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Example 6 with Interval

use of nars.language.Interval in project opennars by opennars.

the class StructuralRules method transformSubjectPI.

 * Equivalent transformation between products and images when the subject is
 * a compound {<(*, S, M) --> P>, S@(*, S, M)} |- <S --> (/, P, _, M)> {<S
 * --> (/, P, _, M)>, P@(/, P, _, M)} |- <(*, S, M) --> P> {<S --> (/, P, _,
 * M)>, M@(/, P, _, M)} |- <M --> (/, P, S, _)>
 * @param subject The subject term
 * @param predicate The predicate term
 * @param nal Reference to the memory
private static void transformSubjectPI(short index, CompoundTerm subject, Term predicate, DerivationContext nal) {
    TruthValue truth = nal.getCurrentTask().sentence.truth;
    BudgetValue budget;
    Inheritance inheritance;
    Term newSubj, newPred;
    if (subject instanceof Product) {
        Product product = (Product) subject;
        short i = index;
        /*for (short i = 0; i < product.size(); i++)*/
            newSubj = product.term[i];
            newPred = ImageExt.make(product, predicate, i);
            if (!(newSubj instanceof Interval)) {
                // no intervals as subjects
                inheritance = Inheritance.make(newSubj, newPred);
                if (inheritance != null) {
                    if (truth == null) {
                        budget = BudgetFunctions.compoundBackward(inheritance, nal);
                    } else {
                        budget = BudgetFunctions.compoundForward(truth, inheritance, nal);
                    nal.singlePremiseTask(inheritance, truth, budget);
    } else if (subject instanceof ImageInt) {
        ImageInt image = (ImageInt) subject;
        int relationIndex = image.relationIndex;
        for (short i = 0; i < image.size(); i++) {
            if (i == relationIndex) {
                newSubj = image.term[relationIndex];
                newPred = Product.make(image, predicate, relationIndex);
            } else {
                newSubj = ImageInt.make(image, predicate, i);
                newPred = image.term[i];
            inheritance = Inheritance.make(newSubj, newPred);
            if (inheritance != null) {
                if (truth == null) {
                    budget = BudgetFunctions.compoundBackward(inheritance, nal);
                } else {
                    budget = BudgetFunctions.compoundForward(truth, inheritance, nal);
                nal.singlePremiseTask(inheritance, truth, budget);
Also used : BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) Inheritance(nars.language.Inheritance) Product(nars.language.Product) ImageInt(nars.language.ImageInt) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Term(nars.language.Term) Interval(nars.language.Interval)

Example 7 with Interval

use of nars.language.Interval in project opennars by opennars.

the class SyllogisticRules method conditionalDedInd.

 * {<(&&, S1, S2, S3) ==> P>, S1} |- <(&&, S2, S3) ==> P> {<(&&, S2, S3) ==>
 * P>, <S1 ==> S2>} |- <(&&, S1, S3) ==> P> {<(&&, S1, S3) ==> P>, <S1 ==>
 * S2>} |- <(&&, S2, S3) ==> P>
 * @param premise1 The conditional premise
 * @param index The location of the shared term in the condition of premise1
 * @param premise2 The premise which, or part of which, appears in the
 * condition of premise1
 * @param side The location of the shared term in premise2: 0 for subject, 1
 * for predicate, -1 for the whole term
 * @param nal Reference to the memory
static void conditionalDedInd(Sentence premise1Sentence, Implication premise1, short index, Term premise2, int side, DerivationContext nal) {
    Task task = nal.getCurrentTask();
    Sentence taskSentence = task.sentence;
    Sentence belief = nal.getCurrentBelief();
    boolean deduction = (side != 0);
    boolean conditionalTask = Variables.hasSubstitute(Symbols.VAR_INDEPENDENT, premise2, belief.term);
    Term commonComponent;
    Term newComponent = null;
    if (side == 0) {
        commonComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getSubject();
        newComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getPredicate();
    } else if (side == 1) {
        commonComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getPredicate();
        newComponent = ((Statement) premise2).getSubject();
    } else {
        commonComponent = premise2;
    Term subj = premise1.getSubject();
    if (!(subj instanceof Conjunction)) {
    Conjunction oldCondition = (Conjunction) subj;
    int index2 = Terms.indexOf(oldCondition.term, commonComponent);
    if (index2 >= 0) {
        index = (short) index2;
    } else {
        Term[] u = new Term[] { premise1, premise2 };
        boolean match = Variables.unify(Symbols.VAR_INDEPENDENT, oldCondition.term[index], commonComponent, u);
        premise1 = (Implication) u[0];
        premise2 = u[1];
        if (!match && (commonComponent.getClass() == oldCondition.getClass())) {
            CompoundTerm compoundCommonComponent = ((CompoundTerm) commonComponent);
            if ((oldCondition.term.length > index) && (compoundCommonComponent.term.length > index)) {
                // assumption: { was missing
                u = new Term[] { premise1, premise2 };
                match = Variables.unify(Symbols.VAR_INDEPENDENT, oldCondition.term[index], compoundCommonComponent.term[index], u);
                premise1 = (Implication) u[0];
                premise2 = u[1];
        if (!match) {
    int conjunctionOrder = subj.getTemporalOrder();
    if (conjunctionOrder == ORDER_FORWARD) {
        if (index > 0) {
        if ((side == 0) && (premise2.getTemporalOrder() == ORDER_FORWARD)) {
        if ((side == 1) && (premise2.getTemporalOrder() == ORDER_BACKWARD)) {
    Term newCondition;
    if (oldCondition.equals(commonComponent)) {
        newCondition = null;
    } else {
        newCondition = oldCondition.setComponent(index, newComponent, nal.mem());
    Term content;
    long delta = 0;
    long mintime = 0;
    long maxtime = 0;
    boolean predictedEvent = false;
    if (newCondition != null) {
        if (newCondition instanceof Interval) {
            content = premise1.getPredicate();
            delta = ((Interval) newCondition).time;
            if (taskSentence.getOccurenceTime() != Stamp.ETERNAL) {
                mintime = taskSentence.getOccurenceTime() + ((Interval) newCondition).time - 1;
                maxtime = taskSentence.getOccurenceTime() + ((Interval) newCondition).time + 2;
                predictedEvent = true;
        } else {
            while ((newCondition instanceof Conjunction) && (((CompoundTerm) newCondition).term[0] instanceof Interval)) {
                Interval interval = (Interval) ((CompoundTerm) newCondition).term[0];
                delta += interval.time;
                newCondition = ((CompoundTerm) newCondition).setComponent(0, null, nal.mem());
            content = Statement.make(premise1, newCondition, premise1.getPredicate(), premise1.getTemporalOrder());
    } else {
        content = premise1.getPredicate();
    if (content == null)
    long occurrence_time = nal.getTheNewStamp().getOccurrenceTime();
    if (delta != 0) {
        long baseTime = taskSentence.getOccurenceTime();
        if (baseTime != Stamp.ETERNAL) {
            baseTime += delta;
            occurrence_time = baseTime;
    TruthValue truth1 = taskSentence.truth;
    TruthValue truth2 = belief.truth;
    TruthValue truth = null;
    BudgetValue budget;
    if (taskSentence.isQuestion() || taskSentence.isQuest()) {
        budget = BudgetFunctions.backwardWeak(truth2, nal);
    } else {
        if (taskSentence.isGoal()) {
            if (conditionalTask) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireWeak(truth1, truth2);
            } else if (deduction) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireInd(truth1, truth2);
            } else {
                truth = TruthFunctions.desireDed(truth1, truth2);
        } else {
            if (deduction) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.deduction(truth1, truth2);
            } else if (conditionalTask) {
                truth = TruthFunctions.induction(truth2, truth1);
            } else {
                truth = TruthFunctions.induction(truth1, truth2);
        budget = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth, nal);
    // (allow overlap) when deduction on judgment
    List<Task> ret = nal.doublePremiseTask(content, truth, budget, false, taskSentence.isJudgment() && deduction);
    if (!nal.evidentalOverlap && ret != null && ret.size() > 0) {
        if (predictedEvent && taskSentence.isJudgment() && truth != null && truth.getExpectation() > Parameters.DEFAULT_CONFIRMATION_EXPECTATION && !premise1Sentence.stamp.alreadyAnticipatedNegConfirmation) {
            premise1Sentence.stamp.alreadyAnticipatedNegConfirmation = true;
            ConceptProcessing.generatePotentialNegConfirmation(nal, premise1Sentence, budget, mintime, maxtime, 1);
Also used : CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Task(nars.entity.Task) Statement(nars.language.Statement) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Term(nars.language.Term) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) Conjunction(nars.language.Conjunction) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence) Interval(nars.language.Interval)

Example 8 with Interval

use of nars.language.Interval in project opennars by opennars.

the class TemporalRules method temporalInduction.

// TODO maybe split &/ case into own function
public static List<Task> temporalInduction(final Sentence s1, final Sentence s2, final nars.control.DerivationContext nal, boolean SucceedingEventsInduction, boolean addToMemory, boolean allowSequence) {
    if ((s1.truth == null) || (s2.truth == null) || s1.punctuation != Symbols.JUDGMENT_MARK || s2.punctuation != Symbols.JUDGMENT_MARK || s1.isEternal() || s2.isEternal())
        return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
    Term t1 = s1.term;
    Term t2 = s2.term;
    boolean deriveSequenceOnly = (!addToMemory) || Statement.invalidStatement(t1, t2, true);
    if (Statement.invalidStatement(t1, t2, false))
        return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
    Term t11 = null;
    Term t22 = null;
    if (!deriveSequenceOnly && termForTemporalInduction(t1) && termForTemporalInduction(t2)) {
        Statement ss1 = (Statement) t1;
        Statement ss2 = (Statement) t2;
        Variable var1 = new Variable("$0");
        Variable var2 = new Variable("$1");
        if (ss2.containsTermRecursively(ss1.getSubject())) {
            HashMap<Term, Term> subs = new HashMap();
            subs.put(ss1.getSubject(), var1);
            if (ss2.containsTermRecursively(ss1.getPredicate())) {
                subs.put(ss1.getPredicate(), var2);
            t11 = ss1.applySubstitute(subs);
            t22 = ss2.applySubstitute(subs);
        if (ss1.containsTermRecursively(ss2.getSubject())) {
            HashMap<Term, Term> subs = new HashMap();
            subs.put(ss2.getSubject(), var1);
            if (ss1.containsTermRecursively(ss2.getPredicate())) {
                subs.put(ss2.getPredicate(), var2);
            t11 = ss1.applySubstitute(subs);
            t22 = ss2.applySubstitute(subs);
        // allow also temporal induction on operator arguments:
        if (ss2 instanceof Operation ^ ss1 instanceof Operation) {
            if (ss2 instanceof Operation && !(ss2.getSubject() instanceof Variable)) {
                // it is an operation, let's look if one of the arguments is same as the subject of the other term
                Term comp = ss1.getSubject();
                Term ss2_term = ((Operation) ss2).getSubject();
                boolean applicableVariableType = !(comp instanceof Variable && ((Variable) comp).hasVarIndep());
                if (ss2_term instanceof Product) {
                    Product ss2_prod = (Product) ss2_term;
                    if (applicableVariableType && Terms.contains(ss2_prod.term, comp)) {
                        // only if there is one and it isnt a variable already
                        Term[] ars = ss2_prod.cloneTermsReplacing(comp, var1);
                        t11 = Statement.make(ss1, var1, ss1.getPredicate());
                        Operation op = (Operation) Operation.make(new Product(ars), ss2.getPredicate());
                        t22 = op;
            if (ss1 instanceof Operation && !(ss1.getSubject() instanceof Variable)) {
                // it is an operation, let's look if one of the arguments is same as the subject of the other term
                Term comp = ss2.getSubject();
                Term ss1_term = ((Operation) ss1).getSubject();
                boolean applicableVariableType = !(comp instanceof Variable && ((Variable) comp).hasVarIndep());
                if (ss1_term instanceof Product) {
                    Product ss1_prod = (Product) ss1_term;
                    if (applicableVariableType && Terms.contains(ss1_prod.term, comp)) {
                        // only if there is one and it isnt a variable already
                        Term[] ars = ss1_prod.cloneTermsReplacing(comp, var1);
                        t22 = Statement.make(ss2, var1, ss2.getPredicate());
                        Operation op = (Operation) Operation.make(new Product(ars), ss1.getPredicate());
                        t11 = op;
    int durationCycles = Parameters.DURATION;
    long time1 = s1.getOccurenceTime();
    long time2 = s2.getOccurenceTime();
    long timeDiff = time2 - time1;
    Interval interval = null;
    if (!concurrent(time1, time2, durationCycles)) {
        interval = new Interval(Math.abs(timeDiff));
        if (timeDiff > 0) {
            t1 = Conjunction.make(t1, interval, ORDER_FORWARD);
            if (t11 != null) {
                t11 = Conjunction.make(t11, interval, ORDER_FORWARD);
        } else {
            t2 = Conjunction.make(t2, interval, ORDER_FORWARD);
            if (t22 != null) {
                t22 = Conjunction.make(t22, interval, ORDER_FORWARD);
    int order = order(timeDiff, durationCycles);
    TruthValue givenTruth1 = s1.truth;
    TruthValue givenTruth2 = s2.truth;
    // This code adds a penalty for large time distance (TODO probably revise)
    Sentence s3 = s2.projection(s1.getOccurenceTime(), nal.memory.time());
    givenTruth2 = s3.truth;
    // Truth and priority calculations
    TruthValue truth1 = TruthFunctions.induction(givenTruth1, givenTruth2);
    TruthValue truth2 = TruthFunctions.induction(givenTruth2, givenTruth1);
    TruthValue truth3 = TruthFunctions.comparison(givenTruth1, givenTruth2);
    TruthValue truth4 = TruthFunctions.intersection(givenTruth1, givenTruth2);
    BudgetValue budget1 = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth1, nal);
    budget1.setPriority(budget1.getPriority() * Parameters.TEMPORAL_INDUCTION_PRIORITY_PENALTY);
    BudgetValue budget2 = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth2, nal);
    budget2.setPriority(budget2.getPriority() * Parameters.TEMPORAL_INDUCTION_PRIORITY_PENALTY);
    BudgetValue budget3 = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth3, nal);
    budget3.setPriority(budget3.getPriority() * Parameters.TEMPORAL_INDUCTION_PRIORITY_PENALTY);
    // this one is sequence in sequenceBag, no need to reduce here
    BudgetValue budget4 = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth4, nal);
    Statement statement1 = Implication.make(t1, t2, order);
    Statement statement2 = Implication.make(t2, t1, reverseOrder(order));
    Statement statement3 = Equivalence.make(t1, t2, order);
    Term statement4 = null;
    switch(order) {
        case TemporalRules.ORDER_FORWARD:
            statement4 = Conjunction.make(t1, interval, s2.term, order);
        case TemporalRules.ORDER_BACKWARD:
            statement4 = Conjunction.make(s2.term, interval, t1, reverseOrder(order));
            statement4 = Conjunction.make(t1, s2.term, order);
    // "Perception Variable Introduction Rule" -!topic/open-nars/uoJBa8j7ryE
    if (!deriveSequenceOnly && statement2 != null) {
        // there is no general form
        // ok then it may be the (&/ =/> case which
        // is discussed here:!topic/open-nars/uoJBa8j7ryE
        Statement st = statement2;
        if (st.getPredicate() instanceof Inheritance && (st.getSubject() instanceof Conjunction || st.getSubject() instanceof Operation)) {
            Term precon = (Term) st.getSubject();
            Inheritance consequence = (Inheritance) st.getPredicate();
            Term pred = consequence.getPredicate();
            Term sub = consequence.getSubject();
            // look if subject is contained in precon:
            boolean SubsSub = precon.containsTermRecursively(sub);
            boolean SubsPred = precon.containsTermRecursively(pred);
            Variable v1 = new Variable("$91");
            Variable v2 = new Variable("$92");
            HashMap<Term, Term> app = new HashMap<Term, Term>();
            if (SubsSub || SubsPred) {
                if (SubsSub)
                    app.put(sub, v1);
                if (SubsPred)
                    app.put(pred, v2);
                Term res = ((CompoundTerm) statement2).applySubstitute(app);
                if (res != null) {
                    // ok we applied it, all we have to do now is to use it
                    t22 = ((Statement) res).getSubject();
                    t11 = ((Statement) res).getPredicate();
    List<Task> success = new ArrayList<Task>();
    if (!deriveSequenceOnly && t11 != null && t22 != null) {
        Statement statement11 = Implication.make(t11, t22, order);
        Statement statement22 = Implication.make(t22, t11, reverseOrder(order));
        Statement statement33 = Equivalence.make(t11, t22, order);
        if (!tooMuchTemporalStatements(statement11)) {
            List<Task> t = nal.doublePremiseTask(statement11, truth1, budget1, true, false);
            if (t != null) {
        if (!tooMuchTemporalStatements(statement22)) {
            List<Task> t = nal.doublePremiseTask(statement22, truth2, budget2, true, false);
            if (t != null) {
        if (!tooMuchTemporalStatements(statement33)) {
            List<Task> t = nal.doublePremiseTask(statement33, truth3, budget3, true, false);
            if (t != null) {
    if (!deriveSequenceOnly && !tooMuchTemporalStatements(statement1)) {
        List<Task> t = nal.doublePremiseTask(statement1, truth1, budget1, true, false);
        if (t != null) {
            for (Task task : t) {
                // we assume here that this function is used for observable events currently
    if (!deriveSequenceOnly && !tooMuchTemporalStatements(statement2)) {
        List<Task> t = nal.doublePremiseTask(statement2, truth2, budget2, true, false);
        if (t != null) {
            for (Task task : t) {
                // we assume here that this function is used for observable events currently
    if (!deriveSequenceOnly && !tooMuchTemporalStatements(statement3)) {
        List<Task> t = nal.doublePremiseTask(statement3, truth3, budget3, true, false);
        if (t != null) {
            for (Task task : t) {
                // we assume here that this function is used for observable events currently
    if (!tooMuchTemporalStatements(statement4)) {
        if (!allowSequence) {
            return success;
        List<Task> tl = nal.doublePremiseTask(statement4, truth4, budget4, true, false, addToMemory);
        if (tl != null) {
            for (Task t : tl) {
                // fill sequenceTask buffer due to the new derived sequence
                if (addToMemory && t.sentence.isJudgment() && !t.sentence.isEternal() && t.sentence.term instanceof Conjunction && ((Conjunction) t.sentence.term).getTemporalOrder() != TemporalRules.ORDER_NONE && ((Conjunction) t.sentence.term).getTemporalOrder() != TemporalRules.ORDER_INVALID) {
                    TemporalInferenceControl.addToSequenceTasks(nal, t);
    return success;
Also used : BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Task(nars.entity.Task) Variable(nars.language.Variable) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Statement(nars.language.Statement) Inheritance(nars.language.Inheritance) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Product(nars.language.Product) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Term(nars.language.Term) Operation(nars.operator.Operation) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) Conjunction(nars.language.Conjunction) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence) Interval(nars.language.Interval)

Example 9 with Interval

use of nars.language.Interval in project opennars by opennars.

the class DerivationContext method singlePremiseTask.

 * Shared final operations by all single-premise rules, called in
 * StructuralRules
 * @param newContent The content of the sentence in task
 * @param punctuation The punctuation of the sentence in task
 * @param newTruth The truth value of the sentence in task
 * @param newBudget The budget value in task
public boolean singlePremiseTask(final Term newContent, final char punctuation, final TruthValue newTruth, final BudgetValue newBudget) {
    if (!newBudget.aboveThreshold())
        return false;
    Sentence taskSentence = getCurrentTask().sentence;
    if (taskSentence.isGoal() || taskSentence.isJudgment() || getCurrentBelief() == null) {
        setTheNewStamp(new Stamp(taskSentence.stamp, getTime()));
    } else {
        // to answer a question with negation in NAL-5 --- move to activated task?
        setTheNewStamp(new Stamp(getCurrentBelief().stamp, getTime()));
    if (newContent.subjectOrPredicateIsIndependentVar()) {
        return false;
    if (newContent instanceof Interval) {
        return false;
    Stamp derive_stamp = this.getTheNewStamp().clone();
    // stamp was already obsorbed into task
    Sentence newSentence = new Sentence(newContent, punctuation, newTruth, derive_stamp);
    Task newTask = Task.make(newSentence, newBudget, getCurrentTask());
    if (newTask != null) {
        return derivedTask(newTask, false, true, false);
    return false;
Also used : Task(nars.entity.Task) Stamp(nars.entity.Stamp) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence) Interval(nars.language.Interval)

Example 10 with Interval

use of nars.language.Interval in project opennars by opennars.

the class DerivationContext method doublePremiseTask.

public List<Task> doublePremiseTask(final Term newContent, final TruthValue newTruth, final BudgetValue newBudget, boolean temporalInduction, boolean overlapAllowed, boolean addToMemory) {
    List<Task> ret = new ArrayList<Task>();
    if (newContent == null) {
        return null;
    if (!newBudget.aboveThreshold()) {
        return null;
    if ((newContent != null) && (!(newContent instanceof Interval)) && (!(newContent instanceof Variable))) {
        if (newContent.subjectOrPredicateIsIndependentVar()) {
            return null;
        // because occurrence time will be reset:
        Stamp derive_stamp = getTheNewStamp().clone();
        // stamp was already obsorbed into task
        try {
            final Sentence newSentence = new Sentence(newContent, getCurrentTask().sentence.punctuation, newTruth, derive_stamp);
            newSentence.producedByTemporalInduction = temporalInduction;
            final Task newTask = Task.make(newSentence, newBudget, getCurrentTask(), getCurrentBelief());
            if (newTask != null) {
                boolean added = derivedTask(newTask, false, false, overlapAllowed, addToMemory);
                if (added) {
        } catch (CompoundTerm.UnableToCloneException e) {
            return null;
        // "Since in principle it is always valid to eternalize a tensed belief"
        if (temporalInduction && Parameters.IMMEDIATE_ETERNALIZATION) {
            try {
                TruthValue truthEt = TruthFunctions.eternalize(newTruth);
                Stamp st = derive_stamp.clone();
                final Sentence newSentence = new Sentence(newContent, getCurrentTask().sentence.punctuation, truthEt, st);
                newSentence.producedByTemporalInduction = temporalInduction;
                final Task newTask = Task.make(newSentence, newBudget, getCurrentTask(), getCurrentBelief());
                if (newTask != null) {
                    boolean added = derivedTask(newTask, false, false, overlapAllowed, addToMemory);
                    if (added) {
            } catch (CompoundTerm.UnableToCloneException e) {
                return null;
        return ret;
    return null;
Also used : CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Task(nars.entity.Task) Variable(nars.language.Variable) Stamp(nars.entity.Stamp) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence) Interval(nars.language.Interval)


Interval (nars.language.Interval)13 TruthValue (nars.entity.TruthValue)10 BudgetValue (nars.entity.BudgetValue)9 Sentence (nars.entity.Sentence)9 Task (nars.entity.Task)9 Term (nars.language.Term)9 Conjunction (nars.language.Conjunction)8 CompoundTerm (nars.language.CompoundTerm)7 Stamp (nars.entity.Stamp)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Concept (nars.entity.Concept)4 Statement (nars.language.Statement)4 Implication (nars.language.Implication)3 Inheritance (nars.language.Inheritance)3 Product (nars.language.Product)3 TruthFunctions.reduceConjunction (nars.inference.TruthFunctions.reduceConjunction)2 TruthFunctions.reduceDisjunction (nars.inference.TruthFunctions.reduceDisjunction)2 Disjunction (nars.language.Disjunction)2 ImageInt (nars.language.ImageInt)2 Variable (nars.language.Variable)2