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Example 26 with Compound

use of nars.term.Compound in project narchy by automenta.

the class EllipsisTest method testVarArg0.

public void testVarArg0() throws Narsese.NarseseException {
    // String rule = "(%S --> %M), ((|, %S, %A..+ ) --> %M) |- ((|, %A, ..) --> %M), (Belief:DecomposePositiveNegativeNegative)";
    String rule = "(%S ==> %M), ((&&,%S,%A..+) ==> %M) |- ((&&,%A..+) ==> %M), (Belief:DecomposeNegativePositivePositive, Order:ForAllSame, SequenceIntervals:FromBelief)";
    Compound _x = $.$('<' + rule + '>');
    assertTrue(_x instanceof DeriveRuleSource, _x.toString());
    DeriveRuleSource x = (DeriveRuleSource) _x;
    // System.out.println(x);
    x = new DeriveRuleProto(x, new PatternIndex());
    // System.out.println(x);
    assertEquals("(((%1==>%2),((%1&&%3..+)==>%2)),(((&&,%3..+)==>%2),((DecomposeNegativePositivePositive-->Belief),(ForAllSame-->Order),(FromBelief-->SequenceIntervals))))", x.toString());
Also used : Compound(nars.term.Compound) DeriveRuleSource(nars.derive.rule.DeriveRuleSource) DeriveRuleProto(nars.derive.rule.DeriveRuleProto) PatternIndex(nars.index.term.PatternIndex) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) Disabled(org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled)

Example 27 with Compound

use of nars.term.Compound in project narchy by automenta.

the class UnifyTest method test.

Unify test(/**/
Op type, String s1, String s2, boolean shouldSub) {
    // NAR nar =;
    try {
        Compound t2 = (Compound) Narsese.the().term(s2, true);
        Compound t1;
        if (type == Op.VAR_PATTERN) {
            // special handling for ellipsis
            t1 = pattern(s1);
        } else {
            t1 = (Compound) Narsese.the().term(s1, true);
        // nar.question(s2);
        Set<Term> t1u = t1.recurseTermsToSet(type);
        // assertTrue(t1u.size() > 0);
        Set<Term> t2u = t2.recurseTermsToSet(type);
        // assertTrue(t2u.size() == 0);
        // Sets.difference(t1u, t2u).size();
        int n1 = t1u.size();
        // int n2 = Sets.difference(t2u, t1u).size();
        // a somewhat strict lower bound
        // int power = 4 * (1 + t1.volume() * t2.volume());
        // power*=power;
        AtomicBoolean subbed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        Unify sub = new Unify(type, new XorShift128PlusRandom(1), Param.UnificationStackMax, INITIAL_TTL) {

            public void tryMatch() {
                if (shouldSub) {
                    this.xy.forEachVersioned((k, v) -> {
                        if (matchType(k.op()))
                        return true;
                    if (/*((n2) <= (yx.size())*/
                    (n1) <= (xy.size())) {
                /*else {
                            System.out.println("incomplete:\n\t" + xy);
                // assertFalse("incomplete: " + toString(), this.isEmpty());
                } else {
                    // HACK there should be incomplete assignments even though this says it matched
                    // || (n2) <= (yx.size()));
                    assertTrue((n1) > (xy.size()), "why matched?: " + xy);
                // assertFalse("match found but should not have", true);
        sub.unify(t1.term(), t2.term(), true);
        // for testing
        assertEquals(shouldSub, subbed.get());
        return sub;
    } catch (Narsese.NarseseException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) Unify(nars.term.subst.Unify) XorShift128PlusRandom(jcog.math.random.XorShift128PlusRandom) Compound(nars.term.Compound) Term(nars.term.Term)

Example 28 with Compound

use of nars.term.Compound in project narchy by automenta.

the class KIFInput method impl.

// private Variable nextVar(Op v) {
// return $.v(v, nextVar());
// }
// private final AtomicInteger serial = new AtomicInteger(0);
// private String nextVar() {
// return Integer.toString(Math.abs(serial.incrementAndGet()), 36);
// }
// public final Set<Twin<Term>> impl = new HashSet();
public Term impl(Term a, Term b, boolean implOrEquiv) {
    // reduce as implication first
    Term tmp = IMPL.the(a, b);
    if (tmp.unneg().op() != IMPL) {
        logger.warn("un-impl: {} ==> {} ", a, b);
        return null;
    tmp = tmp.unneg();
    a = tmp.sub(0);
    b = tmp.sub(1);
    MutableSet<Term> aVars = new VarOnlySet();
    if (a instanceof Compound)
        ((Compound) a).recurseTermsToSet(Op.VariableBits, aVars, true);
    else if (a.op().var)
    MutableSet<Term> bVars = new VarOnlySet();
    if (b instanceof Compound)
        ((Compound) b).recurseTermsToSet(Op.VariableBits, bVars, true);
    else if (b.op().var)
    Map<Term, Term> remap = new HashMap();
    MutableSet<Term> common = aVars.intersect(bVars);
    if (!common.isEmpty()) {
        common.forEach(t -> {
            Variable u = $.v(Op.VAR_INDEP, // Op.VAR_PATTERN,
            if (!t.equals(u))
                remap.put(t, u);
    for (MutableSet<Term> ab : new MutableSet[] { aVars, bVars }) {
        ab.forEach(aa -> {
            if (aa.op() == VAR_INDEP && !common.contains(aa)) {
                remap.put(aa, $.v(Op.VAR_DEP, aa.toString().substring(1)));
    if (!remap.isEmpty()) {
        a = a.replace(remap);
        if (a == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("transform failure");
        b = b.replace(remap);
        if (b == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("transform failure");
    try {
        return implOrEquiv ? IMPL.the(a, b) : equi(a, b);
    } catch (Exception ignore) {
    return null;
Also used : MutableSet(org.eclipse.collections.api.set.MutableSet) Variable(nars.term.var.Variable) IntObjectHashMap( Compound(nars.term.Compound) Term(nars.term.Term) FileNotFoundException(

Example 29 with Compound

use of nars.term.Compound in project narchy by automenta.

the class PrologCore method pterm.

// NARS term -> Prolog term
public static alice.tuprolog.Term pterm(final Term term) {
    if (term instanceof Compound) {
        Op op = term.op();
        alice.tuprolog.Term[] st = psubterms(((Compound) term));
        switch(op) {
            case IMPL:
                return new Struct(":-", st[1], st[0]);
            case CONJ:
                return new Struct(",", st);
            case NEG:
                return new Struct(/*"\\="*/
                "not", st);
            case PROD:
                // list
                return new Struct(st);
            case INH:
                Term pred = term.sub(1);
                if (pred.op() == ATOM) {
                    Term subj = term.sub(0);
                    if (subj.op() == PROD) {
                        alice.tuprolog.Term args = st[0];
                        return new Struct(wrapAtom(pred.toString()), args instanceof alice.tuprolog.Term ? Iterators.toArray(((Struct) st[0]).listIterator(), alice.tuprolog.Term.class) : new alice.tuprolog.Term[] { args });
        return new Struct(op.str, st);
    } else if (term instanceof NormalizedVariable) {
        switch(term.op()) {
            case VAR_QUERY:
            case VAR_PATTERN:
            // ?? as if atomic
            case VAR_DEP:
            case // ??
                return new Var("_" + (((NormalizedVariable) term).anonNum()));
    } else if (term instanceof Atomic) {
        return new Struct(wrapAtom(term.toString()));
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// //CharSequence s = termString(term);
// if (term instanceof Statement) {
// Statement i = (Statement)term;
// String predicate = classPredicate(i.getClass());
// alice.tuprolog.Term  subj = alice.tuprolog.Term (i.getSubject());
// alice.tuprolog.Term  obj = alice.tuprolog.Term (i.getPredicate());
// if ((subj!=null) && (obj!=null))
// return new Struct(predicate, subj, obj);
// }
// else if ((term instanceof SetTensional) || (term instanceof Product) /* conjunction */) {
// Compound s = (Compound)term;
// String predicate = classPredicate(s.getClass());
// alice.tuprolog.Term [] args = alice.tuprolog.Term s(s.term);
// if (args!=null)
// return new Struct(predicate, args);
// }
// //Image...
// //Conjunction...
// else if (term instanceof Negation) {
// alice.tuprolog.Term  np = alice.tuprolog.Term (((Negation)term).term[0]);
// if (np == null) return null;
// return new Struct("negation", np);
// }
// else if (term.getClass().equals(Variable.class)) {
// return getVariable((Variable)term);
// }
// else if (term.getClass().equals(Atom.class)) {
// return new Struct(pescape(term.toString()));
// }
// else if (term instanceof Compound) {
// //unhandled type of compound term, store as an atomic string
// //NOT ready yet
// if (allTerms) {
// return new Struct('_' + pescape(term.toString()));
// }
// }
// return null;
Also used : Op(nars.Op) alice.tuprolog(alice.tuprolog) Compound(nars.term.Compound) NormalizedVariable(nars.term.var.NormalizedVariable) Atomic(nars.term.atom.Atomic) Term(nars.term.Term)

Example 30 with Compound

use of nars.term.Compound in project narchy by automenta.

the class VisionRay method inputVisionFreq.

private void inputVisionFreq(float dist, String material) {
    float freq = 0.5f + 0.5f * dist;
    // TODO move to constructor
    if (thisAngle == null)
        thisAngle = Atom.the(angleTerm);
    Compound tt = Inheritance.make(Product.make(thisAngle, Atom.the(material)), Atom.the("see"));
    abstractPolygonBot.nar.input(abstractPolygonBot.nar.task(tt).belief().present().truth(freq, conf).normalized());
Also used : Compound(nars.term.Compound)


Compound (nars.term.Compound)58 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)38 Term (nars.term.Term)20 Unify (nars.term.subst.Unify)3 FasterList (jcog.list.FasterList)2 XorShift128PlusRandom (jcog.math.random.XorShift128PlusRandom)2 Op (nars.Op)2 PatternCompound (nars.derive.PatternCompound)2 PatternIndex (nars.index.term.PatternIndex)2 Atomic (nars.term.atom.Atomic)2 Variable (nars.term.var.Variable)2 NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)2 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)2 alice.tuprolog (alice.tuprolog)1 FileNotFoundException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 AtomicBoolean (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean)1 Prioritized (jcog.pri.Prioritized)1 Narsese (nars.Narsese)1