt, aProp, nar);
                if (t == null || !t.unneg().op().conceptualizable)
            ObjectBooleanPair<Term> ccp = Task.tryContent(t, a.punc(), Param.DEBUG_EXTRA);
            /*if (ccp != null) */
                cc = ccp.getOne();
                if (ccp.getTwo())
                    cTruth = cTruth.neg();
        if (cc == null)
            return null;
    // if (cc.op() == CONJ) {
    // long mid = Util.lerp(aProp, b.mid(), a.mid());
    // long range = cc.op() == CONJ ?
    // cc.dtRange() :
    // (Util.lerp(aProp, b.range(), a.range()));
    // start = mid - range / 2;
    // end = start + range;
    // } else {
    // if (u > s) {
    // start = end = Util.lerp(aProp, b.mid(), a.mid());
    // } else {
    // }
    // }
    } else {
        cc = at;
    if (equalOrWeaker(a, cTruth, start, end, cc, nar))
        return a;
    if (equalOrWeaker(b, cTruth, start, end, cc, nar))
        return b;
    NALTask t = new NALTask(cc, a.punc(), cTruth, now, start, end, // get a stamp collecting all evidence from the table, since it all contributes to the result, b.stamp(), aProp));
    // if (overlap > 0 || a.isCyclic() || b.isCyclic())
    // t.setCyclic(true);
    t.priSet(Util.lerp(aProp, b.priElseZero(), a.priElseZero()));
    // t.setPri(a.priElseZero() + b.priElseZero());
    t.cause = Cause.sample(Param.causeCapacity.intValue(), a, b);
    if (Param.DEBUG)
        t.log("Revection Merge");
    // forward to the revision
    a.meta("@", (k) -> t);
    // forward to the revision
    b.meta("@", (k) -> t);
    return t;
Also used : Task(nars.Task) Term(nars.term.Term) Truth(nars.truth.Truth) PreciseTruth(nars.truth.PreciseTruth) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 8 with Task

use of nars.Task in project narchy by automenta.

the class EternalTable method setCapacity.

public void setCapacity(int c) {
    int wasCapacity = this.capacity();
    if (wasCapacity != c) {
        List<Task> trash = null;
        synchronized (this) {
            // just to be sure
            wasCapacity = capacity();
            int s = size;
            if (s > c) {
                // TODO can be accelerated by batch/range remove operation
                trash = new FasterList(s - c);
                while (c < s--) {
            if (wasCapacity != c)
        // do this outside of the synch
        if (trash != null) {
            // Task s = strongest();
            // if (s!=null) {
            // TaskLink.GeneralTaskLink sl = new TaskLink.GeneralTaskLink(s, 0);
            // trash.forEach(t -> ((NALTask)t).delete(sl));
            // } else {
        // }
Also used : NALTask(nars.task.NALTask) Task(nars.Task) FasterList(jcog.list.FasterList)

Example 9 with Task

use of nars.Task in project narchy by automenta.

the class BeliefTable method answer.

 * projects a match
default Task answer(long start, long end, int dur, @Nullable Task question, Term template, NAR nar, Consumer<Task> withNovel) {
    if (isEmpty())
        return null;
    Task answer = match(start, end, template, nar);
    if (answer == null || answer.isDeleted())
        return null;
    // (answer instanceof AnswerTask); //includes: answers, revision, or dynamic
    boolean novel = false;
    // project if different occurrence
    boolean relevantTime = start == ETERNAL || answer.intersects(start, end);
    if (/*!answer.isEternal() && */
    !relevantTime) {
        long t = answer.nearestPointExternal(start, end);
        Truth aProj = answer.truth(t, dur, nar);
        if (aProj != null) {
            final Task aa = answer;
            Task a = Task.tryTask(answer.term(), answer.punc(), aProj, (content, truth) -> new NALTask(content, aa.punc(), truth, nar.time(), t, t, aa.stamp()));
            //, question.stamp(), 0.5f) : aa.stamp()));
            if (a == null)
                return null;
            float confFrac = Util.unitize(aProj.evi() / answer.evi());
            a.priSet(answer.priElseZero() * confFrac);
            if (question != null)
                ((NALTask) a).cause = Cause.sample(Param.causeCapacity.intValue(), question, answer);
            // if (Param.DEBUG)
            // a.log("Answer Projected");
            // because it was projected
            novel = true;
            // relevantTime = true;
            answer = a;
    if (novel && question != null && question.isQuestOrQuestion()) {
    return answer;
Also used : NALTask(nars.task.NALTask) Task(nars.Task) NALTask(nars.task.NALTask) Truth(nars.truth.Truth) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 10 with Task

use of nars.Task in project narchy by automenta.

the class RTreeBeliefTable method add.

public boolean add(Task x, TaskConcept c, NAR n) {
    if (capacity() == 0)
        return false;
    float incoming = x.priElseZero();
    List<Tasked> added = new FasterList<>(2);
    write(treeRW -> {
        if (treeRW.add(x)) {
            if (!x.isDeleted()) {
                ensureCapacity(treeRW, x, added::add, n);
    for (int i = 0, addedSize = added.size(); i < addedSize; i++) {
        Task y = added.get(i).task();
        if (y != null) {
            // completely activate a temporal task being stored in this table
            float pri = y.pri();
            if (pri == pri) {
                Tasklinks.linkTask(y, pri, c, n);
        } else {
        // eternal task input already done by calling the .task() method. it willl have returned null
    if (x.isDeleted()) {
        Task xisting = x.meta("merge");
        if (xisting != null) {
            // use incoming priority but the existing task instance
            Tasklinks.linkTask(xisting, incoming, c, n);
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
Also used : SignalTask(nars.task.signal.SignalTask) NALTask(nars.task.NALTask) Task(nars.Task) FasterList(jcog.list.FasterList) Tasked(nars.task.Tasked)


Task (nars.Task)50 Term (nars.term.Term)15 NALTask (nars.task.NALTask)13 Truth (nars.truth.Truth)12 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)11 SignalTask (nars.task.signal.SignalTask)9 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)8 ITask (nars.task.ITask)6 FasterList (jcog.list.FasterList)5 NAR (nars.NAR)5 PreciseTruth (nars.truth.PreciseTruth)4 Util (jcog.Util)3 Top (jcog.sort.Top)3 Op (nars.Op)3 Param (nars.Param)3 TaskRegion (nars.task.util.TaskRegion)3 List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Random (java.util.Random)2 VLink (jcog.pri.VLink)2