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Example 1 with UnifySubst

use of nars.term.subst.UnifySubst in project narchy by automenta.

the class Premise method match.

 * resolve the most relevant belief of a given term/concept
 * <p>
 * patham9 project-eternalize
 * patham9 depending on 4 cases
 * patham9
 * sseehh__ ok ill add that in a bit
 * patham9 you need  project-eternalize-to
 * sseehh__ btw i disabled immediate eternalization entirely
 * patham9 so
 * patham9 especially try to understand the "temporal temporal" case
 * patham9 its using the result of higher confidence
 * <p>
 * returns ttl used, -1 if failed before starting
 * @param matchTime - temporal focus control: determines when a matching belief or answer should be projected to
public Derivation match(Derivation d, long[] focus, int matchTTL) {
    NAR n = d.nar;
    if (task == null || task.isDeleted()) {
        // }
        return null;
    // n.conceptualize(task.term(), (c)->{});
    int dur = d.dur;
    Term beliefTerm = term();
    Term taskTerm = task.term();
    Term taskConcept = task.term().concept();
    final boolean[] beliefConceptCanAnswerTaskConcept = { false };
    boolean unifiedBelief = false;
    Op to = taskTerm.op();
    Op bo = beliefTerm.op();
    if (to == bo) {
        if (taskConcept.equals(beliefTerm.concept())) {
            beliefConceptCanAnswerTaskConcept[0] = true;
        } else {
            if ((bo.conceptualizable) && (beliefTerm.hasAny(var) || taskTerm.hasAny(var))) {
                Term _beliefTerm = beliefTerm;
                final Term[] unifiedBeliefTerm = new Term[] { null };
                UnifySubst u = new UnifySubst(/*null*/
                VAR_QUERY, n, (y) -> {
                    if (y.op().conceptualizable) {
                        y = y.normalize();
                        beliefConceptCanAnswerTaskConcept[0] = true;
                        if (!y.equals(_beliefTerm)) {
                            unifiedBeliefTerm[0] = y;
                            // stop
                            return false;
                    // keep going
                    return true;
                }, matchTTL);
                u.varSymmetric = true;
                u.varCommonalize = true;
                u.unify(taskTerm, beliefTerm, true);
                if (unifiedBeliefTerm[0] != null) {
                    beliefTerm = unifiedBeliefTerm[0];
                    unifiedBelief = true;
    // HACK ?? assert(beliefTerm.op()!=NEG);
    beliefTerm = beliefTerm.unneg();
    Task belief = null;
    // float timeFocus = n.timeFocus.floatValue();
    // int fRad = Math.round(Math.max(1,dur * timeFocus));
    final Concept beliefConcept = beliefTerm.op().conceptualizable ? // conceptualize in case of dynamic concepts
    n.conceptualize(beliefTerm) : null;
    if (beliefConcept != null) {
        if (!beliefTerm.hasVarQuery()) {
            // doesnt make sense to look for a belief in a term with query var, it will have none
            final BeliefTable bb = beliefConcept.beliefs();
            if (task.isQuestOrQuestion()) {
                if (beliefConceptCanAnswerTaskConcept[0]) {
                    final BeliefTable answerTable = (task.isGoal() || task.isQuest()) ? beliefConcept.goals() : bb;
                    // //see if belief unifies with task (in reverse of previous unify)
                    // if (questionTerm.varQuery() == 0 || (unify((Compound)beliefConcept.term(), questionTerm, nar) == null)) {
                    // } else {
                    // }
                    Task match = answerTable.answer(task.start(), task.end(), dur, task, beliefTerm, n, d::add);
                    if (match != null) {
                        assert (task.isQuest() || match.punc() == BELIEF) : "quest answered with a belief but should be a goal";
                        @Nullable Task answered = task.onAnswered(match, n);
                        if (answered != null) {
                            n.emotion.onAnswer(task, answered);
                        if (match.isBelief()) {
                            belief = match;
            if ((belief == null) && !bb.isEmpty()) {
                belief = bb.match(focus[0], focus[1], beliefTerm, n, taskConcept.equals(beliefConcept.term()) ? x -> !x.equals(task) : null);
        if (unifiedBelief) {
            Concept originalBeliefConcept = n.conceptualize(term());
            if (originalBeliefConcept != null)
                linkVariable(originalBeliefConcept, beliefConcept);
    if (belief != null) {
        // use the belief's actual possibly-temporalized term
        beliefTerm = belief.term().unneg();
    // if (belief.equals(task)) { //do not repeat the same task for belief
    // belief = null; //force structural transform; also prevents potential inductive feedback loop
    // }
    if (beliefTerm instanceof Bool) {
        // logger.warn("{} produced Bool beliefTerm", this);
        return null;
    if (!d.reset().proto(task, belief, beliefTerm))
        return null;
    return d;
Also used : Concept(nars.concept.Concept) Op(nars.Op) Task(nars.Task) Term(nars.term.Term) Bool(nars.term.atom.Bool) BeliefTable(nars.table.BeliefTable) UnifySubst(nars.term.subst.UnifySubst) NAR(nars.NAR) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 2 with UnifySubst

use of nars.term.subst.UnifySubst in project narchy by automenta.

the class QuerySpider method starting.

protected void starting(NAR nar) {
    nar.onTask(t -> {
        if (t.isQuestOrQuestion() && t.term().hasVarQuery()) {
            Term tt = t.term();
            AdjGraph<Term, Float> g = spider(nar, t, 3);
            g.nodes.keysView().takeWhile(r -> {
                new UnifySubst(null, nar, (z) -> {
                    // TODO
                    return true;
                }, Param.TTL_MIN()).unify(tt, r.v, true);
                return true;
Also used : AdjGraph( Param(nars.Param) TermGraph(nars.util.graph.TermGraph) UnifySubst(nars.term.subst.UnifySubst) Bag(jcog.bag.Bag) NAR(nars.NAR) Termed(nars.term.Termed) PriReference(jcog.pri.PriReference) Concept(nars.concept.Concept) NARService(nars.control.NARService) Term(nars.term.Term) Term(nars.term.Term) UnifySubst(nars.term.subst.UnifySubst)


NAR (nars.NAR)2 Concept (nars.concept.Concept)2 Term (nars.term.Term)2 UnifySubst (nars.term.subst.UnifySubst)2 Bag (jcog.bag.Bag)1 AdjGraph ( PriReference (jcog.pri.PriReference)1 Op (nars.Op)1 Param (nars.Param)1 Task (nars.Task)1 NARService (nars.control.NARService)1 BeliefTable (nars.table.BeliefTable)1 Termed (nars.term.Termed)1 Bool (nars.term.atom.Bool)1 TermGraph (nars.util.graph.TermGraph)1 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)1