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Example 31 with Term

use of nars.language.Term in project opennars by opennars.

the class TermSyntaxVis method update.

protected void update(Term... t) {
    NARGraph g = new NARGraph();
    for (Term x : t) {
        addSyntax(g, x);
    this.syntaxGraph = g;
Also used : NARGraph(nars.gui.util.NARGraph) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Term(nars.language.Term)

Example 32 with Term

use of nars.language.Term in project opennars by opennars.

the class NALNetwork method demoNALNode.

public void demoNALNode() {
    NALNode node1 = new NALNode(new Term("input1"), new TruthValue(1.0f, 0.9f), 1);
    NALNode node2 = new NALNode(new Term("input2"), new TruthValue(0.4f, 0.9f), 2, true);
    NALNode node3 = new NALNode(new Term("input3"), new TruthValue(0.6f, 0.9f), 3);
    NALNode node4 = new NALNode(new Term("input4"), new TruthValue(0.6f, 0.9f), 4);
    NALNode result = new NALNode(new NALNode[] { node1, node2, node3, node4 }, false);
    String res = result.toString();
    assert (res.equals("(&|,(--,input2),input1,input3,input4). :|: %0.22;0.66% {1,2,3,4}"));
Also used : TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) Term(nars.language.Term)

Example 33 with Term

use of nars.language.Term in project opennars by opennars.

the class CompositionalRules method introVarInner.

 * {<M --> S>, <C ==> <M --> P>>} |- <(&&, <#x --> S>, C) ==> <#x --> P>>
 * {<M --> S>, (&&, C, <M --> P>)} |- (&&, C, <<#x --> S> ==> <#x --> P>>)
 * @param taskContent The first premise directly used in internal induction,
 * <M --> S>
 * @param beliefContent The componentCommon to be used as a premise in
 * internal induction, <M --> P>
 * @param oldCompound The whole contentInd of the first premise, Implication
 * or Conjunction
 * @param nal Reference to the memory
static boolean introVarInner(Statement premise1, Statement premise2, CompoundTerm oldCompound, DerivationContext nal) {
    Task task = nal.getCurrentTask();
    Sentence taskSentence = task.sentence;
    if (!taskSentence.isJudgment() || (premise1.getClass() != premise2.getClass()) || oldCompound.containsTerm(premise1)) {
        return false;
    Term subject1 = premise1.getSubject();
    Term subject2 = premise2.getSubject();
    Term predicate1 = premise1.getPredicate();
    Term predicate2 = premise2.getPredicate();
    Term commonTerm1, commonTerm2;
    if (subject1.equals(subject2)) {
        commonTerm1 = subject1;
        commonTerm2 = secondCommonTerm(predicate1, predicate2, 0);
    } else if (predicate1.equals(predicate2)) {
        commonTerm1 = predicate1;
        commonTerm2 = secondCommonTerm(subject1, subject2, 0);
    } else {
        return false;
    Sentence belief = nal.getCurrentBelief();
    HashMap<Term, Term> substitute = new HashMap<>();
    boolean b1 = false, b2 = false;
        Variable varDep2 = new Variable("#varDep2");
        Term content = Conjunction.make(premise1, oldCompound);
        if (!(content instanceof CompoundTerm))
            return false;
        substitute.put(commonTerm1, varDep2);
        content = ((CompoundTerm) content).applySubstitute(substitute);
        TruthValue truth = intersection(taskSentence.truth, belief.truth);
        BudgetValue budget = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth, nal);
        b1 = (nal.doublePremiseTask(content, truth, budget, false, false)) != null;
        Variable varInd1 = new Variable("$varInd1");
        Variable varInd2 = new Variable("$varInd2");
        substitute.put(commonTerm1, varInd1);
        if (commonTerm2 != null) {
            substitute.put(commonTerm2, varInd2);
        Term content = Implication.make(premise1, oldCompound);
        if ((content == null) || (!(content instanceof CompoundTerm))) {
            return false;
        content = ((CompoundTerm) content).applySubstituteToCompound(substitute);
        TruthValue truth;
        if (premise1.equals(taskSentence.term)) {
            truth = induction(belief.truth, taskSentence.truth);
        } else {
            truth = induction(taskSentence.truth, belief.truth);
        BudgetValue budget = BudgetFunctions.forward(truth, nal);
        b2 = nal.doublePremiseTask(content, truth, budget, false, false) != null;
    return b1 || b2;
Also used : CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Task(nars.entity.Task) Variable(nars.language.Variable) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Term(nars.language.Term) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence)

Example 34 with Term

use of nars.language.Term in project opennars by opennars.

the class CompositionalRules method decomposeCompound.

 * {<(S|P) ==> M>, <P ==> M>} |- <S ==> M>
 * @param implication The implication term to be decomposed
 * @param componentCommon The part of the implication to be removed
 * @param term1 The other term in the contentInd
 * @param index The location of the shared term: 0 for subject, 1 for
 * predicate
 * @param compoundTask Whether the implication comes from the task
 * @param nal Reference to the memory
private static void decomposeCompound(CompoundTerm compound, Term component, Term term1, int index, boolean compoundTask, int order, DerivationContext nal) {
    if ((compound instanceof Statement) || (compound instanceof ImageExt) || (compound instanceof ImageInt)) {
    Term term2 = reduceComponents(compound, component, nal.mem());
    if (term2 == null) {
    long delta = 0;
    while ((term2 instanceof Conjunction) && (((CompoundTerm) term2).term[0] instanceof Interval)) {
        Interval interval = (Interval) ((CompoundTerm) term2).term[0];
        delta += interval.time;
        term2 = ((CompoundTerm) term2).setComponent(0, null, nal.mem());
    Task task = nal.getCurrentTask();
    Sentence sentence = task.sentence;
    Sentence belief = nal.getCurrentBelief();
    Statement oldContent = (Statement) task.getTerm();
    TruthValue v1, v2;
    if (compoundTask) {
        v1 = sentence.truth;
        v2 = belief.truth;
    } else {
        v1 = belief.truth;
        v2 = sentence.truth;
    TruthValue truth = null;
    Term content;
    if (index == 0) {
        content = Statement.make(oldContent, term1, term2, order);
        if (content == null) {
        if (oldContent instanceof Inheritance) {
            if (compound instanceof IntersectionExt) {
                truth = reduceConjunction(v1, v2);
            } else if (compound instanceof IntersectionInt) {
                truth = reduceDisjunction(v1, v2);
            } else if ((compound instanceof SetInt) && (component instanceof SetInt)) {
                truth = reduceConjunction(v1, v2);
            } else if ((compound instanceof SetExt) && (component instanceof SetExt)) {
                truth = reduceDisjunction(v1, v2);
            } else if (compound instanceof DifferenceExt) {
                if (compound.term[0].equals(component)) {
                    truth = reduceDisjunction(v2, v1);
                } else {
                    truth = reduceConjunctionNeg(v1, v2);
        } else if (oldContent instanceof Implication) {
            if (compound instanceof Conjunction) {
                truth = reduceConjunction(v1, v2);
            } else if (compound instanceof Disjunction) {
                truth = reduceDisjunction(v1, v2);
    } else {
        content = Statement.make(oldContent, term2, term1, order);
        if (content == null) {
        if (oldContent instanceof Inheritance) {
            if (compound instanceof IntersectionInt) {
                truth = reduceConjunction(v1, v2);
            } else if (compound instanceof IntersectionExt) {
                truth = reduceDisjunction(v1, v2);
            } else if ((compound instanceof SetExt) && (component instanceof SetExt)) {
                truth = reduceConjunction(v1, v2);
            } else if ((compound instanceof SetInt) && (component instanceof SetInt)) {
                truth = reduceDisjunction(v1, v2);
            } else if (compound instanceof DifferenceInt) {
                if (compound.term[1].equals(component)) {
                    truth = reduceDisjunction(v2, v1);
                } else {
                    truth = reduceConjunctionNeg(v1, v2);
        } else if (oldContent instanceof Implication) {
            if (compound instanceof Disjunction) {
                truth = reduceConjunction(v1, v2);
            } else if (compound instanceof Conjunction) {
                truth = reduceDisjunction(v1, v2);
    if (truth != null) {
        BudgetValue budget = BudgetFunctions.compoundForward(truth, content, nal);
        if (delta != 0) {
            long baseTime = task.sentence.getOccurenceTime();
            if (baseTime != Stamp.ETERNAL) {
                baseTime += delta;
        // (allow overlap), a form of detachment
        nal.doublePremiseTask(content, truth, budget, false, true);
Also used : CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Task(nars.entity.Task) Statement(nars.language.Statement) Inheritance(nars.language.Inheritance) ImageInt(nars.language.ImageInt) SetInt(nars.language.SetInt) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Term(nars.language.Term) IntersectionInt(nars.language.IntersectionInt) Implication(nars.language.Implication) DifferenceInt(nars.language.DifferenceInt) Disjunction(nars.language.Disjunction) TruthFunctions.reduceDisjunction(nars.inference.TruthFunctions.reduceDisjunction) IntersectionExt(nars.language.IntersectionExt) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) TruthFunctions.reduceConjunction(nars.inference.TruthFunctions.reduceConjunction) Conjunction(nars.language.Conjunction) SetExt(nars.language.SetExt) ImageExt(nars.language.ImageExt) DifferenceExt(nars.language.DifferenceExt) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence) Interval(nars.language.Interval)

Example 35 with Term

use of nars.language.Term in project opennars by opennars.

the class CompositionalRules method decomposeStatement.

 * {(||, S, P), P} |- S {(&&, S, P), P} |- S
 * @param implication The implication term to be decomposed
 * @param componentCommon The part of the implication to be removed
 * @param compoundTask Whether the implication comes from the task
 * @param nal Reference to the memory
static void decomposeStatement(CompoundTerm compound, Term component, boolean compoundTask, int index, DerivationContext nal) {
    boolean isTemporalConjunction = (compound instanceof Conjunction) && !((Conjunction) compound).isSpatial;
    if (isTemporalConjunction && (compound.getTemporalOrder() == TemporalRules.ORDER_FORWARD) && (index != 0)) {
    long occurrence_time = nal.getTheNewStamp().getOccurrenceTime();
    if (isTemporalConjunction && (compound.getTemporalOrder() == TemporalRules.ORDER_FORWARD)) {
        if (!nal.getCurrentTask().sentence.isEternal() && compound.term[index + 1] instanceof Interval) {
            long shift_occurrence = ((Interval) compound.term[1]).time;
            occurrence_time = nal.getCurrentTask().sentence.getOccurenceTime() + shift_occurrence;
    Task task = nal.getCurrentTask();
    Sentence taskSentence = task.sentence;
    Sentence belief = nal.getCurrentBelief();
    Term content = reduceComponents(compound, component, nal.mem());
    if (content == null) {
    TruthValue truth = null;
    BudgetValue budget;
    if (taskSentence.isQuestion() || taskSentence.isQuest()) {
        budget = BudgetFunctions.compoundBackward(content, nal);
        nal.doublePremiseTask(content, truth, budget, false, false);
        // special inference to answer conjunctive questions with query variables
        if (taskSentence.term.hasVarQuery()) {
            Concept contentConcept = nal.mem().concept(content);
            if (contentConcept == null) {
            Sentence contentBelief = contentConcept.getBelief(nal, task);
            if (contentBelief == null) {
            Task contentTask = new Task(contentBelief, task.budget, false);
            Term conj = Conjunction.make(component, content);
            truth = intersection(contentBelief.truth, belief.truth);
            budget = BudgetFunctions.compoundForward(truth, conj, nal);
            nal.doublePremiseTask(conj, truth, budget, false, false);
    } else {
        TruthValue v1, v2;
        if (compoundTask) {
            v1 = taskSentence.truth;
            v2 = belief.truth;
        } else {
            v1 = belief.truth;
            v2 = taskSentence.truth;
        if (compound instanceof Conjunction) {
            if (taskSentence.isGoal()) {
                if (compoundTask) {
                    truth = intersection(v1, v2);
                } else {
            } else {
                // isJudgment
                truth = reduceConjunction(v1, v2);
        } else if (compound instanceof Disjunction) {
            if (taskSentence.isGoal()) {
                if (compoundTask) {
                    truth = reduceConjunction(v2, v1);
                } else {
            } else {
                // isJudgment
                truth = reduceDisjunction(v1, v2);
        } else {
        budget = BudgetFunctions.compoundForward(truth, content, nal);
    nal.doublePremiseTask(content, truth, budget, false, false);
Also used : BudgetValue(nars.entity.BudgetValue) Concept(nars.entity.Concept) Task(nars.entity.Task) Disjunction(nars.language.Disjunction) TruthFunctions.reduceDisjunction(nars.inference.TruthFunctions.reduceDisjunction) TruthValue(nars.entity.TruthValue) TruthFunctions.reduceConjunction(nars.inference.TruthFunctions.reduceConjunction) Conjunction(nars.language.Conjunction) CompoundTerm(nars.language.CompoundTerm) Term(nars.language.Term) Sentence(nars.entity.Sentence) Interval(nars.language.Interval)


Term (nars.language.Term)109 CompoundTerm (nars.language.CompoundTerm)66 BudgetValue (nars.entity.BudgetValue)48 TruthValue (nars.entity.TruthValue)46 Sentence (nars.entity.Sentence)40 Task (nars.entity.Task)37 Statement (nars.language.Statement)28 Conjunction (nars.language.Conjunction)20 Inheritance (nars.language.Inheritance)19 Stamp (nars.entity.Stamp)17 Concept (nars.entity.Concept)14 Implication (nars.language.Implication)13 Product (nars.language.Product)11 NAR (nars.main.NAR)9 Interval (nars.language.Interval)8 Test (org.junit.Test)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 SetExt (nars.language.SetExt)7 SetInt (nars.language.SetInt)7 Variable (nars.language.Variable)7