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Example 16 with BeliefTable

use of nars.table.BeliefTable in project narchy by automenta.

the class TruthWave method project.

 * fills the wave with evenly sampled points in a time range
public void project(Concept c, boolean beliefOrGoal, long minT, long maxT, int dur, int points, NAR nar) {
    if (minT == maxT) {
    float dt = (maxT - minT) / ((float) points);
    long t = minT;
    float[] data = this.truth;
    int j = 0;
    int idt = (int) Math.ceil(dt);
    byte punc = beliefOrGoal ? BELIEF : GOAL;
    BeliefTable table = (BeliefTable) c.table(punc);
    for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
        long u = t + idt;
        long mid = (t + u) / 2;
        load(data, (j++) * ENTRY_SIZE, // table.truth(mid, nar) //point
        t, u, // range
        table.truth(t, u, nar));
        t = (long) (t + dt);
    this.current = null;
    this.size = j;
    this.start = minT;
    this.end = maxT;
Also used : BeliefTable(nars.table.BeliefTable)

Example 17 with BeliefTable

use of nars.table.BeliefTable in project narchy by automenta.

the class BeliefTableTest method testPolation0.

public void testPolation0() {
    int spacing = 4;
    float conf = 0.9f;
    float[] freqPattern = // new float[]{0, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.75f, 1f};
    { 0, 0.5f, 1f };
    long[] timing = { 0, 2, 4 };
    int dur = 1;
    NAR n =;
    BeliefAnalysis b = new BeliefAnalysis(n, x);
    assertEquals(timing.length, freqPattern.length);
    int k = 0;
    for (float f : freqPattern) {
        // create linear gradient of belief across time, freq beginning at 0 and increasing to 1
        b.believe(0.5f, freqPattern[k], conf, timing[k]);
    int c = freqPattern.length;
    assertEquals(c, b.size(true));
    @NotNull BeliefTable table = b.concept().beliefs();
    int margin = spacing * (c / 2);
    for (int i = -margin; i < spacing * c + margin; i++) System.out.println(i + "\t" + table.truth(i, /* relative to zero */
    // measure exact timing
    for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
        long w = timing[i];
        Truth truth = table.truth(w, n);
        float fExpected = freqPattern[i];
        assertEquals(fExpected, truth.freq(), 0.01f, "exact truth @" + w + " == " + fExpected);
        Task match = table.match(w, null, n);
        assertEquals(fExpected, match.freq(), 0.01f, "exact belief @" + w + " == " + fExpected);
    // measure midpoint interpolation
    for (int i = 1; i < c - 1; i++) {
        float f = (freqPattern[i - 1] + freqPattern[i] + freqPattern[i + 1]) / 3f;
        long w = timing[i];
        assertEquals(f, table.truth(w, n).freq(), 0.1f, () -> "t=" + w);
// /* first */
// @Nullable Truth firstBeliefTruth = table.truth((long) 0, n);
// assertEquals(0.43f, firstBeliefTruth.freq(), 0.1f);
// /* last */
// @Nullable Truth lastBeliefTruth = table.truth((long) (spacing * (c - 1)), n);
// assertEquals(0.56f, lastBeliefTruth.freq(), 0.1f);
// @Nullable Truth endTruth = table.truth((long) (spacing * (c - 1) + margin), n);
// assertEquals(0.55f, endTruth.freq(), 0.2f);
// assertTrue(lastBeliefTruth.conf() >= endTruth.conf());
// @Nullable Truth startTruth = table.truth((long) (0 - margin), n);
// assertEquals(0.44f, startTruth.freq(), 0.2f);
// assertTrue(firstBeliefTruth.conf() >= startTruth.conf());
Also used : DynamicTruthBeliefTable(nars.concept.dynamic.DynamicTruthBeliefTable) BeliefTable(nars.table.BeliefTable) BeliefAnalysis(nars.test.analyze.BeliefAnalysis) NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull) TestNAR(nars.test.TestNAR) Truth(nars.truth.Truth) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


BeliefTable (nars.table.BeliefTable)17 Truth (nars.truth.Truth)12 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)12 NAR (nars.NAR)10 Term (nars.term.Term)5 TestNAR (nars.test.TestNAR)3 NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)3 Concept (nars.concept.Concept)2 TaskConcept (nars.concept.TaskConcept)2 DynamicTruthBeliefTable (nars.concept.dynamic.DynamicTruthBeliefTable)2 BeliefAnalysis (nars.test.analyze.BeliefAnalysis)2 Collectors.toList ( Texts.n4 (jcog.Texts.n4)1 MultiStatistics (jcog.math.MultiStatistics)1 CSVOutput (jcog.meter.event.CSVOutput)1 nars (nars)1 Op (nars.Op)1 BELIEF (nars.Op.BELIEF)1 Task (nars.Task)1 RTreeBeliefTable (nars.table.RTreeBeliefTable)1