use of net.coderbot.iris.vendored.joml.Vector4f in project Iris by IrisShaders.
the class ClearPassCreator method createClearPasses.
public static ImmutableList<ClearPass> createClearPasses(RenderTargets renderTargets, boolean fullClear, PackRenderTargetDirectives renderTargetDirectives) {
final int maxDrawBuffers = GlStateManager._getInteger(GL21C.GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS);
// Sort buffers by their clear color so we can group up glClear calls.
Map<Vector4f, IntList> clearByColor = new HashMap<>();
renderTargetDirectives.getRenderTargetSettings().forEach((bufferI, settings) -> {
// unboxed
final int buffer = bufferI;
if (fullClear || settings.shouldClear()) {
Vector4f defaultClearColor;
if (buffer == 0) {
// colortex0 is cleared to the fog color (with 1.0 alpha) by default.
defaultClearColor = null;
} else if (buffer == 1) {
// colortex1 is cleared to solid white (with 1.0 alpha) by default.
defaultClearColor = new Vector4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
} else {
// all other buffers are cleared to solid black (with 0.0 alpha) by default.
defaultClearColor = new Vector4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Vector4f clearColor = settings.getClearColor().orElse(defaultClearColor);
clearByColor.computeIfAbsent(clearColor, color -> new IntArrayList()).add(buffer);
List<ClearPass> clearPasses = new ArrayList<>();
clearByColor.forEach((clearColor, buffers) -> {
int startIndex = 0;
while (startIndex < buffers.size()) {
// clear up to the maximum number of draw buffers per each clear pass.
// This allows us to handle having more than 8 buffers with the same clear color on systems with
// a max draw buffers of 8 (ie, most systems).
int[] clearBuffers = new int[Math.min(buffers.size() - startIndex, maxDrawBuffers)];
for (int i = 0; i < clearBuffers.length; i++) {
clearBuffers[i] = buffers.getInt(startIndex);
// only clear depth if this is the first clear pass
clearPasses.add(new ClearPass(clearColor, renderTargets.createFramebufferWritingToAlt(clearBuffers), clearPasses.isEmpty()));
clearPasses.add(new ClearPass(clearColor, renderTargets.createFramebufferWritingToMain(clearBuffers), false));
return ImmutableList.copyOf(clearPasses);
use of net.coderbot.iris.vendored.joml.Vector4f in project Iris by IrisShaders.
the class DeferredWorldRenderingPipeline method prepareRenderTargets.
private void prepareRenderTargets() {
// Make sure we're using texture unit 0 for this.
RenderTarget main = Minecraft.getInstance().getMainRenderTarget();
renderTargets.resizeIfNeeded(main.width, main.height);
final ImmutableList<ClearPass> passes;
if (renderTargets.isFullClearRequired()) {
passes = clearPassesFull;
} else {
passes = clearPasses;
Vector3d fogColor3 = CapturedRenderingState.INSTANCE.getFogColor();
// NB: The alpha value must be 1.0 here, or else you will get a bunch of bugs. Sildur's Vibrant Shaders
// will give you pink reflections and other weirdness if this is zero.
Vector4f fogColor = new Vector4f((float) fogColor3.x, (float) fogColor3.y, (float) fogColor3.z, 1.0F);
for (ClearPass clearPass : passes) {
use of net.coderbot.iris.vendored.joml.Vector4f in project Iris by IrisShaders.
the class CelestialUniforms method getUpPosition.
private static Vector4f getUpPosition() {
com.mojang.math.Vector4f upVector = new com.mojang.math.Vector4f(0.0F, 100.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
// Get the current GBuffer model view matrix, since that is the basis of the celestial model view matrix
Matrix4f preCelestial = CapturedRenderingState.INSTANCE.getGbufferModelView().copy();
// Apply the fixed -90.0F degrees rotation to mirror the same transformation in renderSky.
// But, notably, skip the rotation by the skyAngle.
// Use this matrix to transform the vector.
return JomlConversions.toJoml(upVector);
use of net.coderbot.iris.vendored.joml.Vector4f in project Iris by IrisShaders.
the class CelestialUniforms method getCelestialPositionInWorldSpace.
private Vector4f getCelestialPositionInWorldSpace(float y) {
com.mojang.math.Vector4f position = new com.mojang.math.Vector4f(0.0F, y, 0.0F, 0.0F);
// TODO: Deduplicate / remove this function.
Matrix4f celestial = new Matrix4f();
// This is the same transformation applied by renderSky, however, it's been moved to here.
// This is because we need the result of it before it's actually performed in vanilla.
celestial.multiply(Vector3f.XP.rotationDegrees(getSkyAngle() * 360.0F));
return JomlConversions.toJoml(position);
use of net.coderbot.iris.vendored.joml.Vector4f in project Iris by IrisShaders.
the class CelestialUniforms method getCelestialPosition.
private Vector4f getCelestialPosition(float y) {
com.mojang.math.Vector4f position = new com.mojang.math.Vector4f(0.0F, y, 0.0F, 0.0F);
Matrix4f celestial = CapturedRenderingState.INSTANCE.getGbufferModelView().copy();
// This is the same transformation applied by renderSky, however, it's been moved to here.
// This is because we need the result of it before it's actually performed in vanilla.
celestial.multiply(Vector3f.XP.rotationDegrees(getSkyAngle() * 360.0F));
return JomlConversions.toJoml(position);