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Example 1 with Op

use of nars.Op in project narchy by automenta.

the class DefaultConceptBuilder method unroll.

static DynamicTruthModel unroll(Term t) {
    DynamicTruthModel dmt = null;
    final Subterms ts = t.subterms();
    switch(t.op()) {
        case INH:
            Term subj = ts.sub(0);
            Term pred = ts.sub(1);
            Op so = subj.op();
            Op po = pred.op();
            if (dmt == null) /*&& (so.atomic || so == PROD || so.isSet())*/
                if ((po == Op.SECTi) || (po == Op.SECTe) || (po == DIFFi)) {
                    // (M --> P), (M --> S), notSet(S), notSet(P), neqCom(S,P) |- (M --> (P & S)), (Belief:Intersection)
                    // (M --> P), (M --> S), notSet(S), notSet(P), neqCom(S,P) |- (M --> (P | S)), (Belief:Union)
                    // (M --> P), (M --> S), notSet(S), notSet(P), neqCom(S,P) |- (M --> (P - S)), (Belief:Difference) //intensional
                    Compound cpred = (Compound) pred;
                    int s = cpred.subs();
                    Term[] x = new Term[s];
                    for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
                        Term y;
                        if (!validDynamicSubterm.test(y = INH.the(subj, cpred.sub(i))))
                            return null;
                        x[i] = y;
                    switch(po) {
                        case SECTi:
                            dmt = new DynamicTruthModel.Union(x);
                        case SECTe:
                            dmt = new DynamicTruthModel.SectIntersection(x);
                        case DIFFi:
                            dmt = new DynamicTruthModel.Difference(x[0], x[1]);
            /*else if (so.image) {
                        Compound img = (Compound) subj;
                        Term[] ee = new Term[img.size()];

                        int relation = img.dt();
                        int s = ee.length;
                        for (int j = 1, i = 0; i < s; ) {
                            if (j == relation)
                                ee[i++] = pred;
                            if (i < s)
                                ee[i++] = img.sub(j++);
                        Compound b = compoundOrNull(INH.the(DTERNAL, img.sub(0), $.p(ee)));
                        if (b != null)
                            dmt = new DynamicTruthModel.Identity(t, b);
            if (dmt == null) /* && (po.atomic || po == PROD || po.isSet()) */
                if ((so == Op.SECTi) || (so == Op.SECTe) || (so == Op.DIFFe)) // || (subj instanceof Int.IntRange) || (so == PROD && subj.OR(Int.IntRange.class::isInstance))
                    // (P --> M), (S --> M), notSet(S), notSet(P), neqCom(S,P) |- ((S | P) --> M), (Belief:Intersection)
                    // (P --> M), (S --> M), notSet(S), notSet(P), neqCom(S,P) |- ((S & P) --> M), (Belief:Union)
                    // (P --> M), (S --> M), notSet(S), notSet(P), neqCom(S,P) |- ((P ~ S) --> M), (Belief:Difference) //extensional
                    Subterms subjsubs = subj.subterms();
                    int s = subjsubs.subs();
                    Term[] x = new Term[s];
                    for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
                        Term y;
                        if (!validDynamicSubterm.test(y = INH.the(subjsubs.sub(i), pred)))
                            return null;
                        x[i] = y;
                    switch(so) {
                        // case PROD:
                        case SECTi:
                            dmt = new DynamicTruthModel.SectIntersection(x);
                        case SECTe:
                            dmt = new DynamicTruthModel.Union(x);
                        case DIFFe:
                            dmt = new DynamicTruthModel.Difference(x[0], x[1]);
        case CONJ:
            // allow variables onlyif they are not themselves direct subterms of this
            if (validDynamicSubterms(ts)) {
                dmt = DynamicTruthModel.Intersection.ConjIntersection.the;
        case DIFFe:
            // root DIFFe (not subj or pred of an inh)
            if (validDynamicSubterms(ts))
                dmt = new DynamicTruthModel.Difference(ts.arrayShared());
        case NEG:
            throw new RuntimeException("negation terms can not be conceptualized as something separate from that which they negate");
    return dmt;
Also used : Subterms(nars.subterm.Subterms) Op(nars.Op) Compound(nars.term.Compound) Term(nars.term.Term) DynamicTruthModel(nars.concept.dynamic.DynamicTruthModel) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 2 with Op

use of nars.Op in project narchy by automenta.

the class DynamicTruthBeliefTable method template.

protected Term template(long start, long end, Term template, NAR nar) {
    Op templateOp = template.op();
    if (this.term != null && templateOp != this.term.op())
        // template doesnt match this (quick op test)
        return null;
    int templateSubs = template.subs();
    assert (templateSubs > 1);
    boolean temporal = templateOp.temporal;
    if (temporal) {
        int d = template.dt();
        if (d == XTERNAL) {
            int e = matchDT(start, end, templateSubs > 2, nar);
            assert (e != XTERNAL);
            Term next = template.dt(e);
            if ((next.subs() < templateSubs || next.dt() == XTERNAL)) {
                /*if no dt can be calculated, return
                              0 or some non-zero value (ex: 1, end-start, etc) in case of repeating subterms. */
                int artificialDT;
                if (templateSubs == 2) {
                    if (start != end && end - start < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                        if (end != start) {
                            artificialDT = (int) (end - start);
                        } else {
                            artificialDT = (template.sub(0).unneg().equals(template.sub(1).unneg())) ? nar.dur() : // ok for simultaneous
                    } else {
                        artificialDT = nar.dur();
                } else /*(if (templateSubs > 2)*/
                    assert (templateSubs > 2);
                    // commutive conjunction
                    artificialDT = 0;
                next = template.dt(artificialDT);
                if (next.subs() < templateSubs || next.dt() == XTERNAL) {
                    next = template;
                    if (next.subs() == 2) {
                        // possibly pulled an internal XTERNAL to the outside, so try artificializing this as well
                        int limit = 2;
                        int nextDT = XTERNAL;
                        do {
                            next = next.dt(artificialDT);
                            if (next instanceof Bool)
                                return null;
                        } while (limit-- > 0 && (nextDT = next.dt()) == XTERNAL);
                        if (nextDT == XTERNAL)
                            // give up
                            return null;
                    } else {
                        // create a random sequence of the terms, separated by artificial DT's
                        assert (templateOp == CONJ);
                        Term[] subs = template.subterms().arrayClone();
                        ArrayUtils.shuffle(subs, nar.random());
                        int dur = nar.dur();
                        next = subs[0];
                        for (int k = 1; k < subs.length; k++) {
                            next = Op.conjMerge(next, 0, subs[k], dur);
                            if (next instanceof Bool)
                                // it is probably possible to find another solution with a different shuffle
                                return null;
            template = next;
    return template;
Also used : Op(nars.Op) Bool(nars.term.atom.Bool) Term(nars.term.Term) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 3 with Op

use of nars.Op in project narchy by automenta.

the class Premise method match.

 * resolve the most relevant belief of a given term/concept
 * <p>
 * patham9 project-eternalize
 * patham9 depending on 4 cases
 * patham9
 * sseehh__ ok ill add that in a bit
 * patham9 you need  project-eternalize-to
 * sseehh__ btw i disabled immediate eternalization entirely
 * patham9 so
 * patham9 especially try to understand the "temporal temporal" case
 * patham9 its using the result of higher confidence
 * <p>
 * returns ttl used, -1 if failed before starting
 * @param matchTime - temporal focus control: determines when a matching belief or answer should be projected to
public Derivation match(Derivation d, long[] focus, int matchTTL) {
    NAR n = d.nar;
    if (task == null || task.isDeleted()) {
        // }
        return null;
    // n.conceptualize(task.term(), (c)->{});
    int dur = d.dur;
    Term beliefTerm = term();
    Term taskTerm = task.term();
    Term taskConcept = task.term().concept();
    final boolean[] beliefConceptCanAnswerTaskConcept = { false };
    boolean unifiedBelief = false;
    Op to = taskTerm.op();
    Op bo = beliefTerm.op();
    if (to == bo) {
        if (taskConcept.equals(beliefTerm.concept())) {
            beliefConceptCanAnswerTaskConcept[0] = true;
        } else {
            if ((bo.conceptualizable) && (beliefTerm.hasAny(var) || taskTerm.hasAny(var))) {
                Term _beliefTerm = beliefTerm;
                final Term[] unifiedBeliefTerm = new Term[] { null };
                UnifySubst u = new UnifySubst(/*null*/
                VAR_QUERY, n, (y) -> {
                    if (y.op().conceptualizable) {
                        y = y.normalize();
                        beliefConceptCanAnswerTaskConcept[0] = true;
                        if (!y.equals(_beliefTerm)) {
                            unifiedBeliefTerm[0] = y;
                            // stop
                            return false;
                    // keep going
                    return true;
                }, matchTTL);
                u.varSymmetric = true;
                u.varCommonalize = true;
                u.unify(taskTerm, beliefTerm, true);
                if (unifiedBeliefTerm[0] != null) {
                    beliefTerm = unifiedBeliefTerm[0];
                    unifiedBelief = true;
    // HACK ?? assert(beliefTerm.op()!=NEG);
    beliefTerm = beliefTerm.unneg();
    Task belief = null;
    // float timeFocus = n.timeFocus.floatValue();
    // int fRad = Math.round(Math.max(1,dur * timeFocus));
    final Concept beliefConcept = beliefTerm.op().conceptualizable ? // conceptualize in case of dynamic concepts
    n.conceptualize(beliefTerm) : null;
    if (beliefConcept != null) {
        if (!beliefTerm.hasVarQuery()) {
            // doesnt make sense to look for a belief in a term with query var, it will have none
            final BeliefTable bb = beliefConcept.beliefs();
            if (task.isQuestOrQuestion()) {
                if (beliefConceptCanAnswerTaskConcept[0]) {
                    final BeliefTable answerTable = (task.isGoal() || task.isQuest()) ? beliefConcept.goals() : bb;
                    // //see if belief unifies with task (in reverse of previous unify)
                    // if (questionTerm.varQuery() == 0 || (unify((Compound)beliefConcept.term(), questionTerm, nar) == null)) {
                    // } else {
                    // }
                    Task match = answerTable.answer(task.start(), task.end(), dur, task, beliefTerm, n, d::add);
                    if (match != null) {
                        assert (task.isQuest() || match.punc() == BELIEF) : "quest answered with a belief but should be a goal";
                        @Nullable Task answered = task.onAnswered(match, n);
                        if (answered != null) {
                            n.emotion.onAnswer(task, answered);
                        if (match.isBelief()) {
                            belief = match;
            if ((belief == null) && !bb.isEmpty()) {
                belief = bb.match(focus[0], focus[1], beliefTerm, n, taskConcept.equals(beliefConcept.term()) ? x -> !x.equals(task) : null);
        if (unifiedBelief) {
            Concept originalBeliefConcept = n.conceptualize(term());
            if (originalBeliefConcept != null)
                linkVariable(originalBeliefConcept, beliefConcept);
    if (belief != null) {
        // use the belief's actual possibly-temporalized term
        beliefTerm = belief.term().unneg();
    // if (belief.equals(task)) { //do not repeat the same task for belief
    // belief = null; //force structural transform; also prevents potential inductive feedback loop
    // }
    if (beliefTerm instanceof Bool) {
        // logger.warn("{} produced Bool beliefTerm", this);
        return null;
    if (!d.reset().proto(task, belief, beliefTerm))
        return null;
    return d;
Also used : Concept(nars.concept.Concept) Op(nars.Op) Task(nars.Task) Term(nars.term.Term) Bool(nars.term.atom.Bool) BeliefTable(nars.table.BeliefTable) UnifySubst(nars.term.subst.UnifySubst) NAR(nars.NAR) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 4 with Op

use of nars.Op in project narchy by automenta.

the class SubIfUnify method apply.

public Term apply(/*@NotNull*/
Subterms a) {
    // parse parameters
    boolean strict = false;
    @Nullable Op op = null;
    // TODO compile at function construction time
    boolean force = false;
    int pp = a.subs();
    for (int p = 3; p < pp; p++) {
        Term ai = a.sub(p);
        if (ai.equals(Subst.STRICT))
            strict = true;
        else if (ai.equals(INDEP_VAR)) {
        // ;in this cases also dependent var elimination is fine!
        // (let [[mode check-var-type] (if (= var-symbol "$")
        // [:ind #(or (= % 'ind-var) (= % 'dep-var))]
        // [:dep #(= % 'dep-var)])
        // op = VAR_INDEP;
        } else if (ai.equals(DEP_VAR)) {
            op = VAR_DEP;
        } else if (ai.equals(Subst.FORCE))
            force = true;
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unrecognized parameter: " + ai);
     * term being transformed if x unifies with y
    Term c = a.sub(0);
    // if (input instanceof Bool)return Null;
    // if (input == Null) return Null;
    Term x = a.sub(1);
    // if (x == Null) return Null;
    Term y = a.sub(2);
    if (x.equalsRoot(y)) {
        // unification would occurr but no changes would result
        return strict ? Null : c;
    Term output;
    if (c.equals(x)) {
        // input equals X so it is entirely replaced by 'y'
        output = y;
    } else {
        boolean tryUnify = (op == null && x.hasAny(Op.VariableBits)) || (op != null && x.hasAny(op));
        if (!tryUnify) /* && mustSubstitute()*/
            // no change
            output = null;
        } else {
            SubUnify su = new MySubUnify(op, strict);
            output = su.tryMatch(c, x, y);
            parent.use(parent.ttl - su.ttl);
        if (output == null) {
            if (!force) {
                return Null;
            } else {
                // force: apply substitution even if un-unifiable
                output = c.replace(x, y);
                if (output == null)
                    return Null;
    return (strict && c.equals(output)) ? Null : output;
Also used : Op(nars.Op) SubUnify(nars.term.subst.SubUnify) Term(nars.term.Term) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 5 with Op

use of nars.Op in project narchy by automenta.

the class TermKey method writeCompoundSeq.

// static void writeStringBytes(DataOutput out, String s) throws IOException {
// out.write(bytes(s));
// }
static void writeCompoundSeq(DataOutput out, Compound c, boolean includeTemporal) throws IOException {
    writeTermContainerSeq(out, c.subterms(), includeTemporal);
    Op o = c.op();
    // put operator last
    if (includeTemporal && o.temporal) {
Also used : Op(nars.Op)


Op (nars.Op)36 Term (nars.term.Term)13 Subterms (nars.subterm.Subterms)11 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)8 Atomic (nars.term.atom.Atomic)4 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)4 FasterList (jcog.list.FasterList)3 NAR (nars.NAR)3 Termed (nars.term.Termed)3 Atom (nars.term.atom.Atom)3 Bool (nars.term.atom.Bool)3 Pair (org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Pair)3 NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)3 ( java.util (java.util)2 List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Stream ( nars.$ (nars.$)2 Concept (nars.concept.Concept)2