use of in project narchy by automenta.
the class Predict_NARS_Core method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Narsese.NarseseException {
Param.DEBUG = false;
int duration = 8;
float freq = 1.0f / duration * 0.1f;
int thinkInterval = 24;
float discretization = 7f;
// this.activeTasks = activeTasks;
NAR n = new NARS().get();
// n.shortTermMemoryHistory.set(3);
// n.param.duration.set(duration);
// n.param.noiseLevel.set(0);
// n.param.conceptForgetDurations.set(16);
n.eventTask.on(t -> {
if (!t.isDeleted() && t.isBelief() && t.op() == Op.PROD && t.term().volume() == 2 && !t.isEternal() && t.start() > n.time() && t.expectation() > 0.5) {
long time = (int) t.start();
String ts = t.term().toString();
if (ts.startsWith("(y")) {
predict(time, t);
// IntervalTree<Long,Float> observed = new //new TreeMLData("value", Color.WHITE).setRange(0, 1f);
// predictions = new TreeMLData[(int)discretization];
// TreeMLData[] reflections = new TreeMLData[(int)discretization];
// for (int i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
// predictions[i] = new TreeMLData("Pred" + i,
// Color.getHSBColor(0.25f + i / 4f, 0.85f, 0.85f));
// reflections[i] = new TreeMLData("Refl" + i,
// Color.getHSBColor(0.25f + i / 4f, 0.85f, 0.85f));
// reflections[i].setDefaultValue(0.0);
// }
// TimelineVis tc = new TimelineVis(
// new LineChart(0,1,observed).thickness(16f).height(128),
// new LineChart(predictions[0]).thickness(16f).height(128)
// //new BarChart(reflections).thickness(16f).height(128)
// /*new LineChart(predictions[1]).thickness(16f).height(128),
// new LineChart(predictions[2]).thickness(16f).height(128),*/
// );
// new NWindow("_", new PCanvas(tc)).show(800, 800, true);
n.log(); discretization * 4);
ChangedTextInput chg = new ChangedTextInput(n);
double lastsignal = 0;
double lasttime = 0;
while (true) {
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// Util.pause(30);
// signal = (float)Math.max(0, Math.min(1.0, Math.tan(freq * n.time()) * 0.5f + 0.5f));
signal = (float) Math.sin(freq * n.time()) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
// signal = ((float) Math.sin(freq * n.time()) > 0 ? 1f : -1f) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
// signal *= 1.0 + (Math.random()-0.5f)* 2f * noiseRate;
int cols = 40;
int colActual = Math.round(signal * cols);
int val = (int) (((int) ((signal * discretization)) * (10.0 / discretization)));
long windowStart = n.time();
long windowEnd = n.time() + 2;
predictions.removeContainedBy(0L, windowStart);
List<Task> pp = predictions.searchContainedBy(windowStart, windowEnd);
IntHashSet pi = new IntHashSet();
for (Task tf : pp) {
if (tf.isDeleted())
char cc = tf.term().toString().charAt("(y".length());
int f = cc - '0';
// if(time>=curmax) {
// curmax=time;
// }
// maxval=Math.max(maxval, (value)/10.0f);
pi.add(Math.round((f / discretization) * cols));
if (Math.abs(f - val) > 1) {
System.err.println(f + " vs actual " + val);
} else {
System.out.println("OK: " + tf);
for (int i = 0; i <= cols; i++) {
char c;
if (pi.contains(i))
c = 'X';
else if (i == colActual)
c = '#';
c = '.';
// observed.removeData((int) (lasttime+1)); //this
// observed.removeData((int) (lasttime+2)); //is not good practice
// observed.add((int) n.time(), signal);
// observed.add((int) n.time()+1, -1); //but is fine
// observed.add((int) n.time()+2, 1); //for now (just wanted a line at the end)
lastsignal = signal;
lasttime = n.time();
// predictions[0].setData(0, maxval);
// if(cnt<1000) { //switch to see what NARS does when observations end :)
int dt = 1;
// }
if (chg.set("(y" + val + "). :|:")) {
if (last != -1) {
n.input("(y" + last + "). :|: %0.00;0.90%");
last = val;
// System.out.println(val);
/*} else if (cnt==1000){
System.out.println("observation phase end, residual predictions follow");
// n.ask(n.term("(?X)"), '?', n.time() + thinkInterval);
n.que($.$("(?X)"), QUESTION, n.time() + thinkInterval / 2);
// n.ask(n.term("(?X)"), '?', n.time() + thinkInterval / 4);