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Example 6 with Bool

use of nars.term.atom.Bool in project narchy by automenta.

the class IO method readTermContainer.

public static Term[] readTermContainer(DataInput in) throws IOException {
    int siz = in.readByte();
    assert (siz < Param.COMPOUND_SUBTERMS_MAX);
    Term[] s = new Term[siz];
    for (int i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
        Term read = (s[i] = readTerm(in));
        if (read == null || read instanceof Bool)
            throw new Term.InvalidTermException(Op.PROD, /* consider the termvector as a product */
            s, "invalid");
    return s;
Also used : Bool(nars.term.atom.Bool) Term(nars.term.Term) NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)

Example 7 with Bool

use of nars.term.atom.Bool in project narchy by automenta.

the class DeriveTime method ifDynamic.

Term ifDynamic(Termed xt) {
    Term x = xt.term();
    Term y = x.eval(d);
    if (y != null && !(y instanceof Bool) && !y.equals(x)) {
        Collection<Event> existing = byTerm.get(y);
        for (Event ee : existing) if (ee instanceof Absolute)
            // transformed but already known (maybe only return 'x' if absolute times are known here)
            return null;
        return y;
    } else {
        return null;
Also used : Bool(nars.term.atom.Bool) Term(nars.term.Term)

Example 8 with Bool

use of nars.term.atom.Bool in project narchy by automenta.

the class TaskRule method accept.

protected void accept(Task X, Map<Term, Term> xy) {
    Term y = output.replace(xy);
    if (y instanceof Variable || y instanceof Bool)
    // if (r == null)
    // return null;
    // //unnegate and check for an apparent atomic term which may need decompressed in order to be the task's content
    // boolean negated;
    // Term s = r;
    // if (r.op() == NEG) {
    // s = r.unneg();
    // if (s instanceof Variable)
    // return null; //throw new InvalidTaskException(r, "unwrapped variable"); //should have been prevented earlier
    // negated = true;
    // if (s instanceof Compound) {
    // return (Compound) r; //its normal compound inside the negation, handle it in Task constructor
    // }
    // } else if (r instanceof Compound) {
    // return (Compound) r; //do not uncompress any further
    // } else if (r instanceof Variable) {
    // return null;
    // } else {
    // negated = false;
    // }
    // if (!(s instanceof Compound)) {
    // Compound t = compoundOrNull(;
    // if (t == null)
    // return null; //throw new InvalidTaskException(r, "undecompressible");
    // else
    // return (Compound) $.negIf(t, negated); //done
    // //            else
    // //            else if (s.op()==NEG)
    // //                return (Compound) $.negIf(post(s.unneg(), nar));
    // //            else
    // //                return (Compound) $.negIf(s, negated);
    // }
    // //its a normal negated compound, which will be unnegated in task constructor
    // return (Compound) s;
    y = compoundOrNull(y);
    if (y == null)
    y = y.normalize();
    if (y == null)
    if (!Task.validTaskTerm(y, X.punc(), false))
    Task Y = Task.clone(X, y);
    if (Y != null) {"{}\t{}", X, Y);
Also used : Variable(nars.term.var.Variable) Bool(nars.term.atom.Bool) Term(nars.term.Term)

Example 9 with Bool

use of nars.term.atom.Bool in project narchy by automenta.

the class Conj method term.

// private byte id(long w) {
// int i = times.indexOf(w);
// if (i!=-1) {
// return (byte) i;
// } else {
// int s = times.size();
// assert(s < Byte.MAX_VALUE);
// times.add(w);
// return (byte)s;
// }
// }
// short id(Term t, long w) {
// byte tb = id(t);
// byte wb = id(w);
// return (short) ((tb << 8) | wb);
// }
// byte termIndex(short s) {
// return (byte) ((s >> 8) & 0xff);
// }
// byte timeIndex(short s) {
// return (byte) (s & 0xff);
// }
public Term term() {
    if (term != null)
        return term;
    int numTimes = event.size();
    switch(numTimes) {
        case 0:
            return Null;
        case 1:
    IntPredicate validator = null;
    Object eternalWhat = event.get(ETERNAL);
    Term eternal = term(ETERNAL, eternalWhat);
    if (eternal != null) {
        if (eternal instanceof Bool)
            // override and terminates
            return this.term = eternal;
        if (numTimes > 1) {
            if (eternal.op() == CONJ) {
                // Subterms eteSub = eternal.subterms();
                if (eternalWhat instanceof byte[]) {
                    byte[] b = (byte[]) eternalWhat;
                    validator = (i) -> indexOfZeroTerminated(b, (byte) -i) == -1;
                } else {
                    RoaringBitmap b = (RoaringBitmap) eternalWhat;
                    validator = (i) -> !b.contains(-i);
            } else {
                Term finalEternal = eternal;
                validator = (t) -> !finalEternal.equalsNeg(termsIndex.get(Math.abs(t - 1)).negIf(t < 0));
    if (eternal != null && numTimes == 1)
        // done
        return eternal;
    FasterList<LongObjectPair<Term>> e = new FasterList(numTimes - (eternal != null ? 1 : 0));
    Iterator<LongObjectPair> ii = event.keyValuesView().iterator();
    while (ii.hasNext()) {
        LongObjectPair next =;
        long when = next.getOne();
        if (when == ETERNAL)
            // already handled above
        Term wt = term(when, next.getTwo(), validator);
        if (wt == True) {
            // canceled out
        } else if (wt == False) {
            // short-circuit false
            return this.term = False;
        } else if (wt == Null) {
            // short-circuit null
            return this.term = Null;
        e.add(pair(when, wt));
    assert (!e.isEmpty());
    Term temporal;
    if (e.size() > 1) {
        temporal = conjSeq(e);
        if (temporal instanceof Bool)
            return temporal;
    } else {
        temporal = e.get(0).getTwo();
    return eternal != null ? // Op.instance(CONJ, DTERNAL, sorted(eternal, temporal))
    CONJ.the(DTERNAL, sorted(eternal, temporal)) : temporal;
Also used : LongObjectPair(org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.LongObjectPair) IntPredicate(java.util.function.IntPredicate) Bool(nars.term.atom.Bool) FasterList(jcog.list.FasterList) Term(nars.term.Term) RoaringBitmap(org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap)

Example 10 with Bool

use of nars.term.atom.Bool in project narchy by automenta.

the class Anon method put.

public Task put(Task t, int dur) {
    Term x = t.term();
    // assert (x.isNormalized()) : t + " has non-normalized Term content";
    Term y = put(x);
    if (y == null || y instanceof Bool) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Anon fail for term: " + t);
    return (t.isBeliefOrGoal() && !t.isEternal()) ? new TaskProxy.WithTermCachedTruth(y, t, dur) : new TaskProxy.WithTerm(y, t);
Also used : Bool(nars.term.atom.Bool) Term(nars.term.Term) TaskProxy(nars.task.TaskProxy)


Term (nars.term.Term)14 Bool (nars.term.atom.Bool)14 Op (nars.Op)4 NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)3 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)3 FasterList (jcog.list.FasterList)2 Task (nars.Task)2 Subterms (nars.subterm.Subterms)2 Variable (nars.term.var.Variable)2 LongObjectPair (org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.LongObjectPair)2 Iterables ( Iterators ( Multimap ( MultimapBuilder ( FileNotFoundException ( java.util (java.util)1 ThreadLocalRandom (java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom)1 Consumer (java.util.function.Consumer)1 IntPredicate (java.util.function.IntPredicate)1 Predicate (java.util.function.Predicate)1